Daedicar's Woe

daedicars woe talisman elden ring wiki guide 200px
Weight 0.8
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
status effect 6 elden ring wiki guide 44px Doubles damage taken

Daedicar's Woe is a Talisman in Elden Ring. Daedicar's Woe doubles damage taken. Players can use talismans in Elden Ring to boost a variety of Stats.


Disturbing likeness of a woman whose skin was flayed.
She smiles with a serene tenderness.

Increases damage taken.

It is said that this woman, named Daedicar, indulged in every form of adultery and wicked pleasure imaginable, giving birth to a myriad of grotesque children.


Daedicar's Woe Effect in Elden Ring

Daedicar's Woe doubles damage taken.

  • Damage Negation -100%


Where to find Daedicar's Woe in Elden Ring

  • Received at the end of Rya's quest. Rya will still drop the talisman even if you gave her the Tonic of Forgetfulness: after completing the manor questlines, she'll be in the drawing room. Exhaust her dialogues, rest, and go back to her location. She will be gone, and the talisman will be dropped on the floor.
  • Video Location


Elden Ring Daedicar's Woe Notes & Tips

  • Sell value: runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 500
  • The description of this item was fixed with Patch 1.041: "Daedica" was changed to "Daedicar"


Elden Ring Talismans
Ancestral Spirit's Horn  ♦  Arrow's Reach Talisman  ♦  Arrow's Sting Talisman  ♦  Arsenal Charm  ♦  Assassin's Cerulean Dagger  ♦  Assassin's Crimson Dagger  ♦  Axe Talisman  ♦  Blessed Dew Talisman  ♦  Blue Dancer Charm  ♦  Blue-Feathered Branchsword  ♦  Boltdrake Talisman  ♦  Bull-Goat's Talisman  ♦  Carian Filigreed Crest  ♦  Cerulean Amber Medallion  ♦  Cerulean Seed Talisman  ♦  Clarifying Horn Charm  ♦  Claw Talisman  ♦  Companion Jar  ♦  Concealing Veil  ♦  Crimson Amber Medallion  ♦  Crimson Seed Talisman  ♦  Crucible Knot Talisman  ♦  Crucible Scale Talisman  ♦  Curved Sword Talisman  ♦  Dagger Talisman  ♦  Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman  ♦  Dragoncrest Shield Talisman  ♦  Entwining Umbilical Cord  ♦  Erdtree's Favor  ♦  Fire Scorpion Charm  ♦  Flamedrake Talisman  ♦  Flock's Canvas Talisman  ♦  Furled Finger's Trick-Mirror  ♦  Godfrey Icon  ♦  Godskin Swaddling Cloth  ♦  Golden Scarab  ♦  Graven-Mass Talisman  ♦  Graven-School Talisman  ♦  Great-Jar's Arsenal  ♦  Greatshield Talisman  ♦  Green Turtle Talisman  ♦  Haligdrake Talisman  ♦  Hammer Talisman  ♦  Hosts' Trick-Mirror  ♦  Immunizing Horn Charm  ♦  Kindred of Rot's Exultation  ♦  Lance Talisman  ♦  Lightning Scorpion Charm  ♦  Longtail Cat Talisman  ♦  Lord of Blood's Exultation  ♦  Magic Scorpion Charm  ♦  Marika's Scarseal  ♦  Marika's Soreseal  ♦  Millicent's Prosthesis  ♦  Moon of Nokstella  ♦  Mottled Necklace  ♦  Old Lord's Talisman  ♦  Pearldrake Talisman  ♦  Perfumer's Talisman  ♦  Prince of Death's Cyst  ♦  Prince of Death's Pustule  ♦  Radagon's Scarseal  ♦  Radagon's Soreseal  ♦  Radagon Icon  ♦  Red-Feathered Branchsword  ♦  Ritual Shield Talisman  ♦  Ritual Sword Talisman  ♦  Roar Medallion  ♦  Rotten Winged Sword Insignia  ♦  Sacred Scorpion Charm  ♦  Sacrificial Twig  ♦  Shabriri's Woe  ♦  Shard of Alexander  ♦  Silver Scarab  ♦  Spear Talisman  ♦  Spelldrake Talisman  ♦  Stalwart Horn Charm  ♦  Starscourge Heirloom  ♦  Taker's Cameo  ♦  Twinblade Talisman  ♦  Two Fingers Heirloom  ♦  Viridian Amber Medallion  ♦  Warrior Jar Shard  ♦  Winged Sword Insignia


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    • Anonymous

      Lore-wise I think her dropping it at the end is to imply that she finally discovered that this was her birth-mother. Rather than an insult to the tarnished, it's her showing that she was able to discover the full truth of her birth thanks to the tarnished.

