Radagon's Soreseal

radagons soreseal talisman elden ring wiki guide 200px
Weight 0.8
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
status effect 110 elden ring wiki guide 44pxRaises  VigorEnduranceStrength, and  Dexterity by 5 each, but increases damage taken by 15%

Radagon's Soreseal is a Talisman in Elden Ring. Radagon's Soreseal raises VigorEnduranceStrength, and Dexterity by 5 each, but increases damage taken by 15%. Easily confused with the separate talisman: Radagon's Scarseal. Players can use talismans in Elden Ring to boost a variety of Stats.


This legendary talisman is an eye engraved with an Elden Rune, said to be the seal of King Consort Radagon.

Greatly raises vigor, endurance, strength, dexterity, but also increases damage taken by a similar measure.

Solemn duty weighs upon the one beholden; not unlike a gnawing curse from which there is no deliverance.


Radagon's Soreseal Effect in Elden Ring

Radagon's Soreseal raises VigorEnduranceStrength, and Dexterity by 5 each, but increases damage taken by 15%


Where to find Radagon's Soreseal in Elden Ring

  • Fort Faroth: Found on a corpse by dropping down an opening from the roof and exploring around the wooden walkways. [Map Link]

From the Fort Faroth Site of Grace, run into the fort and pass the bats and harpies. Climb up the ladder, make a right and jump down the scaffolding onto the roof. Run past the first two big holes on the floor; go down the ladder of the third one. Facing away from the ladder, follow the wall to your immediate right until it ends and you find some planks resting on it. Break the planks and jump to the room they were hiding. Continue past the big rat and jump down where the ladder is. Facing away from the ladder, turn left twice and you'll find the Talisman on the corpse.


Elden Ring Radagon's Soreseal Notes & Tips

  • Sell Value: runes currency elden ring wiki guide 18 3,000
  • Incompatible with Radagon's Scarseal.
  • Flat increases to attribute points are more impactful in the early-game. For example, a level 1 wretch would see an increase of about 26% more health and a 16% increase in maximum equip load, effectively offsetting the 15% damage taken penalty. While a character at 55 in both Vigor and Endurance (therefore reaching the upper soft caps of 60) would only see an increase of about 5% health and 7% equip load, making it not worth using a talisman slot especially since you would have better talismans that late in the game.
  • To determine if a soreseal is worth using, consider not only the item's penalty, but also the opportunity cost of a talisman slot. A player who replaces their soreseal talisman with a mere Crimson Amber Medallion will not only cease to take 15% more damage, but also gain 8% more HP. Cumulatively, this brings them from 100/115% to 108/100% effective HP, which constitutes a 24.2% increase when dividing the newer fraction by the former. This is the difference between dying in four hits and five, so if a build's last 20 levels don't give a 25% increase to health, damage, or something of equal value (20% absorption lowers 125% damage to 100), it is better to remove those levels to strip the soreseal off. Typically, this makes the soreseal not worth using by level 80 to 100, where most builds should be nearing their first damage cap.





Test Data for Radagon's Soreseal (MAY NOT BE ACCURATE SEE DISCLAIMER)

DISCLAIMER: The data and test below WHILE VALID ignore the simple fact that Radagon's Soreseal reduces all dmg negation by 15% FLAT. There fore the damage taken will always be proportional to your REMAINING DEFENSIVE STATS, AND THUS REDUCED WITH HIGHER STATS AND ARMOR.

Below are test results to determine the damage increase received by Radagon’s Soreseal. Method was to receive a certain type of attack twice, once with the talisman equipped, one unequipped, with a full heal in between. The enemies were chosen to represent a variety from early game to end game, and to get as wide a range of numbers as possible. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS TESTING IS NOT CATEGORICALLY REPRESENTATIVE OF ALL POSSIBILITES.  Just as in all things Elden Ring, factor your build into determining if this talisman is right for you.

-With Soreseal: Phys. Defense/Dmg. Negation = 131/5.594 Max HP = 1216

-Without Soreseal: 124/17.908 Max HP = 994

Godrick Swordsman, Light right swing

  • 1216 - 1167 = 49 dmg; Hits to KO = 24.8 (25)
  • 994 - 949 = 45 dmg; Hits to KO = 22.08 (23)

+4 damage taken. 8.88% damage increase.

Godrick Swordsman, Charged heavy swing

  • 1216 - 1041 = 175 dmg; Hits to KO = 6.9 (7)
  • 994 - 839 = 155 dmg; Hits to KO = 6.4 (7)

+20 damage taken. 12.9% damage increase.

Secluded Cell Troll, Hand swipe

  • 1216 - 910 = 306 dmg; Hits to KO = 3.97 (4)
  • 994 - 724 = 270 dmg; Hits to KO = 3.68 (4)

+36 damage taken. 13.333% damage increase.

Grand Lift of Dectus Stone Golem, Reaching halberd smash

  • 1216 - 711 = 505 dmg; Hits to KO = 2.4 (3)
  • 994 - 550 = 444 dmg; Hits to KO = 2.2 (3)

+61 damage taken. 13.73% damage increase.

Black Blade Kindred, Sword Thrust (as written in wiki page)

  • 1216 - 304 = 912 dmg; Hits to KO = 1.333 (2)
  • 994 - 201 = 793 dmg; Hits to KO = 1.25 (2)

+119 damage taken. 15.0% damage increase.

