Dragonwound Grease


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item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Coats armament, increasing damage against dragons

Dragonwound Grease is a Consumable Item in Elden RingDragonwound Grease coats an armament, increasing its damage against dragons.


Solidified grease made from a mixture of gravels stones.
Craftable item.

Coats armament, granting anti-dragon effects.
This effect lasts only for a short time.

When the dragons were born from their ancient kin,
they lost their stone scales,
which can now be used to cause them mortal harm.


Dragonwound Grease Use in Elden Ring

Dragonwound Grease coats the right-hand armament, increasing damage dealt against draconic enemies.


Dragonwound Grease Location in Elden Ring

In the World

Purchase From


Elden Ring Dragonwound Grease Crafting Guide

To craft Dragonwound Grease you would need the Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook [3] as well as the following Crafting Materials:


Elden Ring Dragonwound Grease Notes & Tips

  • You can hold up to 10 Dragonwound Grease.
  • You can store up to 600 Dragonwound Grease.
  • Sell Value: item value icon elden ring wiki guide 18px 200 Runes


Elden Ring Consumables
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    • Anonymous

      Fun fact: players with the dragon eyes are counted as dragons for this buff, much like how hollow players were counted for spells in Dark Souls 2 or the frenzyflame eyes flag players as frenzied for the healing stones (even if they're hidden), but not if they're replaced by any other eyes with higher priority like the red eyes and I just made that all up, but it sounded convoluted enough to be in a fromsoft game didn't it?

      • standing by his face is terrible advice imo. so many attacks from the front plus his head hitbox is super hard to track down. stay by his back feet, swing a few times until the visual queue for the lightning, dodge. he will do a slam with a wave of lightning occasionally, but its super telegraphed.

        • Anonymous

          The tl;dr effect description was updated to match the full-sized description. No longer says the confusing "granting special dragon attacks" crap and now properly says "granting anti-dragon effects".

          • Anonymous

            Basically has nothing to do with dragons. Lets you ignore enemy resistances, which is useful against enemies resistant to physical damage. Against Dragons, this is basically useless for Thrust damage, but increases damage significantly for other types.
            Ironic that fighting dragons would be its weakest use, eh?

            • Anonymous

              useless, this is the most pricy buff yet its effect its negligable and it also seems to have the lowest duration out of any buff. idk who thought this was a good idea. hope it gets buffed

              • Anonymous

                -It does NOT work against scaled dragons
                -You can NOT use grease on weapons that you have applied an elemental affinity to via ash of war
                ---Standard/heavy/keen/quality uchi for example can apply bleed (baseline ) in addition to frost (from frost grease)
                ----It can apply bleed (as standard) and frost (from elemental affinity) if you made it cold
                ----You can NOT make it cold (or any other elemental affinity) and still apply grease
                -(uncertain) I believe you can still buff the weapon via a magic spell

                • Anonymous

                  -It does NOT work against scaled dragons
                  -You can NOT use grease on weapons that you have applied an elemental affinity to via ash of war
                  ---Standard/heavy/keen/quality uchi for example can apply bleed (baseline ) in addition to frost (from frost grease)
                  ----It can apply bleed (as standard) and frost (from elemental affinity) if you made it cold
                  ----You can NOT make it cold (or any other elemental affinity) and still apply grease
                  -(uncertain) I believe you can still buff the weapon via a magic spell

                  • Anonymous

                    applying this during my fight against a crystalian let me do full damage to it and go through poise, maybe it ignores resistances?

                    • Anonymous

                      when i fought the crystalian in liurnia, i did no damage but using this grease let me do full damage towards it, probably lets you ignore resistances?

                      • Anonymous

                        I'm not sure what this item does? I used it against the Dragonlord and it did NOT increase my damage, even by a small amount. I have a feeling there's more to it than a dps increase; maybe it makes dragons easier to stagger? Or builds up a bleed-type burst damage effect? I'm not really sure

                        • Anonymous

                          Apparently increases your damage against Dragons but the buff is so negligible you'll do much more damage with a bleed grease or an actual buff. Or just any special weapon that can't be buffed.

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