Kenneth Haight

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Location Limgrave
Role Next Rightful Ruler of Limgrave
Voiced by William Gaminara

Kenneth Haight is an NPC in Elden Ring. Kenneth Haight claims to be the next ruler of Limgrave, you will encounter him as you make your way down the ledges at Limgrave. Haight will ask for your help to clean and clear out Fort Haight that's currently being overrun by different enemies.


Hello? Is anybody there?
Someone who might be interested in rescuing the great Kenneth Haight?
Servant to the true Order, and celebrated repudiator of the false!
O Erdtree! Grant me succour!


Kenneth Haight Location in Elden Ring


Kenneth Haight Questline: How to complete Kenneth Haight's Quest

  1. Kenneth Haight can be found in the north-east area of Limgrave atop the ruins covering the roadway between the Mistwood Outskirts and Third Church of Marika sites of grace.
  2. Kenneth asks for your help to clear out Fort Haight, which has been overtaken by a Knight commander from Stormveil, promising a reward given that, according to him, he is "known for his considerable largesse".
  3. Defeat the Godrick Knight atop the battlements at Fort Haight to receive the Ash of War: Bloody Slash.
  4. After clearing out the enemies at Fort Haight, return to Kenneth atop the ruins in north-east Limgrave to be rewarded with the Erdsteel Dagger. Speak to Kenneth again and he will ask you to to pledge your service to him. Should you accept, he exclaims that a knighting ceremony will be held for you at Fort Haight. Note: the player must rest at the Fort Haight West  site of grace in order for him ask to ask the player to pledge their service.
    • After receiving the Erdsteel Dagger from him, you can safely kill him for an early Golden Seed if you wish as he has no significant effect on any other quests and grants no further quest rewards.
  5. Upon resting at a site of grace or warping Kenneth will move to Fort Haight atop the battlements where the Godrick Knight was located.
  6. Upon arriving at Fort Haight, which is now overrun by Demi-Humans, speak with Kenneth where he explains that he is not yet able to anoint you as a knight, and that he must find a true and stalwart Lord worthy of Limgrave.


After defeating Morgott the Omen King, giving Nepheli Loux the Stormhawk King key item (and not Seluvis's Potion), and resting at the Godrick the Grafted site of grace, Kenneth, Gatekeeper Gostoc, and Nepheli Loux will move to the Stormveil Castle Throne Room, where he will tell you that he will eventually return to his fort to hail you as knight. He will never actually do this however, and his presence is not required for Nepheli to move to the throne room, it is possible for Nepheli to move there by herself.

Dialogue in Elden Ring: Kenneth Haight


  • "Ah, you've come to lend me your aid, have you? Well, that's very kind, but, um... No, no. Th-the help is very much appreciated. Even from a Tarnished. Despite appearances, nobility is no prerequisite to serving the true Order. You might have heard of me. Kenneth Haight. Next in line as the rightful ruler of Limgrave".

When attacked

  • "Oof! Blast! You wretched Tarnished! I am Kenneth Haight, and I have seen quite enough!"
  • (On player kill) "I fear for the integrity of the Order..."

When killed

  • "Where are O Erdtree, why have you forsaken me...?"


  • "Young Tarnished, I would have a boon of you. I want you to take back my fort. It lies to the south, beyond the Mistwood. A Knight commander from Stormveil took it. A fool, and plumb mad to boot. Simply obsessed with blood!".


  • "Hmph, yes, now allow me to furnish you with a little advice. I would take great care to avoid Godrick's Tarnished hunts, were I in your shoes. That depraved lot are obsessed with sacrificing Tarnished like you for the sake of "grafting. Honestly, Godrick's nothing more than a jumped up country bumpkin. Lord? Don't make me laugh.".

Small Talk

  • "What are you waiting for? A kiss goodbye? My fort lies to the south, beyond the Mistwood. Take it back for me. Oh I see. You wish to know the reward? Fret not, the great Kenneth Haight is known for his considerable largesse. The celebrations will be lavish indeed, upon the dawn of my fort's retrieval".

§On Godrick

  • "Honestly, Godrick’s no more than a jumped up country bumpkin. Lord? Don’t make me laugh. First he hid himself amongst the womenfolk to flee the capital, then hid from Radahn in that castle… Then he insulted Malenia, lost to her in battle, only to lick her boots rather than die like a man. Has he no shame, the big girl’s blouse? And to think, he’s the blood of Godfrey! Last of the golden lineage, though you almost wouldn’t know it to look at him. I almost feel sorry for the chap the more I think of it."