Observations: As expected, this talisman operates very similarly to Radagon’s Scarseal, just with increased numbers. Low base attack damage results in a lower percentage of damage increase, where higher base attack damage results in a higher percentage of damage increase. Note, however, that not all of the percentage increase in these tests comes from the talisman - Some is coming from the way Elden Ring calculates received damage.

It seems safe to estimate that Radagon’s Soreseal increases received damage by around 12-13%, with some outliers; inconsistencies are inevitable. Importantly, though, is that your Hits to KO stays the same, or even increases with the talisman equipped; Therefore, paired with its other stat-boosting effects, survivability is increased considerably with Radagon’s Scarseal/Soreseal.

NEW TEST RESULTS reveal that going past the vigor softcap (40) gives diminishing returns for effective health (Hits to KO). Past 40 VIG, this talisman's efficacy in regards to character durability may decrease drastically.

- With Soreseal: Phys Def/Dmg Neg = 130/23.032 Max HP 1216

- Without Soreseal: 123/33.071 Max HP 994

Godrick Swordsman, Light right swing

  • 1216 - 1175 = 41 dmg; Hits to KO = 29.6 (30)
  • - 994 - 957 = 37 dmg; Hits to KO = 26.8 (27)

-With Soreseal: Phys Def/Dmg Neg = 130/5.594 Max HP 1581 (Vigor 40+5)

-Without Soreseal: Phys Def/Dmg Neg = 123/17.908 Max HP 1450

Godrick Swordsman, Light right swing

  • 1581 - 1531 = 50 dmg; Hits to KO = 31.6 (32)
  • - 1450 - 1405 = 45 dmg; Hits to KO = 32.2 (33)

With Soreseal: Phys Def/Dmg Neg = 130/23.032 Max HP 1581

Without Soreseal: Phys Def/Dmg Neg = 123/33.071 Max HP 1450

Godrick Swordsman, Light right swing

  • 1581 - 1540 = 41 dmg; Hits to KO = 38.5 (39)
  • - 1450 - 1413 = 37 dmg; Hits to KO = 39.2 (40)


Elden Ring Talismans
Ancestral Spirit's Horn  ♦  Arrow's Reach Talisman  ♦  Arrow's Sting Talisman  ♦  Arsenal Charm  ♦  Assassin's Cerulean Dagger  ♦  Assassin's Crimson Dagger  ♦  Axe Talisman  ♦  Blessed Dew Talisman  ♦  Blue Dancer Charm  ♦  Blue-Feathered Branchsword  ♦  Boltdrake Talisman  ♦  Bull-Goat's Talisman  ♦  Carian Filigreed Crest  ♦  Cerulean Amber Medallion  ♦  Cerulean Seed Talisman  ♦  Clarifying Horn Charm  ♦  Claw Talisman  ♦  Companion Jar  ♦  Concealing Veil  ♦  Crimson Amber Medallion  ♦  Crimson Seed Talisman  ♦  Crucible Knot Talisman  ♦  Crucible Scale Talisman  ♦  Curved Sword Talisman  ♦  Daedicar's Woe  ♦  Dagger Talisman  ♦  Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman  ♦  Dragoncrest Shield Talisman  ♦  Entwining Umbilical Cord  ♦  Erdtree's Favor  ♦  Fire Scorpion Charm  ♦  Flamedrake Talisman  ♦  Flock's Canvas Talisman  ♦  Furled Finger's Trick-Mirror  ♦  Godfrey Icon  ♦  Godskin Swaddling Cloth  ♦  Golden Scarab  ♦  Graven-Mass Talisman  ♦  Graven-School Talisman  ♦  Great-Jar's Arsenal  ♦  Greatshield Talisman  ♦  Green Turtle Talisman  ♦  Haligdrake Talisman  ♦  Hammer Talisman  ♦  Hosts' Trick-Mirror  ♦  Immunizing Horn Charm  ♦  Kindred of Rot's Exultation  ♦  Lance Talisman  ♦  Lightning Scorpion Charm  ♦  Longtail Cat Talisman  ♦  Lord of Blood's Exultation  ♦  Magic Scorpion Charm  ♦  Marika's Scarseal  ♦  Marika's Soreseal  ♦  Millicent's Prosthesis  ♦  Moon of Nokstella  ♦  Mottled Necklace  ♦  Old Lord's Talisman  ♦  Pearldrake Talisman  ♦  Perfumer's Talisman  ♦  Prince of Death's Cyst  ♦  Prince of Death's Pustule  ♦  Radagon's Scarseal  ♦  Radagon Icon  ♦  Red-Feathered Branchsword  ♦  Ritual Shield Talisman  ♦  Ritual Sword Talisman  ♦  Roar Medallion  ♦  Rotten Winged Sword Insignia  ♦  Sacred Scorpion Charm  ♦  Sacrificial Twig  ♦  Shabriri's Woe  ♦  Shard of Alexander  ♦  Silver Scarab  ♦  Spear Talisman  ♦  Spelldrake Talisman  ♦  Stalwart Horn Charm  ♦  Starscourge Heirloom  ♦  Taker's Cameo  ♦  Twinblade Talisman  ♦  Two Fingers Heirloom  ♦  Viridian Amber Medallion  ♦  Warrior Jar Shard  ♦  Winged Sword Insignia

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    • Anonymous

      Very good talisman in the early game, just be aware of the fall off after hitting softcaps and be sure to take advantage of extra equip load provided by the Endurance boost and actually equip better armour to further offset the extra damage taken.

