Dragoncrest Shield Talisman

dragoncrest shield talisman talisman elden ring wiki guide 200px
Weight 0.8
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
status effect 141 elden ring wiki guide 44px Reduces  Physical Damage taken 10/13/17%

Dragoncrest Shield Talisman is a Talisman in Elden Ring. Dragoncrest Shield Talisman reduces Physical Damage taken by 10/13/17%. Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman is the direct upgrade to this talisman. Players can use talismans in Elden Ring to boost a variety of Stats.


Wrought iron talisman depicting a trio of ancient dragons.
Boosts physical damage negation.

The ancient dragons, who ruled in the prehistoric era before the Erdtree, would protect their lord as a wall of living rock.
And so it is that the shape of the dragon has become symbolic of all manner of protections.


Dragoncrest Shield Talisman in Elden Ring

Dragoncrest Shield Talisman reduces Physical Damage taken by 10/13/17%. (Effect reduced to 2/3/4%, respectively, in PvP.)


Where to find Dragoncrest Shield Talisman in Elden Ring

  • Base talisman: Bestial Sanctum: Found on the bottom level of the structure below the surrounding cliffs. [Map link]
  • +1 Variant: Sainted Hero's Grave: Can be found in a locked imp's room, behind a Stonesword Key fog wall (not the first one you encounter; the Crimson Seed Talisman is located behind that one). When you reach the area with the big axes stomping the ground, you need to get on the first one and jump on the ledge on the left wall. There are multiple Putrid Corpses along this path and in the room with the fog doors, alongside a pair of Wraith Callers. Once you've dealt with them and opened the fog door, there are a final pair of Putrids watching over the talisman.   [Map link]
  • +2 Variant: Crumbling Farum Azula: Looted from a corpse on floating chunk of debris in the northern section, between Dragon Temple Lift and Dragon Temple Rooftop. [Map link] Video Location


Elden Ring Dragoncrest Shield Talisman Notes & Tips

  • Base variant sell value: runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 100
  • +1 Variant sell value: runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 500
  • +2 Variant sell value: runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 1,000
  • Tips for finding the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman (base variant):
    • It's located below the Bestial Sanctum; the path to reach it includes numerous one-way drops. Because of this, attempting the drops/jumps while holding a large number of runes is not recommended.
    • Look down over the edge of the cliffs to the west of the Bestial Sanctum building to find tree roots that lead you down below the Sanctum.
    • Before descending from the cliffs, you can benefit greatly from a moderate supply of Soft Cotton, as without them several of the falls required will leave you vulnerable to the flying enemies in the area.
    • eldenring phxvhad5i3




Sword Saint  Guide


Elden Ring Talismans
Ancestral Spirit's Horn  ♦  Arrow's Reach Talisman  ♦  Arrow's Sting Talisman  ♦  Arsenal Charm  ♦  Assassin's Cerulean Dagger  ♦  Assassin's Crimson Dagger  ♦  Axe Talisman  ♦  Blessed Dew Talisman  ♦  Blue Dancer Charm  ♦  Blue-Feathered Branchsword  ♦  Boltdrake Talisman  ♦  Bull-Goat's Talisman  ♦  Carian Filigreed Crest  ♦  Cerulean Amber Medallion  ♦  Cerulean Seed Talisman  ♦  Clarifying Horn Charm  ♦  Claw Talisman  ♦  Companion Jar  ♦  Concealing Veil  ♦  Crimson Amber Medallion  ♦  Crimson Seed Talisman  ♦  Crucible Knot Talisman  ♦  Crucible Scale Talisman  ♦  Curved Sword Talisman  ♦  Daedicar's Woe  ♦  Dagger Talisman  ♦  Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman  ♦  Entwining Umbilical Cord  ♦  Erdtree's Favor  ♦  Fire Scorpion Charm  ♦  Flamedrake Talisman  ♦  Flock's Canvas Talisman  ♦  Furled Finger's Trick-Mirror  ♦  Godfrey Icon  ♦  Godskin Swaddling Cloth  ♦  Golden Scarab  ♦  Graven-Mass Talisman  ♦  Graven-School Talisman  ♦  Great-Jar's Arsenal  ♦  Greatshield Talisman  ♦  Green Turtle Talisman  ♦  Haligdrake Talisman  ♦  Hammer Talisman  ♦  Hosts' Trick-Mirror  ♦  Immunizing Horn Charm  ♦  Kindred of Rot's Exultation  ♦  Lance Talisman  ♦  Lightning Scorpion Charm  ♦  Longtail Cat Talisman  ♦  Lord of Blood's Exultation  ♦  Magic Scorpion Charm  ♦  Marika's Scarseal  ♦  Marika's Soreseal  ♦  Millicent's Prosthesis  ♦  Moon of Nokstella  ♦  Mottled Necklace  ♦  Old Lord's Talisman  ♦  Pearldrake Talisman  ♦  Perfumer's Talisman  ♦  Prince of Death's Cyst  ♦  Prince of Death's Pustule  ♦  Radagon's Scarseal  ♦  Radagon's Soreseal  ♦  Radagon Icon  ♦  Red-Feathered Branchsword  ♦  Ritual Shield Talisman  ♦  Ritual Sword Talisman  ♦  Roar Medallion  ♦  Rotten Winged Sword Insignia  ♦  Sacred Scorpion Charm  ♦  Sacrificial Twig  ♦  Shabriri's Woe  ♦  Shard of Alexander  ♦  Silver Scarab  ♦  Spear Talisman  ♦  Spelldrake Talisman  ♦  Stalwart Horn Charm  ♦  Starscourge Heirloom  ♦  Taker's Cameo  ♦  Twinblade Talisman  ♦  Two Fingers Heirloom  ♦  Viridian Amber Medallion  ♦  Warrior Jar Shard  ♦  Winged Sword Insignia