      • Anonymous

        Rya shouldn't have a barrier around her in Liurnia. It makes no sense to have to go halfway through the game to get the ability to put the game on hard mode, especially considering Shabriri's Woe is available as a starting item but not this for some reason. No barrier = you could just kill her for it and skip the stupid, completely pointless quest that gets you this talisman no matter which option you pick at the end anyway.

        • *Finds out she's an abomination*
          *Get a deep depression because of it*
          *Her friend helps her overcome it*
          *She gives him a talisman that makes him 100% more fragile*

          Zorayas is trying her best

          • Anonymous

            >questline starts all the way back in liurnia
            >makes you run through entire dungeon multiple times
            >forced to go out of your way to do two recusant invasions, second guy only drops a shitty crossbow
            >you choose not to kill her
            >she looks up to you, calls you her champion
            >gives you this ****
            >refuses to elaborate further, leaves and never returns
            HOOOLYYY BASED

            • Anonymous

              "You've always been so kind. So uncompromising. My champion." So she leaves Daedicar's Woe, funny as ****.

              • Anonymous

                Finalmente estou feliz por ter terminado a minha playlist contra todos os chefes lendários com o cosplay de Radagon usando isso, foi uma aventura e tanto!

                • Anonymous

                  Callback to the Calamity ring I see.

                  For those that don't know in ds1 when you beat the dlc dragon Kalameet. You are rewarded with a ring with the same effects as this.

                  Quite hilarious considering the people who suffered beating Kalameet.

                  • Anonymous

                    She makes you run back and forth multiple times just so you get a talisman that doubles damage. Pretty based.

                    • Anonymous

                      This isn't merely a cursed item, but also doubles as a gift. Zoraya specifically refers you as her own personal champion in her farewell letter, as opposed to a generic volcano manor champion. This item has similar effects as joining the 'company of champions' covenant from Dark Souls 2, where you prove your worth and superiority by making the game harder intentionally. If this was an intended reference, then Zoraya gave you the item because she sees you as a true champion who pushes their limits and tests their own boundaries outside of the game's difficulty to seek true grit.

                      • Anonymous

                        I'm so intrigued by the lore of Daedicar. Who was she? Did she give birth to the godskins? If so, that means daedicar is the the gloam-eyed queen. But somehow that doesn't seem right, since she's flayed after all, something the godskins do to people. So why would they HER?

                        If she ISNT the gloam-eyed queen, just who is she then? There's obviously some kind of connection between the godskins, volcano manor, and snakes (snakes being the obvious one)

                        Presumably, she, at the very least, gave birth to the snake-like creatures in the area, such as Rya and the snake-men. Possibly even the more modern misbegotten? So many questions, so few answers.

                        • Anonymous

                          one actual good use for this is equipping it before the mimic tear fight and then taking it off, so mimic tear now takes twice the damage and even easier of a fight

                          • I'm 90% sure that this talisman and a lot of the other monstrocities in the lands between are a reference to Echidna and Typhon from greek mythology. Echidna is Daedicar and Typhon is the god-devouring snake that ate rykard. Echidna was described as a Nymph with a human upper and a snake lower body. Nymphs were usually promiscuous creatures in greek mythology which goes with Daedicar's theme. We know from Ryna that she has the ability to morph into a human, So Daedicar likely could as well. We see a lot of creatures in the lands between that sound very close to the offsprings of Typhon and Echidna.Their first two children were dogs, And we have a bunch of dog Trexes running around and can even find some around volcano manor. They gave birth to serpants as well considering they were both part serpent.
                            I'm also pretty sure the snake body we find in the chapel where we fought the apostle is also Daedicar's actual body. The talisman describes having her face peeled back with a serene smile. Daedicar was pregnant, and the face peeled back was likely some kind of ritual involving the manor peeling Ryna's womb sack from the snake's body. The face peeled back could also be a reference to a snake peeling it's skin.
                            Echidna was Typhon's mate, And Typhon was the most power monster in greek mythology, One that almost killed zeus and wished to kill the gods as a whole. This lines up with the god eating serpent and the cult around him, Who devoured one of the Golden Order's God's children (radagon-Rykard) and then uses his influence to rage war against the Gods themselves from the manor.
                            I'll also throw in a possibility that the woman who runs the manor, Could actually be Daedicar reborn. She is extremely loyal to the god-eating serpent almost like a mate, She acts like a mother to ryna because she likely IS her mother, She wears a mask with slanted eyes to hide her true looks. It's possible the giant snake body we found in the chapel is also Her old skin when she gave birth to Ryna, and now she leads a new life after giving birth to her perfect daughter for whatever purpose. The potion she gives you with the intent of making ryna forget, states that it was originally intended for the woman who runs the manor, but she could never dream of forgetting about the god devouring snake. We also see her trying to eat him after we kill him, as if she's trying to become him herself.
                            Just my thoughts, Apologies if I worded some things bad.