      • Anonymous

        Very good talisman in the early game, just be aware of the fall off after hitting softcaps and be sure to take advantage of extra equip load provided by the Endurance boost and actually equip better armour to further offset the extra damage taken.

        • Anonymous

          Not very good for meta level, invaluable on lower levels. Best thing is that it helps to get minimum reqs for non-quality builds. You would be amazed how many good Str or Str/Arc weapons have 14 dex req, and how many good Int weapons have dex 17 req. Not to mention that free HP and Equip load

          • Anonymous

            I'd say this talisman is in fact what you might call a "Niche Build" type. If you're the type who gets hit often, then you might want to try a Malenia's One Shot build. This seal combined with Millicent's Prosthesis/ and Dex Heirloom, allows you to reach 70 in dex by 150 with enough stats to invest in other things, such as Faith or Int if you're going for a Pure Dex with Casting Options, like perhaps a Lightning Valkyrie type build. And usually if you're using Hand of Malenia, you're attempting to one shot or slice away chunks of a boss's health with Waterfowl Dance. Usually, unless you're facing some skilled PVPers, Waterfowl Dance is powerful enough to rip apart opponents before they get a hit in.

            Another scenario is if you're a light blue dancer build whose just amazing at dodging and trying to speed cast. Overall It all depends on your skill and playstyle.

            The whole "Noob Trap" statement overall is unfair to players who use it effectively. Rather it can even force "Noobs" to become stronger thanks to having to deal with the defense debuff, making them skilled high damagers. honestly not too bad. It all depends on how you want to allocate your stats.

            • Anonymous

              This allows me to use an extremely specific lvl 138 dex fth build while hitting min-maxed damage in both stats while being able hit stat requirements for specific weapons like bolt of gransax and to wear a nice poise break point armor, and 55 vigor, I’ve done plenty of testing with friends and the extra damage taken is pretty negligible, i highly doubt it’s ever cost me a fight honestly it was only like 40-50 extra dmg, for just about any other build it likely wouldn’t be useful i just had very special build requirements and accounted for the negatives

              • Anonymous

                I think there's an easy rule of thumb for whether or not you equip this. Just ask yourself if you can hit your important softcaps without 20 free levels to work with. Alternatively, ask yourself if you're high enough level to start pumping vigor past 40. If the answer is yes, the extra damage taken isn't worth it anymore. Maybe around level 75-100 is where this generally happens, depending on your build. The math on this page about EHP staying the same is not taking into account having to heal back up. Just think about how much further every bit of health you heal will go if you're not taking so much extra damage.

                • Anonymous

                  The comment below got downvoted, but he's absolutely correct. This and other stat-boosting equipment is a noobtrap.
                  Same thing with Godrick's Great Rune; when I coop at levels 125 to 200 and I see someone pop the rune, I almost for sure know they're going to die at the boss. Why? Because at level 150, your build should be complete, and you're over certain softcaps for your stats like Vigor or Dex when you use the Great Rune or stat boosts. So, this and Godrick's GR are just a waste of slots when you should be increasing damage with Shard of Alex or Scorpion charms, stats like health or equip load with Erdtree's favor, or Dragoncrest talismans. The damage you receive from using the Soreseals is also pretty hefty; another reason people get melted in 2 hits is because they have this equipped, when they shouldn't.

                  • Anonymous

                    people really use this on every single build for the entire game and then complain that bosses deal too much damage

                    • Anonymous

                      They should rename this talisman the noobtrap talisman, sure it gives you "20 levels" but the endurance and vigor are far negated by the damage mitigations decrease. Use this if you need a lot of strength and dex to equip a weapon you need for your play through, then take it off as soon as you can. It's absolutely not worth it.

                      • If you're not using more than 15 of the points it gives, I would recommend against it because I don't think the absorption penalty is worth it (the absorption penalty and stat increase balance out, but you also lose a talisman slot that could potentially be very helpful). And I definitely wouldn't recommend pairing this with Marika's, I don't know if the absorption penalty is multiplicative or if it just ends up being too much, but enemy attacks end up being very powerful with both talismans AND your healing's effectiveness is also reduced in consequence, it's just an awful time because this game is already very demanding on HP especially mid to late game, OHKOs are exclusively a waste of humanity's time.

                        • Anonymous

                          Very useful in my astrologer girl because I just need to level up 1 point into dex to be able to use Moonveil and pump my runes into Int, mind and vigor, until I reach the point when carian slicer will be my new magic sword.

                          By the way, Godrick's Rune is like having two soreseals but without debuff (and free talisman slot), I use it whenever I can just to show you how strong it is in min/max. - Charlie

                          • Anonymous

                            Keep in mind it's still good for reaching better armor/carry capacity not just a health boost due to the endurance increase. It does lose most of it's defensive purposes around the vigor softcap(stops being it's nothing but benefit due to the health increase getting weaker at around 40 vig and start taking more damage overall cuz maths). Glass cannon becomes this item instead of just cannon after that point. Besides that it's just an offensive one depends on build. Better for long ranged weaponry if your planning to continue using it after 40 vigor because you wont get hit as often due to being further away you can go melee but it's riskier much riskier with this thing.

