Four-Toed Fowl Foot

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item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Material used for crafting items
obtained icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxObtained
Found by hunting birds

Four-Toed Fowl Foot is a Crafting Material in Elden Ring. Crafting Materials are resources that can be obtained throughout The Lands Between and used to create a wide variety of items. 


Foot of a four-toed fowl.
Material used for crafting items.
In the Lands Between, having three digits is seen as a bad omen.
As such, the rarer four-toed fowl's is a gift of great luck indeed.


Four-Toed Fowl Foot Location in Elden Ring

Enemy Drop rate Additional info
Guillemot 25.00% -
Eagle 8.00% -


  • Impassable Greatbridge: There are three Guillemots just southeast of the grace. Litany of Proper Death and Gravitas are very effective. Bestial Sling and Barrage are some good alternatives.
    • Very fast route.
  • Cathedral of Dragon Communion: There are three Guillemots on a cliff just south of the site of grace, then five more a short distance west.
    • These 8 birds can be farmed in half a minute on Torrent using a bow.
  • Fourth Church of Marika: Drop down to the beach northwest of the Site of Grace and use ranged attacks to kill the total of 17 Guillemots there.
    • A single run takes around 1 minute 30 seconds.
  • Church of Elleh: Travel directly west, killing Eagles along the way, until you reach a cliff. Safely drop down onto the cube-shaped ruin to find six Guillemots, then continue down the cliffs to the west to reach another cube-shaped ruin with seven Eagles. Continue north along the beach to find more birds. Use ranged attacks to prevent them from flying away.
    • Most Guillemots in the first cube-shaped ruin fall down, decreasing the route's efficiency.

Four-Toed Fowl Foot Guide for Elden Ring

Four-Toed Fowl Foot can be used to craft the following items:


Elden Ring Four-Toed Fowl Foot Notes & Tips

  • You can hold up to 999 Four-Toed Fowl Feet.
  • You can store up to 999 Four-Toed Fowl Feet.
  • Sell Value: item value icon elden ring wiki guide 18px 10 Runes


Elden Ring Crafting Materials
Aeonian Butterfly  ♦  Albinauric Bloodclot  ♦  Altus Bloom  ♦  Arteria Leaf  ♦  Beast Blood  ♦  Beast Liver  ♦  Blood-Tainted Excrement  ♦  Bloodrose  ♦  Budding Cave Moss  ♦  Budding Horn  ♦  Cave Moss  ♦  Crab Eggs  ♦  Cracked Crystal  ♦  Cracked Pot  ♦  Crystal Bud  ♦  Crystal Cave Moss  ♦  Dewkissed Herba  ♦  Erdleaf Flower  ♦  Eye of Yelough  ♦  Faded Erdleaf Flower  ♦  Fire Blossom  ♦  Flight Pinion  ♦  Formic Rock  ♦  Fulgurbloom  ♦  Glintstone Firefly  ♦  Glintstone Scrap  ♦  Gold Firefly  ♦  Gold-Tinged Excrement  ♦  Golden Centipede  ♦  Golden Dung  ♦  Golden Rowa  ♦  Golden Sunflower  ♦  Grave Violet  ♦  Gravel Stone  ♦  Great Dragonfly Head  ♦  Hefty Beast Bone  ♦  Herba  ♦  Hidden Plumage  ♦  Human Bone Shard  ♦  Land Octopus Ovary  ♦  Living Jar Shard  ♦  Lump of Flesh  ♦  Melted Mushroom  ♦  Miquella's Lily  ♦  Miranda Powder  ♦  Mushroom  ♦  Nascent Butterfly  ♦  Old Fang  ♦  Poisonbloom  ♦  Rimed Crystal Bud  ♦  Rimed Rowa  ♦  Root Resin  ♦  Rowa Fruit  ♦  Ruin Fragment  ♦  Sacramental Bud  ♦  Sanctuary Stone  ♦  Silver Firefly  ♦  Silver Tear Husk  ♦  Sliver of Meat  ♦  Slumbering Egg  ♦  Stormhawk Feather  ♦  String  ♦  Strip of White Flesh  ♦  Thin Beast Bones  ♦  Toxic Mushroom  ♦  Trina's Lily  ♦  Turtle Neck Meat  ♦  Volcanic Stone  ♦  Yellow Ember

