Academy Glintstone Key

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Type Key Item
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Key to open the academy's two sealed gates

Academy Glintstone Key is a Key Item in Elden Ring. Academy Glintstone Key is used to open the academy's two sealed gates. Key Items in Elden Ring include a wide variety of items found in specific locations or are given by a related NPCs which are used to unlock areas, quests, and to further progress the game's story.


Key to the seals binding both gates to the Academy of Raya Lucaria.

Activates warp magic bound within the seals.

A glintstone key will remember its user, meaning once used it can never be passed on to another. The academy does not welcome the indolent.


Where to find Academy Glintstone Key in Elden Ring

You can find two of this key. Video Location

1. Location: Liurnia of the Lakes, south from Crystalline Woods site of grace, behind Glintstone Dragon Smarag. See it on the map here

2. Location: Raya Lucaria Academy, looted off a corpse located on a chandelier hanging on the Church of the Cuckoo's ceiling. To reach the ceiling, you can start from the Debate Parlor Site of Grace. Head out the door right in front of you and up the slope/destroyed staircase on your left.

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Continue on and, just before the shortcut where the 2 sorcerers are standing, turn left to face some stairs, then jump over the railing to reach them.

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Walk to the top of the stairs and turn left, jumping down again onto a rooftop.

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If you continue on over the rooftops, until you find a ladder.













Climb up the ladder and you'll reach a pathway guarded by a Glinstone Sorcerer at the end. Defeat him, then pass around the building on the right-hand side.

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Following the ledge along the right of the building, if you look down, you'll see another rooftop that you can jump down to.

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Jump down onto it, then proceed until you can jump down onto the next one.

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Once you've gotten down onto the second one, turn left (going West), and confirm you see an enemy with its back to a building. This is where you want to end up -- so to get here, you'll have to drop down two more levels.

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Reach the enemy's location, and after defeating him, look down on the left side (so to it's right)  to where there is a small ledge (not a rooftop!) for you to jump down to.

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After jumping down onto the ledge, you should see a relatively large cathedral in front of you. You'll notice an enemy walks along its sloped roof, patrolling. Along the roof are several windows. One of these is open, which will allow you to gain access into the building. Proceed along the ledge, then jump to the roof where the enemy is.

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Walk along the roof until you reach the first open window. Jump over it and you'll land on some rafters. Looking to your lower left, you'll see chandeliers hanging from the rafters. The first one (closest to you), will have  corpose on it, with some loot.

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From here, you can simply walk along the rafters to where the chandelier is,  and then drop down onto the chandelier to pick up the key.

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 [Map Coordinates]


Elden Ring Academy Glintstone Key Use


Elden Ring Academy Glintstone Key Notes & Tips

  • If you are at the door (with the key) and it still won't open, try stepping backwards about 1 meter.
  • The first key found outside the Academy can also be offered to Thops before use, but he will politely refuse.


