Ritual Pot

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Type Key Item
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Container required for crafting ritual pot items

Ritual Pot is a Key Item and Crafting Material in Elden Ring. Ritual Pot is a container required for throwing pots, consumables which can be thrown to apply damage or debuffs to enemies. See also Cracked Pot and Perfume Bottle.


This empty pot somehow mends itself when broken. Special item with greater durability than a cracked pot. 

Essential vessel for crafting ritual pot items. 

The materials and magics sealed within deploy their effects when the pot is thrown.


Ritual Pot Locations

  • 1 in Laskyar Ruins: On a corpse in the northern section, in front of a set of pillars. [Map link]
  • 1 by the Schoolhouse Classroom site of grace in Raya Lucaria Academy: Inside a treasure chest at the end of the hallway, guarded by a Glintstone Sorcerer and a Giant Living Jar. [Map link]
  • 2 in Jarburg: The first is found on the roof of a hut in the north, use the cliffs to get on top of the hut. The second can be found on top of a large decorative jar in the south. [Map link]
  • 2 in Auriza Side Tomb:
    • Open the chest at the end of the main path, then make your way down the path and open the chest in the secret room trap chest. Go forward, drop down, then start making your way up the stairs. The pot will be in front a Giant Living Jar.
    • From the location of the previous jar, head back down the path until you reach the two trap chests and open the one on the left (secret room position). Make your way forward and take the small entrance on your left next to the second Imp. Climb the ladder and open the chest. The pot is at the end of the path in a room with a Giant Living Jar.
  • 1 near the Forsaken Depths site of grace in Subterranean Shunning-Grounds: In the room at the top of the elevator.
  • 1 in Giants' Mountaintop Catacombs: Head left from the boss doors and descend the dungeon's second lift. Continue along the path and then turn right in the room with the statue (hug the wall at the top of the stairs so you don't step on the trigger for the frost dart trap). Proceed through the hall with the guillotine traps and then take the first left in the next corridor to a room with several Land Squirts (with another frost dart trap in the middle of the room after the stairs). The pot is on a corpse in a small room at the end of the path with a Giant Living Jar. [Map link]
  • Video Location
  • Shunning Grounds, Video Location
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Ritual Pot Use

Ritual Pots can be used to store crafted throwing pots, which apply damage or debuffs to enemies. After a throwing pot is used, an empty Ritual Pot is returned to the player's inventory, allowing for another throwing pot to be created after leaving combat.

Ritual Pots can hold the following throwing pots:


Ritual Pot Notes & Tips

  • You can collect up to 10 Ritual Pots.
  • Ritual Pots already obtained once cannot be re-obtained in New Game Plus.
  • If throwing pots are put into storage at a site of grace, their Ritual Pots will be available for crafting new items. If you have throwing pots in storage, your Ritual Pots will automatically refill when you die or rest at a Site of Grace
  • You can wear the Jar helm to increase the damage of crafted pot items by 15%, and the Companion Jar talisman for a further 20% increase.