                            • Anonymous

                              Seems to me many of the half-human hybrids in this game are Daedicar's children. I wouldn't even rule out Blaidd!

                              • Anonymous

                                If ypu put on the heaviest armor in the game, and then equip all the damage increasing talismans, you can really confuse invaders when they suddenly oneshot you

                                • Anonymous

                                  So I did a little bit of calculation...

                                  With this talisman, the soreseals and the feather talisman as well as a scarab head as the only armor, even with 99 vig and morgotts rune any attack that originally does over 721 damage will insta-kill you.
                                  That means you will probably only be able to survive the very quick attacks meant to catch you out but that will still take out like half your health especially in later NG+ cycles.

                                  Good luck to anyone actually willing to complete the game with this "build", although cant say it would be too far off the normal elden ring late game experience anyway.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Always wear this when hugging Fia so your build gets uploaded. Then potentially some of Fia’s champions can now take double damage!

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Awesome talisman, I love the icon and the lore, but I miss how the Calamity Ring of DSI gave your character an icon to show you were essentially wearing a challenge item. Remember Gower's Ring of Protection in DSII? It would be amazing if this talisman gave you the appearance of Daedicar hanging on your back, like that ring.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Shame you can't choose this as a keepsake. Makes challenge running with it kinda not possible without a huge detour.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I really needed this. The games so easy for me I need anything to make it even remotely challenging. Thanks 'zaki

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Talisman : daedicar’s woe armor : deathbed dress
                                            Weapon : none
                                            Shield : none
                                            Vigor : 10
                                            Whoever manages to beat the game with this build is a god of games

                                            • I wonder how the game will work at ng+7 with this. You should still be able to not get one shot by some of the hits technically even against late game bosses unless they are big damage attacks.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                for those who wondering
                                                this talisman act as an option to raise the difficulty of the game since this game doesnt have an options to choose

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Oh man this reminds me of my old game Path of Exile,this kind item will be something that Chris Wilson would add to the game lmao

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Im playing with the 2 soreseals, the rolling talisman, and this woe talisman. There seriously isnt any higher damage nerf I can give myself?
                                                    FromSoft made this game too easy.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Has great synergy with Rivers Of Blood and Moonveil. Those builds in particular should consider equipping this.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        "It is said that this woman, named Daedicar, indulged in every form of adultery and wicked pleasure imaginable, giving birth to a myriad of grotesque children." Sheesh, did she eventually become a Cenobite too?

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Where this, the two sore seals, the crucible feather, and have your only armor be a scarab hat, and then you can truly know Pain.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Does this just double damage taken? Or does it reduce all absorptions by 100? I wanna know because if it's absorptions, then it won't do anything for the Ruptured Crystal Tear. I wanna make sure I get one shot by my own Sunny D.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              With this and Shabriri's Woe, which makes enemies focus on you more, I wonder if there are more 'Woe' Talismans that were either cut or are planned for dlc that have other negative effects.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Only people use this and say "LOOK AT ME, I AM SO GOOD AT THIS GAME, AND YOU, YOU SUCK A LOT, NOW LOOK, WATCH ME KILL MALENIA IN SECONDS"..........*Dies in one hit

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  This has a ton of secret stat bonuses. For example, wearing this makes Rivers of Blood proc bleed faster on players in PvP, and grants a huge damage buff to any quickfire chain cast sorcery!

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    For the +2 version, find a cliff in your vicinity and chuck a rainbow stone down it. If it shatters, you can jump down to get your prize

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Pre-patch lore is more interesting it mentions that daedicar was a man as well as a paramour to rykard. He was the one who created all the torture devices in the manor and tested them on himself. I’m curious to know if from changed it to tone down the *** aspect of the game for some markets.

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