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    • Anonymous

      bridge in caelid is fun. Easy braindead way to do it. Which is cool bc I hate farming; let alone farming in order to farm. I was using crucible breath and it didn't matter if I was close enough to hit all of them simultaneously or not. If I only hit two; the third would wait politely until I was in close enough range to make another serving of fried chicken. It seems certain spells are more likely to make them run than others; and it's not based solely on AoE. Gold breaker seems to be another pretty easy way to kill them all at once when u target the middle one. It's the last weapon u get yeah, but a good option if u have it.

      I actually had a funny mishap here testing crucible tail. Completely whiffed first tail, killed one with 2nd tail. Killed another with a third tail, and figured that was all i'd have time for since surely the third would have peaced out by now. Nay. The little heathen was waddling towards me. Perhaps to give me a piece of his mind. Or maybe he imprinted on me. Either way, it was deeply unsettling and I just ran back to the site of grace with great haste. I'm pretty sure I have a new sleep paralysis demon now...

      • Anonymous

        At Below The Well grace in Siofra, there are four birds by the cliff nearby. If you just stick close to the tree and get close enough you can use gravitas. About the same as impassable greatbridge but one extra.

        • Anonymous

          By far the best method to farm these birds is fire deadly sin incantation. It’s better than hoarfrost stomp, Greyolls roar, storm stomp or any other AOE. The die while you just run past them and then collect the items on the way back to the grace before the incantation runs out. And you can fight any enemies that could potentially agro to you whilst farming the birds.

          • Anonymous

            A throwing dagger will scare them off but a loud ass Lightning Spear striking dead their friends doesnt bother them

            • Anonymous

              I use Hoarfrost Stomp to kill the birds at Impassable Bridge. If you aim at the central bird and stand near the tree, it will hit all of them without scaring them away and they die around the time you got there to loot.

              • Anonymous

                IMPASSIBLE GREATBRIDGE site of grace is the best method!
                Three penguins spawn behind the tree. Go over and kill them. THEN use life sapping mist spell where they sat, and go rest at the site of grace. When they respawn, the life sapping mist will still be there and kill them as soon as they respawn. EASY MONEY.

                • Anonymous

                  Faster method I've found:

                  Go to Impassible Greatbridge
                  Equip a staff and the Night Maidens Mist spell
                  Equip the Old Lords Talisman

                  target lock onto the Middle bird and fully charge your Night Maidens Mist
                  Make sure your decently close, ignoring that the spell causes you damage from its expanding AOE and kill the birds
                  if you're fast enough, you can run back and rest at the Site of grace and when you spawn in, the mist will instantly kill the birds again.
                  From there, you can either, pre mist the area, or as I've found it to be more consistent to just mist when the birds are spawned in.

                  • Anonymous

                    Fastest method is at Impassable Greabridge. Birds are right behind the tree.

                    If you want to play region lock or don't want to mess up any quest early by resting at Caelid here is probably fastest early game method:
                    1. Start at Seaside Ruins site of grace. Turn south and behind pillar you will see 2 octopuses on a rock, on right of rock is ledge, face Church of pilgrimage and jump down on torrent. You will land on beach.
                    2. Turn around, you will see fireplace and tall guy walking beaide of it. Kill him to get Gravitas Ash of War. Imbue weapon woth it.
                    3. Go to Fourth Church of Marika site of grace. Turn north, go few meters and slightly on right you will see top of a tree sticking out of groud, drop down there. Then drop to the beach.
                    4. There are few pack of penguis, approach then crouching so they dont fly away too early and kill them with gravitas. Focus on 3 penguins near dead tree and 3 on the rock. There 5 penguis in water 1-2-2
                    5. Reapeat from point 3

                    • Anonymous

                      The best place to farm for this is the impassable greatbridge, use a silver pickled foot for good odds. Best ways to kill the birds: litany of proper death(obviously), ground pound(kill the 2 in close proximity then melee the 3rd one) or gravitas(proper positioning kills all 3 of them, maybe the fastest method)

                      • Anonymous

                        IMPASSIBLE GREATBRIDGE is the only place you should be farming this. There are 3 birds in spitting distance. Beast claw incantation is an easy killing method.