Elden Ring Key Items
Abandoned Merchant's Bell Bearing  ♦  Academy Glintstone Key  ♦  Academy Scroll  ♦  Alexander's Innards  ♦  Amber Draught  ♦  Amber Starlight  ♦  Ancestral Infant's Head  ♦  Ancient Dragon Prayerbook  ♦  Asimi's Husk  ♦  Asimi, Silver Tear  ♦  Assassin's Prayerbook  ♦  Beast Eye  ♦  Bernahl's Bell Bearing  ♦  Black Knifeprint  ♦  Black Whetblade  ♦  Blackguard's Bell Bearing  ♦  Bone Peddler's Bell Bearing  ♦  Burial Crow's Letter  ♦  Carian Inverted Statue  ♦  Celestial Dew  ♦  Chrysalids' Memento  ♦  Conspectus Scroll  ♦  Corhyn's Bell Bearing  ♦  Cracked Pot  ♦  Crafting Kit  ♦  Cursemark of Death  ♦  D's Bell Bearing  ♦  Dancer's Castanets  ♦  Dark Moon Ring  ♦  Deathroot  ♦  Dectus Medallion (Left)  ♦  Dectus Medallion (Right)  ♦  Discarded Palace Key  ♦  Dragon Cult Prayerbook  ♦  Dragon Heart  ♦  Drawing-Room Key  ♦  Erdtree Codex  ♦  Faith-knot Crystal Tear  ♦  Fingerprint Grape  ♦  Fingerslayer Blade  ♦  Fire Monks' Prayerbook  ♦  Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Giant's Prayerbook  ♦  Glintstone Whetblade  ♦  Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Godrick's Great Rune  ♦  Godskin Prayerbook  ♦  Gold Sewing Needle  ♦  Golden Order Principia  ♦  Golden Tailoring Tools  ♦  Gostoc's Bell Bearing  ♦  Gowry's Bell Bearing  ♦  Gravity Stone Peddler's Bell Bearing  ♦  Great Rune of the Unborn  ♦  Greenspill Crystal Tear  ♦  Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left)  ♦  Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right)  ♦  Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Host's Trick-Mirror  ♦  Iji's Bell Bearing  ♦  Iji's Confession  ♦  Imbued Sword Key  ♦  Imprisoned Merchant's Bell Bearing  ♦  Irina's Letter  ♦  Iron Whetblade  ♦  Isolated Merchant's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Isolated Merchant's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Kale's Bell Bearing  ♦  Lantern  ♦  Larval Tear  ♦  Leaden Hardtear  ♦  Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Lord of Blood's Favor  ♦  Lost Ashes of War  ♦  Lucent Baldachin's Blessing  ♦  Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Map (Ainsel River)  ♦  Map (Caelid)  ♦  Map (Consecrated Snowfield)  ♦  Map (Deeproot Depths)  ♦  Map (Dragonbarrow)  ♦  Map (Lake of Rot)  ♦  Map (Leyndell, Royal Capital)  ♦  Map (Limgrave, East)  ♦  Map (Limgrave, West)  ♦  Map (Liurnia, East)  ♦  Map (Liurnia, North)  ♦  Map (Liurnia, West)  ♦  Map (Mohgwyn Palace)  ♦  Map (Mountaintops of The Giants, East)  ♦  Map (Mountaintops of The Giants, West)  ♦  Map (Mt. Gelmir)  ♦  Map (Siofra River)  ♦  Map (Weeping Peninsula)  ♦  Map: Liurnia, North  ♦  Meat Peddler's Bell Bearing  ♦  Medicine Peddler's Bell Bearing  ♦  Meeting Place Map  ♦  Memory of Grace  ♦  Memory Stone  ♦  Mimic's Veil  ♦  Miniature Ranni  ♦  Mirage Riddle  ♦  Miriel's Bell Bearing  ♦  Mohg's Great Rune  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (10)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (11)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (4)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (5)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (6)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (7)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (8)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (9)  ♦  Note (Flask of Wondrous Physick)  ♦  Note (Land Squirts)  ♦  Note (Stonedigger Trolls)  ♦  Note (Waypoint Ruins)  ♦  Patches' Bell Bearing  ♦  Perfume Bottle  ♦  Pidia's Bell Bearing  ♦  Prattling Pate Apologies  ♦  Prattling Pate Hello  ♦  Prattling Pate Thank you  ♦  Radahn's Great Rune  ♦  Red-Hot Whetblade  ♦  Rogier's Bell Bearing  ♦  Rold Medallion  ♦  Royal House Scroll  ♦  Ruptured Crystal Tear  ♦  Rusty Key  ♦  Rya's Necklace  ♦  Sanctified Whetblade  ♦  Seedbed Curse  ♦  Sellen's Bell Bearing  ♦  Sellen's Primal Glintstone  ♦  Sellian Sealbreaker  ♦  Seluvis's Bell Bearing  ♦  Seluvis's Introduction  ♦  Seluvis's Potion  ♦  Serpent's Amnion  ♦  Sewer-Gaol Key  ♦  Sewing Needle  ♦  Shabriri Grape  ♦  Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (4)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (4)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (5)  ♦  Spectral Steed Whistle  ♦  Spirit Calling Bell  ♦  Stonesword Key  ♦  Tailoring Tools  ♦  Talisman Pouch  ♦  Telescope  ♦  The Stormhawk King  ♦  Thops's Bell Bearing  ♦  Tonic of Forgetfulness  ♦  Torch  ♦  Twiggy Cracked Tear  ♦  Two Fingers' Prayerbook  ♦  Two Fingers Prayerbook  ♦  Unalloyed Gold Needle  ♦  Valkyrie's Prosthesis  ♦  Volcano Manor Invitation  ♦  Weathered Dagger  ♦  Whetstone Knife  ♦  Winged Crystal Tear

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    • Anonymous

      What a dumb system for throwables... What's the bet 95% of PC players use trainers to given themselves unlimited throwables. I hope that go back to the old system, because this "pots" business is needlessly restrictive for throwables that are a for novelty use only.

