Cracked Pot


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Container required for crafting cracked pot items

Cracked Pot is a Key ItemCrafting Material, and optional Keepsake in Elden Ring. Cracked Pot is a container required for crafting throwing pots, consumables which can be thrown to apply damage or debuffs to enemies. See also Ritual Pot and Perfume Bottle.


This empty pot somehow mends itself when broken.

Essential vessel for crafting cracked pot items.

The materials and magics sealed within deploy their effects when the pot is thrown.


Where to find Cracked Pot in Elden Ring

In the world
  • 2 by Secluded Cell site of grace in Stormveil Castle, in the room with Living Jars, southwest of the site of grace. [Map Link]
  • 1 by Debate Parlor site of grace in Raya Lucaria Academy. Immediately upon exiting the parlor, go up the stairs to the west, and it's on a corpse near some Living Jars. [Map Link]
  • 1 on a corpse in Groveside Cave, just past the entrance. 
  • 1 by Royal Moongazing Grounds site of grace in Caria Manor. From the site of grace, go back into the manor and drop off a series of platforms to the south-southwest. Guarded by Living Jars. [Map Link]
  • 1 by Avenue Balcony site of grace in Leyndell, Royal Capital: To the northwest, on a corpse one level below the site of grace and through a couple doors. Alternatively, head north from the Lower Capital Church site of grace, climb down the small ladder, take a right and go straight to find the pot on a corpse next to the door. Guarded by a Leyndell Knight. [Map Link]
  • 4 in Auriza Side Tomb. (Only two can be found here if you chose the Cracked Pot Keepsake.) [Map Link]
  • 3 in Jarburg. The first is on a corpse in front of the blocked door of a hut north of where you drop down into the village. The second is in a hut northeast of the first pot. The last is found on a large headstone in the south, along the main road in the village. [Map Link]
  • 1 by Minor Erdtree (Caelid): At the end of a tree branch extending from the cliffs to the northwest of the tree. [Map Link] [Video location]
Purchase from


Cracked Pot Use

Cracked Pots can be used to store crafted throwing pots, which apply damage or debuffs to enemies. After a throwing pot is used, an empty cracked pot is returned to the player's inventory, allowing for another throwing pot to be created after leaving combat.

Cracked Pots can hold the following throwing pots:


Cracked Pot Notes & Tips

  • You can select Cracked Pot as a Keepsake during Character Creation.
  • You can obtain up to 20 Cracked Pots.
  • Cracked Pots already obtained cannot be re-obtained in New Game Plus.
  • If throwing pots are put into storage at a site of grace, their cracked pots will be available for crafting new items. If you have throwing pots in storage, your cracked pots will automatically refill when you die or rest at a site of grace.
  • You can wear the Jar helmet to increase damage of throwing pots by 15%, and the Companion Jar talisman for a further 20% increase in damage. However, this has no effect on debuffs inflicted by throwing pots.
  • Choosing the Cracked Pot as your Keepsake will remove two pots from Auriza Side Tomb and one from Nomadic Merchant Caelid South.


Elden Ring Crafting Materials
Aeonian Butterfly  ♦  Albinauric Bloodclot  ♦  Altus Bloom  ♦  Arteria Leaf  ♦  Beast Blood  ♦  Beast Liver  ♦  Blood-Tainted Excrement  ♦  Bloodrose  ♦  Budding Cave Moss  ♦  Budding Horn  ♦  Cave Moss  ♦  Crab Eggs  ♦  Cracked Crystal  ♦  Crystal Bud  ♦  Crystal Cave Moss  ♦  Dewkissed Herba  ♦  Erdleaf Flower  ♦  Eye of Yelough  ♦  Faded Erdleaf Flower  ♦  Fire Blossom  ♦  Flight Pinion  ♦  Formic Rock  ♦  Four-Toed Fowl Foot  ♦  Fulgurbloom  ♦  Glintstone Firefly  ♦  Glintstone Scrap  ♦  Gold Firefly  ♦  Gold-Tinged Excrement  ♦  Golden Centipede  ♦  Golden Dung  ♦  Golden Rowa  ♦  Golden Sunflower  ♦  Grave Violet  ♦  Gravel Stone  ♦  Great Dragonfly Head  ♦  Hefty Beast Bone  ♦  Herba  ♦  Hidden Plumage  ♦  Human Bone Shard  ♦  Land Octopus Ovary  ♦  Living Jar Shard  ♦  Lump of Flesh  ♦  Melted Mushroom  ♦  Miquella's Lily  ♦  Miranda Powder  ♦  Mushroom  ♦  Nascent Butterfly  ♦  Old Fang  ♦  Poisonbloom  ♦  Rimed Crystal Bud  ♦  Rimed Rowa  ♦  Root Resin  ♦  Rowa Fruit  ♦  Ruin Fragment  ♦  Sacramental Bud  ♦  Sanctuary Stone  ♦  Silver Firefly  ♦  Silver Tear Husk  ♦  Sliver of Meat  ♦  Slumbering Egg  ♦  Stormhawk Feather  ♦  String  ♦  Strip of White Flesh  ♦  Thin Beast Bones  ♦  Toxic Mushroom  ♦  Trina's Lily  ♦  Turtle Neck Meat  ♦  Volcanic Stone  ♦  Yellow Ember

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    • Anonymous

      Okay, pot idea: Water pot. Like, literally just a pot with water. It makes your enemies wet and they become more vulnerable to lightning damage.