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    • Anonymous

      They shouldn't have made a +1 or +2 version of this, but should have let you equip it WITH the Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman. This would have been similar to how you can equip both the lesser and greater versions of the incantation/sorcery boosting talismans.

      • Anonymous

        Probably been said a few times already but it's really disappointing that the +2 variant is locked behind Farum Azula. It's instantly obsolete because most people do Haligtree before Farum Azula, thus getting you the Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman. It should be moved to Giant-Slaying Heroes Grave, in my opinion, at least then it would give more incentive to do that dungeon, and it wouldn't be instantly obsolete by the time most players actually find it.

        • Anonymous

          Something the page doesn't mention is that if you take the +0 version and the dagger from below the Bestial Sanctum, the Black Blade Kindred boss outside will aggro on you, but he won't otherwise. I'm not sure if it's one or the other or both. I can't be bothered to do the jumps a second time just to test it out.

          • Anonymous

            Why would you not put what is the essentially +3 version of the talisman on this page? Sure, it has a different name, but it does the exact same thing as these other 3 talismans.

            • Anonymous

              I'm pretty convinced that putting the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman outside of Bestial Sanctum is another design screwup that will never be fixed. Why would you put the lowest level physical dmg negation talisman in an area that's late game (Dragonbarrow) and then, just to be more ridiculous, at the bottom of some pretty huge platforming AND guarded by flying mobs...

              I just got it on one character just to see if it was as stupid as I thought and have skipped it ever since (and yeah I know about the dagger too).

              • Anonymous

                For the first one, I made sure I had zero runes...And trial and error for me down there in 8 tries or so. Caelid Divine and the Rain of Arrows were harder

                • Anonymous

                  With all of these defensive talismans I just keep asking myself why the amount is so heavily reduced for PvP. What would be much better is to decrease the added amount depending on the existing defenses.

                  Bassically like defense works normally but even more into that direction. If you have 25% physical negation and you put that on you should get the entire 17% added like you do normally in the game. But with higher base defense like 45% the amount should be reduced to something like it is now during PvP (let's say 7 or 8%). They're not super viable in PvE if you plan on dodging and already have your slots full so making them even less useful in PvP just eliminates them from the roster entirely.

                  • Anonymous

                    The +2 variant is literally too far into the game. It is actually easier and better to get the Dragoncrest Greatshield talisman. Yet another sad example of an instantly obsolete item.

                    • Anonymous

                      Why are these nerfed in pvp seriously if you could have more defense in pvp it would definitely help mediate the complaining from people saying stuff hits too hard just saying.

                      • Anonymous

                        I see no reason to get the base version or the dagger behind bestial sanctum. For the divine tower of Caelid and the frenzied flame proscription just watch a YT video jump by jump and drop by drop. Use the spirit spring for 'rain of arrows'.

                        • Anonymous

                          Thanks for this map, was extremely helpful and I did it on my first try. Also no way I would’ve ever found this stuff by myself, hell no.

                          • Anonymous

                            The real power of this talisman is allowing your fashion souls to come before protection.
                            Pain in the ass to get, but 100% worth it

                            • Anonymous

                              I almost missed the +0 thinking "there's no way I'm actually supposed to be here, is there?". The fact that they spawned bats there was probably the only reason I continued my way down and got it.

                              • Anonymous

                                That map above made it a cake walk. Easy as can be. Nice work. We need one for the Devine Tower in Caelid. Though did that on 1st try. Now Rain of arrows aow. Thats some hard core stuff. Dont even try if this gives you troubles.