                        • Anonymous

                          So first of all: stop it with the misinformation, it is unbelievable how wrong this information here is...

                          The farming location next to church of Elleh really sucks. Theres no way to safely drop down the cliff, you have to go down and then use torrent to jump over to the ruin. This takes a lot of time.
                          The penguins have the same droprate for the feet as eagles as not a single one dropped the item for me.
                          Oh and birds do fly away if you kill them with ranged weapons. You kill more of the with melee.

                          • Anonymous

                            VERY EASY FARM METHOD!

                            If you have a banished knight halberd it can chain attack him

                            1) Spawn at the Artists shack grace
                            2) walk south and find the knight
                            3) Sneak up and backstab him
                            4) Keep a moderate distance and after the shield attack chain attack him with the halberd
                            5) Eventually you will stun him and with crit, attack will deal 90% of the total hp

                            • Anonymous

                              Had a quick look through and couldn't see it mentioned. Litany of proper death is a great way to farm low hp creatures like these birds. Its especially good for uneven terrain as its reasonably fast to cast, covers a very wide area, and sticks to the ground over all the cracks and crevices where other aoe spells might just go over the top of animals. Admittedly I don't know how much damage it does if you just meet the requirements as I currently have 90 int and 41 faith and it does 210 damage, but if you have the stats to one shot them it's great lol

                              • I feel like it may be a bit misleading to recommend the Fourth Church of Marika farm when the obvious one is a lot smoother and easier:
                                - Impassable Greatbridge Site of Grace. 3 birds RIGHT at the SoG.
                                - Pop a SPFF, equip Silver Tear Mask + Silver Scarab and a shortbow with Barrage.
                                With this method you're looking at roughly 20-25 feet per use of SPFF (at 243 Discovery, 10 base arcane). That's +400 per hour.

                                • Anonymous

                                  There are ~30 penguins down around the beach area near the coastal cave in Limgrave. If you start at the First Step site of grace, go west & you'll see a cliff above a bunch of them on a ruin. Use a small bow w/ Barrage AoW, snipe them, hop down, then go up & down the coast. There is another ruin with a bunch on it, but you have to drop down from above near the troll. I get 10-15 per sweep of the area.

                                  I almost posted this before reading this page. Yeah, where it says travel west from church of Elleh— it's the best farming spot I've found. But it feels like the drop rate is higher than 25% for the pengiez. Feels more like 33.3%, I wouldn't even bother with the eagles... Besides, they're endangered & it's illEAGLE.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I found a good farming location, travel to the coastal cave grace and then leave the cave, jump on torrent and head to the right down the beach, you will start seeing penguins standing on rocks just after the big piece of ruin debris. I like this better than the weeping peninsula farm as it feels a bit closer to the grace for about the same amount of birds. The birds are everywhere just keep farming until you find the Kaiden warrior by the campfire, then its done. You can farm him too if you needs his set or sword. This and the church of dragon communion island are probably the best.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      The beach north of 4th Church of Marika has 17 penguins. 5 of them are in the water. I use Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear, since it doesn't scare others away when using the Bloodboon Ritual skill. Just run off the nearest cliff northeast of the grace, then off the cliff to the north to land on the beach.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        The method I like to farm them with is to use Nightmaiden's Mist since it doesn't scare them away unlike other spells or incantations. Being able to cast while on horseback is also a plus. Might also be more humane, who knows!

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Yet more evidence of Miyazaki’s malevolence. One of the key crafting ingredients for farming is most commonly dropped by cute penguins. Goddammit, he can’t keep getting away with it!

