Tibia's Summons

tibias summons sorcery elden ring wiki guide 200px
Spell Type Death Sorceries
FP Cost 17 Slots Used 1
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Summons Those Who Live in Death

attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires

Tibia's Summons is a Sorcery in Elden Ring. Tibia's Summons spell summons three skeletons that attack enemies in the vicinity. Updated to Patch 1.07.


Sorcery of the servants of Death.

Summons a group of Those Lost in Death.
Three skeletons will appear some distance from the caster and attack foes before disappearing.

The dead have long been left to wander; what they need is leadership.


Where to find Tibia's Summons

Where to find Tibia's Summons:


Elden Ring Tibia's Summons Guide

  • Death Sorcery
  • Can be boosted by Prince of Death's Staff
  • Stamina Cost: 27
  • Deals magic damage
  • Rosus's Summons, a near-identical weapon skill version of this sorcery is also available as the unique weapon skill of Rosus' Axe.
  • Note: Received multiple buffs in Patch 1.07 - FP cost was reduced from 20 to 17, the cast speed and recovery time were both reduced and attack power of the spell was increased.




Elden Ring Tibia's Summons Notes and tips

  • Updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
  • Other notes and player tips go here. 
Elden Ring Sorceries
Adula's Moonblade  ♦  Ambush Shard  ♦  Briars of Punishment  ♦  Briars of Sin  ♦  Cannon of Haima  ♦  Carian Greatsword  ♦  Carian Phalanx  ♦  Carian Piercer  ♦  Carian Retaliation  ♦  Carian Slicer  ♦  Collapsing Stars  ♦  Comet  ♦  Comet Azur  ♦  Crystal Barrage  ♦  Crystal Burst  ♦  Crystal Release  ♦  Crystal Torrent  ♦  Eternal Darkness  ♦  Explosive Ghostflame  ♦  Fia's Mist  ♦  Founding Rain of Stars  ♦  Freezing Mist  ♦  Frozen Armament  ♦  Gavel of Haima  ♦  Gelmir's Fury  ♦  Glintblade Phalanx  ♦  Glintstone Arc  ♦  Glintstone Cometshard  ♦  Glintstone Icecrag  ♦  Glintstone Pebble  ♦  Glintstone Stars  ♦  Gravity Well  ♦  Great Glintstone Shard  ♦  Great Oracular Bubble  ♦  Greatblade Phalanx  ♦  Loretta's Greatbow  ♦  Loretta's Mastery  ♦  Lucidity  ♦  Magic Downpour  ♦  Magic Glintblade  ♦  Magma Shot  ♦  Meteorite  ♦  Meteorite of Astel  ♦  Night Comet  ♦  Night Maiden's Mist  ♦  Night Shard  ♦  Oracle Bubbles  ♦  Rancorcall  ♦  Ranni's Dark Moon  ♦  Rennala's Full Moon  ♦  Rock Blaster  ♦  Rock Sling  ♦  Roiling Magma  ♦  Rykard's Rancor  ♦  Scholar's Armament  ♦  Scholar's Shield  ♦  Shard Spiral  ♦  Shatter Earth  ♦  Shattering Crystal  ♦  Star Shower  ♦  Starlight  ♦  Stars of Ruin  ♦  Swift Glintstone Shard  ♦  Terra Magica  ♦  Thop's Barrier  ♦  Thops's Barrier (Spell)  ♦  Unseen Blade  ♦  Unseen Form  ♦  Zamor Ice Storm (Spell)


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    • Anonymous

      The only thing that comes to my mind as a redeeming quality that could give this incantation a good use is a swipe version of it, like instead of three grossmesser skeletons they would use scythes, allowing for better hitbox detection

      • Anonymous

        >Costs as much as 4 Carian Slicers
        >High stat requirements
        >Will virtually never hit their target
        >Actively worse than the Ash of War variant
        >Has only ever been buffed, still the single worst spell in the game

        Somebody take these poor skeletons out back and shoot them. It would be a mercy.