      • Anonymous

        Crafting materials should just be unlimited, the fact that we can barely use certain pots because there's finite resources for them is lame. The bombs in the previous games were better, you could just buy loads from merchants.

        • Anonymous

          1 by Minor Erdtree (Caelid): At the end of a tree branch extending from the cliffs to the northwest of the tree. [Map Link] [Video location]

          This is the wrong video. The video is of the Leyndell walkthrough, not of the Caelid cracked pot.

          • Anonymous

            Great, now give us frenzy pot (1 yellow ember and 1 smoldering butterfly, an eye of yelough for ritual pot version) that makes a frenzied flame for a few seconds. Anyone inside radius gets madness buildup, including user. You know what? Give us frenzy grease and arrows as well. Frenzy flame builds need more options.

            • Anonymous

              In the Lands Between, "gold" is this sort of intangible, omnipresent force emanating from the Erdtree. The runes you gather from the dead are gold, sometimes it rains golden leaves and you get more, and Godrick and D speak of gold with religious reverence.

              The cracked pots are mysteriously repaired by some unseen force, once broken.

              In Japan, kintsugi is the art of repairing broken pottery with gold. Now, this may just be a crackpot theory, but...

              • Anonymous

                I am greatly angered by the fact that I ended up with 18 cracked and 9 ritual pots. No way I'm retracing all those areas

                • Anonymous

                  A good number of the pots can only be bought from select merchants, yet the page doesn’t mention any of them except to say that one’s removed from a merchant under one specific condition… I’d try to update the page myself but I’ve not memorized which merchants.

                  • Anonymous

                    After throwing a pot that you crafted, a cracked pot will be re-added to your inventory. You won’t run out of them but there is a limit to how many you can collect total.

                    • Anonymous

                      Throwing pots need a serious speed upgrade.

                      Pvp someone has enough time to use Vykes spear WA and roll away before a throwing pot lands.

                      PVE Melania’s water fowl dance can be stopped with a frozen throwing pot, but it’s too slow to actually hit her before it she kills you.

                      Throwing pots need a serious speed upgrade to be useful.

                      • Anonymous

                        Guys i don't get it if i have all 20 pots and ise them all will i need to start a new game to obtain new pots?

                        • Anonymous

                          The one near the minor erdtree is the pot I was missing. I've been there a few times and I never noticed it. The pot isn't up on the branch one of the tree guardians is sitting on. The root is sticking out over the water. Also, the branch it is on is one of those dodgy ones where if you try walking on the wrong part of it you'll slide of and fall.

                          • Anonymous

                            Can anyone who has all the cracked pots give me some idea of where the pot in Leyndel is? I doubt I'll get in now from the ashen capital but there's one I'm missing and I don't remember where I got any of the others.

                            • Anonymous

                              I feel like these and Perfume Bottles are missed potential. Not because of the items you can craft, which are actually quite good. But rather because of the way they work. Right now getting another Cracked Pot is functionally no different from increasing your carry limit for Pot items. If you make 20 Fire Pots and use five, you'll have to craft another five if you want to have 20 again. Meaning you'll have to expend the materials for yet another five Fire Pots. I think Cracked Pots should instead be replenished at a Site of Grace, similar to the Flask items. However, the limit should still apply to all kinds of Pots. So if you have 20 Fire Pots in your inventory but need some Sleep Pots to deal with a Rune Bear, you should be able to transfer the amount of Pots you're using for what - again, similar to how you can decide how many Crimson and Cerulean Flasks you want to carry. But unlike Flasks, this change shouldn't be free. Every time you need to allocate Pots differently, you should have to discard one and use the materials to make another, which will then replenish at Sites of Grace until you in turn discard that one. This way, people wouldn't have to worry so much about running out of materials, be encouraged to stick to one kind of Pot that fits their build, and you'd still find a use for all the stuff you pick up.

                              • Anonymous

                                ive got 20/20 yet there is still one in Aurizas cave that i cant pick up i didnt choose them as a keepsake either has anyone else found more than 20 pots?

                                • Anonymous

                                  Very impressive the way they take am item which normally would be common and made it special by restricting their sale for whatever reason.