      • Anonymous

        Whoever wrote the instructions for the Auriza Hero's Grave needs to just stop trying to give instructions. This is worse than my mom's directions before Google Maps. There is nowhere that you can reach "two trap chests"; what they mean is the secondary room split off from another room with a trap chest in it. These are two different locations, not one place with "two trap chests."

        • Anonymous

          I'm still unsure on why they're limited. It's not like somebody is gonna use more than 10 pots to be overpowered. Just makes it more difficult to be prepared for different occasions when you only have 1 of each and are missing at least one type of pot.

          • Anonymous

            started with the pot gift, and idk if the page is just wrong or if the pot gift changed the amount but there were 4 ritual pots in jarburg.

            • Anonymous

              from the 1.07 patch notes: "Fixed a bug that prevented users from obtaining items such as Great Runes, Crystal Tears, Cracked Pots, and Ritual Pots when the number of items in the inventory and the storage had reached the maximum limit"
              someone check if we can now get more pots

              • Anonymous

                The Ariza Side Tomb directions are fine. I swear some players not only want a guide but want someone to play if for them too

                • Anonymous

                  It’s not there. I’ve currently only got 7 ritual pots. I checked the whole catacomb for the pot and didn’t find it

                  • Anonymous

                    Who writes these things????

                    “open the chest in the secret room trap chest.” the **** is that supposed to mean???

                    • Anonymous

                      Not sure how, but I have 10 Ritual pots (NG only), and I haven't even entered the Giants Mountaintop Catacomb. I am a completionist and did everything except Shaded Castle (which I am doing currently) before entering Lift of Rold. And I have 10 Ritual pots, 20 Cracked pots, 9 perfume bottles (10th picked up just now from Shaded Caste). I think there were 3 Ritual pots in Azura's Side Tomb. I wonder if I can get the 11th from the Giants Mountaintop Catacomb (unlikely, if there is a hard limit of 10).

                      • Anonymous

                        There is a 3rd one in the azura side tomb. This level is way to confusing to describe it from memory. With the 8 listed here I was able to get to 9. Dedicated wiki completionists should bring a fresh character here and explore it carefully

                        • Anonymous

                          I have 8. I hadn’t explored the Giants Catacombs area yet. I ran through the place for half an hour, looked up a video, found nothing. Still have 8 Neat.

                          • Anonymous

                            If anyone like me was on 9 wondering where the last one is, check Laskyar Ruins since I don't believe I would have missed it. It was probably patched in sometime.

                            • Anonymous

                              The directions for the Auriza Side Tomb pots are so terrible here I recommend just looking up a video. However, I will put in some hopefully far more useful directions in this comment:

                              Continue along the dungeon until you come to a open, church-like area past a small area covered in water. On the left side, an illusory wall can be revealed to show another treasure chest guarded by two exploding jar warriors. Open this chest, it will teleport you to a walkway above the church. Immediately jump back down and reopen the same treasure chest, it will teleport you to an identical looking area that is actually new. Do not jump down this time but continue along and find a ladder to your left. Climb it, open the treasure chest at the top which will teleport you again.

                              From here, continue into the room straight ahead (there is a pillar in front of you, but going around that should put you 'straight' ahead of where you teleported in). This room will have a large jar warrior and the first ritual pot. From this area, turn around and head left to find an open window (in the south west area corner of the room the pillar is in). Jump out the window and immediately turn around and go up the stairs, where another large jar warrior waits along with the second ritual pot.

                              Perhaps a wordy explanation but I hope it at least helps someone more than the vague one currently on here. I don't have an account registered to edit and can't really be bothered

                              • Anonymous

                                Btw I couldnt find the exact location online because I guess it bugged out if your character was made before a certain patch, but in Giants Mountains Catacombs its on the back wall of a room with a big living jar enemy if you basically just keep running straight through the catacombs after taking the 2 normal elevators down and past the exploding jar enemy part with guillotines. If you cant find it, its probably bugged for that character and will be in Laskyar Ruins from what I can tell from the comments here

                                • Anonymous

                                  tbh easiest way to grab 2 from auriza side tomb is take the fake wall chest twice, aka it tps you up, jump down and take it again. run to the ladder where the lever should be and take that tp chest. run to where the site of grace / exit should be and theres the 1st one (2nd one listed on wiki), turn around go down the stairs and jump through the window on the left. Turn around and you will see the 2nd ritual pot (1st listed on wiki) infront of a big pot enemy.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Ok so for those that are confused on the Auriza side tomb's ritual pots. You need to enter the bonus chest that is hidden by false wall twice! So you enter it. Kill the gargoyles check the left you'll see stairs at first but if you fall down and enter the same chest you get sent to the same area except there are 2 gargoyles again! Take the left and you will find stairs!