        • Anonymous

          Hate how it can’t be cast at max range and just make you look dumb hitting nothing even midair. Hard sell but must be used with rancorcall, the slow travel time can be spammed for a wall and if your target try to dodge them call the skele bro’s, most time rolls end in either or even both connecting, or you get lucky and skele interrupt them. This is your hammer to the anvils of rancorcall or is it the other way around...

          • Anonymous

            Seeing someone try to beat the game using only this spell really exemplifies how terrible it is. Some spells are bad and niche, sure, but as far as damaging spells go, none are as overall jank, finicky, slow, inaccurate, and weak as Tibia's Summons.

            • Anonymous

              Wait... Whats the difference between Those Who Live In Death and Those Lost In Death. That feels like a subtle but significant difference, especially considering its ties to Death Sorcery, which is mainly tied to Ghostflame and Spirits and was primarily used by Deathbirds long before the Erdtree?

              • Anonymous

                Definitely needs something.

                I’d say allow it to be channeled like the meteor spells, summoning a continuous series of skeleton strikes alternating from front to left to right to front again- that way it has a niche use as the cheapest sustained spell, with rapid physical hits.

                • Anonymous

                  FS should add the giant skeletons that the tibia mariners summon as a new spell with the release of the dlc. I would love to have a comet azur like spell for the hybrid caster that can have slight tracking like the ones in the game of course at high stat requirements that only can be reached by a HEAVY investment in int/faith that rivals what is necessary for even explosive ghost flame. They could even combine both large skeletons into one spell. At no charge you get the melee variant and at full charge you get the lazer beam version again with tracking since it would cost a lot in stats and potentially would take up multiple memory slots.

                  • Anonymous

                    the trick with this spell is to use it as part of a combo, like, make it hit at the same time as other spells, and it can mulch the heck out of an hp bar

                    • Anonymous

                      When I first heard this spell summoned skeletons I was hoping to make a cool Necromancer build that used this with Skeletial Militia ashes and just summon a bunch of undead soliders to fight but nope.

                      • Anonymous

                        Pretty niche spell if it didn’t take all of four seconds to startup, that and its miserable tracking. But it’s fun to watch when you use it before
                        Phantom Slash. Three Skeletons, Night’s Calvary and You hacking down some poor soul for big damage.

                        • Anonymous

                          This spell needs something else.

                          Better tracking, the option to charge it or channel it, etc. It has so much potential but as is it's just never worth slotting for an int/faith build with access to basically every spell in the game.

                          • Just a follow up as I've been using Tibias....fighting Preceptor Miriam in Carian Study Hall I was able to use Tibias to duck under a Lorettas Greatbow shot. Not sure how hard it would be to time as it actually delivered the killing blow. Will try on the Inverted version.

                            • This spell actually does more damage than the Ancient Death Rancor.

                              38int, 34Faith - 209 Sorc Scaling Prince of Death Staff +19 (singular staff)

                              Tibia Summons on aware enemy 606 Damage for 17 FP
                              Ancient Death Rancor on aware enemy 500 Damage for 21 FP

                              ADR stuns and tracks but strangely Tibia Summons seems to Pierce on each of its Skeletal Attack lines so you can hit several targets if bunched.

                              Problem I have though is if you spec Int/Faith then why would you not simply cast Rings of Light for 3 FP which with a Golden Order + 9 Seal giving 286 Incant Scaling hits for 850 Damage including the returning ring.

                              • Anonymous

                                The best way I’ve found to actually hit something with this spell (in PvE it’s just not happening in PvP) is to use one of the rancor spells first and then combo immediately into this. Rancor’s projectiles are slow enough so they hit just before the skeletons attack so if the rancor’s manage to stagger an enemy you can be fairly sure you’ll hit with at least one of the skeletons. Unfortunate such a cool spell is so hard to use effectively but it is fun when you do manage to land it.

                                • Anonymous

                                  The tragic part of this spell is that with those buffs it makes this spell incredibly effective for its fp cost. However it's just so unreliable to hit that it's not worth using.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    All they need to do is increase the size of the hitbox and make the skeletons have a small amount of homing in case the target moves.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      They need to rework this spell to make it more unique and viable compared to the weapon art version.

