Rold Medallion

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Type Key Item
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Operates Grand Lift of Rold

Rold Medallion is a Key Item in Elden Ring. Rold Medallion activates the Grand Lift of Rold, connecting Leyndell to the Mountaintops of the Giants. Key Items in Elden Ring include a wide variety of items found in specific locations or are given by a related NPCs which are used to unlock areas, quests, and to further progress the game's story.


Conjoined split medallion depicting the Flame Peak.

Brandishing the medallion activates the Grand Lift of Rold, connecting Leyndell to the Mountaintops of the Giants.

The forge of the flame of ruin is said to be found upon their peaks, and it is here Melina wishes to travel in resuming your journey together.


Where to find Rold Medallion in Elden Ring

Where to find Rold Medallion:

  • Given by Melina after you defeat Morgott, The Omen King. Talk to her in the Site of Grace on the battlefield, after failing to enter the Erdtree. Once you do, she will give it to you. [Map Link]


Elden Ring Rold Medallion Use

Rold Medallion can be used to activate the Grand Lift of Rold, connecting Leyndell to the Mountaintops of the Giants.


Elden Ring Rold Medallion Notes & Tips

  • Notes & Tips go here


Elden Ring Key Items
Abandoned Merchant's Bell Bearing  ♦  Academy Glintstone Key  ♦  Academy Scroll  ♦  Alexander's Innards  ♦  Amber Draught  ♦  Amber Starlight  ♦  Ancestral Infant's Head  ♦  Ancient Dragon Prayerbook  ♦  Asimi's Husk  ♦  Asimi, Silver Tear  ♦  Assassin's Prayerbook  ♦  Beast Eye  ♦  Bernahl's Bell Bearing  ♦  Black Knifeprint  ♦  Black Whetblade  ♦  Blackguard's Bell Bearing  ♦  Bone Peddler's Bell Bearing  ♦  Burial Crow's Letter  ♦  Carian Inverted Statue  ♦  Celestial Dew  ♦  Chrysalids' Memento  ♦  Conspectus Scroll  ♦  Corhyn's Bell Bearing  ♦  Cracked Pot  ♦  Crafting Kit  ♦  Cursemark of Death  ♦  D's Bell Bearing  ♦  Dancer's Castanets  ♦  Dark Moon Ring  ♦  Deathroot  ♦  Dectus Medallion (Left)  ♦  Dectus Medallion (Right)  ♦  Discarded Palace Key  ♦  Dragon Cult Prayerbook  ♦  Dragon Heart  ♦  Drawing-Room Key  ♦  Erdtree Codex  ♦  Faith-knot Crystal Tear  ♦  Fingerprint Grape  ♦  Fingerslayer Blade  ♦  Fire Monks' Prayerbook  ♦  Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Giant's Prayerbook  ♦  Glintstone Whetblade  ♦  Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Godrick's Great Rune  ♦  Godskin Prayerbook  ♦  Gold Sewing Needle  ♦  Golden Order Principia  ♦  Golden Tailoring Tools  ♦  Gostoc's Bell Bearing  ♦  Gowry's Bell Bearing  ♦  Gravity Stone Peddler's Bell Bearing  ♦  Great Rune of the Unborn  ♦  Greenspill Crystal Tear  ♦  Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left)  ♦  Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right)  ♦  Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Host's Trick-Mirror  ♦  Iji's Bell Bearing  ♦  Iji's Confession  ♦  Imbued Sword Key  ♦  Imprisoned Merchant's Bell Bearing  ♦  Irina's Letter  ♦  Iron Whetblade  ♦  Isolated Merchant's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Isolated Merchant's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Kale's Bell Bearing  ♦  Lantern  ♦  Larval Tear  ♦  Leaden Hardtear  ♦  Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Lord of Blood's Favor  ♦  Lost Ashes of War  ♦  Lucent Baldachin's Blessing  ♦  Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Map (Ainsel River)  ♦  Map (Caelid)  ♦  Map (Consecrated Snowfield)  ♦  Map (Deeproot Depths)  ♦  Map (Dragonbarrow)  ♦  Map (Lake of Rot)  ♦  Map (Leyndell, Royal Capital)  ♦  Map (Limgrave, East)  ♦  Map (Limgrave, West)  ♦  Map (Liurnia, East)  ♦  Map (Liurnia, North)  ♦  Map (Liurnia, West)  ♦  Map (Mohgwyn Palace)  ♦  Map (Mountaintops of The Giants, East)  ♦  Map (Mountaintops of The Giants, West)  ♦  Map (Mt. Gelmir)  ♦  Map (Siofra River)  ♦  Map (Weeping Peninsula)  ♦  Map: Liurnia, North  ♦  Meat Peddler's Bell Bearing  ♦  Medicine Peddler's Bell Bearing  ♦  Meeting Place Map  ♦  Memory of Grace  ♦  Memory Stone  ♦  Mimic's Veil  ♦  Miniature Ranni  ♦  Mirage Riddle  ♦  Miriel's Bell Bearing  ♦  Mohg's Great Rune  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (10)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (11)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (4)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (5)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (6)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (7)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (8)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (9)  ♦  Note (Flask of Wondrous Physick)  ♦  Note (Land Squirts)  ♦  Note (Stonedigger Trolls)  ♦  Note (Waypoint Ruins)  ♦  Patches' Bell Bearing  ♦  Perfume Bottle  ♦  Pidia's Bell Bearing  ♦  Prattling Pate Apologies  ♦  Prattling Pate Hello  ♦  Prattling Pate Thank you  ♦  Radahn's Great Rune  ♦  Red-Hot Whetblade  ♦  Ritual Pot  ♦  Rogier's Bell Bearing  ♦  Royal House Scroll  ♦  Ruptured Crystal Tear  ♦  Rusty Key  ♦  Rya's Necklace  ♦  Sanctified Whetblade  ♦  Seedbed Curse  ♦  Sellen's Bell Bearing  ♦  Sellen's Primal Glintstone  ♦  Sellian Sealbreaker  ♦  Seluvis's Bell Bearing  ♦  Seluvis's Introduction  ♦  Seluvis's Potion  ♦  Serpent's Amnion  ♦  Sewer-Gaol Key  ♦  Sewing Needle  ♦  Shabriri Grape  ♦  Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (4)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (4)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (5)  ♦  Spectral Steed Whistle  ♦  Spirit Calling Bell  ♦  Stonesword Key  ♦  Tailoring Tools  ♦  Talisman Pouch  ♦  Telescope  ♦  The Stormhawk King  ♦  Thops's Bell Bearing  ♦  Tonic of Forgetfulness  ♦  Torch  ♦  Twiggy Cracked Tear  ♦  Two Fingers' Prayerbook  ♦  Two Fingers Prayerbook  ♦  Unalloyed Gold Needle  ♦  Valkyrie's Prosthesis  ♦  Volcano Manor Invitation  ♦  Weathered Dagger  ♦  Whetstone Knife  ♦  Winged Crystal Tear

