Leyndell, Royal Capital is a Location in Elden Ring. The Leyndell, Royal Capital northeastern gate is accessible to players who have gathered two Great Runes, but cannot be accessed without visiting the Roundtable Hold.  For a detailed walkthrough, please visit the walkthrough page for Leyndell, Royal Capital Legacy Dungeon.


The Capital City, located at the foot of the Erdtree. Despite being partially destroyed by the dragon Gransax, it still holds strong to this day. It houses many strong foes, along with the mysterious Veiled Monarch, Morgott.


Leyndell, Royal Capital Map & Map Fragments

leyndell royal capital region location map elden ring wiki guide 300px


Elden Ring Leyndell, Royal Capital Sites of Grace & Sub-Locations

Sites of Grace


All NPCs and Merchants in Leyndell, Royal Capital


All Items in Elden Ring's Leyndell, Royal Capital Zone

*: Indicates that the item is unobtainable in Leyndell after defeating Maliketh, The Black Blade. Some of these items can be obtained elsewhere, though.
?: Unknown whether or not the item is available after defeating Maliketh, The Black Blade (you can help by confirming or denying the item's existence in Leyndell, Ashen Capital)

Elden Ring Leyndell, Royal Capital Creatures, Enemies and Bosses


Elden Ring Leyndell, Royal Capital Maps and Notes

FAQ: How do I get into the Golden Capital Elden Ring?

Via Altus Plateau (fastest method)

  • First, you can reach this area from the Grand Lift of Dectus which is found between Liurnia of the Lakes and the Altus Plateau However, on your first visit, the lift is sealed by four Guardian Statues. It requires a special artifact in order to activate. This artifact is the Dectus Medallion which is made up of two halves found in separate locations. The Dectus Medallion (Left) can be found in Mistwood, inside a chest atop the tallest tower in Fort Haight to the east. [Map Link] The Dectus Medallion (Right) can be found in Dragonbarrow, inside a chest atop the eastern tower in Fort Faroth to the east. [Map Link] Once both halves are obtained, approach the platform once more to hoist the whole medallion and raise the lift, taking you to the Altus Plateau and the Capital will be just Northeast from here.
  • For those who have not acquired either half of the Dectus Medallion, the Altus Plateau can also be reached via the Ruin-Strewn Precipice, within a valley to the west of the Grand Lift of Dectus. Players will have to fight the dungeon's boss, Magma Wyrm Makar, in order to reach the elevator that will take them up to the western part of the Altus Plateau. 
  • The Leyndell, Royal Capital northeastern gate is accessible to players who have gathered two Great Runes, but cannot be accessed without visiting the Roundtable Hold. You can begin entry through the sides of the capital walls from the East Capital Rampart Site of Grace [Map Coordinates Here]. This is where you can begin your adventure through the Leyndell Royal Capital Legacy dungeon. For a Step by Step guide on how to thoroughly explore the capital, view the Leyndell Royal Capital (Legacy Dungeon) guide which guides you through the castle areas, Enemies and Bosses found in the Capital

Via Deeproot Depths (long method)

  • A longer method of reaching the Leyndell Royal Capital can be performed by progressing through Fia's questline.
    • Follow Fia's quest until she leaves the Roundtable Hold, which will occur after she kills D, Hunter of the Dead after giving him the Weathered Dagger. This will require players to have defeated at least two Shardbearers or reached the Altus Plateau to initiate the Radahn Festival in Caelid.
    • If players have not already done so, defeat Starscourge Radahn in order to open up Nokron, the Eternal City. Descend into Nokron and head to the Siofra Aqueduct to the east. Defeat the Valiant Gargoyle & Valiant Gargoyle (Twinblade) boss in the area, then use the coffin by the waterfall to the north of the boss arena, which will transport the player into the Deeproot Depths
    • Proceed through the Deeproot Depths going north towards the Nameless Eternal City, then climb up the roots until the Across the Roots Site of Grace is reached. Enter the large arena directly beside the Site of Grace, and head over to the rotting corpse to the north. A fight against Fia's champions will ensue, defeat them in order to gain access to the teleporter beside Fia. The teleporter will take players directly to the chapel beside the East Capital Ramparts inside Leyndell. 
  • The only advantage to taking the longer route is bypassing the need to go to Altus Plateau (if players choose to defeat Godrick the Grafted and Rennala Queen of the Full Moon to unlock the Radahn Festival) and avoiding the fight against the Draconic Tree Sentinel guarding the capital. 
  • The teleporter in the Deeproot Depths leading to Leyndell will be sealed if players have already defeated Maliketh the Black Blade

