Crystal Barrage

crystal barrage sorcery elden ring wiki guide 200px
Spell Type Glintstone Sorceries
FP Cost 14 (2) Slots Used 1
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Fires a volley of glintstone crystal shards

attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires

Crystal Barrage is a Sorcery in Elden Ring. Crystal Barrage spell fires a volley of glintstone crystal shards. 


One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria.

Fires a volley of glintstone crystal shards.
Charging increases potency.

A sorcery of the Crystal Cadre, a group of sorcerers who pursue the wisdom of stone - the secrets locked in the faint cogitation of the Crystalians.


Where to find Crystal Barrage

Where to find Crystal Barrage:


Elden Ring Crystal Barrage Guide



Elden Ring Sorceries
Adula's Moonblade  ♦  Ambush Shard  ♦  Briars of Punishment  ♦  Briars of Sin  ♦  Cannon of Haima  ♦  Carian Greatsword  ♦  Carian Phalanx  ♦  Carian Piercer  ♦  Carian Retaliation  ♦  Carian Slicer  ♦  Collapsing Stars  ♦  Comet  ♦  Comet Azur  ♦  Crystal Burst  ♦  Crystal Release  ♦  Crystal Torrent  ♦  Eternal Darkness  ♦  Explosive Ghostflame  ♦  Fia's Mist  ♦  Founding Rain of Stars  ♦  Freezing Mist  ♦  Frozen Armament  ♦  Gavel of Haima  ♦  Gelmir's Fury  ♦  Glintblade Phalanx  ♦  Glintstone Arc  ♦  Glintstone Cometshard  ♦  Glintstone Icecrag  ♦  Glintstone Pebble  ♦  Glintstone Stars  ♦  Gravity Well  ♦  Great Glintstone Shard  ♦  Great Oracular Bubble  ♦  Greatblade Phalanx  ♦  Loretta's Greatbow  ♦  Loretta's Mastery  ♦  Lucidity  ♦  Magic Downpour  ♦  Magic Glintblade  ♦  Magma Shot  ♦  Meteorite  ♦  Meteorite of Astel  ♦  Night Comet  ♦  Night Maiden's Mist  ♦  Night Shard  ♦  Oracle Bubbles  ♦  Rancorcall  ♦  Ranni's Dark Moon  ♦  Rennala's Full Moon  ♦  Rock Blaster  ♦  Rock Sling  ♦  Roiling Magma  ♦  Rykard's Rancor  ♦  Scholar's Armament  ♦  Scholar's Shield  ♦  Shard Spiral  ♦  Shatter Earth  ♦  Shattering Crystal  ♦  Star Shower  ♦  Starlight  ♦  Stars of Ruin  ♦  Swift Glintstone Shard  ♦  Terra Magica  ♦  Thop's Barrier  ♦  Thops's Barrier (Spell)  ♦  Tibia's Summons  ♦  Unseen Blade  ♦  Unseen Form  ♦  Zamor Ice Storm (Spell)


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    • Anonymous

      I don't believe this charges properly, since it isn't affected by Godfrey Icon at all. I compared it on the same enemy multiple times with and without the Godfrey Icon. Every time the damage was the same, and they died at equal speeds. Just weird that it mentions charging it, but it isn't counted as actual charging.

      • Anonymous

        does godrey icon work with this spell? the description using the words "charging increases potency" would imply it does however with testing it doesn't seem like it

        • So I did some very slow motion testing to get a relatively unbiased comparison between Crystal Barrage and Crystal Torrent. In my testing with 80 Int and Carian Regal Scepter + Magic Scorpion Charm + Graven-Mass Talisman, and buffing with Terra Magica and Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear, here were my resulsts against the Secluded Cell troll:

          Crystal Barrage:
          2.45 second Kill at a medium range (all projectiles hit)
          133 damage per hit
          Just about exactly 10 hits per second firing rate.

          Crystal Torrent (With Crystal Staff in off-hand):
          1.8 second kill at absolute point-blank range with I believe all projectiles hitting.
          306 damage per hit
          Just about exactly 6 hits per second firing rate.

          With the raw numbers out of the way we can delve more into some of the intricacies here. Torrent seems to do more damage per hit than it should given its Motion Value. What I think is happening is that 2 hits always happen completely simultaneously, giving the appearance of a higher damage per hit than is actually expected. The derived relative DPS values (in this very specific situation against this specific enemy. Don't expect these against all enemies, but they are useful as a frame of reference to each other) are as follows: 1,330 DPS for Barrage, 1,836 DPS for Torrent.

          It is very useful to note however that Torrent has a very lengthy casting animation before the spell actually begins to cast, and can *not* be aimed while casting (i.e once you have aimed, you are locked in until you stop casting). Torrent can also be cast indefinitely similar to Comet Azur, whereas Barrage can not (can be cast for a few seconds before the animation stops), but *can* be freely swung back and forth and locked on to different targets while casting.

          Barrage is very good at a medium range against large targets, whereas Torrent is the superior option for massive targets that you can get right up next to. Think of an SMG versus an automatic shotgun, both have their use cases.

          • Anonymous

            Would be absolutely amazing if you could keep chain-casting it till you run out of FP. But sadly you can't, it keeps stopping after like 3 seconds and you have to recast it. Annoying as hell. Still a good spell though.

            • Anonymous

              Trash tier spell. In order to make it effective, you need to have more intelligence than the minimum requirements for Crystal Torrent, which works exactly the same as this spell but does more damage. Crystal Torrent can even be boosted by the Crystal Staff, which is the second best non-FP draining staff after CRS. The only use case for this spell is if you don't want to have to beat the triple crimson rot crystalian boss to get Crystal Torrent.