                            • Anonymous

                              Damage Negation is a really strong stat, it makes all of your healing go that percentage further. This talisman is a no-brainer at low levels, where 20 free levels means 20 more potential levels in Vigor to completely offset the effective health difference; just make sure your flasks/heals are strong enough to keep up with your massive healthbar that'll be getting chunked. Once you're comfortably able to hit 40 Vigor without it it's already left the "no-brainer" territory and become a preferential thing, you're paying heavily in damage taken for whatever you're doing with those 20 levels. From that point on it's slowly becoming more trouble than it's worth.

                              • Anonymous

                                Shines especially on quality builds when you're leveling all 4 stats anyways and plan on using heavy armor. The higher the negation of your armor the less negation penalty you suffer due to multiplicative stacking, and the huge +20 point bonus to your character you use to either leave as is or (as stated by several people below me already) gouge those stats and reallocate as you like. If you use it in such a way this talisman stays plenty viable at higher RL's, it's honestly really good. Pure strength/dex builds in lighter armor is where you run into problems like wasted points or single digit % negation, in which case you just use erdtree's favor or something.

                                • Anonymous

                                  IMO: reward/penalty ratio remains great up until RL125 where it helps you meet weapon/equip load requirements and hit stat softcaps, becomes incrementally less favorable until around RL150 where you’ll be hitting said softcaps naturally without it, and then starts to drop off more sharply after that because you’ll just no longer need it as the benefit will no longer justify the penalty.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    People who think this talisman is bad or only good until a certain RL aren’t looking at it correctly. This thing essentially provides you 15 free points, the +5 to vigor and bonus defense boost across-the-board easily break even with the negation penalty especially if you’re wearing good armor. If you’re leveling strength, dexterity and endurance five levels or more each this grants the opportunity to reallocate those points to literally wherever you want.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      99% convinced the optimal way to use this talisman is if you were already planning on leveling the four stats anyway, that way you can use this to gouge them all for +20 points to Vigor

                                      • Anonymous

                                        At RL150, I wanted to try playing with just a single one-handed longsword in the colosseum. It hardly takes any stamina, so I decided not to level endurance. With Soreseal, the three str/dex talismans, and haima helm, that put me at 55 vigor, 16 endurance, and 80/80 str/dex for my quality longsword. I will say that in this specific usecase, I felt that the seal has a bit of an edge over the same character w/o the seal. The deciding factor was--it actually turns out that the kind of armor you can wear at 16 endurance is HUGE compared to what you can wear at 11. It ended up being that the difference in armor only gave me about 4-6% less damage resistance, and gave me a better poise breakpoint. Stamina, as well, was surprisingly viable at 11, but I did need to manage it a bit. At 16 endurance, I hardly ever found myself needing to strictly manage my stamina. I wouldn't recommend the build over any of my other builds, and I wouldn't take the build into invasions. But for colosseum duels, I had a lot of fun, and learned a lot. In this niche scenario, I'd say it worked, and there's probably other niches for it even at 150. My only point is that the effect of level progression is not that this goes from being a good item to a bad item. It just goes from being a good general item to a good niche item. I wouldn't put it on any other 150 build I have, but it seemed to work for this one.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          this page says it increases each stat by 5 but i just reset my stats (as a wretch) and set dexterity to 10, but i am unable to use my bloodhound claws, which cost 15. i checked my stats and it says i have 13 dexterity.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            At PvP meta level 125 at least it is tough for me to justify *not* using this seal. It just gives you so much. The health/defense gain is pretty much always a net positive relative to the reduction in % negation you get (which actually decreases the higher your starting negation is due to multiplicative stacking). Depending on your build you might end up with a couple "wasted points" here and there if you're min/maxing, but really have only experienced a small handful of cases where my build was made less viable from running this. I almost always run hybrid builds so there might be a little bias here but yeah this talisman rocks in my book.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Broke: "I use radagon's soreseal to get more damage stats"
                                              Woke: "I use radagon's soreseal to gouge my damage stats and pump up vigor"

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Actual formula for damage negation change seems to be: new negation % = (old negation % * 1.15) - 15

                                                This is taken from a comment on the scarseal page where that formula is the same, just with 10% instead. It checks out for the numbers in the article:
                                                -With Soreseal: Phys. Defense/Dmg. Negation = 131/5.594 Max HP = 1216
                                                -Without Soreseal: 124/17.908 Max HP = 994
                                                5.594 = (17.908 * 1.15) - 15

                                                So it multiplies your current negation by +15% and then subtract a flat 15%. Which means if you have 100 negation, which is impossible, you would have no negative to using this. Regardless, this is not as bad as it may seem. The more negation you have, the less this takes away.

                                                Would be good if someone would edit these formulas into each of the two Radagon talisman pages.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  I'm having fun with this and the Halo Scythe with my pure faith build. I suppose I'll find something better later on when the bad outweighs the good. No big deal.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    60 vigor gives you 1900 HP. Using the Crimson Amber Medallion +2 you only need 52 vigor to get that hp back, which saves 8 levels. It's not quite 20 levels but as far as minmaxed pvp builds go, its better to save 8 levels and not have a downside than it is to save 20 levels and have the downside of the soreseal.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      People say stop at level 80, id argue thats still only a rough guideline. Its quite possible that you dont even have a better talisman (yet) to replace it with. But for me, a sign that tells me for sure that i should remove this talisman, at least temporarily, is when im fighting a boss to the point where your flasks run dry, and i die, then before you try the boss again, replace the talisman.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        After careful consideration and multiple playthroughs with/without this item I can confidently say that they should have just not put it or the other sore/scar seals in the game because its a really annoying idea for a talisman. They enable a bit more of a varied build but the toss-up is now damage-scaling is just weirdly dumb and inconsistent forever and you never know if its worth or not.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          How to skip all the numbers above:
                                                          If you have 20 resistance, you take 80% dmg. This talisman amplifies that by 15%, which shows up on your resistance as 100 subtracting by the new number of damage TAKEN, which is why the numbers seems inconsistent and have no real patterns.

