
lantern elden ring wiki guide 200px
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Attach to waist to illuminate surroundings

Lantern is a Tool in Elden Ring. Lantern can be attaching to the waist of the player to illuminate surroundings. It has the advantage of freeing up the user's hands. Tools are unique, reusable items which assist the player during various facets of gameplay ranging from basic communication to assisting in boss encounters.


A small waist-worn lantern that illuminates surroundings.

Use once to turn on, and again to turn off.

While its light is dimmer than that of a torch, it has the advantage of freeing up the user's hands.


Where to find Lantern in Elden Ring


Elden Ring Lantern Use

Lantern can be attached to the hip to illuminate your surroundings.


Elden Ring Lantern Notes & Tips

  • Unlike Torches, the Lantern can be equipped to illuminate your surroundings without being wielded in one of your hands.
  • Notes & Tips go here


Elden Ring Key Items
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    • Anonymous

      If only I could wear two, hold two torches and cast the light spell, then I could be so grossly incandescent.

      • Anonymous

        I'm a 100% completionist and after nearly 300 hours of the game I can confirm IMHO this is one of the single most useful items in the game. So far lol who knows what's next. been on my belt ready to go the whole time since i got it nearly 6 months ago. praise the lantern [T]/

        • Anyone else having a glitch where the Lantern turns off when you use the first person aiming with a bow? Using the Black Bow and it's happening. Just turns off whilest in the aiming mode.

          • Anonymous

            Unpopular opinion: this should occupy a talisman slot, it's too good as a toggle-able item and removes the need for all of the torches excluding the sentry/beast repellant in certain circumstances. As a talisman slot it would make you consider using a torch in your offhand for dark areas if you really needed the slot

            • Anonymous

              This is cool and all but basically removes the concept of dark areas from the game. The idea of needing to bring a torch or spell to light up dark caves is really cool, but this outclasses them so thoroughly it's like From might as well not have bothered making unlit areas

              • Anonymous

                The price is surely reference to hollow knight as there the price of lumafly lantern, item that does the exact same thing, cost also 1800

                • Anonymous

                  Such a great tool. Open a smooth music, get into a cave and enjoy the ambience. Wish Kale had one to sell too.

                  • Anonymous

                    Legit don't even bother with torches because of this thing. Can get one early too if you know where to go.

                    Kinda wish torches would be buffed, maybe let them get certain Ashes of War like the Flame spit attack, and some extra damage overall couldn't hurt. Otherwise this one little item invalidates their entire existence.

                    • Anonymous

                      Kinda sad that I have to put this back on every time I warp, but I understand it from a game mechanic sense. It doesn't go in the talisman slot as a permanent "buff" (and thank the Order for that), but it also doesn't go in the armor slots. It's a reusable item. No sense in making a reusable item stick to the character in a permanent way, right? Right, From?

                      • Anonymous

                        Overrated item. I always carry a torch for better light radius and because exploring caves with a torch is just better rp. Don't need both hands to get rid of trash minions anyway.

                        • One of the best parts of Bloodborne, now 16 times brighter! Actually good enough to make torches obsolete, but annoying to have to reset after fast traveling or dying (with the former not being the case in Bloodborne).

                          As for easy access, I put this in one of my extra two pouch slots (the ones that aren't accessible with the D-pad) beside my favourite spirit summon. Just press Start and a few D-pad buttons to instantly illuminate!

                          • Anonymous

                            most important item in the entire game. Get this, put it in your pouch, and throw your torches in the garbage

                            • Anonymous

                              How to become grossly incandescent:
                              Step 1: Turn on lantern
                              Step 2: Equip torchpole in right hand
                              Step 3: Equip torch of your liking in left hand
                              Step 4(optional): Cast Starlight spell
                              Congratulations, now everyone for miles around can see you!

                              • Anonymous

                                Does someone know what's the difference beetwen having only one lanter or having two?
                                Can you equip both of them at the same time?
                                I already purchased the first but i was wondering if getting another one would make sense

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