Unseen Form

unseen form sorcery elden ring wiki guide 200px
Spell Type Night Sorceries
FP Cost 20 Slots Used 1
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Makes the caster semi-invisible

attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires

Unseen Form is a Sorcery in Elden Ring. Unseen Form makes both your character and horse partially invisible, allowing you to move undetected. (This spell reduces the range at which enemies notice you, allowing you to get the drop on some and completely bypass others. They will still notice you and attack if you get too close, and can still hear your footsteps; also, Unseen Form has no effect on some enemies, such as bosses.)


One of the night sorceries of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. Makes the caster semi-invisible. While on horseback, effect extends to cover the mount. This sorcery can be cast while in motion.

The Sellian assassins considered every option that aided their dirty work.


Where to find Unseen Form

Where to find Unseen Form:

This Sorcery can be found in Altus Plateau at the top of the Tower after completing the Mirage Rise puzzle. When you reach at the location, although your map marks there is a tower, you will notice that there is nothing there! However, you will receive a map, called Mirage Riddle. You will have to interact with three Phantom crests.

  • The first one is next to that initial position, hard to miss.
  • The second one can be found by continuing to the west, near the rock wall. Enemies will spawn.
  • The final one, is near the Bower of Bounty site of grace. Starting at the Bower of Bounty site of grace, head directly south to the edge of a cliff. Here a small enemy will spawn. Once you see this enemy, head east along the cliffside. On the left side you will see a strange looking stone which you have to hit in order to reveal the phantom crest. The stone lies before the bridge and will likely have messages surrounding it.

Once you found all three, head to where the tower was supposed to be, to actually find it this time. Climb all the way to the top to find this sorcery, along with Unseen Blade and x5 Slumbering Egg.

Elden Ring Interactive Map Link

Elden Ring Unseen Form Notes

  • Note: While using the Crepus's Vial talisman, you lose invisibility in your appearance but the effect appears to still work on enemies and NPCs. It is unconfirmed whether this issue effects PvP or not.
  • Reduces lock on range for opponents in PvP
  • Night Sorcery
  • Stamina Cost: 10
  • Duration: 30 seconds
  • Note: Wearing the Black Knife Armor removes the visual effect, but the invisibility effect will still be active. 




Builds with Unseen Form



Elden Ring Sorceries
Adula's Moonblade  ♦  Ambush Shard  ♦  Briars of Punishment  ♦  Briars of Sin  ♦  Cannon of Haima  ♦  Carian Greatsword  ♦  Carian Phalanx  ♦  Carian Piercer  ♦  Carian Retaliation  ♦  Carian Slicer  ♦  Collapsing Stars  ♦  Comet  ♦  Comet Azur  ♦  Crystal Barrage  ♦  Crystal Burst  ♦  Crystal Release  ♦  Crystal Torrent  ♦  Eternal Darkness  ♦  Explosive Ghostflame  ♦  Fia's Mist  ♦  Founding Rain of Stars  ♦  Freezing Mist  ♦  Frozen Armament  ♦  Gavel of Haima  ♦  Gelmir's Fury  ♦  Glintblade Phalanx  ♦  Glintstone Arc  ♦  Glintstone Cometshard  ♦  Glintstone Icecrag  ♦  Glintstone Pebble  ♦  Glintstone Stars  ♦  Gravity Well  ♦  Great Glintstone Shard  ♦  Great Oracular Bubble  ♦  Greatblade Phalanx  ♦  Loretta's Greatbow  ♦  Loretta's Mastery  ♦  Lucidity  ♦  Magic Downpour  ♦  Magic Glintblade  ♦  Magma Shot  ♦  Meteorite  ♦  Meteorite of Astel  ♦  Night Comet  ♦  Night Maiden's Mist  ♦  Night Shard  ♦  Oracle Bubbles  ♦  Rancorcall  ♦  Ranni's Dark Moon  ♦  Rennala's Full Moon  ♦  Rock Blaster  ♦  Rock Sling  ♦  Roiling Magma  ♦  Rykard's Rancor  ♦  Scholar's Armament  ♦  Scholar's Shield  ♦  Shard Spiral  ♦  Shatter Earth  ♦  Shattering Crystal  ♦  Star Shower  ♦  Starlight  ♦  Stars of Ruin  ♦  Swift Glintstone Shard  ♦  Terra Magica  ♦  Thop's Barrier  ♦  Thops's Barrier (Spell)  ♦  Tibia's Summons  ♦  Unseen Blade  ♦  Zamor Ice Storm (Spell)

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    • Anonymous

      crazy arena build idea. unseen form with ancient death rancor and rain of stars and make sure you have enough faith to be able to use erdtree heal since for whatever reason i cant use health flasks, oh and dont forget bestial sling for when they are at 1hp trying to dodge all the spells you just spammed then proceed to point downwards because thats what everyone does to me. -somebody with a skill issue

      • Anonymous

        I have been meaning to put this to use for awhile. Finally did, for the golem guarding the bridge in Mountain Top of the Giants. Whelp.