                                • Anonymous

                                  i randomly found this today and decided to call invaders here cause i thought it'd be cool to fight at the bottom near the ocean.
                                  turns out invaders all spawn on top and 90% of them die because they cant get down here.
                                  im surprised noone made a youtube video abotu this spot yet for "afk rune farming" cause imo its even better than in limgrave. not that i recommend it lol.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I found the normal one after the +1 just because I saw comments written on that area and thought about going down there, and also lost 150K runes because of those stupid bugged instadeath jumps, along with a stupid dagger, what a waste of time!

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Nice job on the how to map above, thank you. 1st try, easy in comparison to the Divine tower near by and Rain of arrows AOW

                                      • Anonymous

                                        the platforming to get this at bestial sanctuary and rain of arrows from the dead artist in dragonbarrow is taking the p**s and no two ways about it. ever heard anyone who likes the dark souls games, bloodborne or sekiro say anything along the lines of "what this game really needs to make it more fun is pixel perfect platforming, where players can enjoy dying over and over until they get lucky and hit every platform perfectly"? I don't think so somehow.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Imagine this talisman had the same weight as the bull goat chest, was the same in PVP as it is in PVE and poise didn't exist. Just imagine it

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Getting that base talisman was not in any way enjoyable. Every now and again I see someone from the gaming press or just comments from fans saying "the soulsborne games are hard, but they are not spitefully hard" I've never really agreed with that sentiment.
                                            From the first Dark Souls on PS3 to Elden Ring there are times in every game when they cross over into being spitefully difficult. The platforming needed here and the Caelid divine tower are good examples, but Elden Ring has more sections and quite a few items as well, that seem designed with the sole purpose of pi*s*ng off the player than any other souls game I've played.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              For the base talisman it's kinda annoying that you can get stuck in 'combat' with bats way above you, thus forcing you to quit to menu and come back if you want to teleport out.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Anyone know the dmg negation for this in duels and pvp ? Since the dragoncrest greatshield talisman is 5% in pvp.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  when jumping to the bottom layer aim for the pile of boulders in the corner on the same side as the tree branches

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Props to the picture maker but what kind of sadistic SOB would put something valuable down a path like that? I didn't find a 'kill barrier' on PC 1.03.2 but the jumps were beyond stupid. There's some unique dagger down here too, Cinquedea. And LOL a body with Soft Cotton. Lot of good it did him...

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Don't waste time trying to get this Base version - there are 3 more of these that has better defense and easier to get.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        hey people the dragoncrest GREATSHIELD talisman (+0) is better than the dragoncrest shield talisman +2. It gives 20% physical damage negation vs only 17% for the shield talisman +2. Its in the endgame place at haligtree (haligtree roots bonfire). Then go up the long elevator that brings you to a church room where you can backstab a cricket. Go out the front door in that room then turn left and there is a ladder (the longest ladder ever). Then when you get to the top of the ladder you can look down and actually see a square hole in the roof below. Get down to that square hole then jump down and you will land on a skinny wooden beam (when jumping down the square hole you might miss the wooden beam your first try, and die.. its on the left a bit but DONT try to jump down the left side of the hole just jump down the center of the hole and you should land on it)

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Make sure to have some Rainbow Stones handy if you're feeling unsure about your next fall! It's sure saved me from a few untrustworthy tumbles.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            I managed to get all the way down with the help of the picture. The trick is to make sure you gat as low as possible before jumping. So if you can get to a slightly lower ledge then try getting there first. There are also a few bats down there.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Lost 25k souls because of this bullshit. Do yourself a favor and just use the higher tier version which is much easier to get.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Update 1.03.2 today (23rd March '22) states "Fixed a bug that causes the playable character to die when trying to descend from a spot near Bestial Sanctum."

                                                                Confirmed it's totally accessible again. Didn't get the dagger back tho.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  The beastial sanctum secret area is now accessible as per the last patch! Therefore the dragoncrest shield talisman is obtainable once again.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    PSA: The access route to this item is currently broken. DO NOT ATTEMPT RETRIEVAL until a new patch comes out

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      fought my way through dragons and demigods, giants and monsters of all kinds, and stay puft marshmallow man and his friendly wacky wavy armed inflatable tube man kick my ass

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        people are reporting that they are getting the +0 talisman in the mistwood ruins in limgrave, can anyone confirm or deny?

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          people are reporting that they are getting the +0 talisman in the mistwood ruins in limgrave, can anyone confirm or deny?

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            So let me get this straight, From modeled this giant intricate structure that serves no purpose or function other than hiding a talisman with an obscure way down to it. Then they just decided "actually no" and put a death barrier right under the first root down to it with no way to get the talisman anymore? For what purpose? Does the talisman even work in pvp? The Ring if Steel Protection in DS3 definitely didn't lol.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              I can even see an item down there. There is a faint white glow on one of the platforms, but I can't access it.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I am even trying this with the Long Tail Cat Talisman which prevents fall damage. There is just a kill floor everywhere, the area is inaccessible. Was trying to get every talisman, but now I cant.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  I have started seeing messages on the platform and branches below the death wall again. Any idea how people are by passing the death wall?