                                          • Anonymous

                                            The Flame of Frenzy works really well on the three at the Impassable Greatbridge. Just line them up, target the middle one and fire. It kills all three.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              So macabre to slaughter the little one penguin but not as heartbreaking as causing extinction of Carolina Parakeet in "RDR2"

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Best place to farm is Below the Well grace underground, I concentrate on 4 birds near it and blow them with the Rotten Breath spell, loot, and short run back to grace. I got 140 in an hour. I used silver scarab and silver mask and respec to 99 arcane for max discovery.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  The best place to farm is the Below The Well grace which is underground. There are 6 birds near it and I concentrate on 4. I just use the Rotten Breath spell and get all 4, loot and run back to the grace. Rinse and repeat. I put on the silver scarab and the silver mask and repec to 99 arcane to get maximum discovery. I got 140 in an hour.

                                                  • As others have mentioned, the best place to farm these imho is indeed the beach directly north of the fourth church of marika site of grace. Crossbow recommended, but you do you. Although, be forewarned: after about five runs of killing a bunch of peaceful penguins, you may begin to feel a bit of sadge.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Impassable Greatbridge, there are 3 birds that are super close to the grace. Use Gravity Stone Fan to make quick work of all 3 of them.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Fun fact, if you have max arcane (giving 199 discovery), equip the silver scarab (+75 discovery), use a silver pickled fowl foot (+50 discovery for a total of 325 discovery which means 3.25 times drop rate) and kill the many Gullymots at the dragon communion island with a base 25% drop rate, you should theoretically have an 81 percent drop rate on the feet... Well worth using the silver foot and temporarily equipping silver scarab.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Found a good spot to farm these:
                                                          1: Go to the Impassable Greatbridge grace in southern Caelid
                                                          2: Walk around the large tree next to the grace and use an AOE spell or 3 arrows to kill the 3 Guillemots
                                                          3: Rest at the grace
                                                          4: Rinse & Repeat

                                                          Total runtime with a single casting of Rotten Breath: maybe 45 seconds...

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            I farmed these before and after patch 1.04 at the Fourth Church of Marika and it seems post patch the drop rate for these from the Guillemot has gone way up. I used to get 2-3 a run along the beach, now it's 8-9.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Best place to farm is Impassable Greatbridge. There are 3 birds literally 2 meters away from grace, behind a tree. You can oneshot all 3 with single cast of Beast Claws. Literally the fastest method ever.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                To add to below, 62 seconds to kill 11 at Church of Dragon Communion, which means 5,6s per Guillemot whch is better. Go immediately east to kill the 3 at the cliff, then go north following the cliff to kill 2 more, and then 3. Then head back towards the grace but go to the right close to the jellyfish (only at night), then kill the last 3 birds and return to the grace and repeat. If you don't have to worry about loading screens, it might be faster to go south, and kill more birds until you're at the endpoint when you reach the dog.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  To add to below, 62 seconds to kill 11 at Church of Dragon Communion, which means 5,6s per Guillemot whch is better. Go immediately east to kill the 3 at the cliff, then go north following the cliff to kill 2 more, and then 3. Then head back towards the grace but go to the right close to the jellyfish (only at night), then kill the last 3 birds and return to the grace and repeat. If you don't have to worry about loading screens, it might be faster to go south, and kill more birds until you're at the endpoint when you reach the dog.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    I've done a small test with farming the 8 Guillemots at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion. I killed 95 of them in 9m25s at max Discovery of 324 using a bow and horse, and got 53 Four-Toed Fowl Foot. This means 1 run to kill the 8 took me around 47 seconds, which is around 6 seconds per Guillemot.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Best way to farm these is from the birds north of the fourth church of marika on the beach, equip a shortbow with barrage and arrow reach talisman and gun them all down, you can get like 7-8 per run.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Best farm spot by far is the penguin guys on the beach in Weeping Peninsula, warp to Fourth Church grace.

                                                                        Best weapon: Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear. The weapon art doesn’t scare the others away. No need to upgrade, experiment with the range to farm quickly.