Fort Haight Already Completed

  • "Hm? What's this, kind sir? Remarkable! The Knight Commander, dead. Already! A blessing, if ever I chanced upon one. Fine work, I say, fine work, indeed. I doubt that it was your intention, but the deed is done, and I commend you. Now, this is your reward. Go on, it is yours for the keeping."
  • "Right then. Time for me to head to the fort. I've much to do. First I'll have to reestablish communication with the demi-humans. What's that look? You don't believe me? Well, under the Erdtree, commingling with the demi-humans is made possible. Even the vulgar shall not be left behind, under the rule of true Order. Which is why I, Kenneth Haight, next in line as the rightful ruler of Limgrave, have sworn to uphold it. Just you watch, my friend. Just you watch."

Offer to Serve

  • "Ah, yes. I've been meaning to ask. Would you like to enter my service? I see bright things in your future, stout warrior. Enter into my service and learn the workings of the Erdtree's true Order. And who knows, perhaps some time down the line, the grace of gold will return to those Tarnished eyes of yours. What say you? A fine accord, is it not?"
  • "Very well. Very well, indeed. I knew I saw something in you. I shall await you at my fort. We shall hold the ceremony for your knighting there, I think. I see great things ahead of us. We are truly by the Erdtree blessed."

At Fort Haight

  • "Ah, you, is it? I suppose you must have seen by now, yes, the sorry state of my fort? Oh, indeed, it is a foul fate for a land, to be without a ruler. One must be found, with haste. And not that Awful Godrick. But a true and stalwart Lord of the proper lineage to take the reigns of Limgrave. I am sorry for have lifted your hopes... But I haven't the authority to raise you to the knighthood as things stand. The Great Kenneth Haight issues his sincerest apology. But now, I must begin my search post-haste. For a true and stalwart Lord of the proper lineage to take the reigns of Limgrave."

At Stormveil Castle throne room (after Nepheli Loux has been given Stormhawk King)

  • Ah, nice to see you after so long. Safe and sound, I take it, yes? Good. Ah, quite. I have indeed selected a new ruler. Lady Nepheli is strong and just. Worthy of the burden of Limgrave's lineage. Such is the sincere opinion of I, Kenneth Haight, no less. For the time being, I share command of the castle with my Lady, but I plan on returning to my fort afterwards. At which time I can fulfil my old promise. By raising you to the glory of knighthood. I hope it is just as wonderful as you imagine.


Elden Ring Kenneth Haight Notes & Trivia



Elden Ring NPCs
Abandoned Merchant Siofra River  ♦  Aeonian Spirit  ♦  Aeonian Swamp Spirit  ♦  Albinauric Village Spirit  ♦  Albus  ♦  Ashen Spirit  ♦  Blackguard Big Boggart  ♦  Blaidd  ♦  Bloody Finger Hunter Yura  ♦  Boc the Seamster  ♦  Brother Corhyn  ♦  Carian Manor Spirit  ♦  D's Twin Brother  ♦  D, Hunter of the Dead  ♦  Deathtouched Spirit  ♦  Diallos  ♦  Dung Eater  ♦  Eclipse Spirit  ♦  Edgar  ♦  Enia  ♦  Ensha  ♦  Erdtree Sanctuary Spirit  ♦  Fia  ♦  Finger Maiden Therolina  ♦  Frenzied Spirit  ♦  Frustrated Spirit  ♦  Gate Town Bridge Spirit  ♦  Gatekeeper Gostoc  ♦  Gideon Ofnir  ♦  Godwyn the Golden  ♦  Goldmask  ♦  Gowry  ♦  Grape Spirit  ♦  Gurranq Beast Clergyman  ♦  Hermit Merchant  ♦  Hyetta  ♦  Imprisoned Merchant  ♦  Irina  ♦  Iron Fist Alexander  ♦  Isolated Merchant Raya Lucaria  ♦  Isolated Merchants  ♦  Jar Bairn  ♦  Kingsrealm Spirit  ♦  Knight Bernahl  ♦  Laiedd Spirit  ♦  Latenna  ♦  Lionel the Lionhearted  ♦  Liurnian Highway Spirit  ♦  Liurnian Lake Spirit  ♦  Lost Snow Spirit  ♦  Master Lusat  ♦  Melina  ♦  Merchant Kale  ♦  Millicent  ♦  Millicent's Sisters  ♦  Miquella  ♦  Miriel Pastor of Vows  ♦  Morne Spirit  ♦  Nepheli Loux  ♦  Nomadic Merchant Mohgwyn Palace  ♦  Nomadic Merchant West Altus Plateau  ♦  Nomadic Merchants  ♦  Patches  ♦  Pidia, Carian Servant  ♦  Preceptor Seluvis  ♦  Primeval Sorcerer Azur  ♦  Queen Marika  ♦  Ranni the Witch  ♦  Renna  ♦  Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon (NPC)  ♦  Roderika  ♦  Rya  ♦  Rykard  ♦  Sanguine Noble (NPC)  ♦  Shabriri  ♦  Shaded Castle Spirit  ♦  Siofra River Spirit  ♦  Smithing Master Hewg  ♦  Sorcerer Rogier  ♦  Sorceress Sellen  ♦  Stranded Graveyard Spirit  ♦  Study Hall Spirit  ♦  Tanith  ♦  The Great-Jar  ♦  The Two Fingers  ♦  Thops  ♦  Three Fingers  ♦  Tower of Return Spirit  ♦  Twin Maiden Husks  ♦  Two Fingers  ♦  Volcano Manor Spirit  ♦  Wandering Artist Spirit  ♦  War Counselor Iji  ♦  White Mask Varre  ♦  Windmill Spirit  ♦  Witch-Hunter Jerren