Tower of Return (exploit method)

  • An alternative way to gain access to the capital involves using Multiplayer Items in order to sequence break and thus get into the capital extremely early and without having to defeat any main bosses; this might not be intended by the developers - however as of the latest patch (1.09.1) this method still works. You will need to have access to both the Taunter's Tongue (gained by defeating Mad Tongue Alberich in the round table hold) and the White Cipher Ring (purchased from the Twin Maiden Husks).
  • Go the the Tower of Return [Map Link], located on the Weeping Peninsula in Limgrave. At the top of the tower is a trapped chest that will transport you close to the Divine Bridge site of grace. [Map Link]
  • Once here, to the North-west (away from the Golem) there is an elevator and a lever that you cannot activate. However, using a Furlcalling Finger Remedy and the Taunter's Tongue in order to lure invaders - while also having the White Cipher Ring active - will allow either an invader or a hunter to activate the elevator from the bottom of the shaft. Once activated you can take it down or use the lever to call it up as normal.
  • The best place to stand while waiting to be invaded is right on the wooden platform that juts out over the shaft. Bloody Fingers and Recusants may still spawn on the bridge itself, however hunters are likely to then spawn below and be able to use the elevator to get to the Divine Bridge site of grace area. (Throwing an item such as a Glowstone or Rainbow Stone from the top of the shaft can help get the attention of anyone that might be having a hard time figuring out that they need to use the elevator to get to you.)
  • Note that as this seems to not be an intended method of gaining access to the capital, after using this method you cannot exit the capital through the side-entrance near the  guarded by the Draconic Tree Sentinel. The back of the fog wall will be visible and you won't be able to move through it or activate it to exit the capital in this way.

