Roiling Magma

roiling magma sorcery elden ring wiki guide 200px
Spell Type Magma Sorceries
FP Cost 28 Slots Used 1
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Fires lump of magma that explodes after delay

attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires

Roiling Magma is a Sorcery in Elden Ring. Roiling Magma spell fires a ball of magma. Upon contact with the environment, explodes in a radius after a short delay while additionally leaving patches of lava. This explosion will not occur if the ball hits an enemy, instead dealing single target damage. Can be charged to increase the explosion delay, radius and damage. Updated to Patch 1.07.


One of the sorceries developed from the magma of Mt. Gelmir.

Fires a lump of condensed magma that explodes a short delay after hitting the target.
Charging enhances potency and further delays the explosion.

After discovering the ancient hexes of Gelmir, Rykard, son of Queen Rennala, brought them back into practical use as new forms of sorcery.


Roiling Magma Location in Elden Ring

Roiling Magma can be found in the following location:


Elden Ring Roiling Magma Guide

  • Magma Sorcery
  • Stamina Cost: 27
  • Deals fire damage
  • Sticks to surfaces such as walls and ceilings
  • Most enemies that are unaware of the player will walk towards the magma ball, drawn to the light and sound.
  • Despite magma ball being a fire projectile, hitting a target with the ball does not reset frostbite debuff; unlike other fire based damage does. The explosion however, does remove the frostbite debuff from target.
  • The projectile will disappear if it hits an enemy, or if it simply reaches its maximum travel distance.
  • NOTE: Since Patch 1.07 FP Consumption has been Decreased from 32 to 28.




Elden Ring Roiling Magma Notes and tips

  • Updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
  • Other notes and player tips go here.
Elden Ring Sorceries
Adula's Moonblade  ♦  Ambush Shard  ♦  Briars of Punishment  ♦  Briars of Sin  ♦  Cannon of Haima  ♦  Carian Greatsword  ♦  Carian Phalanx  ♦  Carian Piercer  ♦  Carian Retaliation  ♦  Carian Slicer  ♦  Collapsing Stars  ♦  Comet  ♦  Comet Azur  ♦  Crystal Barrage  ♦  Crystal Burst  ♦  Crystal Release  ♦  Crystal Torrent  ♦  Eternal Darkness  ♦  Explosive Ghostflame  ♦  Fia's Mist  ♦  Founding Rain of Stars  ♦  Freezing Mist  ♦  Frozen Armament  ♦  Gavel of Haima  ♦  Gelmir's Fury  ♦  Glintblade Phalanx  ♦  Glintstone Arc  ♦  Glintstone Cometshard  ♦  Glintstone Icecrag  ♦  Glintstone Pebble  ♦  Glintstone Stars  ♦  Gravity Well  ♦  Great Glintstone Shard  ♦  Great Oracular Bubble  ♦  Greatblade Phalanx  ♦  Loretta's Greatbow  ♦  Loretta's Mastery  ♦  Lucidity  ♦  Magic Downpour  ♦  Magic Glintblade  ♦  Magma Shot  ♦  Meteorite  ♦  Meteorite of Astel  ♦  Night Comet  ♦  Night Maiden's Mist  ♦  Night Shard  ♦  Oracle Bubbles  ♦  Rancorcall  ♦  Ranni's Dark Moon  ♦  Rennala's Full Moon  ♦  Rock Blaster  ♦  Rock Sling  ♦  Rykard's Rancor  ♦  Scholar's Armament  ♦  Scholar's Shield  ♦  Shard Spiral  ♦  Shatter Earth  ♦  Shattering Crystal  ♦  Star Shower  ♦  Starlight  ♦  Stars of Ruin  ♦  Swift Glintstone Shard  ♦  Terra Magica  ♦  Thop's Barrier  ♦  Thops's Barrier (Spell)  ♦  Tibia's Summons  ♦  Unseen Blade  ♦  Unseen Form  ♦  Zamor Ice Storm (Spell)


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    • Anonymous

      Similar to seething chaos from Dark Souls 3 and has similar utility. Though the spell doesn't appear to be as strong as the one from dark souls. It can be a stealth spell in pve or an area control spell in pvp. Not a useless spell, in my opinion, give it a try.

      • Anonymous

        This and gravitas. In pvp this works as a quite good surprise attack and in pve works wonders depending on the type of enemies that surround you, and by that I mean those enemies that can he pulled

        Saw it on a yt channel.

        • Anonymous

          Why does it have such bad range? This is actually kind of cool in PVE because enemies notice it and walk towards it but the projectile has such limited range it defeats the purpose sometimes.

          • Anonymous

            Oh, how i wish this behaved like plasma grenades from Halo... if it hits, it sticks. That would make it incredibly fun to use. As it stands currently though, it's a solid spell for ng+ or secondary playthroughs - if you know an enemy is waiting to ambush you around a corner, throw this down and get revenge for the time they ambushed you in the first playthrough!

            • Anonymous

              This spell is one of my favorite ones for having a fun mechanic but that doesn’t take away how frustrating it is to land this even in pve. So this spell should either stick to targets, or go through enemies and explode
              on the ground.

