Blasphemous Claw

blasphemous claw elden ring wiki guide 200px
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Deflects the power of the Black Blade
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
FP Cost -

Blasphemous Claw is a Tool in Elden Ring. Tools are unique, reusable items which assist the player during various facets of gameplay ranging from basic communication to assisting in boss encounters.


A slab of rock engraved with traces of the Rune of Death.

Can deflect the power of the Black Blade.

On the night of the dire plot, Ranni rewarded Praetor Rykard with these traces. Should the coming trespass one day transpire, they would serve as a last-resort foil, allowing Rykard to challenge Maliketh the Black Blade, the black beast of Destined Death.


Where to find Blasphemous Claw in Elden Ring

The Blasphemous Claw is dropped by Recusant Bernahl upon defeat at Crumbling Farum Azula. [Map Link]  Video Location


Blasphemous Claw use in Elden Ring

  • The Blasphemous Claw can be used to deflect the power of the Black Blade, acting similarly to a Parry.
  • Can parry specific melee attacks from Maliketh. His sword will briefly glow yellow before attacks that can be parried.
    • His sword also glows white before his projectile attacks, but these do not seem to be parriable.
  • If timed correctly against Maliketh's glowing attacks, stuns him temporarily, giving a massive window to attack.
  • Does not seem like the Blasphemous Claw can be used in PVP against the Black Blade incantation or Maliketh's Black Blade weapon. Has been tested a bit and did not seem to work against them, but more testing would be helpful.


Elden Ring Blasphemous Claw Notes & Tips

  • The Blasphemous Claw can be used indefinitely and costs no FP to use.
  • You can hold up to 1 Blasphemous Claw.
  • You can store up to 600 Blasphemous Claw.
  • This item cannot be sold.


Elden Ring Consumables
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    • Anonymous

      Doing the fight by myself and with a spirit I can at least say personally it wasn't really worth it to try and use it. Having to slide around the hot bar to get to it instead of having it be something like an AoW makes it a bit cumbersome to use in the middle of the fight especially when getting hit by him once can lead to you dying if you don't heal.
      I found it more effective to focus on just dodging all of his attacks rather than looking for him to do one of his parryable attacks and having to make sure I've got the item ready to use.
      I'd say if having to multitask in the middle of a fight isn't your strong suit you should probably just focus on the fight instead but if you're capable of multitasking without leaving yourself open and have a weapon or AoW that can really make use of the opening it provides then go for it

      • Anonymous

        Ranni's plan A: A massive web of conspiracy involving a sisterhood of superhuman invisible assassins wielding weapons imbued with the rune that governs death itself
        Ranni's plan B: "Rykard bro please listen, I know you're a nerd but take this piece of rock and go fight the 10 feet tall wolf man that kills demigods for a living for me"

        • Anonymous

          I use this in regular multiplayer as a 'NO' button! Whenever I see friend or foe alike being maidenless (T-bagging, Fetid/Rot pots, generally being disrespectful or cringe) I walk up and slap them with this like a parent disciplining a child that's acting out.

          • Anonymous

            Riddle me this mf, how do i get the parry off and still take damage? I do the thing he gets stunned but i still get hit? Okay then what EXACTLY am i even parrying then????? A fart? A blink? Bc im very obviously not parrying the 12 foot blade of death, or else i wouldn't take damage.......

            • Anonymous

              Can't wait to see people sitting outside Maliketh named "Terry Crews" and "Dwayne the Block Johnson" with this thing on their hot bar.

              • Anonymous

                This is extremely useful. As a summon, I can even use this to Parry Maliketh's specifically parry-able attacks from a surprising distance, meaning that even if I am behind Maliketh when he is targeting the host with certain attacks, using this still stuns him. I use this all the time to save people who otherwise would have eaten dirt. I don't know the exact distance, but it seems that like Margit's and Mogh' Shackle, this tool will work on Maliketh from a distance, and do so with proper timing.

                • Anonymous

                  I’m genuinely confused how people are struggling to parry with this. It has the most parry frames by a long shot at about 50. For comparison, light and medium rolling have invulnerability for 27 frames. If you are still taking damage while parrying Maliketh, you are parrying too late. Latency has little to no effect on it except for extreme cases.

