Regal Omen Bairn

regal omen bairn elden ring wiki guide 200px
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Uses FP to unleash many wraiths that chase down foes
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Int B
Fai B
FP Cost 50

Regal Omen Bairn is a Tool in Elden Ring. Tools are unique, reusable items which assist the player during various facets of gameplay ranging from basic communication to assisting in boss encounters.


Doll of a curseborn bairn from the Erdtree's royal line. 

Uses FP to unleash many wraiths that chase down foes.

Omen babies born of royalty do not have their horns excised, but instead are kept underground, unbeknownst to anyone, imprisoned for eternity. 

These memorial fetishes are fashioned in secret.


Where to find Regal Omen Bairn in Elden Ring


Regal Omen Bairn use in Elden Ring

  • Uses FP to unleash a large cluster of swift, ghost-like projectiles that chase down targets.


Elden Ring Regal Omen Bairn Notes & Tips

  • Each piece of the Omen Set increases the damage dealt by the summoned projectiles by +5%, for a total damage increase of +20% when wearing the full set.
  • At 99 Int + 99 FAI, Regal Omen Bairn deals 1750 damage.
  • Deals 30 stance damage.
  • It is a stronger alternative to the Omen Bairn.
  • You can hold up to 1 Regal Omen Bairn.
  • You can store up to 600 Regal Omen Bairn.
  • Sell Value: item value icon elden ring wiki guide 18px-
  • The projectiles deal Holy Damage. Any equipment, incantation, etc. that boosts Holy Damage can be used to boost the damage dealt by the projectiles.