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Usaing Cheat engine to get below the death barrier shows that the items are still there as i had not acquired them yet

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Can anyone do some testing to find out if this talisman has less protection in PvP like its DS3 counterpart? I don't have a friend I can test this with myself

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Today, March 18, I did the route to swindle the talisman with total normality, including taking the cinquedea. if you can comrades. make the attempt. i play on xbox they add me: KUSSAK18

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          It seems the FROM might have either moved the +0 talisman, changed the route everyone previously took by adding a death barrier on the first limb you're supposed to drop on to or unintentionally added the barrier. Either way. First version, as far as I know, is unobtainable by the previous means at Bestial Sanctum.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            I'm positive they changed the location and ditched this place. Both the +0 version of this shield and the cinquedea have been removed from my inventory.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Did they patch it out the down jumping for the +0 version? you just get now instant death after falling down the first root.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                Did fromsoft just brick you from getting the +0 version of this item. There is a kill barrier on the tree limbs to get down to it.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  I die instantly when I try to drop down to the second root. It also killed me once just getting close to the edge in order to drop down.
                                                                                                  Am I supposed to be aiming for the big root or the smaller one that's to the left of it?

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    I die instantly when I try to drop down to the second root. It also killed me once just getting close to the edge in order to drop down.
                                                                                                    Am I supposed to be aiming for the big root or the smaller one that's to the left of it?

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Did some damage testing with all of these talismans, against the spear guy at the Limgrave Gatefront. I think the +2 is bugged? For reference, I was using the Marika's Soreseal with all of these tests as well just to see if it worked with that as well to negate the effect. Here are the results.

                                                                                                      Control: 50 damage - no talismans, naked
                                                                                                      Control Soreseal: 111 Damage - Marika's Soreseal, naked.
                                                                                                      Dragoncrest Talisman: 100 Damage
                                                                                                      Dragoncrest Talisman+1: 46 Damage
                                                                                                      Dragoncrest Talisman+2: 92 Damage
                                                                                                      Dragoncrest Greatsheild Talisman: 42 Damage

                                                                                                      Again, you can test these if you want, just think that the DCT+2 is bugged since you take more damage than the +1. I think it should be around 44 damage you take, but doesn't seem to be the case.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        What is the difference between this talisman +3 and Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman? Is he better or worse?

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          The map shows the talisman in the wrong place. It's under the fourth pillar from the right radiating out around the bestial sanctum.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            +3 Variant found in a chest in Elphael Haligtree City, after Drainage Channel keep going over the roots to church drop down into a hole in the roof.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              The +2 is in the dragon temple. Go north across the broken up bridge from dragon temple lift and its hidden under one of the peices

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                +1 is indeed in Sainted Hero's Grave. Just looted it there. There's a second(!) room where you need another key. Ride up the falling blades.

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  i dont know where the +1 is but i found the +2, without great spoiler, its absolute end game. It can be found in a area with tons of dragons and have a stormy setting, shortly before the first crucible knight there is a Jump-drop part, and on one of the tiles in this section it must be turn arround and on a small tile below where must be dropped its lies on a corpse.

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    For anyone wondering, the +1 version is in the sainted hero's grave, there are 2 imp doors. one has the crimson seed talisman and the other is reached by going onto a balcony after climbing on a falling blade

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      To everyone thinking the +1 is not here, it IS here, when you reach the area with the big axes stomping the ground, you need to get on the first one and jump on the ledge on the left wall. Need one stonesword Key.

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        If anyone else is looking for the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +1 in Sainted Hero's Grave, go to the hallway with the blades that drop down. Stand on the first one after it's been dropped to ride it up and jump to a ledge. The imp fog wall with the talisman is up the stairs from there.

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          The wiki is correct. It is in the Sainted Hero's Grave. You need to fall down a sand pit, ride a guillotine trap up, then put a key in a gargoyle statue. It is in the corner there.

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            I did not find the +1 in sainted hero's grave.. I found the Crimson seed talisman behind the imp wall.. is there another imp wall I am missing?

                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                              The +1 version seems not be at Sainted Hero's Grave. I could only find the Crimson Seed Talisman behind the impa statue. Please either put the right location or decrive, where the other imp statues are.

                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                It's at a very tricky place, here's the guide. Search this title on Youtube
                                                                                                                                [ELDEN RING] How to find the unique dagger, Cinquedea + Dragoncrest Shield Talisman

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