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    • Anonymous

      for some reason I had a weird dream at the beginning of my elden ring exploration, something about the rold lift not being functional and players not understanding what its purpose is.. so for quite a while, I was trying to find a way around it, just like how you can go around the Dectus lift my going through the ruin-strewn precipice, because something was telling me that, during my completionist playthrough, I'd be missing out on questlines if I went ahead too early

      actually no idea why I'm even writing this down, but not many games gave me this reverse epiphany where I somehow believed a made up dream of mine without realizing that it was a dream, only to be mandela effect'd not much after lmao

      • Anonymous

        I wonder why make two lift (Dectus and Rold) instead of the second only.
        Dectus lift medallion it's hard to complete at the level that you need It and It just makes you skip an easy area that you want to do anyway for materiale and rewards (needed also for Volcano Manor quest)
        So put only Rold lift and find the medallion the same way you actually find the Dectus one, instead of receiving randomly a medallion from Melina

        • Anonymous

          I didn’t get the told medallion when I talked to her after defeating Margot. How do I summon her again ?

          • Anonymous

            Now I have a curious doubt: If you defeat Morgott, don't talk to Melina, and directly go to the Frenzied Flame, then will you be blocked from finishing the game alltogether?

            • Anonymous

              So if you never accept her accord and beat morgott, does she still appear to give you the medallion? I'm curious but not good enough to get through the game without horse and levelups.

              • Anonymous

                so, I didn't get one. She appeared post-bossfight, we had the dialoque, I may have skipped through some of it, and then she disappeared. I got to the Rold lift, and couldn't interact with it. She won't appear at the site of grace again, no matter how many times I restart and probe the roots of the erd tree.
                I haven't used any exploits, just played the game.

                • Anonymous

                  What happens if you touch the three fingers before beating Morgott, does Melina still appears or you can't get the medallion?

                  • Anonymous

                    I used a skip to get to crumbling azula early and decided later on to finish that first and see what happends. Since defeating Maliketh changes the world state and replaces Morgott with Hoarox Loux I think I just locked myself out of getting to the mountaintop of Giants....

                    • Anonymous

                      I feel like they originally meant for this to also be split but they cut it. It makes no sense to be handed it as a reward for beating Morgott and for Morgott to seal the path to using it at the same time because it's redundant.

                      My guess is that you would've found one half in Shaded Castle, and the other half in Fort Laeidd on Mt Gelmir, in the chest that's now mysteriously empty.

                      • Anonymous

                        So I wrong warped to Farm Azula in journey 4, but since I never beat Margot I have to go to Journey 5 if I want to gain access to everything up north

                        • Anonymous

                          If you were to get burned by the three fingers before beating Morgott, would Melina still give you the medallion or would you get it from someone else?

                          • Anonymous

                            If you were to get burned by the three fingers before beating Morgott, would Melina still give you the medallion or would you get it from someone else?

                            • Anonymous

                              Why do they give you this item if you have the Right part of the Haligtree Secret Medallion at this point? makes no sense to me

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