              • Anonymous

                Could this work for an early game mage build or should I stick to Glintstone Pebble Spam.
                Winged Sword Insignia+Glintstone Barrage Charged Cast.

                • Anonymous

                  Get your raya lucaria gang up in this hoe, pair this with crystal burst (as the shotgun) and just pull up in unsuspecting people

                  • Anonymous

                    I saw a PvE sorcery tier list video by Criight (Sorry for misspelling) where he ranked this spell among the best in the game. His other choices for S through B tiers made total sense to me and were all viable, practical spells that could carry you through the game like Swift Glintstone Shard or Rock Sling.

                    So when my level 80ish mage with 40ish INT tried this spell expecting to melt an unsuspecting sleeping Troll, I was extremely disappointed to see that it was not only a huge FP drain, but it was like I was shooting it with BB pellets. Terrible damage for the FP consumption. I thought either I was being trolled or I must be missing something.

                    I was missing something. About 30 to 40 more levels in INT. It has a ridiculously low requirement to use but it honestly isn't even worth using before late game for most. I tried it again earlier today with 80 INT and a Carian Regal Scepter +10 and it's a damn Howitzer! It completely exceeded my expectations and the FP cost is not bad at all considering it bursts down big boys more efficiently than Moon sorceries- even with the Regal Staff buff.

                    So if you're like me and you're wondering why your Crystal Barrage isn't potent like all the other cool mages, it's because you are still growing. You'll be able to magically pimp slap gods into submission soon enough lol

                    • Anonymous

                      Crystal Barrage's essentially a stationary version of Spiral Shard; It does a lot of damage if you're able to cast the full duration of it especially if you're standing on Terra Magica. Like Spiral Shard, it absolutely melts any enemies that are big and chonky. Also, unlike Crystal Torrent, you can turn with Crystal Barrage when an enemy is moving around, meaning you don't have to worry about not aiming the right way.

                      • Anonymous

                        For those of you who are lower leveled players wondering why higher level players are calling this a good spell... The problem at low levels is that with poor sorcery scaling and low to moderate int, a spell that does multiple hits for low damage is going to be heavily negated by an enemy's magic resistance. So you're going to see considerably lower performance from any multi-hit sorceries at this level compared to spells that do flat single-hit damage like the Astrologer starting spells.

                        The other key difference is that at higher levels FP efficiency becomes less important compared to DPS at higher levels, where you will likely have 10 seconds of free casting, a fatter FP bar, and lots of upgraded Cerulean Flasks to replenish a ton of FP. If you're hitting a boss with full FP and flasks, you can afford to dump your FP into more aggressive spells.

                        • Anonymous

                          How long can you charge it? I read somewhere that after the buff you can basically deplete your FP with it, but mine is sustained for about 3 seconds only

                          • Anonymous

                            Pretty strong damage wise now if the whole thing goes off. After testing it against a bunch of different enemies though its worth noting that things that can block/dodge it will and that really does cut down the damage in practice against them.

                            • Anonymous

                              If you can land all the hits, it now(post 1.03) puts even Rennala’s Full Moon to shame, even with Carian Royal Scepter. This did over 4500 damage for a fully charged shot to a golem for me vs ~2400 with Full Moon.

                              • Anonymous

                                Only use i've found for this PVE is that if you aim it at somethings head, it does tons of poise damage. PVP you can get some clips if they're rolling since you can actually free aim it in front of them but since you're locked in place they could poise through and trade, you don't want that as a sorcerer lol. If the mana cost was half or less maybe this would be viable but right now it's a really bad sorcery.

                                • Anonymous

                                  ok so at 70 int and 54 mind. this spell is useable

                                  its kinda like a faster casting comet azur. but it doesn't shoot until you run out of mana. it can be cast 4 times

                                  i did 3946 damage against a boss using only crystal barrage

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I think this deals more poise damage then basic glint pebble and due to that can knock enemies down faster while also dealing less damage. At least to me that is, not 100% sure if this is the case or I am seeing things wrong.

                                    • They didn't even test this lmao. 168 damage on a pebble vs 85 damage on a barrage for twice the FP cost and being locked into a lengthy animation. Sad because it'd be cool if it were more like a risky shotgun.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Should've read the wiki before purchasing it. It's absolute trash. For a requirement of 23 INT I expected a lot more

                                        • Anonymous

                                          **** damage BUT if you hold down the button and shoot two long barrages, it has a very high chance of stunning the enemy for a crit

                                          • Anonymous

                                            'Magic is super strong in Eldin Ring!" they said. "Its not like it was in Dark Souls 3, its super viable now!" they said.

                                            And I bet you they will STILL nerf magic.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Very low damage, and it's pretty slow. Is it supposed to be used against certain enemies? I don't know, but so far it's completely useless. Hell, Crystal Burst is better at lower INT requirement, and for the same INT you can get Ambush Shard which annihilates enemies.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                I love using it for fun, but man does it suck. The mana-to-damage ratio is not acceptable. Still, crystals go BRRRRR!

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  I bought 5 spells so far and everything is garbage. Still using first 2 for Astrologer. They should repair this. It is demotivating. You play for hours to obtain new spells and thnan this...

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Actual garbage, don't bother buying.
                                                    Does something like 40 damage at the same level of magic that your starting spells do almost 200.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      wow, just grinded for about an hour to level my intellect high enough so that i could use this spell. this spell deals no damage!!! it's terrible. how does something like this even make it to the live game???

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        this spell is actually the worst. I actively grinded for 3 hours to use this spell that eats you entire mana bar for next to NO damage. Assuming you have either perfect RNG or an enemy that isnt moving at all, the spell does almost 4 times less damage than the base starting spells the game gives you at double the mana cost per cast.

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