Leyndell, Royal Capital Other Notes

  • Leyndell, Royal Capital Notes & Tips go here


leyndell royal capital sideview elden ring wiki guide


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Gelmir)  ♦  Minor Erdtree (Weeping Peninsula)  ♦  Minor Erdtree Catacombs  ♦  Minor Erdtree Church  ♦  Mirage Rise  ♦  Mistwood  ♦  Mistwood Ruins  ♦  Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum  ♦  Moonfolk Ruins  ♦  Moonlight Altar  ♦  Morne Tunnel  ♦  Mountaintops of the Giants  ♦  Mt Gelmir  ♦  Murkwater Catacombs  ♦  Murkwater Cave  ♦  Night's Sacred Ground  ♦  Nokron, Eternal City  ♦  Nokstella, Eternal City  ♦  Old Altus Tunnel  ♦  Oridys's Rise  ♦  Perfumer's Grotto  ♦  Perfumer's Ruins  ♦  Purified Ruins  ♦  Ranni's Rise  ♦  Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel  ♦  Redmane Castle  ♦  Renna's Rise  ♦  Revenger's Shack  ♦  Ringleader's Evergaol  ♦  Road's End Catacombs  ♦  Rose Church  ♦  Roundtable Hold  ♦  Royal Grave Evergaol  ♦  Ruin-Strewn Precipice  ♦  Sainted Hero's Grave  ♦  Sealed Tunnel  ♦  Second Church of Marika  ♦  Seethewater Cave  ♦  Sellia Crystal Tunnel  ♦  Sellia Evergaol  ♦  Sellia Gateway  ♦  Sellia Hideaway  ♦  Sellia, Town of Sorcery  ♦  Seluvis's Rise  ♦  Shack of the Lofty  ♦  Shack of the Rotting  ♦  Siofra Aqueduct  ♦  Siofra River  ♦  Siofra River Well  ♦  Slumbering Wolfs Shack  ♦  Smoldering Church  ♦  Spiritspring  ♦  Stillwater Cave  ♦  Stormcaller Church  ♦  Stormfoot Catacombs  ♦  Stormgate  ♦  Stormhill  ♦  Stormveil Castle  ♦  stranded graveyard  ♦  Street of Sages Ruins  ♦  Subterranean Shunning-Grounds  ♦  Summonwater Village  ♦  Swamp Lookout Tower  ♦  Swamp of Aeonia  ♦  Temple Quarter  ♦  Testu's Rise  ♦  The Four Belfries  ♦  The Shaded Castle  ♦  Third Church of Marika  ♦  Tombsward Catacombs  ♦  Tombsward Cave  ♦  Tombsward Ruins  ♦  Tower of Return  ♦  Uhl Palace Ruins  ♦  Unsightly Catacombs  ♦  Village of the Albinaurics  ♦  Village Windmill Pasture  ♦  Volcano Cave  ♦  Walking Mausoleum  ♦  Weeping Peninsula  ♦  West Windmill Pasture  ♦  Windmill Village  ♦  Witchbane Ruins  ♦  Woodfolk Ruins  ♦  Writheblood Ruins  ♦  Wyndham Catacombs  ♦  Wyndham Ruins  ♦  Yelough Anix Ruins  ♦  Zamor Ruins

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    • Anonymous

      10/10 music
      10/10 design
      10/10 atmohpshere
      10/10 secrets
      10/10 enemies/bosses
      10/10 level design

      The best legacy dungeon in the game and in soulsborne as a whole.

      • Anonymous

        I noticed that after you defeat Maliketh and turn Leyndell into Ashen Capital, certain enviromental changes occur in the Capital Rampart area: the effigy of martyr for Draconic Tree Sentinel boss fight disappear, so do golems on the way to the rampart and bears in lower area, the statue that has smithing stones 6 vanishes as well. I wonder if the sentinel will disappear too if you skip him somehow and progress all the way to defeating Maliketh. This is a nice little touch on the devs' part, I honestly wish there were more enviromental changes across the whole map as you release the rune of death, including upscaling enemies and bosses. Also, if you listen closely, music in Ashen Capital is a bit more melancholic and noisy than it normally is.

        • Anonymous

          Why is Ashen Capital listed as a site in Royal Capital? They are 2 different places, no? Or is there a site called Ashen Capital in Royal Capital?

          • Anonymous

            What I like about this area is that though there are tough enemies and combat encounters, they're spaced out enough that you can enjoy exploring the city without worrying about an ambush in every corner.

            • Anonymous

              Once you come down to the place where the Erdtree avatar amboushes us, there is a golden designer tile on the road. One can see through it to see a wooden ramp and a sewer opening further down..... any one got any idea how to open this tile? attacks dont work...

              • I think I accidentally wrong-warped here after alt-f4'ing during co-op (still Ashen Capital on my map, but I can distinctly hear envoy horns from what I assume is the default position)

                • Anonymous

                  I love how perfectly this place simbolizes the golden order. On the surface it's mighty, proud, glorius, brilliant, etc. But not even 1 meter below this facade and you already see the curses, aberrations and decay that it tries to hide under the ground. Despite how much effort the greater will puts into the establishment of his domain over the lands between, the horrid products of it's mistakes and wrongdoings plague the very pillars of this world.

