Amber Draught

amber draught elden ring wiki guide
Type Key Item
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Glistening amber draught made for a scheme

Amber Draught is a Key Item in Elden Ring.


Small flask received from Preceptor Seluvis containing a gleaming amber draught for use in a scheme.

"Give it to Ranni and ensure she drinks it. And we'll be in a position to claim the very finest puppet ever crafted."


Where to find Amber Draught in Elden Ring


Elden Ring Amber Draught Use

Amber Draught can be given to Ranni the Witch to progress in Preceptor Seluvis' questline.


Elden Ring Amber Draught Notes & Tips

  • Notes & Tips go here.


Elden Ring Key Items
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    • Anonymous

      I was thinking it would be interesting if this item has a second secret use, like Seluvis Potion or the Tonic of Forgetfulness. Maybe in the DLC we can trick / force a defeated demi God into drinking it to gain a new item or alter a story progression

      • Anonymous

        I have a issue with this item & quest. When you receive his original potion it states "Find Nepheli, and ensure she drinks it." But you can give it to dungeater for a puppet or or Gideon for nothing.

        When you receive this amber potion, it states "Give it to Ranni and ensure she drinks it" but you cannot give it to anyone else.

        That's just poor game design. Don't alow us a cool secret, then in the next instances, set our expectations up for something wonderful and never deliver on it.

        Why I cannot give this to Renalla, Shabriri, miqualla (on his egg) or Malenia (whilst she's napping on the chair) is just poor, giving it to Marika could have led to "the age of control"... Anything. What a waste of a such a cool premise.
        A potion that can Co trop the fates of God's. Might as well be a diet coke.

        • Anonymous

          does this carry over to ng+? i want to have both of seluvis' potions but you need to use the first one to progress his quest enough to get this one

          • Anonymous

            Honestly it kinda lame how seluvis' questline doesn't go anywhere. Would have been cool to have a "bad ending" for Ranni's quest

            • Anonymous

              Very confused about why this questline just kind of putters out like this. Wonder if part of it was cut or if it was meant to be a dead end like this.

              • Anonymous

                I was thinking one of the only demi-gods you get to talk to is morgot once he's defeated. Unfortunately you cannot give it to him.

                • Anonymous

                  Radagon cleansed himself with the Celestial Dew and marries Rennala. The tarnished too cleanses themselves and becomes Ranni's consort. Huh... History loves to repeat itself.

                  • Anonymous

                    I wish it did anything else like how the other potion has another use (on dung eater) and the tonic of forgetfulness is at least acknowledged again in Brother Corhyns questline even though he doesn't accept it. Wishful thinking but it would be cool if it had some obscure use in a DLC, if one ever comes out.

                    • Anonymous

                      Lol, it's literally just a jar of pee. It's an old running joke in this little wizard tower trailer park! Everybody's bored and gossipy and jealous. Selvis can see Ranni's trailer out his window and whenever some Tarnished is driving up he'll right away, go get a jar and pee in it, and try to trick them into taking it back to Ranni's. She's not even mad at the Tarnished (she's never fallen for it -- it's so stupidly obvious when you open it), she just thinks it requires correction

                      • Anonymous

                        If you back out of the dialogue option or just get the "..." response you need to cycle the choice (Switch action) from "talk" to "administer draught". This can be done with left/right on the d-pad or whatever PC keybinds are prompted.

                        • Anonymous

                          I wanna chug this in front of Seluvis and see how he reacts. becoming a puppet is a small price to pay to ruin his life's work

                          • Anonymous

                            Give to Gideon Ofnir, he will talk about Seluvis and tell you to lie to Seluvis, he also takes the draught.

                            • Anonymous

                              Checked malenia and miquella, no option for either. Basically I grabbed the amber draught ASAP and ran through all the NPC quests I could think of throughout the game. Beat radagon, malenia and mogh. Kept selvius alive but I did use the blue drink on dung eater. Didn't find anywhere I could use the amber drink, so the only thing it does is make Ranni mad

                              • Anonymous

                                Can't give it to sleeping Ranni. Just get "..." dialogue from her.. Am i supposed to just "use" it from inventory?

                                • Anonymous

                                  Semi useless. Only good if you want to kill "Seluvis" earlier without "Ranni" questline for his clothes and extra puppet.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Ohh right, the potion! The potion for Ranni, the potion chosen especially to kill Ranni, Ranni's potion.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Please from I hate ranni so much let me torment her, she doesn't deserve to walk around free after what she did to godwyn

                                      • Just in case anyone’s curious about what this does, you can’t actually give it to Ranni. She won’t drink it. She’ll just say she’s disappointed and call you worthless. If you talk to her again two more times, she’ll kill you and disappear. She also kills Seluvis. That’s all.

                                        If you just want the item in your inventory, you could just give Seluvis the amber, he’ll make the drink, and ask you to give it to Ranni. You could just skip giving it to her and pick the other dialogue that progresses her quest.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Hold on guys, I think this is the Pendant of this game. Don’t think too much into it since Miyazaki is likely trolling us with a seemingly very important item doing nothing

                                          • Anonymous

                                            can you give it to sellia when she is imprissoned and asks you to get her soul to the puppet on sellivus room?

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Soooooooo for anyone who is gets this item USE IT, complete seluvis questline and find his ass dead, hell even talk to ranni the three times for the death. Then make a trip to the church of absolution to use that celestial dew that noone can figure out how to use, and reset her relationship so you can finish her quest as well ur welcome

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