Elden Ring Consumables
Academy Magic Pot  ♦  Acid Spraymist  ♦  Aeonian Butterfly  ♦  Albinauric Pot  ♦  Alluring Pot  ♦  Altus Bloom  ♦  Ancient Dragonbolt Pot  ♦  Baldachin's Blessing  ♦  Beastlure Pot  ♦  Bewitching Branch  ♦  Blasphemous Claw  ♦  Blood Grease  ♦  Bloodboil Aromatic  ♦  Boiled Crab  ♦  Boiled Prawn  ♦  Bone Dart  ♦  Budding Horn  ♦  Celestial Dew  ♦  Clarifying Boluses  ♦  Clarifying Cured Meat  ♦  Clarifying White Cured Meat  ♦  Crystal Dart  ♦  Cuckoo Glintstone  ♦  Cursed-Blood Pot  ♦  Dappled Cured Meat  ♦  Dappled White Cured Meat  ♦  Deathsbane Jerky  ♦  Deathsbane White Jerky  ♦  Dewkissed Herba  ♦  Dragon Heart  ♦  Dragonwound Grease  ♦  Drawstring Blood Grease  ♦  Drawstring Fire Grease  ♦  Drawstring Freezing Grease  ♦  Drawstring Holy Grease  ♦  Drawstring Lightning Grease  ♦  Drawstring Magic Grease  ♦  Drawstring Poison Grease  ♦  Drawstring Rot Grease  ♦  Elden Remembrance  ♦  Exalted Flesh  ♦  Explosive Stone  ♦  Explosive Stone Clump  ♦  Fan Daggers  ♦  Fetid Flesh  ♦  Fetid Pot  ♦  Fire Blossom  ♦  Fire Grease  ♦  Fire Pot  ♦  Fireproof Dried Liver  ♦  Flask of Cerulean Tears  ♦  Flask of Crimson Tears  ♦  Flask of Wondrous Physick  ♦  Freezing Grease  ♦  Freezing Pot  ♦  Frenzyflame Stone  ♦  Frozen Raisin  ♦  Furlcalling Finger Remedy  ♦  Ghost Glovewort (3)  ♦  Giantsflame Fire Pot  ♦  Glass Shard  ♦  Glintstone Scrap  ♦  Glowstone  ♦  Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot  ♦  Golden Centipede  ♦  Golden Rowa  ♦  Golden Rune (1)  ♦  Golden Rune (11)  ♦  Golden Rune (13)  ♦  Golden Rune (2)  ♦  Golden Rune (3)  ♦  Golden Rune (4)  ♦  Golden Rune (6)  ♦  Golden Rune (8)  ♦  Golden Runes  ♦  Grace Mimic  ♦  Grave Glovewort (1)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (2)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (4)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (5)  ♦  Gravity Stone Chunk  ♦  Gravity Stone Fan  ♦  Heavy Meteorite Fragment  ♦  Hero's Rune (1)  ♦  Hero's Rune (2)  ♦  Hero's Rune (5)  ♦  Holy Grease  ♦  Holy Water Grease  ♦  Holy Water Pot  ♦  Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Holyproof Dried Liver  ♦  Host's Trick-Mirror  ♦  Immunizing White Cured Meat  ♦  Invigorating Cured Meat  ♦  Invigorating White Cured Meat  ♦  Ironjar Aromatic  ♦  Kukri  ♦  Lands Between Rune  ♦  Large Glintstone Scrap  ♦  Lightning Grease  ♦  Lightning Pot  ♦  Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Lightningproof Dried Liver  ♦  Lord's Rune  ♦  Magic Grease  ♦  Magic Pot  ♦  Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Margit's Shackle  ♦  Melted Mushroom  ♦  Mimic's Veil  ♦  Miquella's Needle  ♦  Miranda's Prayer  ♦  Mohg's Shackle  ♦  Neutralizing Boluses  ♦  Numen's Rune  ♦  Oil Pot  ♦  Omen Bairn  ♦  Pauper's Rune  ♦  Pickled Turtle Neck  ♦  Poison Grease  ♦  Poison Pot  ♦  Poison Spraymist  ♦  Poisonbone Dart  ♦  Poisoned Stone  ♦  Poisoned Stone Clump  ♦  Prattling Pate Let's get to it  ♦  Prattling Pate My Beloved  ♦  Prattling Pate Please help  ♦  Prattling Pate Wonderful  ♦  Prattling Pate You're Beautiful  ♦  Preserving Boluses  ♦  Pureblood Knight's Medal  ♦  Radiant Baldachin's Blessing  ♦  Rainbow Stone  ♦  Rancor Pot  ♦  Raw Meat Dumpling  ♦  Rejuvenating Boluses  ♦  Remebrance of the Black Blade  ♦  Remembrance of Hoarah Loux  ♦  Remembrance of the Black Blade  ♦  Remembrance of the Blasphemous  ♦  Remembrance of the Blood Lord  ♦  Remembrance of the Dragonlord  ♦  Remembrance of the Fire Giant  ♦  Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen  ♦  Remembrance of the Grafted  ♦  Remembrance of the Lichdragon  ♦  Remembrance of the Naturalborn  ♦  Remembrance of the Omen King  ♦  Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor  ♦  Remembrance of the Rot Goddess  ♦  Remembrance of the Starscourge  ♦  Rimed Crystal Bud  ♦  Roped Fetid Pot  ♦  Roped Fire Pot  ♦  Roped Fly Pot  ♦  Roped Freezing Pot  ♦  Roped Holy Water Pot  ♦  Roped Lightning Pot  ♦  Roped Magic Pot  ♦  Roped Oil Pot  ♦  Roped Poison Pot  ♦  Roped Volcano Pot  ♦  Rot Grease  ♦  Rot Pot  ♦  Rowa Raisin  ♦  Rune Arc  ♦  Sacramental Bud  ♦  Sacred Order Pot  ♦  Scriptstone  ♦  Shield Grease  ♦  Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot  ♦  Sleep Pot  ♦  Soap  ♦  Soft Cotton  ♦  Soporific Grease  ♦  Spark Aromatic  ♦  Spellproof Dried Liver  ♦  Stanching Boluses  ♦  Starlight Shards  ♦  Stimulating Boluses  ♦  Swarm Pot  ♦  Sweet Raisin  ♦  Thawfrost Boluses  ♦  Throwing Dagger  ♦  Uplifting Aromatic  ♦  Volcanic Stone  ♦  Volcano Pot  ♦  Warming Stone  ♦  Winged Crystal Tear  ♦  Wraith Calling Bell


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    • Anonymous

      When it says it deal 30 stance damage. Does that mean that each projectile deals 30? Or that the total stance is 30?

      • Anonymous

        i almost wonder if this was planned to do death buildup and they removed it before release. it has the same effect as the eclipse shotel's buff, does the same damage type, and does low damage + arbitrary high cost, also int + fth scaling which aligns with the stat requirements of death spells. just feels like it's missing something

        • Anonymous

          Only worth using in tandem with Ancient Rancor or Family Heads. But at least it's ominous seeing all those specters drifting at your enemy.

          • Anonymous

            It’s interesting how these tools use holy damage, but mimic visual elements of death sorcery.

            Omens likewise tend to absorb holy damage.

            • Anonymous

              If you zoom in on the image, it looks like the doll has a chain wrapped around his tiny neck. Poor baby Morgott. :(

              • Anonymous

                Cool for minor chip damage or a Gael cosplay I guess but for as FP expensive as it is it's damage is pretty ass unless you have high levels in both stats.

                • Anonymous

                  this has the same visual effect as the Death Flare ability, I wonder, is there any connection between death blight and omens?

                  • Anonymous

                    It's not bad if you wanted to use some form of Ancient Death Rancor but want it to scale with your Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear.