                  • Anonymous

                    Just slipped off the roots near Erdtree Sanctuary and landed on a tiny invisible collision block. Coordinates on Fextralife's interactive map are near -108.01 : 114.79. According to rainbow stones, this collision area is just 1x1 meter, however it offers a safe drop to the cliffside with 2 Miranda plants.

                    • Anonymous

                      I'm not gonna lie, it's my favorite location in Elden Ring, and my favorite location in any FromSofware game. I wish that in next games I'll see locations on at least same level.

                      • Anonymous

                        Home of miracles (especially lightning) and dragon worship, which the helms have dragon statuettes, uses tree icons (in this case, charms), was under authoritarian rule, many people had to leave their homes, the name sounds familiar-Oops! I was reminiscing about Lindelt from DS2. Never mind me!

                        • Anonymous

                          the list of bosses has "Godfrey, First Elden Lord" linked instead of "Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Golden Shade)"

                          • Anonymous

                            getting invaded here is a guaranteed loss because you are most likely to encounter them on the way to the erdtree avatar or with the blackflame kindred. so cheap, wish we had seed of a tree of giants like in ds2 so they get slapped by the npcs every now and then

                            • Anonymous

                              Hi guys, trying to get into the royal capital, I have two great runes but cannot get access!! any thoughts.

                              • Anonymous

                                Any theories on why it's covered in ash BEFORE you burn the Erdtree? I've heard some say it's from Granssax' assault or from a prior burning of the Erdtree. Personally I think it's just ash from the people who used to live there. Dead people turn into ashes after all, some of which can even be summoned in battle.

                                • Anonymous

                                  I think it should be mentioned that you can enter Leyndell via the Deeproot Depths. This way you don't have to use the Great Lift or kill the Draconic Tree Sentinel.
                                  I used this ethod in my NG+ :
                                  Get teleportet from Raya Lucaria to Volcano Manor by the Abductor Virgin.
                                  Kill the Abductor Virgins Boss.
                                  Activate/rest at the next Site of Grace outside of the Cave to activate the Radahn Festival.
                                  Kill Radahn to open the entry to Nocron.
                                  Kill Valiant Gargoyle and rest in the coffin.
                                  Kill Fia's Campions in Deeproot Depths and use the Portal to Leyndell.

                                  After writing this I noticed, that it's maybe a longer way than the usual... but I had to try it and it worked

                                  • Anonymous

                                    This level design... is not exploration-friendly. It really ruins my fun having to look behind every corner of every little corridor, but I can not leave any item behind. I wish this game was less labyrinthic.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      You guys are missing "Golden Shade of Godfrey" on the Boss List. You have "Godfrey, First Elden Lord" listed, but that's not the same thing/boss. "Golden Shade of Godfrey" is its own boss and has its own unique page on here.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Almost ten years ago now, I heard a reviewer say they favorite level in Dark Souls 1 was the Painted World of Ariamis. They commended the complex, maze-like level design, the vertical progession, and the many paths that were stacked on top of each other and looped back in on themselves. They also wondered if an entire game could be made like this, or if it would be too annoying for people.

                                        Leyndell is almost just that. It's not an entire game, but it's an absolutely massive level. And while it may not be the proposed size, it makes up for that with the seemingly endless number of unexpected shortcuts you can take.

                                        Oh, and lets also not forget that it has an expanded version of The Depths, another one of the best levels in Dark Souls 1, hidden underneath it.

