
fulgurbloom elden ring wiki guide 200px
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Material used for crafting items
obtained icon elden ring wiki guide 18pxObtained
Blooms in lightning-stuck ground.

Fulgurbloom is a Crafting Material in Elden Ring. Crafting Materials are resources that can be obtained throughout The Lands Between and used to create a wide variety of items. 


Yellow flower that grows in lightning-struck lands.
Material used for crafting items.
Imbued with traces of lightning's essence.


Fulgurbloom Location in Elden Ring

Fulgurbloom found in the overworld respawns after resting at a Site of Grace.

Dropped by
Enemy Drop rate Additional info
Electric Sheep 20.00% -
Fanged Imp 10.00% Only those that throw Lightning Pots
Leyndell Soldier 5.00% Only those that throw Lightning Pots
Overworld Amount
Amount Chance
1 80%
2 17%
3 3%
Farming Locations
  • Rampart-Side Path Site of Grace in Altus Plateau: There are 10 to 12 up the hill where the lightning is striking.
  • Castle Sol Main Gate Site of Grace in Mountaintops of the Giants: There are two large fields of Fulgurbloom right next to the grace, each with 13 plants.


Fulgurbloom Guide for Elden Ring

Fulgurbloom can be used to craft the following items:


Elden Ring Fulgurbloom Notes & Tips

  • You can hold up to 999 Fulgurbloom.
  • You can store up to 999 Fulgurbloom.
  • Sell Value: item value icon elden ring wiki guide 18px 10


Elden Ring Crafting Materials
Aeonian Butterfly  ♦  Albinauric Bloodclot  ♦  Altus Bloom  ♦  Arteria Leaf  ♦  Beast Blood  ♦  Beast Liver  ♦  Blood-Tainted Excrement  ♦  Bloodrose  ♦  Budding Cave Moss  ♦  Budding Horn  ♦  Cave Moss  ♦  Crab Eggs  ♦  Cracked Crystal  ♦  Cracked Pot  ♦  Crystal Bud  ♦  Crystal Cave Moss  ♦  Dewkissed Herba  ♦  Erdleaf Flower  ♦  Eye of Yelough  ♦  Faded Erdleaf Flower  ♦  Fire Blossom  ♦  Flight Pinion  ♦  Formic Rock  ♦  Four-Toed Fowl Foot  ♦  Glintstone Firefly  ♦  Glintstone Scrap  ♦  Gold Firefly  ♦  Gold-Tinged Excrement  ♦  Golden Centipede  ♦  Golden Dung  ♦  Golden Rowa  ♦  Golden Sunflower  ♦  Grave Violet  ♦  Gravel Stone  ♦  Great Dragonfly Head  ♦  Hefty Beast Bone  ♦  Herba  ♦  Hidden Plumage  ♦  Human Bone Shard  ♦  Land Octopus Ovary  ♦  Living Jar Shard  ♦  Lump of Flesh  ♦  Melted Mushroom  ♦  Miquella's Lily  ♦  Miranda Powder  ♦  Mushroom  ♦  Nascent Butterfly  ♦  Old Fang  ♦  Poisonbloom  ♦  Rimed Crystal Bud  ♦  Rimed Rowa  ♦  Root Resin  ♦  Rowa Fruit  ♦  Ruin Fragment  ♦  Sacramental Bud  ♦  Sanctuary Stone  ♦  Silver Firefly  ♦  Silver Tear Husk  ♦  Sliver of Meat  ♦  Slumbering Egg  ♦  Stormhawk Feather  ♦  String  ♦  Strip of White Flesh  ♦  Thin Beast Bones  ♦  Toxic Mushroom  ♦  Trina's Lily  ♦  Turtle Neck Meat  ♦  Volcanic Stone  ♦  Yellow Ember


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    • Anonymous

      Farming these in Limgrave is even more trivial than farming butterflies
      In that sense elden ring's lightning urns cost less than firebombs, lul

      • Anonymous

        Just to compile the top three Fulgurbloom farming spots I've found, at varying stages of game completion:

        Limgrave: Agheel Lake North Grace, head directly north and over a rocky ledge to access a fairly large patch with 14 Fulgurbloom spawns. There is a hostile Ram and Mounted Kaiden Sellsword enemy nearby, so be careful. If you have decent load times, teleporting back instead of running back via Torrent may be quicker.

        Altus Plateau: Rampartside Path Grace, head west for a medium-sized patch with 10 Fulgurblooms. You can also continue south, then east for a second patch with 8 more Fulgurblooms, but Ancient Dragon Lansseax will appear and attack here if it hasn't been killed. I suggest only using the closest patch and simply running back to the Grace on Torrent.

        Mountaintops of the Giants: Castle Sol Main Gate Grace, head northwest for a large patch with 13 Fulgurblooms, then south for an additional large patch with 15 more Fulgurblooms. As with Agheel Lake North, if your machine has decent load times then teleporting back may be more efficient than running back on Torrent, but there are no enemies at all nearby so either option works.

        • I just noticed as I went through just trying to grab some of these in the field in front of Castle Sol that Torrent doesn't trot like he normally does in the lightning field. He's like NOPE NOPE NOPE and just goes to full galloping speed without you needing to press or hold dash. Someone's scared lmao

          Edit: Nope, not really. I tested further and it's just that he doesn't slow down to the next level in the field, he stays at whatever speed level you were in previously.

          PS: Just found out you can edit comments, just not in the wiki, but in the forum site. Weird

          • Anonymous

            Farm spot :
            go direct north of Agheel Lake north site of grace.
            Get everything and go back tp back.
            The farm spot is like 3 seconds to the north for 10-15 flowers

            • Anonymous

              also used to craft lightning pot, roped lightning pot, ancient dragonbolt pot and lightningproof dried liver

              • Anonymous

                Rapmpartside Path Grace point in Altus Plateau. The lightning field is so close to the grace you can hear it from the spawn

                • Anonymous

                  A great farming spot is the Rampartside Path Grace in Altus Plateau- ten of these spawn just a few seconds west of the Grace, and a *second* patch is located nearby up the hill (though Ancient Dragon Lansseax may appear if you go for the second patch)

                  • Anonymous

                    My personal farm spot is at Lenne's Rise grace, just go SW to the minor Erdtree and you'll have 10 of them sitting ~10 seconds away from the grace.

                    • Anonymous

                      Motherload of these south of farum greatbridge. Go past the dragon Greyll until you see lightning, and you'll find about ten of these plants no more than 30 seconds from the grace. Just mind the zaps, since it hurts a lot.

                      • Anonymous

                        Motherload of these south of farum greatbridge. Go past the dragon Greyll until you see lightning, and you'll find about ten of these plants no more than 30 seconds from the grace. Just mind the zaps, since it hurts a lot.

                        • Anonymous

                          Has anyone found a good source for these? I tried to find a "lightning area of Stormhill" but couldn't locate that. So I'm having a lot of trouble getting this ingredient.

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