              • Anonymous

                This really needs to act like a sticky nade if it arc that much, and shouldn't disappear after such a short distance. It should land whatever the distance, making it act just like a pot, cause throwing it free aiming, at the feet of an ennemy just 6meters away, and the ball just vanishing before landing... It's just frustrating, and it means you suddenly get very disadvantaged cause you have so much to do to mand this properly in pvp that there's no way it's worth the cost. Hence why no one actually use it.

                • Anonymous

                  Requires a bit of effort, but it's one of the more fun spells in PvE. It's just way too expensive relative to your other fire options to justify its unreliable nature. Reduce the FP cost to ~22 FP and it would be a lot more reasonable. This random sorcery we find in an abandoned shack really shouldn't cost more than Rykard's Rancor.

                  • Anonymous

                    I'm starting to think the "bug" is no longer a bug but a feature they purposely did. As someone mentioned before, it would be top tier if it attached and exploded on enemies. Maybe Fromsoft thought it would be too op?

                    • Anonymous

                      This spell is less about the damage (which is actually amazing if it explodes) and more about the mind games. Pair this with other area denial spells like Night Maiden's Mist and you'll have your opponent walking a minefield.

                      • Anonymous

                        Would be nice if detonation time was shorter the farther the shot travelled. That way the spell would be better for long range AOE damage while still being able to put traps next to us to counter rushdowns.

                        • Anonymous

                          On paper, like the idea behind this spell: stick it to the ground or any nearby debris. Wished that it could detonated much sooner.

                          • Anonymous

                            Remove Travel Distance (you already have to free aim this doing some trigonometry for it to actually land where you want) + Make it stick to enemies (Either doing less damage or just having less AoE) + Make it be able to move (I want to be able to boobie trap an elevator lol) = One of the funnest and most cool looking spells you can get in the game.

                            • Anonymous

                              This spell feels like a missed opportunity, honestly. If you connect with a surface on cast, the lump will pop after a delay, doing damage and poise damage that's reasonably for its FP cost (so long as you have Gelmir Glintstone Staff in both hands for that 33% damage boost). Mobs that haven't aggro'd onto you yet will walk over to investigate, which is pretty funny. As another commentator pointed out, you can stack a charged and uncharged cast in the same spot for a big damage boost, as they will explode at a similar time.

                              However, I think it's inexcusable that this spell does less damage damage than Magma Shot on a direct hit, while costing almost twice as much FP to cast. This spell (like Magma Shot) has a heavy trajectory and a blast radius that is just OK, meaning that you have to be quite close whatever you're trying to hit to land it. A lot of the time the enemy will notice you and run to attack you, causing the blast to miss. Or you'll hit the enemy instead of a surface near them, dealing pitiful damage and leaving you wondering why you didn't just backstab them or do something else instead.

                              This spell really ought to "stick" to opponents it hits directly and explode after a delay. That would make it MUCH better.

                              In PVP you can just cast this at your feet as an area denial tool. It functions similarly to Magic Downpour, although the damage profile is a bit different. Being able to charge it is a plus.

                              • Anonymous

                                the fact that this spell still functionally punishes you in combat for accidentally hitting an enemy makes it still feel cumbersome and bad to use, if my ball of arcing molasses ends up colliding with an enemy I should be rewarded with a sticky bomb on his big toe, not punished by abysmal damage and taking away all my aoe potential, and when you also add in the fact that this spell only actually sticks to most kinds of basic geometry and will just disappear if it hits things like the level clutter corpses and mushroom stalks in caelid, it really hurts the actual utility of the spell when you feel like you can't trust the glob to not collide with an enemy hitbox or even stick to the ground or wall as intended. From needs to tweak this one more, cause having your spell just get eaten by the ground is pretty unacceptable.

                                • Anonymous

                                  A surprisingly useful sorcery for spellsword builds. Drop this on the floor where you'll be expecting to engage in melee before enemies close in, then start hacking away until the detonation chews off a large chunk of HP to stack a lot of burst damage into a short timeframe. Ensures you've always got some nice damage lined up whether you're attacking or evading, and can manage crowds while you focus on a single target.

                                  Most fire-and-forget spells with lingering effects are good for this, especially if combo'd together. Black Flame Ritual is another good example

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Actually a pretty decent tech spell for Sorcerors, especially for Godfrey icon & Frost builds. It does decent damage & resets frostbite on a direct hit, but the fully charged explosion is where the real damage is at. Some bosses & enemies are too mobile to remain in its radius very long, but many can be kept near the explosion as long as you make an effort to fight near it or stagger them with another attack while they're nearby.

                                    Great for starting battles as well, as some enemies make no effort to avoid it or attack you while its charging up. This combined with Magic Glintblade & night Comet made for some disgusting opener combos for tough enemies like Crucible & Banished Knights.