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    • Anonymous

      "Note: the player must rest at the Fort Haight West site of grace in order for him ask to ask the player to pledge their service. "

      This is false. I had finished all the way to the mountaintops before I ever spoke to this guy and just talked to him over and over at the first location and he gave me the dagger and let me pledge. Then I talked to him at the fort with demi-humans, moved to Godrick's grace and finished the quest just fine. Never had to rest at the Fort Haight grace, only teleported once the entire quest (to Godrick grace)

      • Without a guide, how would one even know how to proceed his quest when nothing is mentioned about Nepheli nor the Stormhawk King? Is there some dialogue that I'm missing?

        • Anonymous

          I just like to imagine his reaction when couple of days after he finally moves back to his fort, a literal star hits the ground right next to it and leaves a hole five times bigger than the fort itself. My guy can't catch a break.

          • Anonymous

            It's fun to send Kenneth flying with a single stamp upward cut down where the demi humans are on his first location

            • Anonymous

              Man recognizes his own shortcomings as a leader, gracefully appoints a more capable ruler, and sticks around to help them out instead of leaving them with all the regions problems. Kenneth Haight is a chad.

              • Anonymous

                Please make a note that you don't need to do the quest line to fight kenneth and you can just kill him when ever you see him to get the seed

                • Anonymous

                  He'll knight you, Gostoc can not be dead. You must have already acquired 3 Golden seeds before talking to him, and you must present him Sellivus's potion AFTER killing Sellivus and AFTER EVERYTHING ELSE IS DONE. Rewards "Knightly Gesture" but sadly no armament.

                  • Anonymous

                    This guy is meant to be killed for his seed early game. He's a liar about making you a knight and a coward overall. Bye bye noble. I never shed a tear as I end him.

                    • Anonymous

                      The only two things I want from DLC, is to keep my frenzy flame head in Ng+, and for Kenneth to make me a knight

                      • Anonymous

                        You can skip his entire quest line to be knighted by using the Mirror in Fia's room at the Roundtable Hold and adding "Sir" to the front of your character name.

                        • Anonymous

                          I bet at some point in development the "Knights of Haight" (True Order knights or smth) covenant was cut from the game with all the other covenants.

                          • Anonymous

                            I mean OBVIOUSLY the way to advance his quest line is to give some other random NPC a dead bird found in the starting area

                            • Anonymous

                              He said Godrick dressed as a woman to flee, but I met Godrick in his castle; where we fought.
                              Oh, youre not in your castle? Just out here begging for help, Kenny?
                              Is that just the first lie you'll tell?

                              • Anonymous

                                I regret alot in this game after killing the elden beast, but my biggest regret is not murking this Worthless NPC and looting him for his Golden Seed. NG+ will be my sweet sweet REVENGE!!

                                • Note that Kenneth Haight is not required to finish Nepheli's quest, Nepheli can move to the throne room by herself even if Kenneth is not there. This means that you can safely kill him after getting the dagger if you want an early golden seed. He never actually knights you.

                                  • Does he not actually knight you in Stormviel or Fort Haig? They've been sitting in Godricks Boss room forever, already all gave me the ancient smithing stones but keeps saying I plan on returning to my fort and will knight you but I've now gone as far as to kill Elden Beast and pick my ending and he's just saying the same thing...

