Glass Shard


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Shard of filthy glass. Worthless rubbish.
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FP Cost -

Glass Shard is a Consumable Item in Elden Ring. Most Consumables grant various effects such as restorative properties for recovering HP, removing certain negative status effects or applying temporary buffs and debuffs, while others can be thrown at enemies to deal damage.


Glass shard covered in dirt.

Because it sparkles in the light, it might be mistaken for an object of value when seen from afar.

It cannot produce light by itself. Essentially worthless.


Where to find Glass Shard in Elden Ring


Elden Ring Glass Shard Notes & Tips

  • You can hold up to 99 Glass Shard.
  • You can store up to 600 Glass Shard.
  • Sell Value: Cannot be sold
  • Notes and tips go here.


Elden Ring Consumables
Academy Magic Pot  ♦  Acid Spraymist  ♦  Aeonian Butterfly  ♦  Albinauric Pot  ♦  Alluring Pot  ♦  Altus Bloom  ♦  Ancient Dragonbolt Pot  ♦  Baldachin's Blessing  ♦  Beastlure Pot  ♦  Bewitching Branch  ♦  Blasphemous Claw  ♦  Blood Grease  ♦  Bloodboil Aromatic  ♦  Boiled Crab  ♦  Boiled Prawn  ♦  Bone Dart  ♦  Budding Horn  ♦  Celestial Dew  ♦  Clarifying Boluses  ♦  Clarifying Cured Meat  ♦  Clarifying White Cured Meat  ♦  Crystal Dart  ♦  Cuckoo Glintstone  ♦  Cursed-Blood Pot  ♦  Dappled Cured Meat  ♦  Dappled White Cured Meat  ♦  Deathsbane Jerky  ♦  Deathsbane White Jerky  ♦  Dewkissed Herba  ♦  Dragon Heart  ♦  Dragonwound Grease  ♦  Drawstring Blood Grease  ♦  Drawstring Fire Grease  ♦  Drawstring Freezing Grease  ♦  Drawstring Holy Grease  ♦  Drawstring Lightning Grease  ♦  Drawstring Magic Grease  ♦  Drawstring Poison Grease  ♦  Drawstring Rot Grease  ♦  Elden Remembrance  ♦  Exalted Flesh  ♦  Explosive Stone  ♦  Explosive Stone Clump  ♦  Fan Daggers  ♦  Fetid Flesh  ♦  Fetid Pot  ♦  Fire Blossom  ♦  Fire Grease  ♦  Fire Pot  ♦  Fireproof Dried Liver  ♦  Flask of Cerulean Tears  ♦  Flask of Crimson Tears  ♦  Flask of Wondrous Physick  ♦  Freezing Grease  ♦  Freezing Pot  ♦  Frenzyflame Stone  ♦  Frozen Raisin  ♦  Furlcalling Finger Remedy  ♦  Ghost Glovewort (3)  ♦  Giantsflame Fire Pot  ♦  Glintstone Scrap  ♦  Glowstone  ♦  Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot  ♦  Golden Centipede  ♦  Golden Rowa  ♦  Golden Rune (1)  ♦  Golden Rune (11)  ♦  Golden Rune (13)  ♦  Golden Rune (2)  ♦  Golden Rune (3)  ♦  Golden Rune (4)  ♦  Golden Rune (6)  ♦  Golden Rune (8)  ♦  Golden Runes  ♦  Grace Mimic  ♦  Grave Glovewort (1)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (2)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (4)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (5)  ♦  Gravity Stone Chunk  ♦  Gravity Stone Fan  ♦  Heavy Meteorite Fragment  ♦  Hero's Rune (1)  ♦  Hero's Rune (2)  ♦  Hero's Rune (5)  ♦  Holy Grease  ♦  Holy Water Grease  ♦  Holy Water Pot  ♦  Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Holyproof Dried Liver  ♦  Host's Trick-Mirror  ♦  Immunizing White Cured Meat  ♦  Invigorating Cured Meat  ♦  Invigorating White Cured Meat  ♦  Ironjar Aromatic  ♦  Kukri  ♦  Lands Between Rune  ♦  Large Glintstone Scrap  ♦  Lightning Grease  ♦  Lightning Pot  ♦  Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Lightningproof Dried Liver  ♦  Lord's Rune  ♦  Magic Grease  ♦  Magic Pot  ♦  Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Margit's Shackle  ♦  Melted Mushroom  ♦  Mimic's Veil  ♦  Miquella's Needle  ♦  Miranda's Prayer  ♦  Mohg's Shackle  ♦  Neutralizing Boluses  ♦  Numen's Rune  ♦  Oil Pot  ♦  Omen Bairn  ♦  Pauper's Rune  ♦  Pickled Turtle Neck  ♦  Poison Grease  ♦  Poison Pot  ♦  Poison Spraymist  ♦  Poisonbone Dart  ♦  Poisoned Stone  ♦  Poisoned Stone Clump  ♦  Prattling Pate Let's get to it  ♦  Prattling Pate My Beloved  ♦  Prattling Pate Please help  ♦  Prattling Pate Wonderful  ♦  Prattling Pate You're Beautiful  ♦  Preserving Boluses  ♦  Pureblood Knight's Medal  ♦  Radiant Baldachin's Blessing  ♦  Rainbow Stone  ♦  Rancor Pot  ♦  Raw Meat Dumpling  ♦  Regal Omen Bairn  ♦  Rejuvenating Boluses  ♦  Remebrance of the Black Blade  ♦  Remembrance of Hoarah Loux  ♦  Remembrance of the Black Blade  ♦  Remembrance of the Blasphemous  ♦  Remembrance of the Blood Lord  ♦  Remembrance of the Dragonlord  ♦  Remembrance of the Fire Giant  ♦  Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen  ♦  Remembrance of the Grafted  ♦  Remembrance of the Lichdragon  ♦  Remembrance of the Naturalborn  ♦  Remembrance of the Omen King  ♦  Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor  ♦  Remembrance of the Rot Goddess  ♦  Remembrance of the Starscourge  ♦  Rimed Crystal Bud  ♦  Roped Fetid Pot  ♦  Roped Fire Pot  ♦  Roped Fly Pot  ♦  Roped Freezing Pot  ♦  Roped Holy Water Pot  ♦  Roped Lightning Pot  ♦  Roped Magic Pot  ♦  Roped Oil Pot  ♦  Roped Poison Pot  ♦  Roped Volcano Pot  ♦  Rot Grease  ♦  Rot Pot  ♦  Rowa Raisin  ♦  Rune Arc  ♦  Sacramental Bud  ♦  Sacred Order Pot  ♦  Scriptstone  ♦  Shield Grease  ♦  Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot  ♦  Sleep Pot  ♦  Soap  ♦  Soft Cotton  ♦  Soporific Grease  ♦  Spark Aromatic  ♦  Spellproof Dried Liver  ♦  Stanching Boluses  ♦  Starlight Shards  ♦  Stimulating Boluses  ♦  Swarm Pot  ♦  Sweet Raisin  ♦  Thawfrost Boluses  ♦  Throwing Dagger  ♦  Uplifting Aromatic  ♦  Volcanic Stone  ♦  Volcano Pot  ♦  Warming Stone  ♦  Winged Crystal Tear  ♦  Wraith Calling Bell