                                                                        • At the impassable greatbridge grace there are 3 birds to farm by cliffside. Drop rate is acceptable. I use unendurable frenzy to take out all 3, they usually don't fly away and it doesn't blow them off the Cliffside like Sacred Relic Sword can sometimes do.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            As melee only/no invest in int whatsoever: The Below The Well grace spot feels the best. Buff yourself up to 13 int, grab a staff and use Glintstone Arc. Check Brother Corhyns quest guide for a list of Int increasing gear.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Silver scarab makes hunting for these easier

                                                                              Hoarfrost stomp and Crepus' Vial makes farming the ones at the Siofra eagles more viable

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Took about 15 minutes at below the well after killing 150 eagles to get one fowl foot at 110 discovery.

                                                                                I get 4-7 from the guillemot at the weeping coastline per run. I had to grind for that long just to prove the Eagles drop the damn things. I dont know why they list that as a viable farm strat. Sure its conveniently close to the grace. Though I wonder if they patched and lowered the drop rates for the eagles.

                                                                                It seems a 40% drop rate from the Guillemots.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Kinda wish there was a bell-bearing for these crafting materials. I figured since the bone and meat peddlers had bell-bearings for those respective materials, it would make sense for other innocent animals to have their materials accessible from, for instance, some fowl-peddler. With that in mind, I beat up all the bell-bearing hunter encounters hoping I was correct, but instead I got access to some boluses that I can already craft and some neat gravity consumables that are totally not collecting dust in my inventory. Spare the poor birds, From Software!

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    church of dragon communion is another good farming spot. 20-24 birds, was getting between 6-10 feet per run

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Go to the Fourth Church of Marika beach location that others have mentioned below, then use Fire's Deadly Sin and simply stand near each Guillemot until it dies. If you have a decent seal and stats, each bird should only take about 1 second to roast and the fire DoT won't scare the others away because you're not actively attacking

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Fyi, the penguin looking birds have a waay better drop rate for the feet. Farming the beach in weeping peninsula is the way to go.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Best spot is on the beach north of the The Fourth Church of Marika in Weeping Peninsula. Just go down the gully to the east and turn sharp left at the bottom to avoid the squid monster.

                                                                                          I thought it was the eagles all along. But it was these guys.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            At Church of Dragon Communion if you start killing going east and then right along the cliff making a half circle (you end NW from the site of grace) with only Silver Scarab you'll get around 4 per minute. I was there half an hour and got 124 of these with only 192 discovery. Oh and i used honed bolt from horseback

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              For Glintstone mages- Glintstone Arc doesn't spook the birds and provides great AOE for farming them.

                                                                                              Go to the "Fourch church of Marika" site of grace in Limgrave>Ride West till you hit the beach>then head North East>Kill 16 penguins (Some are in the water) >Repeat

                                                                                              This cuts down on travel time with torrent compared to other locations.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                Ohhh, so now we farm crafting materials so we can create consumables which we use while farming other items.
                                                                                                Really enjoyable. Great and really needed mechanic.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  The penguins behind the Cathedral of dragon communion with the same gravitas/Starscourge combo I'd say is way above the rate of 4-5 per 1.30 min.

                                                                                                  From grace, I placed a beacon behind the point of the two penguins, mount up and jump of right beside those too hit all 3 and then loot tp back to the grace.

                                                                                                  Rince repeat.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    I've found Gravitas ash works really well for farming. Farming at Impassable Greatbridge, hop up on the rock, right in the center (not too close as to spook them), and use the ash. Kills all 3 and you rarely lose any of them off the cliff. I hear the Below the Well grace in Siofra might be better though, will have to try that next time.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      I spent a long time killing eagles and got nothing but plenty from penguins. I had good success with the Church of Dragon Communion grace making a ring around the cliffs on the island on torrent killing them. Honed Bolt incantation is usable on torrent quickly and oddly never scared them.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        Outside of the divine tower of limgrave, there are A LOT of eagles, there's also a silver talon looted on a body, so it's like they're saying "farm these here." I haven't counted the eagles, but there's probably 8-15 of them on the ground.