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Beyond dialogue this NPC serves no pourpose, Nepheli goes to the throne after you defeat Margot if she got the hawk ashes, and he himself gives no reward, so kill him for the golden seed if you know his dialogue

                                      • Anyone know if there's a problem with Kenneth not showing up at Stormveil but also not at Fort Haight?

                                        Playing 1.09 and Nepheli is at Stormveil but Kenneth is not (Gostoc is dead). He's not at Fort Haight, I'm fairly sure I didn't kill him, and I haven't angered any NPCs according to the fountain. Have rested and reset the world quite a bit per the the guidance to get Nepheli and Kenneth to show up.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I was unaware that nepheli was somehow important. To be fair the story lines in these games are never clear, there's a fair amount of research that needs to go into understanding the depth therein, but alas I digress...
                                          I straight up killed this man because I did not like his name or his smug face...had no idea there was a whole quest line attached to him. Side note: for the next playthrough is there a way to make him stop targeting you if you "accidentally" hit him (several times)

                                          • Anonymous

                                            This dude seems like a nob jack ass at first, but it turns out he wants what is best for Limgrave. Wants to find a good ruler, wants to re-establish diplomacy with the demi-humans (taboo to the Golden Order); I quite like mr. Haight.

                                            Knowing Miyazaki's love of table-top role playing games, I have no doubt his name was inspired by Kenneth Hite, who's worked on various ttrpgs such as Call of Cthulhu and Vampire the Masquerade.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              So I may have missed it but if it isn’t up there: killing Gastoc seems to have locked me out of this. I’ve done everything else up here but I killed gastoc when I met him cause he was shifty

                                              • Anonymous

                                                So, what happens to him when giving Nepheli the potion? Is he just standing in Fort Haight until the end of time?

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  At the final stage after killing Morgott, I had to rest in the secluded cell for them all to move into the throne room.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    The quest wasn't progressing and I was confused as to why. So you have to defeat Morgott in Leyndell to progress this quest. And I honestly don't see much why, he never had direct influence or sovereignty in Limgrave, he only manipulated Godrick as a puppet king. After defeating him and Godrick, Limgrave should be out of reach for him to continue his puppet state.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      DO NOT KILL this NPC for the seed, because I am still at first playthrough and I have 7 golden seeds in inventory that reached the limit for upgrade

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        For me, what stopping the questline is because of gostoc, i have to kill him then rest on the grace, then both nephelly and kenneth will be at the throne.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          In game full of Gideons, Dung-Eaters, Fias and Rannis, Kenneth actually is friendly and upstanding guy that looks out for the people and the land.

                                                          Pity his questline was cut.

                                                          • Immediately harvest this man for his golden seed. Not worth the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone later on, there's plenty of those to go around. If it was a Somber stone, perhaps don't harvest him, but alas, it is what it is.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              If you turn Nepheli into a puppet for Seluvis, is there anything happening to Kenneth and Gustoc? Or do they just have to be killed to get anything out of them without Nepheli?

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                So I forgot to talk to Kenneth at his fort in a playthrough, but Nephelie moved and became lord regardless. After talking to him he moves to Stormveil too, acting like he chose her despite it happening without him. So either the quest is still buggy or he's completely irrelevant outside handing you a dagger you can find on the ground later. My man.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  When I encountered him, I saw a message saying that he is a liar. I attacked him once and he dodged off the edge. It was funny, but I never got the seed

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    There's no need for him to knight you if you're Elden Lord. At that point you become his boss, so all of that knighting business is moot. The real reason we do his quest is to put Nepheli Loux on the throne of Limgrave. If I'm going to be lord, I will at least want a competent vassal (or at least someone that isn't Kenneth).

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Can Kenneth be killed after doing pretty much everything else, and before progressing to NG+, in order to snag that golden seed?

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        So basically... It's absolutely worth it to just slay him outright for the seed early on and still get the smithing stones from gustoc and nepheli later regardless. Don't get lead on

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          honestly one of my favort npc's yeah he's kinda demeaning towards tarnished but he actually tries to get some form of equalty in his land and he gives up his position as the ruler of limegrave because he saw someone more fit for it i could even magine him accepting omen if nepheli loux pledges for them.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Kenneth will move to the throne room if he's alive and his quest sufficiently progressed when you finish Nephali's quest, but he is not a required part of Nephali's quest and it's perfectly okay to kill him. It's even fully legally justified when he renegs on his promise to knight you simply because he happens to have (against your advice) filled his fort with Demi-humans.

