Prince of Death's Pustule

prince of deaths pustule talisman elden ring wiki guide 200px
Weight 0.6
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
status effect 128 elden ring wiki guide 44pxRaises Vitality by 90

Prince of Death's Pustule is a Talisman in Elden Ring. Prince of Death's Pustule raises Vitality by 90, improving resistance to Death Blight. Players can use talismans in Elden Ring to boost a variety of Stats.


A fetid pustule taken from facial flesh.
Raises vitality.
(Vitality governs resistance to the effects of Death.)

It is said that this pustule came from the visage of the Prince of Death, he who used to be called Godwyn. As First Dead of the demigods, it's said he's buried deep under the capital, at the Erdtree's roots.


Prince of Death's Pustule Effect in Elden Ring

Prince of Death's Pustule raises Vitality by 90, improving resistance to Death Blight.


Where to find Prince of Death's Pustule in Elden Ring

  • Can be located at Stormveil Castle.
  • Nearest Site of Grace: Liftside Chamber.
  • Looted off a corpse that can be found at the pit of the castle's crypt. The body can be found next to a giant face that is structured from roots. It is guarded by an Ulcerated Tree Spirit. [Map link] [Video location]


Elden Ring Prince of Death's Pustule Notes & Tips


Elden Ring Talismans
Ancestral Spirit's Horn  ♦  Arrow's Reach Talisman  ♦  Arrow's Sting Talisman  ♦  Arsenal Charm  ♦  Assassin's Cerulean Dagger  ♦  Assassin's Crimson Dagger  ♦  Axe Talisman  ♦  Blessed Dew Talisman  ♦  Blue Dancer Charm  ♦  Blue-Feathered Branchsword  ♦  Boltdrake Talisman  ♦  Bull-Goat's Talisman  ♦  Carian Filigreed Crest  ♦  Cerulean Amber Medallion  ♦  Cerulean Seed Talisman  ♦  Clarifying Horn Charm  ♦  Claw Talisman  ♦  Companion Jar  ♦  Concealing Veil  ♦  Crimson Amber Medallion  ♦  Crimson Seed Talisman  ♦  Crucible Knot Talisman  ♦  Crucible Scale Talisman  ♦  Curved Sword Talisman  ♦  Daedicar's Woe  ♦  Dagger Talisman  ♦  Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman  ♦  Dragoncrest Shield Talisman  ♦  Entwining Umbilical Cord  ♦  Erdtree's Favor  ♦  Fire Scorpion Charm  ♦  Flamedrake Talisman  ♦  Flock's Canvas Talisman  ♦  Furled Finger's Trick-Mirror  ♦  Godfrey Icon  ♦  Godskin Swaddling Cloth  ♦  Golden Scarab  ♦  Graven-Mass Talisman  ♦  Graven-School Talisman  ♦  Great-Jar's Arsenal  ♦  Greatshield Talisman  ♦  Green Turtle Talisman  ♦  Haligdrake Talisman  ♦  Hammer Talisman  ♦  Hosts' Trick-Mirror  ♦  Immunizing Horn Charm  ♦  Kindred of Rot's Exultation  ♦  Lance Talisman  ♦  Lightning Scorpion Charm  ♦  Longtail Cat Talisman  ♦  Lord of Blood's Exultation  ♦  Magic Scorpion Charm  ♦  Marika's Scarseal  ♦  Marika's Soreseal  ♦  Millicent's Prosthesis  ♦  Moon of Nokstella  ♦  Mottled Necklace  ♦  Old Lord's Talisman  ♦  Pearldrake Talisman  ♦  Perfumer's Talisman  ♦  Prince of Death's Cyst  ♦  Radagon's Scarseal  ♦  Radagon's Soreseal  ♦  Radagon Icon  ♦  Red-Feathered Branchsword  ♦  Ritual Shield Talisman  ♦  Ritual Sword Talisman  ♦  Roar Medallion  ♦  Rotten Winged Sword Insignia  ♦  Sacred Scorpion Charm  ♦  Sacrificial Twig  ♦  Shabriri's Woe  ♦  Shard of Alexander  ♦  Silver Scarab  ♦  Spear Talisman  ♦  Spelldrake Talisman  ♦  Stalwart Horn Charm  ♦  Starscourge Heirloom  ♦  Taker's Cameo  ♦  Twinblade Talisman  ♦  Two Fingers Heirloom  ♦  Viridian Amber Medallion  ♦  Warrior Jar Shard  ♦  Winged Sword Insignia


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    • Anonymous

      First time playing through, I didn't understand the stats all that well, and didn't look closely at the numbers, so I used this most of the game because I thought it gave me more health.