                  • Anonymous

                    Getting this to work as a summon will make you face-tank the hit but still get the parry off everytime because of the boss skipping around due of latency.
                    It works, but at what cost?

                    • Anonymous

                      Good middle-ground tool for people who want an easier Maliketh fight, but don't want to resort to summons. Don't know the exact parry frames, but they seem generous, definitely longer than a shield parry. Leads to at least 3-4 charged heavies, and most likely a stagger. I find it funny how polarizing this item is, some think it's utter dogshit and for some it's a huge crutch.

                      • Anonymous

                        Anyone know what the parry frames are, or what they're roughly comparable to? Cause if it's like a medium shield I won't be able to use it lol

                        • Anonymous

                          Not gonna lie, I actually find it harder to use this than to just dodge everything.

                          I'm sure it's partly because I've fought him a lot and know his strings well enough, but I can't seem to get the timing down on the parry. I landed it one single time; but my timing was a little off, so I got stunned and took massive damage. It wasn't the game or the tool's fault, but it ended up setting me back more than helping me.

                          Then again, I have trouble with parrying in general, so I just opt to not use it and rely more on positioning and dodging.

                          • Anonymous

                            Useless. Malekith is flying too fast to see the color of his blade. Even if you DO see it, this thing is pixel perfect and if you miss... you die. Should have been a shield or buff the H311 out of this thing.

                            • Anonymous

                              This item should be a usable parry tool in PvP! Such a cool looking animation (reminds me of darkwraith fist from previous souls games).

                              If this item just parried attacks in PvP and the rest of the game, instead of ONLY parrying maliketh boss attacks…it would actually be worth it to get this item.

                              • Anonymous

                                Fromsoft: Let's make a parry too that works on one boss in the whole game, lock it behind a questline that has nothing to do with said boss, and give it delayed parry frames when the boss is leaping off of walls and firing laser beams at you from the sky.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Is this able to work online as a summon for Maliketh, or are the parry frames inconsistent due to connection?

                                  • Anonymous

                                    It's a shame Rykard participated in the night of black knives. He could have bonded with Godwyn over their mutual love of reptiles...

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Early-game: Don't worry sweetie, it isn't like Dark Souls, play however you want
                                      Mid-game: ...
                                      End-game: Okay, now parry this 70% of your HP-dealing, tick damage-applying, debuffing move coming at you from the sky

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Once you learn his moveset this is extremely busted and opens him for even the slowest spells and ashes of war in this. But beware as he moves his back his swing will damage and knock you down.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I can appreciate why they gave this to us, but anytime I've tried to use it I've died. I have never once found it useful.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Meh. Don't need this if you're a decent level. Didn't even know what it did for my first two playthroughs. He goes down easily enough at lev 120.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Do I have my timing off with this thing? Askin cause usually when I parry maliketh with this the attack still lands and then he gets all staggered and stuff

                                              • Anonymous

                                                this thing really makes his phase 2 easier a lot, use this item when U see his sword glowing gold and u should get a window for 4-5 hits if you reposition yourself quickly. Keep your attention when he floats in the air and shoot multiple waves to you in a row, since he always ends this combo with his blade glowing gold which is super easy to parry. Some jump attacks can also be parried.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  I somehow stunned Maliketh on my first try in my first play through and my mimic tear and I shredded him with our twin blades.
                                                  He went down then and there.
                                                  I didn’t even realize he was considered a very difficult boss.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    My Rl 1 run ended this fight with a parry, since it does a little bit of damage to him. Must be one of my most satisfiying souls moments of all time

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      The moment I parried the Black Blade might be one of the most satisfying moments in this game. Maliketh is an insanely hard, high-pressure boss that is constantly either moving acrobatically out of melee range or chasing you down, and the combination of his sheer damage per hit and Destined Death effects means that you're punished severely for every single hit, including trades. Doing this fight "fairly" if you're mostly a melee character is an agonizing exercise in scrapping for every safe hit. But you're not SUPPOSED to play it this way. I think that the Blasphemous Claw was added not just as a reward for explorative players, but as a key aspect of this fight as an experience, to where if you're playing without it, the game is either punishing your incuriosity with added difficulty or is aware that you're self-handicapping yourself. The Blasphemous Claw levels the playing field between you and Maliketh's extraordinarily punishing Destined Death attack; it's no coincidence that the one attack that you can parry is the single most visually spectacular in an already spectacular fight.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        This thing ****in sucks you should be able to parry more than just a couple attacks. Dude limits your max hp but it'd be unfair to make this more useful right?