        • Anonymous

          I just bought the game and I noticed that I am going through a bunch of doors and there is not much action. Is it normal to go through like 10 or 15 doors to start the game?

          • Anonymous

            Found this sorcery the other day and I cannot find it on my list of spells now ... gonna retrace my footprints to see if it's still there

            • Anonymous

              a lot of enemies can be avoided and fleed from due to the world being mostly open….. the worst case scenario is using this indoors since you cannot go unseen in rooms and hallways……..and beside… instead of walking next to enemies, you can just crouch sprint to make no noise ( even if you wear a literal pile of rocks/metal/unconveniant armor )

              • Anonymous

                You can sneak behind the tree guardian in front of the "normal" way into leyndell with this and kill him using poison mist without ever alerting him

                • Anonymous

                  Something that would be really nice with this would be if it hid your phantom glow for the duration so you don't need to also use a talisman slot to not glow like a dying Christmas tree light when you're invading.

                  • Anonymous

                    Currently doing a Cross-breed Priscilla build so its pretty good.
                    For anyone wanting to also try it use these.

                    Snow Witch Robe
                    Snow Witch Skirt
                    Cold Grave Scythe with Ash of War: Chilling Mist
                    Unseen Form Sorcery
                    Aspects of the Crucible: Tail Incantation

                    • Anonymous

                      Why are there so many people who doesn't want to git gud and cry about this spell? Just use free-aim and AoE skills/spells, and if you're a caster, stop stupidly spamming spells and use melee weapon ffs.

                      • Anonymous

                        Assassins gambit on a backup dagger makes this spell a bit irrelevant. If you are going to use this I'd recommend using it with ritual sword talisman as assassins gambit's self damage breaks the ritual talisman giving unseen form a small niche.

                        • Anonymous

                          Please please please fix Unseen Form staking with Assasin's Gambit cheese in PVP asap.
                          People who are saying "It's not a cheat against opponets with skill." are MELEE characters who are using MOUSE.

                          • Anonymous

                            why tf does it not work with the black knife set or the talisman???????????????????????????????????

                            i just want to do my ordina cosplay goddamn it

                            • Anonymous

                              For someone to add: the Unseen Form can work with the Black Knight armor if the armor is altered. Possibly a bug caused by the transparency of the cape?

                              • Anonymous

                                Does this make you unable to be locked onto by other players? i had someone use this and none of us could lock on

                                • Anonymous

                                  Assassins approach and crouching alone makes you nearly invisible in PvE. You can walk on top on an enemy with assassin approach so I don’t get these other spells and items that don’t seem to work together?

                                  • Anonymous

                                    "No trust me guys it's not a crutch I'm just allergic to letting the enemy lock on to me I'm skilled I can win without Unseen + Gambit"

                                    • Anonymous

                                      not only does this make my game lag, but makes it IMPOSSIBLE for me to lock onto people in duels. came across this cool spellcaster okina cosplay guy who used it. pretty neat, if kind of annoying

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Also tested with Assassins Gambin + Unseen Form + Concealing Veil talisman in PvP and indeed you do become invisible at a certain range and have to be looking a different direction. Also this combo is very very effective in PvP I have never seen it be used, I started being accused of glitching because apparently this technique is still very unknown:) lets keep it like that :)

                                        • This spell, while situational, can be VERY useful for a pure spellcaster. Especially useful for the Ordina, Lithurgical Town evergaol.
                                          Keep in mind that ALL effects of this spell are negated entirely by Crepus's Vial, while ONLY the visual effect is negated by wearing a piece of the Black Knife set.

                                          • if you use assassin's aproach ash of war and then use this spell you become untargetable no matter the distance. If the order is reversed it doesn't work. Both effects are only 30 seconds so thankfully it's not too insane but it's another exploit.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              If you pair the Darkness incantation with the Assassin's Cerulean Dagger talisman you can execute entire swarms of enemies for free. Darkness makes enemies lose track of you even in the middle of combat, allowing you to casually circle around one and backstab them.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                are people okay with this in duels? it feels really stupid when i can't target the guy im dueling. maybe it's just a 'git gud' moment since you can free aim, but i don't like fighting the duelist and the camera

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  If you are using either Crepus's Vial or Black Knife Assassin armor the spell doesn't make you partially invisible. Probably intentional so you can't be dead silent and partially invisible, kinda sucks in my opinon but hey ho

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Good for NG+ when you're just trying to get through the gates of Stormveil to get to the shardbearer without wasting too much time. Only got shot with one ballista, versus all of them.