                                      Maybe just have one skeleton summoned unless charged and as you charge it the more skeletons that appear.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        i love the hybrid int/faith spells, specially the golden order ones, and the arcane stuff is cool too though not my style... just wish they didn't have the absolute stinkers like this. maybe it'll be worth something some day... maybe if they give it more damage and the rosus's weapon art more stance potential, or better free aim, or SOMETHING... but until that day, a meme and a joke this will remain.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          patch 1.07
                                          you spend less mana, less time casting it, and less time recovering from watching 3 skeletons miss one perfectly stationary target! :D

                                          • Anonymous

                                            everyone : "ohhh... that sounds interesting"....cast it for the first time........i am no longer happy... i hate everything and everyone and would have prefered to not know the existance of this thing...

                                            • On a death mage you are suppose to use this after stunning enemies with Rancorcall or Ancient Death Rancor. It's a finisher, not an opener.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                [Warning : Toxic Faith down voters incoming ! ] using this is like self- arm... it's that bad.. the description of Tibia Summons reads: Summons a group of Those Lost in Death. "Three skeletons will appear some distance from the caster and attack foes before disappearing." But FROMSOFT IS LYING, NO.1 THE SKELETONS AREN'T SUMMONED "SOME DISTANCE FROM THE CASTER" INSTEAD THEY ARE SUMMONED SOME DISTANCE FROM THE TARGET. NO.2 THEY DO NOT ATTACK THE TARGET. N0.3 THEY can't even attack the target unless it's COMPLETELY IMMOBILE :(. NO. 4 seeing this makes my eyes burn 'cause they don't act as intended.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  If you’re ever feeling inadequate or down just remember; this tragedy of wasted potential exists.

                                                  My paraplegic grandma could hit something in motion easier and cause more damage simultaneously while probably looking cooler, and she wouldent even have to put 20 points into faith.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    I still personally think that a better option for what this spell should've done, is being able to summon those GIANT ass skeletons that the tibia mariner summons in during the fight.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Anon 22 Dec 23:28 Faith is always better? Really? I can cast comet azur at a blistered crow and kill it before it gets close enough to tear me a new one, that was with 60 INT. I've tried the same with Placidusax's ruin and scarlet aeonia after my NG+ respec to 80 FTH and neither incantation hits hard enough to kill those crows, P'sR is powerful but it can't be aimed so that enough of the beam hits the crow to kill it before it kills me. SA will proc scarlet rot and kill them but not before the crow lands on top of me and shreds my HP. I did that because the spell and both incantations need three memory slots to equip and I was curious how they compare but there are very different results between the spell and both incantations.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        〵(´ー`)〴 – Bad? No, that’s an understatement. It’s horrible. It should be “actual skeletal summons” like its title and description says, but instead, we get what it currently is… Tier List: A → B → C → D → E → F → Tibia Summons ( i.e. yup, it’s a whole tier list for itself (just like many sorceries, faith is always better) )

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          I think everyone would’ve wanted these to be ACTUAL SUMMONS (e.g. summon 3 (i.e. max of 6 at a time for 30 s)
                                                          btw Elden Ring revolves largely on Death though there is a huge lack of Death sorceries… very… paradoxical

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            I wish this acted more like the phantom slash AoW with a bit of the Carian sword sorceries, this just feels kinda clunky to use

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Honestly not bad with recent buffs, nothing great, but with minimum stats and a Meteor staff, this can reliably do anywhere from 300 to 500 damage.
                                                              Poor tracking, Good range, Low FP to Damage Cost, Decent cast speed and a little buggy if not locked on... Shines best on bosses, especially larger ones, as it can causes some extreme mayhem if you have Spirit ashes distracting the boss, Do not sleep on this before assuming it's bad, use it a little and mess around with it, the boss you get it from isn't exactly hard to defeat either, even if it's in altus plateu (I kill the boss at SL 27 with +3 Caestus and +5 Lone Wolf ashes)

                                                              • Anonymous


                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  This spell works best with ancient death rancor as a setup, ADR stuns enemies long enough to get the tibia summons cast off.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    1.07. Still very awful. Hitbox issues still exist. Still doesn't go through breakable objects nor terrain. Requires flat terrain to position correctly. Wrong placement of skeleton hitbox on STANDING enemies still occur. At this point if Fromsoft really doesn't want to change how this spell functions, they might as well make the skeletons swing their swords down faster since the problem with this spell at this point isn't really about how fast you can cast it but rather how unbearably slow the skeletons are to swing down their swords.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Even after the buffs in 1.07 this spell is still weak. It misses easily against any moving target and the damage is low even with Prince of Death staff 232 sorcery scaling. A regular giant took 806 damage from all 3 hits combined.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Probably the worst overall spell in fromsoft history.