                    • Anonymous

                      I positively hate things that require you to equip a whole set to make it remotely viable. And ffs why do so many things need intelligence?!

                      • Anonymous

                        This is a cool item that provides good pressure and chip damage but is held back by its cast time and fp cost. The cost of this should not be a massive 50 fp since it is already held back by such a long cast time. If they ever lower the fp cost I’ll probably start using it again but for now it is just too costly for what you get.

                        • Anonymous

                          Faith/Int build + Holy scorp + physick + Omen armor set + regal omen bairn = delete death bird in instantly

                          • Anonymous

                            I beg that they lower the FP cost, because this thing seems so interesting but ~1750 damage is not worth 50 FP. 50 FP on many skills and spells does WAY more than that, faster, and more consistently. Please From, lower the FP cost.

                            • Regal Omen Bairn - Pure dmg build (99 Fai / 99 Int)
                              - Armor set: Omen set
                              - Weapons: JellyFish Shield, Scepter of the all-knowing, any staff
                              - Talisman: Ritual Sword, Scorpion charm (Holy + Magic)
                              - Cracked Tear: Magic / Holy damage buff
                              - Incantations/spells: Golden vow, Terra Magica

                              +20% full Omen set
                              +20% Jellyfish Shield skill "Contagious Fury"
                              +20% Scepter of the all-knowing (10% magic and 10% holy)
                              +35% Terra Magica
                              +24% scorpion charms (both magic and holy)
                              +10% Golden Vow
                              +40% Cracked Tear (holy + magic buff)
                              +10% Ritual Sword talisman

                              Output (Journey 9):
                              3136 dmg against regular enemies and limegrave trolls (5024 dmg with shockwave hit)
                              Note: i unforthunately could not get my hand on the Magic Scorpion talisman, as a result the damage tested was 10% lower than at its full potential

                              Despite the massive ammount of buffs used to powerup the attack, the damage output remain surprisingly low for all the efforts needed and consume
                              an incredibly ammount of FP for its limited damage. While this tool can be benificial in pvp for punishing enemies or overwhelming the opponent, its
                              use is very limited in pve.

                              • Anonymous

                                Surprisingly good in pvp, provided you put a little distance between yourself and the opponent. Causes a lot of easy to punish panic rolling and deals a surprising amount of damage

                                • Anonymous

                                  I tried this with 1 INT and 1 FTH and it did no damage, even though I used a scoproin charm. WTF FromSoftware why are you so bad at balancing this game????

                                  • Anonymous

                                    It is a necromancy. You are calling forth spirits who cannot quite return to the erdtree and are divorced from Grace. Holy damage due to crucible taint while ghost rancor does magic for similar reasons but with ghost flame. And rykards rancor is fire because of all the spirits trapped in his fiery belly.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Some dude a few comments below really tested this with 9 int/ 9 faith and was surprised it did mediocre damage then wrote it off as bad lmao. It’s a shame how so many weapons, tools, consumables get overlooked because people don’t know how to properly test and optimize them. Granted it’s not an A tier weapon/tool but it can shred a boss’ stance and shred holy damage vulnerable bosses’ health.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        This annihilated the Death Rite Bird near Apostate's Derilict. Was running an int faith build, wasn't overleveled or anything and wasn't even wearing Omen set, and all I had to do was keep a reasonable distance and spam the bairn from horseback and it melted. Anything that can do that and get as little fanfare as the Regal Omen Bairn does is underrated as far as I'm concerned.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          if u cast this thing from the edge in Palace Approach Ledge-Road u can even hit the giant crow, i somehow just realized this thing incredible range

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Such an awsome Hybrid insane Item to use... This can actually save up a Slot from your Memory Spell slots incase you were wondering.... Bear in mind tho you dont need to Wear Dung Eater Set which looks very Horrible , here's a +47% Holy Damage increase with any other Set besides Dung Eater Set. ( Golden Vow +15% increases all Damage Types including Elementals , Holy Magic Scorpion Charm +12% Holy DMG and +20% Holy Shroud Tear... This gives +47% , if you want you can bump that upto +67% Increased Holy DMG with Regal Bairn with Ritual Sword Talisman ). At 99INT and 80Faith it deals around 2.5K damage for larger enemies in NG+ if you include Dung Set that means +87% more damage with this bad boy.... A quick slot with Regal Omen Bairn with any INT/Faith Hybrid builds is a must , remember you dont need Dung Eater Set for a Maximum of +67% Holy dmg increase. ;)

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Its actually crazy how bad this is, and that there’s another version thats only difference is its somehow worse lmao. I tried this low level so only 9faith/9int hut with full dung eater armor so 20% bonus and then the holy physick to boost it further, and its not even as good as the dmg from a volcano pot on majority of enemies i used it on.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Does this one and the other version carry onto NG+? I can’t seem to find this info here, but I suppose so… right?

