Mimic's Veil

mimics veil elden ring wiki guide 200px
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Uses FP to mimic nearby objects.
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
FP Cost 6

Mimic's Veil is a Tool and Multiplayer Item in Elden RingTools are unique, reusable items which assist the player during various facets of gameplay ranging from basic communication to assisting in boss encounters.


Golden veil of intricate design.

Uses FP to mimic nearby objects.

When Godrick was hounded from Leyndell, the Royal Capital, this was one of a multitude of treasures he took with him. Also known as "Marika's Mischief".


Where to find Mimic's Veil in Elden Ring

  • Location: Stormveil Castle. [Map Link]
  • Located on the second floor of the fortress of the Grafted Scion. Inside the room that looks like an assembly room, there is a Banished Knight. You'll find it inside the chest of the same room. The chest is on the podium.
  • The nearest checkpoint is the Rampart Tower site of grace. From this site, turn back and take the lift on the left to get back to the room we're you fought the Grafted Scion. Go across this room, take a right up the stairs. The chest will be in the next room. 
  • Video Location for the image below,

mimics veil location stormveil castle walkthrough location elden ring wiki guide


Mimic's Veil use in Elden Ring

Mimic's Veil allows the player to mimic nearby objects by spending 6 FP.


Elden Ring Mimic's Veil Notes & Tips

  • You can hold up to 1 Mimic's Veil.
  • You can store up to 600 Mimic's Veil.
  • This item cannot be sold.
  • AI enemies will not notice a disguised player as long as the player is not moving.
  • There is a visual bug regarding this item. Equipping either Crepus's Vial or the Black Knife Armor (unaltered) creates a visual overlapping of the model of the player and the object of transformation. This bug appears to be only visual. It may be that the bug is tied into the visual effect of the silent movement status produced by the talisman and armor piece themselves, as the bug does not occur while under the effects of the Assassin's Approach incantation by itself.
  • Another potential bug is that one of the field transformations for Limgrave is a knocked over Land Squirt.
  •  The frenzy tower in North East Liurnia will not affect you if you are disguised and stationery. It will affect you if you are moving however.
Elden Ring Key Items
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    • Anonymous

      Usually this is pretty ineffective as a host cause of the compass, but one clever little guy parried me as I was about to break their disguise. Of all the hours I've put into souls games, I've never been jumpscared by a parry like that. GG fellow tarnished. That was well played

      • Anonymous

        the brazier thing was fixed a long time ago. Also found out it can actually fool the madness eye above the tower. Using this item prevents madness buildup.

        • Anonymous

          The glitch with crepus's vial is even funnier when you use it in volcano manor, your character looks like they are trapped in a cage :D

          • Anonymous

            Used this to get past banished knights in crumbling farum azula. Banished knights didn't even know I existed

            • Anonymous

              Invaded a group of 3 all using this to turn into dead rats. Needless to say I joined them, and we paraded all the way to the boss. Good times.

              • Anonymous

                I currently have the Frenzied Flame inherited, and my transformations are still normal. I'm not being limited to lit braziers for my transformation. Not sure where this came from or if it was patched out.

                • Anonymous

                  They should add a MImic's Necklace or something that lets you take the appearance of a nearby enemy? How ****ing cool would that **** be. Needs to be a mod at the very least.

                  It would be reminiscent of the mimics themselves and the enemies in the game that hide their form.

                  • Anonymous

                    If you're having trouble with your character showing up despite using marika's mischief, unequip your black knife chest piece

                    • Anonymous

                      I tried Mimic Veil on a whim at Frenzied Flame Village and got all the way to the tower without triggering any enemies and without losing HP. If you aren’t moving, the frenzied flame will not affect you. It was like the red light green light game. Tedious but worth it. Had no idea it worked with that.

                      • Anonymous

                        someone mentions the chest with the mimic veil as being empty for them, a reply says "likely thief.." is it possible for someone to invade my world, without me getting any notification I've been invaded by another player, who could then go and loot whatever they wanted from any chest I hadn't opened yet? I'm asking because when I reached the royal capital outskirts I went straight for the giant-crusher hammer near the ulcerated tree spirit spawn. I opened the chest but the glow you would usually see from an item wasn't there, also there was no option for me to pick up the item like there should be. I did a lot of quick travel and resting at different grace checkpoints but every time I went back to the chest there was still nothing inside it. the strange thing though was the chest was closed again every time I went to it, usually when you get a weapon from a chest it stays open if you go back there, the lid doesn't close and you don't get the option to open it again. does anyone know for sure that items can be stolen from a different player's world, while giving no indication of an invasion?

                        • Anonymous

                          If you use the mimic veil while you wear the Black Knife armor or Crepus vial, your character is still visible after the transformation. Hope they fix it. :(

                          • Anonymous

                            the chest was already opened/empty when I got there, new player to the game I quit and reloaded several times and just finding the chest empty, someone on a youtube video said it was found on a dead body, was it changed? I am waiting for a response, could not find anything online about this

                            • Anonymous

                              I have the mimics veil but when I use it enemies still attack me when I'm standing still :( Anyone know why or had similar issue?

                              • Anonymous

                                Goddamn i thought it's an one use item like in previous souls games so i never used it in my 130hours... Just wanted to check where I can find more or craft them and learned that those are reusable lol

                                • Anonymous

                                  As of 18 Apr 2022 inheriting the frenzied flame no longer solely transforms you into a brazier when using the veil. Tested at first steps grace during pvp on PS4. Turned into land squirt.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    the frenzy tip is false. I'm locked in the frenzyflame ending and I can still turn myself in several objects

                                    • Anonymous

                                      I had an interesting glitch where I was immune to damage while using this during an invasion. The guy tried hitting me repeatedly but gave up thinking I was really a statue

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Honestly I'm a little suprised I haven't seen anyone try to organize a prop hunt with this. Imagine playing prop hunt inside the raya lucaria academy

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Kinda sucks for pvp. Only turns you into some crystals, Marinette, or statue no matter where you are. Doesn't fit in at all. Useless mostly

                                          • Anonymous

                                            I don't know if anyone else has this issue, but since the most recent patch, this item seems to be bugged for me. When I use it, it does disguise me as an object, but a second later my character pops into view. But it's weird because...the item I was turned into is still there, and I still move super slowly as if the item was being used? So, maybe just a visual glitch, but yeah...anyone else notice this?

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Given the secret you learn with the Law of Regression incantation, and the fact that the item descriptive text says that it's also known as "Marika's Mischief" I wonder if you can use that same incantation to forcibly reveal players in PvP.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Played around with it for a bit after the V1.03 patch and it got some nasty decoys to pick from, matching with the area ranging from corpses, crystal formations and even the translucent wild life found later in the game. Ideal for use in areas with various floors/levels to disoriented the other player a but more while they are following your marker. People will eventually catch on to the new and inconspicuous lineup however.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Mimic's veil is broken.. after using it for a while now my character shows through the disguise, and it's a server side glitch.... invaders can see me too.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    In case anyone is wondering this Item can be used to fool NPCs as well. If you move in front of an NPC while using the item, depending on the distance, they will stare at you before walking close to you. Provided you do not move then, they will turn around and return to their original pathing.

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