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    • Anonymous

      when i first found glass fragments i thought they were like mimic items, you could drop one and it would look like a normal item to trick people. i was extremely disappointed

      • Anonymous

        During my first playthrough at some point I had ~10k runes at some point. It wasn't enough to level up and I didn't have anything to I wanted to buy, but I was about to enter a bossfight and I wanted to spend them on something. So I decided to spend them all by buying a random ingredient, better than dying and losing them, I though. So my dumbass teleported to Volcano Manor, talked with Patches and spent my whole money on buying glass shards from him. I didn't know they were worthless, I thought I would be able to craft something with them eventually. Needless to say, in that save I still have max glass shards (99 + 600). Sometimes while picking random stuff up from the ground I get a notification saying I have the maximum amount of that item, reminding me my idiocy over and over again.

        • Anonymous

          Would be neat if these were craftable into Glass Shard clumps you could throw, inflicting bleed buildup with multiple projectiles at a time like the Poison Stone ones.

          • Anonymous

            they should do damage to enemies that step on them when you drop them on the ground (at the very least enemies without shoes on)

            • Anonymous

              Really interesting how people in this universe can find a crafting use for bloodclots, octopus ovaries and centipedes...but not glass.

              • Anonymous

                Should be able to equip these on your belt, and when used it'd simply place one of the glass shards on the ground without having to go in to your inventory.

                • Anonymous

                  Should be able to equip these on your belt, and when used it'd simply place one of the glass shards on the ground without having to go in to your inventory.

                  • Anonymous

                    I have 100+ of these. I was hoping I could use them for something eventually. Just finished the game and had to google wtf these were. So here I am. Very disappointing... lmao.