                                    • Anonymous

                                      if you're at 9/10 and can't find the last one, go to laskar ruins and get the ritual pot there. after the update they seem to have added one there. It's where I found my 10th one on NG+, and I had already collected that one as well in my previous game.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Picking up the laskyar pot or the giants catacombs pot makes the other despawn which caused people to only pick up 9. Made a new character and didnt pick either up. The moment i picked up the giants catacombs ritual pot up the laskyar one despawned and vice versa. Patched in update I believe as I made a new character and raced through the game and finally got 10/10. However still missing on pre patch characters sadly.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I have a game with 10 ritual pots in NG+. I'm unsure if it's due to NG+ or today's patch v1.03. What I did was get the 9 that are listed in the wiki and tried to find the 10th in the giants mountaintop catacombs. Then I started NG+. I checked the academy, it wasn't there. I checked the Liurnia of the Lakes location, it was there.

                                          This could have been due to v1.03 patch today fixing something. Or, it could be that NG+ did something to the way that the pots are flagged as "collected". Either way, I have 10 ritual pots: https://imgur.com/a/LvyMDW5

                                          • Anonymous

                                            ATTENTION: CHECK LASKYAR RUINS AGAIN IF YOU WERE 9/10 PRE PATCH. my previous laskyar and catacombs assumptions were correct since i found the final pot at laskyar ruins on characters that had 9/10 and already picked it up from there. Did 4 runs pre patch trying to find the problem and once i did, like an incantation they patched it :)

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Like many others, stuck at 9/10 pots with the 10th pot at giant's mountaintop catacombs not spawning. For me, I had 7/10 when I cleared the catacombs before beating the Fire Giant (got the two at Jarburg afterwards).

                                              • Anonymous

                                                anyone else with 9/10 ritual pots cant find the last one in the giants mountaintop catacombs? i have a feeling its glitched.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  game is bugged where it aint showing up in the catacombs. trust me go there with a different character that aint collecting ritual pots, it will be there

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    game is bugged where it aint showing up in the catacombs. trust me go there with a different character that aint collecting ritual pots, it will be there

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Like many others, the 10th pot in mountaintop catacomb doesn't show up for me either. I cleared this place before killing Fire Giant.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        At this rate im 99% sure ritual pots are bugged to automatically despawn the moment someone obtains 9 of them

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          has anyone actually obtained 10/10 ritual pots? From what i'm gathering from the community, it seems that either one of the pot locations despawns for players the moment they obtain 9 of them or players pick up all 10 ritual pots but one of them do not register into the game.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            has anyone actually obtained 10/10 ritual pots? From what i'm gathering from the community, it seems that either one of the pot locations despawns for players the moment they obtain 9 of them or players pick up all 10 ritual pots but one of them do not register into the game.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Was present in Giants Mountaintop catacombs on my magic character but on my pot boy run was not there. Only difference I believe between the two is fire giant and foreskin duo were defeated on magic one.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                The final ritual pot is found in giants mountaintop catacombs near a dead end with a big jar warrior. However it was not present in my world. Quest based perhaps?

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  dang im stuck at 8 ritual pots and 18 cracked pots, ive been scrambling everywhere trying to figure out which place im lacking Dx

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Took me awhile to realise that the more of these types of items you have in your inventory the higher capacity of crafted pots/perfume crafted items you can hold in your inventory at once.

                                                                    In a single playthrough I've managed to find 20/20 Cracked Pots, 10/10 Perfume Bottles but only 9/10 Ritual Pots and I'm scrambling everywhere to find one more, if it even exists.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      subterranian shunning grounds. next to a big jar enemy, next to the elevetor that leads to forsaken depths grace.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        I believe Auriza Side Tomb in Altus Plateau has one in their dungeons along with those 4 regular cracked pots. Needs confirmation.

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