Seluvis's Potion

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Small flask received from Preceptor Seluvis

Seluvis's Potion is a Key Item in Elden Ring. Seluvis's Potion Small flask received from Preceptor Seluvis. Key Items in Elden Ring include a wide variety of items found in specific locations or are given by a related NPCs which are used to unlock areas, quests, and to further progress the game's story.


Small flask received from Preceptor Seluvis containing a cloudy tonic of bluish black.

"Find Nepheli, and ensure she drinks it."


Where to find Seluvis's Potion in Elden Ring


Elden Ring Seluvis's Potion Use


Elden Ring Seluvis's Potion Notes & Tips

  • Notes & Tips go here


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    • Anonymous

      Oh riiight, the potion. The potion for Nepheli. the potion chosen specially to kill Nepheli. Nepheli's potion.

      (...i gave it to dung eater. Have fun diddling that guy.)

      • Anonymous

        If you give the potion to Ofnir and then visit Seluvi in his tower before completing Nokron, you can tell Seluvi that you gave the potion to Nepheli and receive a Spirit as a reward.

        • Anonymous

          If you talk about the potion to Gideon first, Nepheli will not reject it the first time like the page mentions.

          • Anonymous

            Jeez, NG+ is rough. Dosing Nepheli to get a new spirit summon, killing Millicent to get a new talisman, helping Jerren murder Sellen, suffering Patches to live...where does it end?

            • Anonymous

              It makes most sense to me that Ranni simply was the one in control of Seluvis's continued existence and therefore Pidia's by extension, as he zombifies in either timeline when she ****s off to become a hotglue figurine or if you try to give her the amber draught and she presumably pieces together that you and Seluvis conspired against her. In both cases his soul dies as a result of her leaving, causing poor ol' Pidia to get beaten to death by some angry and very ugly sex dolls. Why Ranni kept him around for so long is the real question, she's not an idiot and clearly didn't trust him as she appears able and willing to cut him off at any given moment. The most obvious first connection there being her doll body and his mastery of puppets, but how that works out or even if that's a connection at all I don't know. He clearly contributed something but only ever seems to be working on his own **** by the time we swoop in.

              • Anonymous

                After completion of Nepheli and the Dung Eater questlines, as well as sitting at the Forge of the Giants SoG, the potion becomes useless and Seluvis’ ‘questline’ becomes impossible to complete

                • Anonymous

                  I have selvuis potion in my inventory, when trying to give it to the dung eater, the option doesn’t show up. What am I doing wrong?

                  • Anonymous

                    Dont talk to Gideon about the Potion if you are trying to use it to make dung eater a puppet. i think he sends someone to kill Seluvis. I havent pushed rannis quest far enough for him to die but after i told Gideon about the potion i found Seluvis dead.

                    • Anonymous

                      if you miss your chance to use it, do you get to keep the potion in new game plus? or does it get removed for being a key item?

                      • Anonymous

                        I never visited Seluvis and never received the potion before he died. I there any other way of obtaining the potion?

                        • Anonymous

                          completed ranni's quest. seluvis is dead. can't give potion to dung eater. Haven't given him seedbed curses yet and he's tied to the chair at his dungeon spot. Seems like I can't progress the puppet part.

                          • Anonymous

                            If you pay seluvis a visit after breaking into his cellar he will offer you one of his dolls as spirit ash. The standard choise is Finger Maiden Theroliner Puppet (healer) or the Jawright Puppet (variable pot thrower). These options will occur whether you give the potion to gideon or nepheli. However, if you give it you Nepheli you will also be granted a third choice which is Dolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet which as the name suggest shots sleeping arrows. You can only choose one of these options.

                            • Anonymous

                              You have to give it to dungeater before giving him any seedbed curses. You can turn him into your spirit ash if you do this

                              • Anonymous

                                gideon doesn't have an option to take the potion. are my only options to get the magic scorpion charm to find and give it to nepheli or the dung eater?