                                                                        Many, MANY people have come up with better versions- mine would be “a very low cost channelled spell, continuously summons skeletons to take swings at the target, at the current damage, for say….4fp/second? So you could use it to keep pressure/stagger on a target.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          I’m running a NG+ death mage, and this spell is fine as long as you know how to use it. It can attack targets on higher and lower levels than you, which is a welcoming surprise. Best for when you can catch an enemy stationary, and when they’re on the move, switch to ancient death rancor. It also seems like this spell distracts enemies, as if they don’t notice you’re the one casting the spell.

                                                                          Also, side comment, I know everyone is taking a massive dump on this skill and death sorceries, and I understand why. But, it’s undeniable how uniquely you can dispatch enemies with these sorceries. I feel like death sorceries were made for people who like combos, and this spell is a piece of a spell combo you can do.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            at first I was stoked that this would summon actual skeletons that walk around, but boy was i disappointed

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              In the time it takes to cast this, I can complete a full 5-hit combo with the Sword of Night and Flame. Despite utilizing the same stats, and using the Prince of Death's Staff, it only takes two sword swings to have already outdamaged this spell, with the benefit of being able to actually hit something.

                                                                              The point of something having a resource cost and long wind-up is that it's supposed to be better than just swinging a sword, Fromsoft. We've talked about this. For like 5 games in a row.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                This spell should summon actual skeletons like an Ash of War, except the number should be limited and they disappear after a set time. Charging spell increases skeleton health and active time.
                                                                                Something like that

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Personally I would have made this a channeling spell much like meteorite. Once you plunge your staff into the ground it summons three invincible skeleton ghosts who just go made and slash at the target enemy then any other enemy around them dealing cold ghost flame damage and physical for as long as your FP holds. The only draw is you’re variable while it’s in effect but due to the skeletons aggression and stun locking enemies it won’t be easy. That’s how I would have made this spell better.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    This spell could be so much more with just a tiny bit of redesign. If they behaved like ambush enemies instead of what they are now. Like if you summoned four skeletons, and one was like they are now, one ran and swung, one did a jump attack, and another just did a lunging thrust. That would be miles better. If each skeleton could target the nearest enemy even. Or if each skeleton was summoned for a second or two and attempted to actually strike the target. They could be called into being, strike, and dissolve into ashes. It would be so freaking cool not only to look at, but to actually wield. It would be almost like having a ranged basic physical attack. Maybe the skeletons could even be tied to a combo. So you summon one at a time, and if you cast it three times in succession, it would do the three hits of the combo. The skeletons coalescing out of the air, and then whispering away as each blow is delivered. It would be the coolest spell in the game.

                                                                                    But I guess skeleton ankle biters are... Like a distant fifth or sixth option. It's certainly an option. I have no idea why it was the /chosen/ option, but I guess it's an option.

                                                                                    If they really didn't want to do all of that, they could just go with what I call the Remero Revision: Instead of just making this a hit skill, give it a utility. You could charge it, and if you fully charged it and hit with it, the skeletons would rise out of the earth with hooks, and they would grab the enemy that you targeted. The mechanic could be balanced that each skeleton could do an invisible amount of poise damage, and if that amount didn't stance break the enemy, then the enemy could rip the hook out and take an amount of appropriate damage. If the poise damage /did/ stance break the enemy, then the enemy would be rooted, and gain an amount of temporary poise equal to the amount that the skeletons were exceeding their poise by. To clarify: the skeletons could not stance break the enemy, but they /would/ damage the enemy's poise if the enemy broke free. If successfully rooted, the enemy would be held in place in a non-critical state for an amount of time relative to how overpowered they were by the skeletons, but not significantly damaged by the skeletons. Any damage inflicted upon them by the player would reduce the time that the enemy was held in place, and, if the player dealt enough damage, they could break the enemy free of the hooks and deal the damage they did plus the damage of the ripping out of the hooks.