Elden Ring Key Items
Abandoned Merchant's Bell Bearing  ♦  Academy Scroll  ♦  Alexander's Innards  ♦  Amber Draught  ♦  Amber Starlight  ♦  Ancestral Infant's Head  ♦  Ancient Dragon Prayerbook  ♦  Asimi's Husk  ♦  Asimi, Silver Tear  ♦  Assassin's Prayerbook  ♦  Beast Eye  ♦  Bernahl's Bell Bearing  ♦  Black Knifeprint  ♦  Black Whetblade  ♦  Blackguard's Bell Bearing  ♦  Bone Peddler's Bell Bearing  ♦  Burial Crow's Letter  ♦  Carian Inverted Statue  ♦  Celestial Dew  ♦  Chrysalids' Memento  ♦  Conspectus Scroll  ♦  Corhyn's Bell Bearing  ♦  Cracked Pot  ♦  Crafting Kit  ♦  Cursemark of Death  ♦  D's Bell Bearing  ♦  Dancer's Castanets  ♦  Dark Moon Ring  ♦  Deathroot  ♦  Dectus Medallion (Left)  ♦  Dectus Medallion (Right)  ♦  Discarded Palace Key  ♦  Dragon Cult Prayerbook  ♦  Dragon Heart  ♦  Drawing-Room Key  ♦  Erdtree Codex  ♦  Faith-knot Crystal Tear  ♦  Fingerprint Grape  ♦  Fingerslayer Blade  ♦  Fire Monks' Prayerbook  ♦  Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Giant's Prayerbook  ♦  Glintstone Whetblade  ♦  Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Godrick's Great Rune  ♦  Godskin Prayerbook  ♦  Gold Sewing Needle  ♦  Golden Order Principia  ♦  Golden Tailoring Tools  ♦  Gostoc's Bell Bearing  ♦  Gowry's Bell Bearing  ♦  Gravity Stone Peddler's Bell Bearing  ♦  Great Rune of the Unborn  ♦  Greenspill Crystal Tear  ♦  Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left)  ♦  Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right)  ♦  Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Host's Trick-Mirror  ♦  Iji's Bell Bearing  ♦  Iji's Confession  ♦  Imbued Sword Key  ♦  Imprisoned Merchant's Bell Bearing  ♦  Irina's Letter  ♦  Iron Whetblade  ♦  Isolated Merchant's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Isolated Merchant's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Kale's Bell Bearing  ♦  Lantern  ♦  Larval Tear  ♦  Leaden Hardtear  ♦  Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Lord of Blood's Favor  ♦  Lost Ashes of War  ♦  Lucent Baldachin's Blessing  ♦  Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Map (Ainsel River)  ♦  Map (Caelid)  ♦  Map (Consecrated Snowfield)  ♦  Map (Deeproot Depths)  ♦  Map (Dragonbarrow)  ♦  Map (Lake of Rot)  ♦  Map (Leyndell, Royal Capital)  ♦  Map (Limgrave, East)  ♦  Map (Limgrave, West)  ♦  Map (Liurnia, East)  ♦  Map (Liurnia, North)  ♦  Map (Liurnia, West)  ♦  Map (Mohgwyn Palace)  ♦  Map (Mountaintops of The Giants, East)  ♦  Map (Mountaintops of The Giants, West)  ♦  Map (Mt. Gelmir)  ♦  Map (Siofra River)  ♦  Map (Weeping Peninsula)  ♦  Map: Liurnia, North  ♦  Meat Peddler's Bell Bearing  ♦  Medicine Peddler's Bell Bearing  ♦  Meeting Place Map  ♦  Memory of Grace  ♦  Memory Stone  ♦  Mimic's Veil  ♦  Miniature Ranni  ♦  Mirage Riddle  ♦  Miriel's Bell Bearing  ♦  Mohg's Great Rune  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (10)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (11)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (4)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (5)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (6)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (7)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (8)  ♦  Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (9)  ♦  Note (Flask of Wondrous Physick)  ♦  Note (Land Squirts)  ♦  Note (Stonedigger Trolls)  ♦  Note (Waypoint Ruins)  ♦  Patches' Bell Bearing  ♦  Perfume Bottle  ♦  Pidia's Bell Bearing  ♦  Prattling Pate Apologies  ♦  Prattling Pate Hello  ♦  Prattling Pate Thank you  ♦  Radahn's Great Rune  ♦  Red-Hot Whetblade  ♦  Ritual Pot  ♦  Rogier's Bell Bearing  ♦  Rold Medallion  ♦  Royal House Scroll  ♦  Ruptured Crystal Tear  ♦  Rusty Key  ♦  Rya's Necklace  ♦  Sanctified Whetblade  ♦  Seedbed Curse  ♦  Sellen's Bell Bearing  ♦  Sellen's Primal Glintstone  ♦  Sellian Sealbreaker  ♦  Seluvis's Bell Bearing  ♦  Seluvis's Introduction  ♦  Seluvis's Potion  ♦  Serpent's Amnion  ♦  Sewer-Gaol Key  ♦  Sewing Needle  ♦  Shabriri Grape  ♦  Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (4)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (1)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (2)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (3)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (4)  ♦  Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing (5)  ♦  Spectral Steed Whistle  ♦  Spirit Calling Bell  ♦  Stonesword Key  ♦  Tailoring Tools  ♦  Talisman Pouch  ♦  Telescope  ♦  The Stormhawk King  ♦  Thops's Bell Bearing  ♦  Tonic of Forgetfulness  ♦  Torch  ♦  Twiggy Cracked Tear  ♦  Two Fingers' Prayerbook  ♦  Two Fingers Prayerbook  ♦  Unalloyed Gold Needle  ♦  Valkyrie's Prosthesis  ♦  Volcano Manor Invitation  ♦  Weathered Dagger  ♦  Whetstone Knife  ♦  Winged Crystal Tear