                                                                            You might feel it's fine to leave someone that stupid close to major policy decisions, and that's up to you. I personally do what is necessary to keep egregiously stupid people out of power.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Doesn't a legitimate claim to Limegrave imply he is of royal blood to any of the original Elden Rune holders? And if it is so, Kenneth can become a legitimate Elden Lord.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I guess someone must’ve tried doing Goldmasks ending and then gone back to fort Haight, to see if he’s there, after Nephelis quest?

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Sorry, but HOW in the world would i ever revisit Stormveil when i just cleared the capital and are on my way to the giants. Why would anyone go bak and see this mission to fruition? Some missions are really too obscure.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    You don't actually have to do kenneth's quest at all to get the smithing stone from Nepheli Loux. He actually gives you nothing besides the dagger for originally chatting to him. I had previously gotten the shard from her and then did all of Kenneth's quest only to find you get nothing.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Is nobody gonna talk about how he uses the same dagger as the Perfumers? Like this can't just be a coincidence right?

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        3rd playthrough, just now, I did not have the Fort Haite grace. He still asked me to pledge my service. However, I did not accept. I then went to Fort Haite, annoyed that I previously skipped the site of grace. I sat, he was still on top the stone arch. You have to accept his request. cool story..

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Don't be mean and kill a nice random guy for a Golden Seed!

                                                                                          Violently murder a family of unholy tree demons and rip it from their pulsating carcasses instead like a real Wretch

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            (fair warning disclaimer: 99% of y'all should just skip this reply,
                                                                                            posting this to get a lil OCD out of my head)

                                                                                            So because this guy is such an anti-climax in the beginning of the game (talks a lot of noise but nothing really happens for awhile), I gave him the nickname Kenneth Get Hyped, since the subversion felt fitting. And then, since the dude's voice actor lays down a fair amount of that aristocratic over-oration, I could NOT un-hear him going:

                                                                                            "Ah, yes, you of course refer to the one and only Kenneth... Get Hyped!!" and he shoots his hands up twice in rapid succession for the last name to make it seem more exc- you know what, I'll just leave.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Not sure if it has been mentioned, but you only need to kill the Godrick Knight that drops the Bloody Slash to "clear" the fort.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                Resting at the Fort Haight West site of grace did nothing at all and was not required.

                                                                                                Teleporting to the Godrick the Grafted Site of Grace, then walking to and resting at the Secluded Cell site of grace and returning worked to get all three into the throne room for me.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  I was having problems progressing this quest where they went into the thrown room. I upgraded the storm hawk ash by 1 level and then it triggered it... ?

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    I forgot about Kenneth, but Nepheli and Gosctoc still moved to stormveil's throne room, I was at the part where Kenneth asked to knight you.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Think I completed every step since Nepheli gave and Gostoc sold me an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

                                                                                                      So Kenneth my man. When exactly am I gonna be knighted then eh?

                                                                                                      • If you can't get them to all move into the throne room, make sure you looted everything in Stormveil, bought all of Gostoc's stuff, hit every single illusory wall in Limgrave, killed Godrick in less than 5 minutes, one-shot Margitt, finished the game RL 1, cleared all Souls games hitless/no rolling/blocking/parrying, met Artorias in real-life, killed him in a fist fight, then poured gasoline onto yourself, set aflame to start a new age of fire, waited a couple years to see it eventually die out and get consumed by darkness, seeing the horrible nightmare being abyss corrupt the planet earth, let some tiny random caveman looking dude stop it for you, get back on your PC, reboot and rest at the throne grace once again.

                                                                                                        If it still doesn't work, bad news is you might need to start a new playthrough...

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          One of the most straightforward and honorable people in the Lands Between, even if he's kind of a dingus. Shame that he carries a golden seed....

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            So uhh... is he gonna go to his fort and knight us? Its weird that they put that in the game, added the additional part of his and Nepheli's questline, but left him with that dialogue that a player would intuitively believe to mean he will actually move back to his fort for further progress in his questline. Idk, just seems weird to me.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              Bizarre quest coding. I had followed all the steps others pointed out, including resting at Morgott’s and Godrick’s graces. The NPCs only moved after I then passed time at Godrick’s.

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                so are you telling me that this guy has some kind of questline and he is not only out there to be kicked 3 times to death?

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  I also had to exhaust dialogue with Gatekeeper Gostoc at the site of Godrick the Grafted's site of grace and rest again, before they all move into the throne room.

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    So do I miss out on that little bit of Godrick vs Malenia lore if I complete Fort Haight before meeting Kenneth?

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