                                        As that reviewer suspected, this is too much for some people. To me, however, it's the best level I've ever played. In any video game.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Make sure you pick up one of the legendary weapons here, check guide how to get it cuz kinda hard to explain but you cant get it anymore after the city changes to ash. The weapon has a really cool weapon art so worth it imo

                                          • Anonymous

                                            On one of my ng+ runs I rushed through Stormveil Castle and Raya Lucaria and was confused that the capitol was still locked, didn't know you need to go to the Round Table because the Gate said "Can't proceed without further Great Runes". Almost thought they increased the amount of Great Runes you need to access the Capitol.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              If you like to co-op, be sure to activate all the summon pools here before you switch over to Ashen Capital. The summon pools you activate in Royal Capital remain active in Ashen Capital. Although your level might limit your opportunities, I was still getting summoned for Godfrey/Golden Shade + Morgott boss fights even at level 110.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                FYI A few things missing that are definitely missable in Ashen Capital:

                                                Duelist set (includes Duelist Helm, Gravekeeper Cloak, Duelist Greaves) - these are chance drops from other duelists around the world but none of them respawn and they are RARE drops. The Royal Capital versions are the only respawning duelists in the game which drop this set. Both these respawning duelists go away in Ashen Capital.

                                                Battle Hammer - Again, the duelist in the capital is the ONLY respawning duelist which drops this, and goes away in Ashen Capital.

                                                Duelist GreatAxe - Same deal, this is the only respawning duelist which drops it, gone in Ashen Capital.

                                                Gargoyle's Halberd - dropped by the non-respawning gargoyle guarding the golden seed next to the West Capital Ramparts site of grace - gone in Ashen Capital.

                                                Guardian Garb (Full Bloom) - ONLY dropped by the guardians along the tree up to the Godfrey Golden Shade boss fight from the West Capital Ramparts site of grace (alternatively, head back out of the room from Erdtree Sanctuary site of grace and go back down the tree). These guardians are the only guardians which drop this gear, and it is missable since these guardians are gone in Ashen Capital.

                                                Hope this helps, would hate for people to miss gear and unique items due to the Ashen Capital switch. This really needs to be tightened up so people don't miss it.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Game peaks in quality here, then plummets severely once you progress to the Forbidden Lands, before somewhat picking up at Farum Azula and Elphael, and then plummets again.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    There is an area that I am not able to access, it is on the side of grace ''Igreja da Baixa Capital'' you leave the church and turn right where there is the ''demon capra'' and look up and realize that there is a ladder that you can kick but I can't go there, does anyone know how to access that part?

                                                    • I don't know if it was mentioned before, but if you have beaten 2 shard bearer before and still can't access the city, you have to talk to Melina and go to the roundtable hold. I unfortunately could not complete my no maiden run because of this smh...

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Does Leyndell have a single unique enemy? I can't think of one. Every enemy here is present in other places throughout the world. Volcano Manor has the snakes, Farum Azula has the skeleton Beastmen, but I can't think of a single one for Leyndell.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          I think the gate to Leyndell is bugged. I've tried passing time, I've beaten two of the main story bosses, but the gate to it won't open.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            I have 10 fps here. Literally unplayable. I last played the game during the 1.3 patch. Now it's literally unplayable

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Twisting streets, stairs that lead into other stairs, backstreets that lead to more backstreets, ladders, elevators and secret passages, and you can even climb the giant dragon. It turns my brain to mush trying to remember every single corner I did and did not explore, but I made the effort, went in blind and had a blast. It's very fun to explore every nook and cranny of this place, and it's rewarding to even be here after so much damn buildup. Oh, everything is gold white and very pretty. This is now my favorite area in the game.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Did 1.06 fix the east rampart skip? you could jump on a railing and then on a roof to skip all the way down to the main road

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Best legacy dungeon in the game, hands down. Wish the rest of them like Raya Lucaria had been as big as Leyndell.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    The most fun that I have ever had in this game was playing as a stealthy character and exploring the entirety of Leyndell without resting at a single site of grace, relying purely on Assassin's Crimson/Cerulean Dagger talismans and the Ancestral Guardian's Horn talisman, as well as healing spells to keep myself topped off as much as possible.

                                                                    • If I want to co-op in Leyndell after Faram Azula, would I be able to go into NG+ and reach Leyndell and then simple stay in the appropriate level range and be summoned to other peoples NG world?