                                  • I just found my 20th pot! Not really a big deal, I know, but it's nice that I ended up getting them all. Considering how many other quests, weapons, summons, items, etc that I have missed or failed, I'll take this small victory.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Take these off your belt slot if using the mimic summon. They will use these too many times it's actually absurd.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Seems you can't get the one in the capital, if you don't get it before Leyndell becomes the Ashen Capital. I'll have to try to remember it for my next playthrough.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          To people saying it's not clear. There's a loading screen hint and if you read the item description it says. too many people ignore the item descriptions

                                          • Anonymous

                                            "One (1) can be found in Caria Manor. After defeating the boss, turn back and drop a series of platforms on the right. It is located near some Living Pots."

                                            This is completely incorrect, turn left before the boss fog and drop down, you can pick it up there. God this wiki is so bad in being updated, cringe.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              For those who want a purchasable/ craftable throwing item, you can buy exploding stones and small glintstone scrap and the gravity stones and fans from the twins husks after finding the correct bells. Cuccoo stones are craftables, and I’m hoping a future update or dlc will let us craft exploding stone clumps, large glintsone scrap, and poison stones. Right now there aren’t any good farming areas for any of these 3… unless you wanna kill 50 miners to get 1 exploding stone clump. It just seems odd that there isn’t any way to get these items in the endgame. Still you can have 20 small exploding stones and they basically act like normal fire bombs.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                NG+1 with 19 cracked pots. Found a Cracked pot inside Groveside Cave near the campfire on a corpse for a total of 20. I got every item in that cave on my first playthrough. Maybe it appeared with an update?

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  "Choosing Cracked Pot as Keepsake will remove 2 pots from Auriza Side Tomb and 1 from Caelid Nomad Merchant"

                                                  So you can get only 18 in that playthru?

                                                  • If anyone like me was on 19 wondering where the last one is, check Groveside Cave since I don't believe I would have missed it. Either it requires two visits to spawn or it was patched.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      So from what I can tell, they basically function like memory stones, but for how many throwing pots you can hold at once (you still have to craft the pots once used). Odd way of going about it, and they don’t really make it clear in the menu. I guess it’s not too hard to figure out if you look at it for a bit. I don’t use throwing items very often anyway

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        pls fix wiki! theres 4 in azula side tomb, possibly less if you took cracked pots as starting item, you gotta take the chest behind the fake wall and then jump down and take the chest on the right to get the last 2, and caria manor has 1 pot thats listed twice. also just because you can buy the cracked pots from kales bell doesnt mean it should be listed here or you should list all the merchants bells with them to not confuse people.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          When you pick Cracked Pot as your starting item it just pulls 3 of the 20 out of the world and puts them in your inventory already, which kinda sucks. idk if its totally random but Im pretty sure I was missing one of the 2 pots in stormveil, and one of the 2 pots next to each other in Auriza side tomb, and the last one missing was the one sold by the Caelid merchant.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Hope they add a bell that allows you to buy unlimited cracked pots down the line, it's kinda stupid you only get 20.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              The one's on Kale's bell bearing should be a note at the end of his listing, not two separate entries. The ones in Caria Manor refer to the same pot, and the ones in Leyndell are referring to the same pot. There's 4 of them in Auriza Side Tomb not listed here. That's all 20.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Anyone who's got 20/20, do you remember where you found any that aren't on this list? I'm at 19/20, 9/10 ritual, and 9/10 perfume and it's driving me crazy

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Choosing the posts as starting gift takes them from ingame locations. Missing 2 from auriza side tomb where there should've been a total of 4

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Went NG+, shops didn't restock any new ones of these OR Ritual Pots (the shopkeepers had 0 in stock). There also weren't any out in the world where they were pre-NG+. To reiterate, these DO NOT REFRESH when going to NG+, meaning that there's a total of 20 in the world and 10 Ritual Pots to find.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      I chose pots as my starting item then went immediately to caelid merchant south of the swamp yet he had cracked pots listed but none in stock?!?!

                                                                      • You can't buy anymore from the twin maidens if you give them Kalé's bearing. i ended up killing him as i needed more and the guy in stormveil is gone. turned out to be for nothing.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          As far as Keepsakes are concerned, the Cracked Pot is the best because you cannot reach the maximum (20) without another New Game cycle. Unless I'm wrong lol.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Found three in Jarburg. South of the artists shack in liurnia, jump down the tombstone steps on the eastern cliff south of the big tower.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              How many cracked pots can one have in their inventory? Assuming in NG+ you can obtain more, does that mean that a player can have 99 of those? Arcane builds meta?

                                                                              • Since I don't see a detailed use of this. Cracked pots are use for throwables such as firebomb etc, they are a key item and are not used when thrown. They are generally your limiting reagent as you can only craft the amount of throwbacks based on how many pots you have. Once you use the pot you must throw the item to be able to use it again for a different craft.

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