      • Anonymous

        I am currently doing the funniest low-on-pots cheese on this boss.. run past him and up the ladder for de-aggro. Come back down, hit his tail, run away back up the ladder.

        • Anonymous

          on a side note, they changed "vitality" with another word in italian version. Took me a while to figure out.

          • Anonymous

            Why is Godfrey's face here, above ground (relatively speaking) under Stormveil, while the rest of his body lies deep below Leyndell in the deeproot depths? That is quite a distance to be decapitated and buried from each other.

            • Anonymous

              This talisman has 2 effects. First it governs your Death status effect, you know the filling bar meter. The second one is kinda weird and i will try to explain as much i can. So lets say you have an average Focus defense about 200-250 and you have 300 hps and you receive 1k damage, you will die! Lets say you have about 350-400 about and you you have 700hps and you take 1k damage, you may survive this attack with 1 hp.Then if you heal up again and you receive similar attack with similar hps you may survive it again. It happens to me 3 times in a boss. I said how i didnt die? Yea has a lot rng and need to heal again to make trigger again. I can trigger again not once per rest. Better armor helps to occur.

              • Anonymous

                Vitality has two defensive mechanics in this game. The first being raising your bar before getting killed by the Death status effect. The second is a chance based effect to resist dying once per life to weapon damage, based on the target's vitality stat. This second effect applies to all enemies in the game, as well as our player characters, and most boss enemies have a very high vitality stat to prevent them from dying to the Death status effect; this comes with the "survive with one hp" mechanic as well. This effect is allowed only once per rest at grace, load screen, or cutscene-- the same goes for enemies. Our chance of getting this '1 hp' mechanic to occur is very low as our vitality cannot reach nearly the same value as bosses without illegal means. Now you know why those bosses you've been fighting always seem to live with one hp after you did a finisher on them.

                • Anonymous

                  I didn't come back and do this area until way later in the game, and this talisman was missing for some reason.

                  • Anonymous

                    I just grab that thing trying to reach a spot i wanted to go on Stormveil Castle. Completly skipped the boss and the dungeon. From Rampart Tower site of grace you can directly jumped on the roof of a building you're suppose to reach by going upstairs (the building with the chimney you can climb onto to go on a few towers. The right side of that building give above a small yard with a statue and a stonekey gate. Above the stonekey gate there is an alcove you can reach from the roof by jumping on the top of the deadtree then you just roll toward the alcove and enter it, it's the exit of the dungeon you're suppose to pass to get that talisman. Just go down the ladder and you can get the talisman without fighting the boss x)

                    • Anonymous

                      Should I equip Prince of Death's Pustule (raises vitality) instead of Crimson Amber Medallion (raises Vigor)?

                      • Anonymous

                        The object can be looted without fighting the boss, you need to drop into the exit room located right above one of the imp statues (the one containing Miséricorde). Drop from the right side roof into the tree and from there into the room. There's a ladder that can be used to descend to where the item is.

                        • Anonymous

                          There is a variant called Prince of Death's Cyst. Its located inside the waterfall to the right of town in Deep Root Depths. You have to kill the Great Bear to get it.

                          • Anonymous

                            can anyone tell me what exactly the medailon does ? Raises vitality - ok but no stats are changed after use, thx

                            • Anonymous

                              The +1 version of this is called 'Prince of Death's Cyst'. From the Deeproots Depths grace, it is to the NE in a cave behind one of the waterfalls -- the runebear sleeping there drops it when it dies.

                              • Anonymous

                                a stronger version - prince of death cyst (greatly increases vitality) in deeproot depths on the right side of the across the roots grace, in that area above the waterfall there is a hole and a fight with a bear who drops this talisman

                                • Anonymous

                                  Can anyone tell where I can see the effect of talisman ? what is different when I have the talisman on ? I see nobody told yet here, the game (nothing new) does not explain or show at all, THNX

                                  • Anonymous

                                    ah yes, good old squidface, because bloodborne left it's lovecraft-shaped mark on FROM. also, for those wondering, vitality doesn't raise your health, it raises your resistance to deathblight build up. which you can see the effects of on poor rodgiere by touching that bloodstain nearby.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      What the heck does resistance to death mean? If I die and I have it equipped does it get used up and I dont lose ruins? What does it do exactly.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        You don't need to fight the gaurdian, just run past him, you will die but you can easily get the item before it catches up.

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