                                    All in all, it's a pretty strong trap spell like Magic Glintblade but with higher risk & higher reward. The Fire damage is a neat touch for Frost builds or as a way for Mages to exploit fire vulnerability (or magic resistance, such as the Barrier of Gold buff), but realistically it'd be more powerful overall if it did magic damage so it'd benefit from all the same buffs your other spells would.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      If you cast this on the ground, it can act as a safety measure against mobs/invaders so as long as you stand within the explosion while preparing another spell or drink a fp flask. Alternatively, Rolling Magma deals boatloads of damage if you can land a charged Rolling Magma at a weak point w/o letting it fall to the ground.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        If you fully charge this, and then shoot an uncharged one after it they will explode at the same time. This spell is actually quite good and is really slept on.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          One of the worst Sorceries in the game imo. Pretty much all of the Gelmir magma sorceries are trash. A shame, considering they're so cool looking.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Pretty decent spell, i only wish the projectile fell to the floor if it hit an enemy instead of disappearing. That would make for a perfect trap spell to combo with either melee or other spells

                                            • Anonymous

                                              This disappears mid flight if it travels for too long. I thought I couldn't be more disappointed with a spell until now.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Fully charged you’re looking at over 10s from beginning of cast to explosion. Don’t expect this to one shot anyone like Giant Flame. The explosion radius isn’t as large either. The persistent ground damage is incredibly underwhelming and does almost no stagger to players. Not a very good spell late game.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  This is a really cool spell, but the game does a poor job of explaining how it's supposed to be used. When you hit the ground with it, it creates a bomb that lures unaware enemies. So you sneak up to a group of enemies, free cast it so it hits somewhere close to them and then they wander towards it and it explodes.

                                                  If you hit an enemy with it, you "missed".

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    As of 1.04, with an 80 INT build, the explosion is doing 1959 dmg on a fully charged cast with carian regal staff, Godfrey talisman, gelmir staff offhand, and graven mass talisman. Tested on the pages at caria manor.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Even though its slow and clunky, when this lands in PVE it is devastating. Having some fire dmg in your back pocket as a caster takes a ton of pressure off. Pop on Godwick's Great Rune as a pure int build and just melt bosses that are weak to fire dmg. Putrid Tree Avatar gets completely stomped by this spell. Make it whiff the slam attack and plant the magma ball next to its feet and keep it distracted. Once that sucker blows up, watch 1/3rd of it's health bar get deleted. Rinse repeat 2 more times gg ez.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        If only it stuck to enemies... Unless a bug seems like this is good for stealth play. I would imagine it needs a rework for the effect we want. If it acts like it says it would do big damage on hit, a tick and then explode for another big damage and more ticks. When it hits an enemy it should do tick damage, not that big hit it has now, Then explode for the big damage. IF you want balance either reduce or nullify the ticks the target gets on stick and after explosion or make it so they do not take post explosion pool damage.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Currently bugged. Does not explode if charged and hitting an enemy. Better used if free aim’d on the wall or floor. If you’re going to charge a spell against a single target, use magma shot

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            No one uses this in PvP. Cast it on the ground, force them to retreat, pop a flask or roll catch them. Or combo them if they stand in it. Very underrated on a pure sorcery build, just don't expect it to be your main damage dealer.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Basically sticky bombs, if you cast near a group of enemies undetected, they will walk over to it and just stare at it before magma melts their face off. 8/10 great damage and clearing but wish it stuck to enemies.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                There's a bug... spam cast this charged and uncharged... eventually, the uncharged cast costs double fp.. only gotten it to happen once. Just.. watch your fp bar when using this. It'll drain it QUICK if the bug happens.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I really dislike that this spells explosion does not trigger if the initial projectile connects with an enemy. The description says the explosion occurs "a short delay after hitting the target", but if it actually connects with anyone, the explosion gets cancelled.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Very funny to watch enemies slowly wander towards it and then get knocked on their ass dead after it goes off.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Pretty dang good utility on this. Arguably the best lava sorcery spell imho.

                                                                      Just being able to toss it into crowds and let them walk into it like moths to the. . . lava. . . works pretty well in thinning out herds. The only downside of it is the fact that it doesn't activate its time-bomb effect if it hits an enemy directly. So if you're gonna use lava sorceries; magma shot still is best for single target.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        From the Seethewater Terminus grace, head west until you reach Fort Laiedd. Head south past the lava lake, past the graves, and it'll be up the hill on a shack to your left. If you've reached the bear you've gone too far.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          If you cast this near enemies who haven’t been aggroed yet, they will walk slowly towards the flame while it powers up. They’ll even leave ballista emplacements. Good for sneak blasting groups in pve

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Wonderful for Invasions. The number of kills ive gotten after dropping 3 of these ontop of an elevator as it comes up is absurd.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Very cool spell with very high damage and aoe when lay it on the ground or walls but disappointingly when it hits an enemy it disappears and does a bit of contact damage instead of exploding. Completely contrary to the very misleading description. If this spell stuck on an enemy and exploded it would be a top tier spell.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                To clarify the confusion surrounding why there are sorceries that are fire and not "incantations" This is lava sorcery, which is int+faith and boosted by a staff found off the lizard-men of mt.gelmir

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