                                                          Basically a reverse opaline hardtear permanently, or a permanent heal debuff (since your hp now worth ~13% less) like what you get from black flame protection, for a specific 20 levels of stats. 15 extra if you consider the dex or str talisman that gives +5.

                                                          Imo what make or break this talisman in normal play is the defense softcap. Defense soft caps at 91 where the following levels' efficiency drops from 1 to 0.21. Which means you should take this off starting at lvl 82, or earlier if you are using more stat boost talisman and equipment. Or, if you want to spend the effort, take this off when without it your total stats reaches 141 or higher.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            As the talisman takes up a talisman spot, and you can remove it and put a 5 stat talisman in that doesn't have any drawbacks, we are discussing (or should be discussing) if 15 stat points, are worth 15% increased damage.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              If you want to do Varre's invasions at RL1 to reduce the chances of getting overpowered host and cooperators, it's definitely worth grabbing this talisman early. A must-have for all the twinks out there.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                15% more damage received for TWENTY FREE LEVELS? Yeah, try not to exceed the soft caps, but otherwise you'd be an idiot NOT to use this thing.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  unless you know what you're doing (i.e. sl1 or min maxing) take this thing OFF when you hit the midgame. complete noob trap. the amount of people wearing this thing well past the softcaps and then complaining when they get oneshot by lategame enemies.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    **** metagamers I use both soreseals at once for 40 extra points. 30%? dmg increase? well it's more like 20% with all those stats, in addition this plus the weight load talisman allows me to have decent armor at light load or HEAVY armor at medium load effectively putting me in the + numbers while retaining mobility. git gud meta boys.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      never use this for the damage stats, use it to allocate stats that you would otherwise put into damage into something else.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Fun fact as long as you have 35 vigor or less this talisman technically doesnt vene have any downsides as the hp gain is greater than the defence drop even ignoring ressistances that also get boosted by the extra stats. And if you really needed every single stat point it could be argued that this actually gives 20 vigour in a weird way in which case it would always be worth it.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Don't listen to the meta-genius, their perspective is nearsighted at best.

                                                                          This gives +5 to Vigor, and also to other 3 stats you'll most likely need. So although the Vigor increase doesn't actually offset the talisman after a certain point, it allows you to allocate extra points in Vigor which you would be using on another stat(to meet requirements for example).
                                                                          Wether your final build considers these buffs to other stats for reaching a Dex/Str soft cap, or if you're still leveling and going through the game, the comparison should be between the 15% reduction and 20+ Vigor(since you wouldn't be able to invest in Vigor while trying to reach the requirements for a weapon).
                                                                          People don't think things all the way through and want to use half-thought math or logic that isn't actually what people will experience on a real scenario.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Worth pointing out that because of the weird way resistances stack, if you have higher resistance this won't actually give you minus 15%. Tested with full scaled armor + dragoncrest greatshield Talisman:
                                                                            Physical defense w/o Soreseal:
                                                                            Normal dmg: 44.8
                                                                            strike dmg: 41.8
                                                                            slash dmg: 45.8
                                                                            pierce dmg: 44.8

                                                                            with soreseal:
                                                                            normal dmg: 36.5
                                                                            strike dmg: 33.1
                                                                            slash dmg: 37.7
                                                                            pierce dmg: 36.5

                                                                            netting ~ 8% less dmg reduction than when not using it
                                                                            in short: the higher your resistances are, the less negative effect this will have.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Casuls just care about the Vigor : Absorption ratio and completely forget the seal boosts End, Str and Dex too.

                                                                              • I feel like this talisman is easily accessible because once you know where it is making a new character isn't so much a grind. Especially if you remember to grab the morningstar before you get to Fort Faroth. Most builds should benefit early game.

                                                                                Then, as the new character is approaching level 50 or so, it is time to start planning your leveling to eventually discard the Talisman. I really like this one, but it can be a crutch.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  This talisman saved you a lot of trouble in minmaxing.

                                                                                  If you plan to stay in meta range, wearing it is recommended.

                                                                                  The 15% penalty can be easily offset by wearing heavy armor and using Golden Vow, Blackflame Protection, Boiled Crab or Opaline Hardtear.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    If you have 38 vigor or higher, the damage penalty will completely offset the vigor gain and you will effectively be losing health. Taking healing into account, the penalty is even worse.

                                                                                    Best use case is at 10 vigor. You get an effective 9.6% boost to health after the penalty. Every other vigor starting point gives a lower percent increase.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      As much as I love this talisman I still believe it was a huge misstep by From making it as accessable as it is, considering how good it is. One of the best talismans in the entire game and you can get it literally 15 minutes in to a new game without fighting a single enemy. Just gotta know where to go, do some careful maneuvering at the end and then bam. Heavily ironic, especially since even its weaker counterpart takes longer to get to and is at least drobbed by a semi-challenging boss that costs a stonesword key to even fight.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        I think it's still worth it, if my phy. negation is at 21.420. Really need this to minmax at lv 125 pvp, because i'm quality/faith with some really heavy fashion souls. Hell if it's not enough defense I just use blackflame protection. This talisman can really help with creating impossible builds.