                                                                                    The skeletons would be short-lived. They would still fade to dust and disappear relatively quickly, but that might just be enough time to charge a spell or to use an ash summon, or to use a flask. It could be adequate breathing room or sufficient space to be able to weave it into the combat and make it actually worth something. A way for mages to buy themselves time. Higher scaling would increase the amount of time the skeletons stuck around and the amount of poise damage they did.

                                                                                    And, as a bonus, the Tibia Mariner's Summons would be literally fish-hooking peoples' tibias. Which makes a lot more sense to me than summoning regular skeletons and not even rowing your boat with like a giant's leg or something.

                                                                                    But I'm not a 200 million dollar game designer or anything. It just feels like such a missed opportunity in a game about themed enemies and revolving so much around combat, death, and revival that the only spell in the entire game that actually summons a dead thing neither fits the theme of the enemy it comes from nor actually revives a dead thing or contributes to combat in, let's face it, any way at all.

                                                                                    Skeleton Shadow Clone Ash Army or Fishhook Podiatrist Squad are like the first things I thought of when I picked this spell up, and I was so utterly disappointed that I can't help but think that someone had a really cool idea for this spell and then got told 'no.'


                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      I'm reading alot of bad things about this spell, and after testing it myself I can see why no one likes it. It's slow and does not trade off damage very well for the time it takes to cast.

                                                                                      It is however very amusing to cast in pvp when your enemy creates distance to drink a flask lol

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        I miss the days when dark magic wasn’t just it’s own class but also had its own damage type and infusion. Not only are most of the few dark spells not worth the high split stat investment but the sword of night & fire is the only weapon in the game that scales naturally with Int/Fth (you can infuse the erdsteel dagger & clayman’s harpoon to scale with both but why would you? It completely ruins the scaling for both.)

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          If only this spell was at least discount skeleton ashes, then it would be one of, if not the best, spell in game. As of rn it's just utter trash.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            A worse version of Phantom Slash where target has to stand still to get hit and slightest obstacle makes skeletons pop right next to you for nothing. Damage is bad too.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              hmm based on what I see here from the posts is that it's targeting sucks and damage sucks. I'm working on my Fat Necromancer and this spell is a must. From what I see her is that this spell is slow.

                                                                                              I also see nothing mention on is if it does poise damage. This could be an excellent spell for a ton of limited mobile enemies and bosses + an excellent free cast spell. I feel like that art was lost a while ago but if you get good enough to free cast thing, you can use it as a trap or simply free aim it.

                                                                                              I'll update the post if it is worth a damn.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                This is a ranged version of the Rosus' Axe ability. When you start casting it, the game remembers the position of the target, and once the skeletons finally appear they attack that fixed position. That means if the enemy moves at all after you start casting, the attack will likely miss. Oddly, if you target something high up like the head of a troll, the skeletons actually appear in midair (which is fine, just odd). Coupled with a long cast time, this makes it useless in open combat and only potentially has use against enemies not yet aware of you. However, its range is only medium - if you try to attack a target out of range, the skeletons appear at the farthest viable point along that line, which at least clearly shows you what its range is.

                                                                                                For damage, against a stagecoach troll that was already aware of me, I was doing 561 damage with this skill, compared to 428 with Great Glintstone Shard. So this skill does 31% more damage than GGS for 67% more FP, but GGS has a very quick cast, can be chain-cast, and tracks its target. This skill does none of those things, making it terrible. Of course GSS is single-target while this is technically a form of AoE.

