Blaidd's Armor

blaidds armor elden ring wiki guide 200px
damage negation icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxDmg Negation
Phy 14.6
VS Strike 12.9
VS Slash 14.6
VS Pierce 15.3
Magic 11.4
Fire 12.6
Ligt 10.2
Holy 11.9
resisntace icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxResistance
Immunity 38
Robustness 76
Focus 25
Vitality 25
Poise 28

Chest Armor Wgt. 13.7

Blaidd's Armor is a Chest Armor in Elden Ring. Blaidd's Armor is part of Blaidd's Set, which includes Blaidd's Armor, Blaidd's Gauntlets, Blaidd's Greaves, and the Black Wolf Mask which is found separately. Blaidd's Armor is an armor piece worn over or around the player's torso to obtain an increase of defense and resistance. It also changes the appearance as well when it is equipped. Some armor pieces may be available to both genders but may be slightly different for male and female characters.


Well-worn black armor of the man-wolf Blaidd

The pelt serves as a cape, protecting from cold.
Blaidd was the blade of Ranni, but the cold bothered him anyway.


Where to find Blaidd's Armor in Elden Ring

The Blaidd's Armor Chest Armor can be found at:


Blaidd's Armor Set in Elden Ring


Elden Ring Blaidd's Armor Notes & Tips


All Chest Armor in Elden Ring
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of Blood's Robe (Altered)  ♦  Lusat's Robe  ♦  Malenia's Armor  ♦  Malenia's Armor (Altered)  ♦  Malformed Dragon Armor  ♦  Maliketh's Armor  ♦  Maliketh's Armor (Altered)  ♦  Marais Robe  ♦  Marionette Soldier Armor  ♦  Mausoleum Knight Armor  ♦  Mausoleum Knight Armor (Altered)  ♦  Mausoleum Surcoat  ♦  Millicent's Robe  ♦  Millicent's Tunic  ♦  Mushroom Body  ♦  Night's Cavalry Armor  ♦  Night's Cavalry Armor (Altered)  ♦  Night Maiden Armor  ♦  Noble's Traveling Garb  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Finery  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Finery (Altered)  ♦  Nox Monk Armor  ♦  Nox Monk Armor (Altered)  ♦  Nox Swordstress Armor  ♦  Nox Swordstress Armor (Altered)  ♦  Official's Attire  ♦  Old Aristocrat Gown  ♦  Omen Armor  ♦  Omenkiller Robe  ♦  Page Garb  ♦  Page Garb (Altered)  ♦  Perfumer's Traveling Garb  ♦  Perfumer's Traveling Garb (Altered)  ♦  Perfumer Robe  ♦  Perfumer Robe (Altered)  ♦  Preceptor's Long Gown  ♦  Preceptor's Long Gown (Altered)  ♦  Prisoner Clothing  ♦  Prophet 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    • Anonymous

      Guys, have you ever thought that the desc is not meant not be a reference to Frozen and just says that Blaidd doesn't likes cold despite him serving Ranni, someone who's heavily tied to cold?That it's just you?

      • Anonymous

        The description in Japanese is: "冷気を防ぐ、毛皮のマントを纏ってる ラニの剣でありながら、ブライヴは寒さに弱かった…", which can be translated (using DeepL) as: "A cloak of fur to keep out the cold. Despite being Lani's sword, Brive was vulnerable to the cold...". So I really think the US localization team just took the lore that Blaidd doesn't like cold and really added a Frozen reference. Otherwise they would just translate that Blaidd is weak to cold or something more descriptive.

        • Anonymous

          To all the smart guys with the frozen reference, the second line hints about how Blaidd was under the influence of the two fingers, basically a sleeper agent in case she went bad and couldn't really join the "cold" moon of ranni. That is why the cold bothered him.

          • Anonymous

            Guys I think it’s just saying Blaidd doesn’t like being cold I don’t think it’s an actual frozen reference

            • Anonymous

              Reading a frozen reference directly after being forced to kill your friend destroys the mood just a tiny bit.

              • Anonymous

                The frozen line is the second cringiest thing to happen in gaming except for the "mario and princess beach" line in Death Stranding...

                • Anonymous

                  unless I'm blind and this was an issue before, the 1.04 patch caused a clipping issue where your left arm goes through the cape if you are holding a staff while walking around.

                  • Anonymous

                    Much to my great disappointment (but no real surprise), the armor set wasn't even worth all the considerable hassle. The Scaled Armor set that you can easily get with the first assassination quest for Volcano Armor has better stats (hell, the Banished Knight set, which you can collect, even before finishing Storm Veil, is as good, only heavier). Same goes for that Dark Moon Greatsword. A lot of the unique weapons that have unique, unchangeable ashes on them have pathetic stats. Whoever was responsible for balancing those really did a good job of making you feel insulted. The weapons either barely have any difference between their attack power or only 1-2 stand apart from the rest. Like the Golden Halberd. Much better than else, really. Radahn's Starscourge swords are way too slow and do a little less damage and you will never have time to charge up their special attack, anyway.

                    • Anonymous

                      im getting some coloring issues with this piece specifically, where it can turn completely blood-red or go invisible. looks fun/10

                      • Anonymous

                        Probably obvious to everyone but-
                        If you choose to kill him during the start of his quest in the Mistwood Ruins. He doesn't drop anything. In fact he just responds
                        "What harm can come to a shadow?"
                        And resetting at a grace makes him respawn, and still be hostile with you. Probably also bunks up his quest till you absolve your sin.
                        But I tried for science!

                        • Anonymous

                          Me: "haha this armor looks pretty cool!"

                          Me: *realizing I plucked it off the corpse of my giant best friend*

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