                                                                                        And for the people wondering what the fu I use: Treespear with Erdtree Greatshield which both don't complement each other statwise. I really need 30/22 str dex besides 50 faith and 60 vig but the damage is funny.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          i'm curious, i'm level 320, are these Soarseals (Radagon's and Marika's) for a total of +10 to all main stats still good at my level? i mean if they don't feel too important anymore i can just swap them with more viable talismans that syncs/synergizes to my build. what holds me from swapping them is just my noob feeling that tells me "wow, look at that +10 to all stats". so, what do you think?

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            This thing is just pure value in a build that uses a good greatshield. In most of these builds all the stats will really come into play and stamina matters a lot more than usual. If you do get hit you get absolutely floored if you're wearing light armor but that's the trade-off.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Radagon Scarseal? Not sure if it's miss named or what. I'm double checking my legendary talismans for achievement. Does same thing so guessing it's a reoccurring typo?

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                Lets keep the gameplay implications simple and don't write more text than necessary:
                                                                                                - 5 Vigor helps more than 15% dmg taken until you reach 37 Vigor, then the extra damage outweighs the added vigor, numbers vary slightly depending on armor.
                                                                                                - True disadvantage lies in making your healing less effective in relation to how much damage you will take, this thing will destroy your healing efficiency, every 7th flask is thrown away directly and you will have to double heal more often.
                                                                                                - True advantage lies within having 20 levels saved, being able to spend them somewhere else.
                                                                                                - It is possible to fight back the 15% increase by wearing stronger armor, but there are diminishing returns pretty fast, so heavy armor won't help much more than medium armor.

                                                                                                Now for my opinion on this:
                                                                                                After using the soreseal on most of my characters in the early game i can say it feels nice to have, but now that i tested it a lot more i find it to be extremely disadvantageous. This talisman forces you into a really inconvenient healing management when compared to playing without it. It increases your damage and stamina by a decent amount however, so it is a rewarding choice for someone confident in not taking many hits. I can not recommend the soreseal to anyone new to the game, although that is the kind of player it is directed towards.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  I use this on a strength/faith Paladin build to meet weapon requirements as well as push my equip load threshold just high enough to be able to use my weapons and armor or choice at medium load and have absolutely no issues with it. Vagabond 55 Vigor, 27 Mind, 29 Endurance, 31 Strength, 13 Dexterity, 9 Intelligence, 58 Faith and 7 Arcane. Soreseal takes me to 60 Vig, 34 End (just enough to use my heaviest setup while still mid rolling, 36 Str (requirement for the Haligtree Crest Greatshield) and 18 Dex (requirement for Inseparable Sword. Haligtree Knight Helm gives +2 Faith bringing it to 60. With this setup I can use my armor; Haligtree Knight Helm, Tree Sentinel Chest, Twinned Gauntlets and Leyndell Knight Leggings with my heaviest weapon setup; Godslayer’s Seal, Guardian Swordspear and Haligtree Crest Greatshield along with my talismans; Great-Jar’s Arsenal, Radagon’s Soreseal, Godfrey’s Icon (or Radagon’s Icon) and Greatshield Talisman all while mid rolling and enjoying my epic Paladin smiting heathens. I’m of course able to switch off to my Erdtree Greatshield and Marika’s Hammer setup at any time, or use my Inseparable Sword and a Golden Parry Brass Shield whenever I want to without worrying about equip load. Do the numbers add up to make the game a bit harder? Most definitely, they absolutely do. But it also allowed for me to min/max my build perfectly to be able to use exactly what I want to whenever I want to and that’s what I care about when looking at this talisman in terms of end game. Pure str or Dex, or or pure anything for that matter practically gets nothing from this, but the Strength/Faith Paladin that I wanted to achieve with the splash of Dexterity for weapon requirements would be IMPOSSIBLE without this talisman.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    I've been wondering why people kept using it even late into the game, but as it turns out, +5 VIG is quite significant -- +5 VIG more than offsets the +15% damage penalty until you reach 38 VIG, making this talisman have no downsides at all until this point. And, of course, +5 END also lets you run heavier armor.

                                                                                                    But I still weep every time I see somebody at 60 VIG using this talisman.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Must have for incantation builds. Golden vow negates the penalty completely with its +15% defense boost and lasts quite long. If you don't mind using summons for boss fights you will face zero trouble in reapplying golden vow during boss fights.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        "... While a character at 55 in both Vigor and Endurance (therefore reaching the upper soft caps of 60) would only see an increase of about 5% health and 7% equip load, making it not worth using a talisman slot especially since you would have better talismans that late in the game."

                                                                                                        What a load of bull. This Talisman is almost a must for minmaxing builds in the game. Yes, even casters need this thing. You can easily neglect the demerit by wearing tougher armor. Plus, +5 in 4 stats means you get 20 level bonuses in defense and resistance.

                                                                                                        Do not hesitate to use this, folks. Radagon's Soreseal is just as essential as Prisoner's Chain in DS3.

                                                                                                        • The reason small hits taken are barely any stronger is because of your flat damage reduction stat next to the % one. Early game when you don't take much damage it's good but as you get damaged more from single hits you should look to swap it out. Yes 90% of the time it won't make you take less hits to get killed from full health with the same attack but the damage adds up to make you use more flasks to heal.