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  May not do the most damage but it’s sure fun to scream and unleash a whole bunch of glowing orange balls

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    It really does make me puase when I read these item descriptions, it really does paint a tragic picture for the Omen

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      I hate the fact you have to wear the Omen set for this to begin doing decent damage. I'd rather do 50 damage a hit before looking like Dung Eater, tyvm.

                                                      • So...are the cursed enemies like wraith callers people that were afflicted with the seedbed cuse? I know it's highly likely that the Omens are, but why do the wraith callers have the same magic?

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          It's actually pretty good on int+fth. Does massive damage to anything weak to holy (like the death rite birds guarding the death sorceries). Decent damage to other things. Pairs well with Golden Order stuff. It's definitely worth trying out on a hybrid caster, better than many of the int+fth spells

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            I might be spit balling here but I am prety sure that omen Bair is depicting Morgott, U can see what looks like his tail, and the face horned above his brow

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              This is really good with INT/FAI builds, currently I only have 37 int and 33 faith and it still shreds through bosses, even without any of the Dung Eater's armor pieces. And plus, your mimic will use this quite a bit if you have it equipped. Very underrated.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Doesn't make any sense forcing yourself through one of the worst areas in the game to get this when you can just get a stronger version of it by beating Morgott. Heartbreaking from a lore perspective though.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Running prince of death staff, nagakiba with carian phalanx on. Running 80 intel and 30 faith, using death spells and normal spells. First use rancorcall then the bairn, then use carian phalanx then just rush in. There is no way you wont stagger the opponent. If that doesnt work, just mix up rancor call and Bairn.
                                                                  Swear to god these 2 moved together are Satans gameplay

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    I feel like this should scale with Arcane, for both lore and game play reasons. Your character's Arcane ability indicates how skilled they are at utilizing the aspects of Outer Gods in the weapons and items they use. That's why status effects scale with it. Madness, Sleep, Scarlet Rot, Hemorrhage, they all have in common that they're the medium of some Outer God. It's heavily implied that something similar is going on with Omen and that that's why the Greater Will/Golden Order had them locked away.

                                                                    As far as game play is concerned, mages and priests already have enough projectile attacks at their disposal. That's why I feel like it'd make more sense to give these Hunter Tool type of items to Arcane builds.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      On a Int/Faith build with 60/60 it deals around 1k+ if all projectiles hit and chances are they will considering the great tracking they have. Also the bane of any and all birds.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        thanks for the input, guys. crap damage and crap casting speed. playing a wizard this time around and wanted to know if it was worth the steep FP cost vs my better spells. i'll just eat his soul like all the others.

                                                                        • Omen Bairns are useful in PVP. The damage is bad and the cast time is bad, but the explosion obscures your character. I open with an omen bairn, and followup with the thunderbolt ash of war. The explosion masks the ash of war animation and catches people off guard often. I imagine this technique could be useful for sorcerers. That said, once you use it once I doubt a decent player will fall for it again. The animation is extremely punishable.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Can we all talk about how the dung eaters armor shares a resemblance to Margot and Mogh. Only all the horns are cut off his armor.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Can we all talk about how the dung eaters armor shares a resemblance to Margot and Mogh. Only all the horns are cut off his armor.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I like to use it in pvp. It scales gets buffed from vow and RKR so it's many bolts each hit for 400 for me. I'll pop it and since the bolts start slow then speed up I'll charge straight to the invader with the swarm and then unleash my combo from behind the screen of magic bolts. Works fantastic as an initiator

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  I've been using the Dung Eater puppet summon and he uses this a lot. It often throws yellow fire around enemies as if it applied a debuff, even covering the heads of dragons in it. Any idea what that is about?

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Question is: why does Dung Eater use this? Does it mean he’s related to Margot, or is it just somethin’ he picked up while genociding?

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Question is: why does Dung Eater use this? Does it mean he’s related to Margot, or is it just somethin’ he picked up while genociding?

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        I dont get it, when i use it, is it gone?
                                                                                        It says "Consumable", indicating that its used and gone to then needing me to get another.
                                                                                        But then, why would i use my boss soul to craft a consumable item with one time use?
                                                                                        Can someone shed some light on how this item actually works?
                                                                                        The author of this article wasnt precise enough to do it.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          incredibly disappointing for my int-only build, maybe it's worth for mixed int/faith? maybe I'm just missing something like a status effect it builds but I haven't procced yet? absolute waste of fp at this point for me, but at least 25k runes (20k for eating the remembrance, 5k to buy the bairn) is fairly small opportunity cost at this point.

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