                    • These are also dropped by either Demi-Humans or Demi-Human Chiefs. I don’t know which one, as I only got one from the Chief, but it could drop from the normal ones too.

                      • Really wish these looked like natural item pick-ups you can find in the world as white glowing orbs, because then it would be actually useful as a kind of bait item which I think is the intended use. It's sold by Patches who also sells Grace Mimics, Bloody Fingers you can use to invade with, Fan Daggers you can use to pop Bubbles during an invasion, and a Sacrifical Twig that was probably intended to use with the Bloody Fingers for no-risk invasions where you can't don't drop your souls in an inconvenient location if you fail and die. As it stands, you might as well just drop a Rowa Fruit if you want a distraction item which was obviously dropped by a player, as that's what the Glass Shard looks like.

                        • Anonymous

                          Kept waiting to find a bird’s nest where I could trade these with some ****ed up crow for upgrade mats. Never happened lmao.

                          • Anonymous

                            it would be so cool if this thing had the glowing whisp effect when dropped, so it could be used as bait for invasions.

                            • Anonymous

                              I love that in the repeat encounter with Patches in his cave, he's restocked his bait chest with a single glass shard.

                              • Anonymous

                                You can farm these pretty consistently at Writheblood Ruins, due East of the Bridge of Iniquity site of grace. They make great bait for hosts or invaders in pvp because it's even more worthless than other cheap items

                                • Anonymous

                                  im surprised it isnt use to craft anything, like a glass shard fragmentation pot or something, but it is actually useless

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I love how it says filthy in the description. Like worthless rubbish wasn‘t bad enough, it has to be filthy too

                                    • Anonymous

                                      i was doing a level 1 playthrough, wanted to find an item i can use as a bank for my souls, gave this guy 69K runes thinking i can sell them back, god damn that patches, cant help but love how despicable he is

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Oh my gosh I just got it after reading the comments and flavor text over and other. It IS a junk item, but when it drops from an enemy or is unpicked up on the ground it gives off the "beacon" effect. By unpicked up I mean a natural item on the ground. I wonder if it's a mistranslation. I can't think of places you pick it up but it sounds like an item From can use to bait greedy players into DEV made traps or make people run over to a killed enemy like a demi human. Also could explain why Demis have them, they think their shiny and cool. The only other mobs that drop them are slimes (you know how easy it would be for a slime creature to just pick up trash on the ground? also may be used for the staby staby) and perfumers, an enemy that uses glass Perfume Bottles that unlike cracked pots are not stated to heal/mend. I would even guess the mistranslation could come for From telling the mistranslators the use of the item on their side to help them better word the flavor text such as telling them little Dev facts such as it being a trick item, total theory but I can see it being a thing with the whole mistranslation of an ending to the game. That's a big thing and it makes me think twice about trusting the lesser writing in the game

                                        • Anonymous

                                          seems like a nice troll - summon co op partner for dungeon that has poison swamp, drop them 1 of these and then they go to pick it up hoping for boluses but then its this and they die of poison and you laugh

                                          • Anonymous

                                            bruh this could be the pebble of Elden Ring, I really want a cheap throwaway item just to draw aggro. Without using my darts

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Weird to put in an item that literally has no use or value of its own. Even 'rubbish' from previous games, which explicitly tell you it's worthless and you're a fool for picking it up, has value and can be traded for something. People are talking about using it as bait in PvP but it looks like an item dropped by a player, so any other cheap item can be used in its place, like your eighty bajillion rowa fruit that you'll never use all of but keep picking up anyway for some reason.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Hopefully in a future patch (current 1.04) these can be used for something. At least in DS Remastered you could sell these for souls. Maybe glass tip arrows or an alternative recipe for rainbow stones would be cool

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Hopefully in a future patch (current 1.04) these can be used for something. At least in DS Remastered you could sell these for souls. Maybe glass tip arrows or an alternative recipe for rainbow stones would be cool

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Its description says that "Because it sparkles in the light, it might be mistaken for an object of value when seen from afar" which makes me think it could have some kind of use as bait? Like toss one down as an invader to make it look like an item that the host would be able to see, so that you can ambush them. Maybe? I have no desire to invade so i won't see myself attempting to test it

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Curious if its supposed to be the glass of a estus flask, prolly not but its interesting how patches sells this

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        If you can buy this from patches for a hundred runes and it sells for a hundred runes, this sounds like a way to store runes for later

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