                                                                                                          Only really use these to equip weapons you can't equip early game at low levels. The damage you get from the stats is miniscule when you realise that lower base damage means scaling is less effective and on top of that the weapon's scaling stat is also low like D-C when it's barely upgraded which makes the scaling double whammy worse.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            “Is this viable past lv100?”Here’s my 2 cents:

                                                                                                            Even at higher levels this talisman can be effective, especially for quality builds (that uses all 4 stats) this can be helpful. Respec is a thing guys, this means we can treat the 20 bonus points interchangeably.
                                                                                                            If you’re running at 40 vig and uses all the 20 bonus stat points and respec to hit the sweet spots, this means a increase of 31% HP (1450 to 1900). Subtract the 15% damage increase and you’ll end up with a +14% net EHP, which is better than the CAM(+8%HP).
                                                                                                            For a pure STR build however this might not be worth it since the DEX increase will not be useful to you and the lost points will net you less than the 25% HP increase to make this talisman worth using.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              It only gives +3, I must have been secretly nerfed because as much as I look I’m not seeing anything about the nerf.
                                                                                                              My Stats and with the soreseal


                                                                                                              It was nerfed. Check your data again.

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                If youre a low vig build you shouldnt care about the downside because it still yields better. Essentially speaking its beter until 35 vig, evens out at around 37, after that youll start taking more damage

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  Great for RL1 runs or low level PvP characters to meet minimum weapon requirements because the extra damage means nothing when everything 1 shots you anyway

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    Just saying…
                                                                                                                    +5 endurance significantly increases equip load. So while you take more damage, you can equip heavier (stronger) armor, which pairs with +5 vigor for what is almost free health, stamina, and damage

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      I did a rough check of my physical negation stats with the radagon soreseal and Marika's scarseal equipped along with a Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +1. I'm wearing the bull-goat armor set.

                                                                                                                      With no talismans on:

                                                                                                                      35.779 phy dmg negation

                                                                                                                      with my talismans described on:

                                                                                                                      29.322 phy dmg negation

                                                                                                                      So in the end, with two things equipped that essentially allocate 32 levels worth of stats for me and supposed to increase my damage taken, I only receive an extra 6% damage. Wearing both soreseals I'm guessing it makes it an extra 10-12% damage.

                                                                                                                      In my opinion, it's worth it in the end for the extra 32-40 levels worth of stats in order to be able to use more weapons and spells.

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        It's worth noting as long as you have Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +1 or better, it practically fully negates the physical damage increase. So if you really want to keep your soreseal on (and a scarseal of the other if you are feeling daring), equip the dragoncrest shield talisman +1/+2 or dragoncrest greatshield talisman with it.

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          Can't u just use boiled crab or black flame protection to negate the 15% physical penalty? I mean, ur still gonna take more elemental dmg, but it's a huge upgrade in pvp cuz split dmg kinda bad (or not since everyone uses rivers of piss)

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            There is no downside to this talisman, just don't get hit. It's really useful if you wanna use weapons but don't want to invest levels to reach the required str or Dex.

                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                              Ok so it isn't good at 40 vig? Can someone tell me what vigor I should have for this to be effective? I'm sorry I don't understand, english just isn't my language. Doing a lv 50 quality build.

                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                Wont increasing the endurance translate into being able to wear heavier armor, thus getting more damage reduction?

                                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                  A good shield counters the downside. 20 stat points in exchange for liberal use of a chunk of iron? Count me in.

                                                                                                                                  • I don't understand how seemingly no one here knows you can respec in this game. The alternative to a 60 vigor soreseal build is not a 55 vigor build; the alternative is going to rennala and moving 5 levels away from a worse stat back onto vig. Anyone who can't wrap their head around that is just not reliable.

                                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                      Does it at least give a lower damage increase in PvP à la the reduced effectiveness of damage reduction talismans in PvP?

                                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                        Do not use this item past level 30, it’s pretty useless then and only makes you take more damage for free from bosses.

                                                                                                                                        • At very low levels of Vigor, the 5 point increase effectively negates the damage taken debuff. For example, going from 10 to 15 vigor just by putting this on lowers all defenses by 15% but also gives you around 26% more health. Just make sure not to get zero or less damage resistance in any stat because the way defense is calculated means you take SIGNIFICANTLY more damage.

                                                                                                                                          Basically, always rush this sucker on a fresh character (alongside some decent armor.)

                                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                            The reason Soreseal doesn't cause an exact 15% damage taken increase is almost certainly due to the extra points in Strength and Endurance also giving a bit of flat physical defense, which aligns with what the test data shows because defense reduces damage more the lower the damage of a hit is.

                                                                                                                                            If you compare a character wearing Soreseal to a character 20 levels higher with idential stats, no Soreseal on and same Armor, then it should be exactly 15%.

                                                                                                                                            • Needs a huge buff, decrease the dmg taken to 5% at least. You have better protection using some random light armor + dragoncrest greatshield talisman than using this talisman + full bull goat armor + dragoncrest greatshield and you gotta spend so much points into endurance for nothing. It's honestly sad how bad this talisman is, only usable for rl1 runs tbh...