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          This is a power tool against maliketh with such a good punish for his attacks, however it becomes nigh useless online as it ONLY parries maliketh and it also has stupid net code lag no matter when you parry, so when you try to parry an attack, you parry it but also get hit by a CHAIN ENDING ATTACK from a HEALTH REDUCING BOSS, plus you get staggered from the attack as well, losing out on near half of your damage.

                                                          Get it for every solo/with ai summon fight but try to use dodges for online co-op

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            When you get this after beating a boss, well not like he was that troublesome but still, I went different way..

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              It's possible to kill Maliketh with this. I got him down to a sliver of health and thought it would be cool to get the last hit after a parry. When I parried the slash after the triple black blade jump attack he took 108 damage and died.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                The parry window is very generous and you even get altered by a flashing yellow indicator. The parry itself gives you a good amount of time to inflict some damage SAFELY - unlike just jumping into in after one of his combos which he can immediately follow up with another combo.
                                                                So I don't get the whining in the comments about it getting you killed.
                                                                This was a godsend when I did a RL1 run.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I love items like this. Things that are just good for helping you with a specific boss, but is never mentioned anywhere that it exists. It makes it so that finding it on your own is this exciting little bonus. I haven't tried it yet, but seems pretty useful for Maliketh.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    I'm successfully parrying him but I still take full damage from the gold attack, what am I doing wrong? Or does this just suck?

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      It only parries in malikeths second phase when he charges his sword with the yellow light. All other attacks will still go through

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        I would love to see a mod turn this item into a shield, rather than a tool. I would use it all the time just because of how sick it looks.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          it's even easier than a parry, if you know the attack is coming you can do it slightly beforehand and the lingering parry hitbox will still get it.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            I kinda wish there would be an item which just let you parry attacks in general (without using a ash of war)

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Good Lord. Tried using this after being killed so many times in NG+. And the window it gives you is perfect to use charged heavies on his behind, and then visceral. All it took was one parry to kill him for me.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Like Manus, but with Dark Souls 3 Parry Timing. So in short more likely to get you killed than not.

                                                                                Really its not even his attacks that are bad. They are pretty easy to avoid when your prepared. The issue is the burn. Wish this item cleansed the HP burn rather than some overcomplicated gimmick. Least it would have more use that way againsy Black Knife Assassins or players using the weapons with the Death Burn weapon arts.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Its a Gimmick. Its like the Silver Amulet with Manus from DS1, but with the parry time of DS3.

                                                                                  Aka its more likely to get you killed than not against attacks that are easier to dodge.

                                                                                  If anything they should have made it a cleanse for the HP Burns. Least then it could have some more use against Black Knife Assassins and players using the Death Burn weapons.

                                                                                  Oh well. least its not Shackle 3.0 lmao

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Killed Maliketh (on 1st try as mage with Sword of Night and Flame) and then go for invader Bernahl. Other mobs are there, but he is not spawning anymore. Don't think killing his phantom at the shack will have that effect.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      If you have fought Maliketh enough times to practice the timing of this well enough, you are doing 1 of 2 things:

                                                                                      Practicing as a summon, which is fair, but probably a waste of the hosts time.

                                                                                      Not killing Maliketh in your own game because you'd rather fail many, many times at using this awful tool.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Tried it for the first time during Journey 6. Makes you not have to deal with the boss's AOE attack combos (which feel unfair) in Phase 2.
                                                                                        Just keep your distance and bait him for slashes in the air.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          I love how some innocent comments on Fextralife are downvoted to hell for no reason, Wiki users are something else.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Beat Maliketh on the first try, without ever realizing I had this, but I love exploring so I was like level 180.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              I honestly forgot I even picked this up and didn't know what it did when I beat bernahl. Figured it was a key item or something and would get back to it later. Did the entire maliketh fight and only after beating godwyn did I find out what that did. I'm not good at parrys so it wouldn't have been of much use to me anyway

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