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    • That is one convoluted, hard to find hidden item for such a minor "quest" that doesn't even go beyond this since he instantly dies after getting back into the school lmfao

      • Anonymous

        I don’t know if this is just a fever dream I had but I remember on the 1.00 ver when I went to pick up the academy glinstone key I got a “Cuckoo glinstone key” but I can’t fin anything about it whatsoever. the key looked like a lump of bright blue glinstone roughly forced into a key shape. and I specifically remember finding the regular academy key in the academy and being like “wtf why does thops get the nice one”, can someone confirm that this existed once or am I just insane

        • Anonymous

          one of these doesn't actually function to open the gate, so if you're like me and are doing a randomizer run, picked this up, but still can't get in; you need to find a second copy.

          • Anonymous

            just got both academy glint stone keys, they are different items of the same name with different flavor text, both share "Key to the seals binding both gates to the Academy of Raya Lucaria. " and "Activates warp magic bound within the seals." the difference is one one found outside the academy guarded by a dragon says "A glintstone key will remember its user, meaning once used it can never be passed on to another. The academy does not welcome the indolent.", while on the one you find find inside the academy it says "this glintstone key is still brand new, unused by anyone." which also explains which is given to thops and why we can give our 1st key to let thops in. (tldr: flavor text says so). also they are in two different key item catagories, one is in the our keys section of key items (section 4 when sorted by item type ascending), the other is in stuff to give npcs (section 5 when sorted by item type ascending).

            • Anonymous

              so if i have the grace inside the academy do i need to keep an academy glintsone key or can i give the dragon one to thops before finding the 2nd key and the use the grace to get back inside?

              • Anonymous

                does the game do much to guide the player to find the glintstone key? You walk up to the locked door and it says you need a key but are there other clues that point you in the right direction? Asking because I had to look this up to proceed in the game. Trying to understand if I missed something important.

                • Anonymous

                  i accidently killed Thops before i gave him the key and he does not respawn upon asking for absolution in the Curch of Vows, now i can't get the emote from him, which unlocks the converted tower in the east of limgrave. Maybe a bug? He should respawn i guess. if he is the only dead NPC you can't ask for absolution either, so maybe there is somehting wrong there.

                  • Anonymous

                    what's the second gate in the academy? i have the second key but don't know where to use it. don't want to waste it on the npc since i don't care about spells and stuff.

                    • Anonymous

                      what's the second gate in the academy? i have the second key but don't know where to use it. don't want to waste it on the npc since i don't care about spells and stuff.

                      • Anonymous

                        What happens if you accidentally used both keys for both doors/entrance seals..... am I f'd for Thops' quest? I'm a 78 astrologer lmao and I just found out bout the spells

                        • Anonymous

                          Two gates? I used the key I stole from the dragon to enter the academy and have no idea what to do with the one I found on the chandelier.

                          • Anonymous

                            Do i need 2 Glintstones for the Academy Gate or just 1 ? while the other i could give to Thops for an improved Staff... I just defeated Godrick and some minor Bosses in caves just outside and immediately near the 1st Grace Site in Liurnia of Lakes. A tip would be good thanks.

                            • Anonymous

                              So you need the first key to get the second. What happens if you give the first key to Thop? Are you just never able to enter the Academy?

                              • Anonymous

                                Some clarity on the second one:
                                To find it, start from the debate parlor. Head out the door right in front of you and up the slope/destroyed staircase. Continue on and, just before the shortcut where the 2 sorcerers are standing, jump down. Walk to the top of the stairs and turn left, jumping down again.

                                If you continue on over the rooftops, eventually you'll get to an open set of windows. Climb in, jump onto the rafters, and then to the chandelier with the blue tinged item on a corpse; that's the second key.

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