                                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                I don't really get why people talk about rune level when advising about when you should quit radagon's soreseal, as your rune level depend of/change with your build which can be very misleading for any spell caster or hybrid builds (which require investing into stats not covered by radagon’s), that's why i prefer talking about actual stats/attributes
                                                                                                                                                here's the stats you should have which make soreseal more detrimental than a beneficial

                                                                                                                                                40 VIGOR and 20 to both STRENGTH and DEXTERITY (i didn't talked about END since you can easily adapt your armor weight to your build and armor become less meaningful when you have -15% damage reduction and +5 END don't give that much of max stamina)

                                                                                                                                                The reasons behind this are soft caps and requirements : +5 vigor help alleviate the penalty to damage negation at lower levels but once you reach around 40 vigor, the +5 vigor no longer give enough health to compensate the loss of damage negation in any way, 20 to DEX and STR is both the very first softcap(actually 18 for some scaling but still covered if you have20) in damage scaling AND the perfect stats to wield mosts weapons your character could use, anything above is specific stuff like colossal weapons (which require mostly STR above 20 but their DEX req are below 20) or weird/absurd requirement like "hand of malenia" (48 DEX !!! req but only 16 STR req and scale mostly with DEX) since they require mostly one big stat heirloom is better

                                                                                                                                                So once you reach 40 vigor and 20 to STR/DEX, what's the reason you keep using soreseal?

                                                                                                                                                For defense/HP? at 40 vigor a +5 give roughly the same HP as wearing a crimson amber mdeallion+2 but at least the medallion won't give any penalty to dmg negation
                                                                                                                                                and a +5 to END won't ever justify taking -15% to dmg negation of EVERY DAMAGE TYPE (+5END give at best +7.5 equip load, while -15% dmg negation is roughly removing almost all damage negation you would receive from a champion set which weight 13.4, perhaps not the best comparison but give a vague idea of how important a -15% dmg engation is), any arsenal talisman will be much better than radagon's in term of dmg negation (as it will help wearing better armor) and if worried about having more HP/STAMINA/EQUIP LOAD at once, you know what? erdtree favor give all of that and AGAIN WITH NO DMG ENGATION PENALTY

                                                                                                                                                Using soreseal for damage? to fulfill a requirement above 20?
                                                                                                                                                if your weapon require more than 20 to STR or DEX then the other stat requirement should be below or near 20 which mean an heirloom is much better to help with it as if it require huge STR or DEX it also mean it scale mostly with the same stat so killing 2 birds with one stone,
                                                                                                                                                and because of infusion like heavy or keen you can force your weapon to scale with the chosen stat making a +10 STR or DEX heirloom much better than +5 to good scaling and +5 to worst scaling

                                                                                                                                                i hope my explanation will help new players understand when and why soreseal is no longer useful

                                                                                                                                                don't hesitate to comment if i missed certain details (though don't talk about stuff like "specific PvP build" because its actually SPECIFIC or stuff like "stats/levels giving flat damage reduction" because VIGOR/END/STR/DEX don't upgrade every damage type flat resist and % is better than flat in the long run)

                                                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                  Depends on how you plan to build your character. The defense reduction is noticable and therefore makes every single point of your hp worth a good amount less even at mid lvls. It's weirdly better against large-hit bosses where the amount of hits you can take will not change anyways with or without it, despite the flat block it adds for you matters less in those situations. In those cases this is the best early game talisman to boost your damage reliably for str&dex related builds.

                                                                                                                                                  Imo best used below lvl 90-100, when above, only use to meet requirements while actively increase armor weight for the extra defense to offset the defense penalty, since the flat defense increase is no longer significant enough for the extra stats.

                                                                                                                                                  Do NOT use if you plan on relying on HoT most of the time.

                                                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                    This is perfectly viable later on, just use the stamina it gives to invest in a good shield. Downside averted.

                                                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                      Here's my tip on using this:

                                                                                                                                                      Pretty much only use this if your struggling with getting the Dex/Str/End you need. If your struggling with all 3 then this is definitely worth using.
                                                                                                                                                      However if your not struggling with those 3 stats, then there are better talismans, like Erdtree's Favor and Crimson Medallion.

                                                                                                                                                      DO NOT use this thinking it will increase/boost your hp, it does not. You will only take more damage by a percentage. If you do use this and are having trouble with your hp, cover it up using a better talisman, or don't use the soreseal at all.

                                                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                        TLDR this item is well worth using in lower levels, but falls off later on. Lvl 80+ is when this item is diminishing returns, and you should not be using it.

                                                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                          Uncontested best talisman in early game and slowly drops off in efficiency the further you go.
                                                                                                                                                          In terms of survivability, the flat defense boost from the levels and increased vigor mostly offset the absorption penalty. But both of these start becoming obsolete when damage numbers increase and absorption matters much more than a flat defense bonus, and the health increase is lower relative to your maximum HP.
                                                                                                                                                          Due to the way items/spells tend to increase absorbtion multiplicatively and are much more efficient at lower absorbtion (+15% @ 0% absorbtion gets you the full effect, +15% @ 50% absorbtion only gives you 7.5%), you may be able to mostly eliminate the penalty with prawn/crab, Golden Vow/elemental protection incantations, Black Flame's Protection, or any of the drake/dragon talismans.

                                                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                            WoW... who had so much time to make these statistics. Anyways, the way I see it, the stat boost is worth it. This game is stupid in giving u damage anyway for example u could be level 100 and having killed 2 supposed demigods, BUT a freaking tunnel rat will kill u if u dont kill it first.

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