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Margit (not Morgot) also shows up in the fields inside the first gate where the dual Tree Sentinels hang out. If head to the left, and not up the stairs.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          This place is gorgeous, great music, great looking buildings, I loved how you have to climb up the dragon. Fantastic local

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            is it possible to bypass the northern Leyndell gate through Deeproot Depth sending gate (one that beside Fia)? it means we only need to defeat 1 shardbearer, Radahn, and 2 bosses (Mimic & Twin Gargoyles)?
                                                                            *note bypass Redmane castle through activating festival from Blaidd's Quest

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              The bosses section links to GODFREY, FIRST ELDEN LORD (HOARAH LOUX), but it should link to GODFREY, FIRST ELDEN LORD (GOLDEN SHADE).

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I know there are differing opinions about this place, but after several playthroughs I think that Leyndell is the most beautiful place ever realized in a video game. Nothing even comes close. The blinding towers, the splendorous main avenue, the mournful soundtrack, it all comes together so well.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  There's an enemy type that isn't listed here towards the bottom, they slam their fists on the ground and make horrible noises and I'm frightened.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Why are all of the doors sealed in leyndell, and why are no civilians are on the streets at all? its quite confusing why such a big city has less civilians on the streets than any other village, and their are even more people outside of the capital than the inside. i mean it just doesnt make sense, and to me it seems that the city is pretty much completely abandoned, except for a few pages, perfumers, and a ton of soldiers.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      The blighttown of elden ring. small areas but so packed that if u missed one door u can lock yopurself and go in circle for hours crying off frustration. Music is dope tho

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        I literally bypassed like everything for some reason. I was able to unlock the divine bridge site of grace at some point earlier in the game. Went up the tree branch and fought Morgott. Left the entire city untouched. Wondering if I should even go through it lol.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          I've just gotten an ash of war called thunderbolt that isn't listed here or on the map, from the avenue balcony site of grace go down the steps but don't go through the gate after the stairs going down, there is a dragon knight with a greatbow straight in front of you, I haven't been able to get far using stealth, it sees me right away and starts spamming the great bow. If you can hit him at range then duck straight back inside the doorway he will come looking for you and is easily dealt with in close quarters. There are another two of these knights but neither one has a greatbow, there is one patrolling back and forth on the far right as you walk through the gate, and there is another one standing guard behind the long building on your left, once you have killed the knights walk to the railings on the left and the scarab that drops the thunderbolt ash of war will be below you. it's stronger than the scarabs iv'e seen up to now, took two fully charged casts of frenzied burst to kill it.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            So, based on this wiki, all four of the rune bearers are optional... Can you still exploit the divine tower elevator with invaders?

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Does anyone know what the guardian with all the flowers on him drops? apparently it’s an “epic weapon”

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                There needs to be a section about all missable items in this area if you proceed past the first point of no return.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  I don't know how to even to begin to explain but does anyone know about an enemy that dropped x8 hero runes my brother killed an enemy and I saw him grab those runes. What this some one in a million chance?

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    I killed renalla and godrick and couldn't enter, so I tried killing rykard and still couldn't, I look up the wiki and the first thing it says is roundtable hold which i skipped lol

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Anyone know why there's already a fair amount of Ash in Leyndell, before you know what happens? Like, there are some pretty massive piles of ash already dotted around. Where does it come from?

                                                                                                      • After blundering around this zone for hours, I felt the need to come here and say that I understand why it's taking a while to come up with a coherent walkthrough, and keep up the great work!

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          I like how the main gate to the NW, where it was shown being attacked by a massive army in the cinematic trailer(that battle actually happened btw) - leads to a lake. I guess map inconsistency is just a style for fromsoftware lol

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            I hated how difficult this place was with a magic build until I realized you are practically invincible and will kill every enemy on the map like Captain Price if traverse the city through rooftops, occasionally going down for loot then coming back. It is now my favorite area by far. Recommend the rooftops to all magic builds.

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