                                                                                                        Start at the grace at the top of the tower, go down the elevator (call the elevator back up at the bottom) and get yourself some toes and some stormhawk feathers (which make arrows that break poise).

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          These are stupidly rare. Why? Feels like I'm playing WoW, what with animals not dropping body parts they absolutely should have.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            Farmed lots of them at dragon comunion and the dragon fire breath incantation was extra useful for sweeping them, had 99 of them in about 30 min.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              I've found it to be more efficient to use a smallbow and normal arrows to kill them penguins, as they don't get spooked and fly away that way. Using skills like Wave of Gold or any AOE netted me less drops!

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                Btw, if you are farming at Impassable Greatbridge, use Beast Claw incantation. Line all 3 birds into 1 line and oneshot them all at once with single case of this. Easy as hell.

                                                                                                                • Coastal cave site of grace, go out of the cave and head north, past the orcs. There's about 15-20 Guillemots you can easily kill with Hoarfrost Stomp. They drop fowl foot a lot more than eagles.

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    I farmed some just now with a crossbow and noticed they were flying away more often. Was that a change in the recent patch?

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      Please clean it up, removing inferior suggestions, leaving only:
                                                                                                                      -short bow method
                                                                                                                      -Weeping Peninsula Guillemots (vastly higher drop rate)

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        Travel to the four belfries. There are 3 eagles right behind you, I use Gravitas to kill. Return to grace and repeat.

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          -Travel to Below the well grace
                                                                                                                          -Equip Starscourge Greatsword
                                                                                                                          -Use skill on two eagles then loot
                                                                                                                          -Turn right and use skill on four eagles then loot
                                                                                                                          -Sit grace and repeat

                                                                                                                          Skill of these swords kill all the birds right there and makes them easier to loot because their bodies stays where they are. You can find any other skill or spell that does same thing too I suppose. You can also equip Crepus's Vial to silence your footsteps to approach easier. You can even put messages to spots that you want to use skills.
                                                                                                                          My drop rates with 190 discovery was 19 in 100 birds.

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            South of Liurnia Close to the vendor head on foot to the south west, when you reach almost the end of the stone on the floor cast dragonfire (for example) to the eagles. hf =)

                                                                                                                            • 3 Guillemot South Caelid, Impassable Great bridge Grace. You will be able to see a Guillemot behind the tree while you are at rested position of the Grace, I suggest utilizing Ashes of War Hoarfrost Stomp while locking on to the center Guillemot to slay all 3, you may lose a bird that sometimes falls off the cliff, you can sprint towards this one.

                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                I suppose three digits are seen as an ill omen because of the Three Fingers. Interesting bit of lore there.

                                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                  If you are looking to farm these go to the Church of The Dragon Communion site of grace to the southwest of the first site of grace in the game. Birds all around the island, 0 enemies and rowa fruit plants.

                                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                    A far better farming strategy than any mentioned here;

                                                                                                                                    Follow the beach north of the Isolated Merchant’s Shack grace site in The Weeping Peninsula and you’ll encounter 10-20 birds in <60 seconds.

                                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                      I was killing those eagle-like birds in Nokron (Below the Well Grace) and they commonly dropped Four-Toed Fowl Foot with boosted item discovery. Haven't tested this with the eagles on the surface yet

                                                                                                                                      • When you get to fort Haight on the farming path, you can go around and into the fort and continue on the rocky outcroppings where you left off, then follow them all the way to the bridge of sacrifice on a single silver foot. I used Torrent the whole way through and used the flame of frenzy while mounted to kill packs. It works great.

                                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                          A way better way to farm these is to go to Impassable greatbridge site (bridge before redmane castle) theres 3 birds right beside the site. Kill, reload, repeat

                                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                            these drop common from the birds on the coast north of warmaster shack where u get the duelist furled finger

                                                                                                                                          Load more
                                                                                                                                          ⇈ ⇈