                                                                                                It would be good if the skeletons actually attempted to chase the target (for one second before disappearing) and/or if it did not aggro enemies, since after all there is no projectile from you.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  It would be cool if this spell had bonus damage if the target is unaware, kinda like crit daggers, then it could be a niche stealth spell useful against stationary enemies (the only types of enemies that get hit by this spell anyway)

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Holy crap, they finally did it, I thought it was impossible. They finally made a spell that has absolutely nothing going for it. I'm impressed.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      this spell would be much more viable as a spell version of Rosus’ Summons, basically being a quick melee attack followed by 3 skeletons, filling a much needed niche of melee range death sorcery, too

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        If you want to build a necromancer, just use Rosus' Axe and Family Heads, they are just better in every way

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          they have weapon arts like phantom slash that spawn a ghost charging with a weapon and death sorcerers get this shitty move that never connects where three skeletons awkwardly appear and swing their sword in perfect unison like robots
                                                                                                          this needs to be changed to something else entirely more akin to phantom slash to even begin to be useful

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            I really like this spell but like others have stated, FROM needs to give it some love because it needs some fixing.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              That's how necromancers say hello in The Lands Between. Also used to kill fleas on the Red Wolves. Go Tibia!

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                FROM desperately needs to fix the death spells, almost all are useless except Ancient Death Rancor and sometimes Fia's Must if combined with the Eclipse Shotel AoW suck. I can actually imagine a few variations of this, like having a single skeleton attack but way faster and for less stat requirements, or have the lunging attack the skeletons do as a spell. Int+Fth (And other combinations with Arc) builds could have so much potential if there were actually decent options for weapons and spells that took advantage of the stat investment.

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  Desperately needs a tracking re-work and damage buff. I hope to Godwyn that Fromsoftware can recognize how objectively bad this spell is in its current state. It's one of the coolest and most unique spells but is utter trash right now.

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    I'm surprised no has talked about how mechanically horrible this spell tracks a target. Basically you still need a line of sight in order for the summons to appear at the enemy you've target-locked onto. The problem with this however, is that say you are locked on to an enemy and you're behind a breakable object, like a fence, it'll LITERALLY spawn the summons in FRONT of the fence rather than going through it.
                                                                                                                    This spell also doesn't ignore terrain as well, making it only viable if you're on a flat surface. Say you use this spell at on an enemy atop of a cliff, it'll spawn the summons on THE SIDE of the cliff because your line of sight was intruded by the facing rock cliff...
                                                                                                                    To add even more to this, the hitbox for the blades is incredibly wonky for what it is. The many times I've used this spell where at least one blade would've hit an enemy (blade arching up when summoned) wouldn't register as a hit because the hitbox only appears half-way late into the skeleton's swing animation. If anything this spell needed a major tracking and hitbox rework instead of getting a measly damage buff...

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      Still the best spell in the game, the buff made this thing even better. Its my top secret ace and I prefer it over comet azur and meteorite of astel to nuke bosses

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        Still waiting patiently along with all the other necrochads for the day this and all the other death sorceries get buffed properly. Spamming Ancient Death Rancor just isn't cutting it.

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          This spell is still awful even after the buff, the only niche use it can possibly have outside of a skeleton-themed caster, is you can use it on enemies you don't have clean LOS with for normal projectiles like Loretta's Greatbow. and even then, only if they don't notice you. overall, still a waste of a spellslot.

                                                                                                                          • Even after the 1.04 patch, it's still not worth for it's damage considering how slow it comes off. I tested it on the Cleanrot Knight outside the Prayer Room, it was fairly hard to hit him btw, he usually dodges the spell. Here are some numbers:

                                                                                                                            (70 INT, 22 FTH, +10 Carian Regal Scepter, no talisman buffs)

                                                                                                                            If you hit him with raw spell:
                                                                                                                            > 492 damage guarded
                                                                                                                            > 600 damage unguarded

                                                                                                                            If you hit him inside Terra Magica:
                                                                                                                            > 666 damage guarded
                                                                                                                            > 810 damage unguarded

                                                                                                                            Most of the times he guards it. Charging it doesn't change any numbers btw, you only get to delay it. There are definitely better options to use, which is a bummer because it is such a unique and cool looking spell.

                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                              It's not very good yet. It effectively has two cast times: first, your actual cast, and, second, the skeletons to all be conjured and then swing. I'd recommend dropping the cast time of the first DRAMATICALLY.

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