                                • Anonymous

                                  Not sure if mentioned someplace and I can't find it. I didn't give the potion to someone before giving ranni the blade. He's dead in my playthrough (thought it was cuz I finished rannis questline) but apparently he does earlier one in her quest. I still have the potion. Can I still give to the dung eater despite seluvius being dead? I want the ashes from him still. I also got his bell too, not sure if it matters.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    you have the choice to give it too at Corhyn on the mountain of giants. He is scary from the act of golden mask and you have the choice to give him. I have gived it before to Gideon too, i don't know if its a bug. But when i give it to Corhyn, that does not seem to affect him.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      In order to give the potion to Dung Eater, you must find Dung Eater's physical body before you give Ranni the Fingerslayer Blade found in Nokron.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        I believe that potion turns her in to a puppet so that the witch can inhabit her body later if need be. The witch mentions something about her doll body when you speak to her up in her tower. It seems Selivus has been tasked with finding new bodies for the witch to inhabit.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          You can also give it to the Dung Eater AFTER he invades you - at the point where he is accepting Curses. Not sure if you can get his rune THEN feed it to him or not.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Giving it to Gideon will turn Selivus into a puppet. He isn't 'dead' in that state, as you don't get his bell and he's still somehow accessible as a vendor.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Wait.. I talked to Nepeheli and she declined the potion. Cant give it to her father nor back to the sorcerer... so my only option now is the dung eater?

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Giving dung eater the potion just turns him into a puppet you can find in Seluvis's secret room. Seluvis just seems to think you gave it to Nepheli. There doesn't seem to be much more than that.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  There is an illusory staircase at the front and to the left of Ranni's Rise in a temple ruins area. Roll on the ground or jump attack to reveal it. In that room there is another illusory wall in the back. You'll find the person you gave the potion to there.

                                                  Seluvis will also give you a reward if you talk to him again after going there.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    There are 3 options:
                                                    1) you give it to Nepheli and then she will die and end up as a puppet in the secret cellar behind an illusionary wall. (maybe she turns into a sex doll, idk)
                                                    2) give it to her father Ofnir, in which you trick Seluvis that you gave Nepheli the potion
                                                    3) give it to the Dung Eater (outcome is unknown)

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      If you give dung eater the potion, he turns into ashes which you can buy from Seluvis with starlight shard.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        It seems to hint that this potion has some mind control, considering what Sir Gideon say and what you get to "buy" from Seluvis after giving Ranni her knife.

                                                        Either way, seems to be a useless potion for both Nepheli or Seluvis considering what happens to the both of them.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          I gave it to the dung eater but when I reloaded the area he disappeared. Apparently there are ties with the dung eater and the potion but I am not sure what that may be

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Can also be given to the Dung Eater! Can find absolutely nothing on this topic at the moment, and unsure where to find the Dung Eater after being given the potion. The prompt to give the potion appears after he asks to be given "Seedbed Curses" in his original cell after his invasion.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              First you find nepheli at storm castle, then back at the roundtable, then once more at the roundtable after killing godrick. They she will be under a bridge at Village of Albinaurics. After killing the boss there go back to the roundtable where she will be down the stairs from the blacksmith. talk to her then her father. You then have the option to give him or her the potion. I gave him the poition as the other dude in the comments didn't. The dad says it would have killed her. Then go back to the guy that gave you the potion and he thinks you killed her. You can also chose to tell him you killed her but I have not.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                you can give this potion to the dung eater funnily enough, no clue what it does to either of the questlines but I gave it to him and he acts like I gave it to nepheli

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  For anyone having trouble making her move from under abinaurics bridge to the hold, follow the road till you see a stone bridge, cross it, defeat the boss that's there and speak with her again. She will repeat the same thing about her being a warrior and all that, you can now move to the hold and go downstairs at the blacksmisth site.
                                                                  There she is.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    I'll try to write what i've gathered about this item. So first of all you talk to nepheli in roundtable hold after you kill godrick.
                                                                    Talk to her and she'll leave. I assume you got the item after killing godrick so when you get this item it's likely that she's in the village of albinaurics below the bridge near grace. Talk to her then she returns to the hold below the blacksmith guy. Talk to her and she says she needs to think. Go up and talk to ofnir. (her father and the lore guy) Now you have 2 options. Tell ofnir about the potion or not. I chose not to tell him about it so i will continue from this part. Ask about nepheli then return to her, exhaust her dialogue and you can give the potion to her. She seems asleep more than dead to me but she dissapeared after i reloaded the area so don't know what happened to her. Finally return to seluvis and you can learn sorceries from him and if you found his puppets he gives you a spirit summon which you can choose from 3 options. I hope this helps.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      I found Nepheli at the Village of the Albinaurics but I cant give her the potion here, anyone know what to do?

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Anyone know how to find nepheli once she’s left the round table can’t give her the potion because I don’t know where she is

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