                                                    • This works in pvp but like the description states you are partially invisible so you have to use bushes and be careful with your movements. Very useful in tandem with the concealing veil

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        I used unseen form before I entered war dead catacombs boss fight with tree snake of hell. Snuck around behind him and frozen misted him to death.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Not that it matters for PvE anyway, just crouch normally or run even if they see you they won’t catch up.
                                                          What we need is complete invisibility for PvP, like Gravediggers ring in demon’s Souls

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Does not appear to work at all. I've tested and it doesn't make you invisible, or even less visible at a distance. Crouching seems to work strictly better and with this plus crouching it also makes no difference. They react at the same distance and have the same reaction speed. Doesn't do anything in PvP. It certainly is nothing like Hidden Body from Dark Souls 3 as mentioned by someone else which grants total invisibility as long as you aren't within about 3-4 feet.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Wearing the black knife armor does not negate the effect of this spell. Archers were firing upon me while I wore this armor. Used the spell, they stopped firing.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Just tested to be sure, and Black Knife Armor doesn't negate the spell, just the visual effect of it. I tested at Divine Tower of Caelid: Center and I had to step much closer for the spear knight down the stairs to see me after casting the spell.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  This spell is a game changer. Helps avoid targets nearly in their entirety, allowing you to pick and choose your fights.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Handy for evading snipers, like those on the rooftops in the Evergaol to light torches that unlock the way to the Haligtree.

                                                                    • The Frenzy-Flaming Tower won’t affect you while you are using this spell… makes it much easier to navigate that area.
                                                                      It also works well during the first part of Haligtree, especially with that huge Oracle Envoy that normally bombards you on approach.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Super useful, works like in DS3 - enemies take longer to react to you. Obviously they can still hear you if you are too close. The effect lasts much longer than in DS3

                                                                        • This spell doesn't make you invisible, just harder to see - eg. it prolongs enemy reaction time. If you need to rush through some mobs, this will help you do it. It won't help you finger but hole a mob while standing directly in its face.

                                                                          • This spell doesn't make you invisible, just harder to see - eg. it prolongs enemy reaction time. If you need to rush through some mobs, this will help you do it. It won't help you finger but hole a mob while standing directly in its face.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Since launch and even after 1.03, this spell has its effect nullified if you have Crepus's Vial on, which seems like a bug, because the combo of invisible body + silent footsteps has been a common thing across all past games.

                                                                              • for 1.03.1 the Crepus's Vial (talisman that elemenates sound) would deactivate the effect of this spell.
                                                                                So, just get the ashes of war version of it.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  They should've UN-nerfed this during the last update. Hardly works for sh*t, unlike in the other souls titles.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    This does not work in pvp at all. I was 30 feet from a invader when i was in my sons game helping him and dude was literally locked onto me and running away. Pointless spell

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      is this any fun to use in pvp? i used to run a goofy solid snake build in 3 to try to get cheeky backstabs but so far i've either not seen a soul use this spell, or it's just doesn't have any visible effect player to player. anyone seen someone use this against them in pvp, and if so, how hard is it to spot them?

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        This thing work. I just wish there was some other source of this other than spell. It's just not very cool when you in a black knife set and you using fk stick too go invisible.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          I tried this on bosses and some didn't saw me when I entered the room while others did, I used the given time to summon a spirit and they would agro it instead of me, so pretty useful for mages that need to set up damage boosts.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Just invaded a guy who’s phantom was completely invisible and backstabbed me. It was funny and I was still able to lock on but I have no idea how he did that. I remember there was some sort of staff that boosted invisibility spells. Is that what happened?

                                                                                            • I wish there was a visual effect when casted like Hidden Body from DS3. Would be easier to tell if the spell is still in effect without needing to look at the icon under your bars.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                This isn't doing anything. An icon shows by my bars but my char remains perfectly visible to myself and faraway enemies

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  you could have this active with the talisman to make no sound and enemies will still do their instant attacks from around corners because its a lazily coded event trigger :D

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Stealth actually works pretty well. As long as you're crouched, enemies won't hear you. Most mooks will only see you if you're within 10 feet or so. You can swing your weapon and cast spells without breaking Unseen Form, and this includes refreshing Unseen Form. Poison mist won't even draw aggro. Swinging and making noise will distract enemies and make them slowly investigate the noise, allowing you to sneak past guards.

                                                                                                    • The third one is not just "near the bower of bounty bonefire" it's inside an illusary rock. Maybe include that semi-important info next time.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        If anyone is looking for an alternative, try out the ash of war "assassin's gambit". It costs a bit of health but is way more FP efficient and has no requirements. It also makes your footsteps silent.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          Can be very useful - while the enemies might still detect you when you get too close due to the sound of your feet, it will take them longer to detect you, meaning they will take longer before they are able to attack you. This will usually help you to land the first blow and avoid being stunlocked by the enemy, and if you are fighting a stunlockable enemy, you can stunlock them yourself

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            The last one is between grave and bridge base, on a small hill, there is a suspicious rock, the phantom is hidden inside the rock ... took me ages to find the last one

                                                                                                            • I've noticed a lot of comments that this spell doesn't work. I've tested the range at which a basic soldier notices me while crouching but still in view and it's pretty far off. They draw their sword and stand there but If you hide after being spotted in time they resheathe their sword and lose interest. When I have this spell active I can crouch and sneak past getting much closer to the enemy before they enter that same 'at the ready' stance of theirs. Crouching seems to be key to getting it to work though and you may want to find a hiding place to recast it since it only lasts 30 seconds and you have to slowly sneak while using it.

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                Honestly wouldn't waste your time with this spell. It's a bit underwhelming. Maybe better for pvp? Tempted to test this with a friend

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