Bestial Constitution

bestial constitution incantation elden ring wiki guide 200px
Spell Type Bestial Incantation
FP Cost 10 Slots Used 1
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Alleviates blood loss and frost buildup

attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires

Bestial Constitution is an Incantation in Elden Ring. Bestial Constitution spell removes Hemorrhage and Frostbite buildups from the caster.


Incantation taught by Gurranq, the Beast Clergyman.

Fills the body with bestial vigor, alleviating buildup of frost and blood loss.

Having gained intelligence, the beasts must have felt how their wildness slipped away as civilization took hold.


Where to find Bestial Constitution

Where to find Bestial Constitution:


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Elden Ring Bestial Constitution Guide

  • Bestial Incantation
  • Stamina Cost: 10
  • Affects only the status buildup gauge, not the Frostbitten or Blood Loss effects. 





Elden Ring Incantations
Agheel's Flame  ♦  Ancient Dragons' Lightning Spear  ♦  Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Breath  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Horns  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Tail  ♦  Barrier of Gold  ♦  Beast Claw  ♦  Bestial Sling  ♦  Bestial Vitality  ♦  Black Blade  ♦  Black Flame  ♦  Black Flame's Protection  ♦  Black Flame Blade  ♦  Black Flame Ritual  ♦  Blessing's Boon  ♦  Blessing of the Erdtree  ♦  Bloodboon  ♦  Bloodflame Blade  ♦  Bloodflame Talons  ♦  Borealis's Mist  ♦  Burn O Flame!  ♦  Catch Flame  ♦  Cure Poison  ♦  Darkness  ♦  Death Lightning  ♦  Discus of Light  ♦  Divine Fortification  ♦  Dragonbolt Blessing  ♦  Dragonclaw  ♦  Dragonfire  ♦  Dragonice  ♦  Dragonmaw  ♦  Ekzykes's Decay  ♦  Elden Stars  ♦  Electrify Armament  ♦  Erdtree Heal  ♦  Fire's Deadly Sin  ♦  Flame Fall Upon Them  ♦  Flame Fortification  ♦  Flame of the Fell God  ♦  Flame Protect Me  ♦  Fortissax's Lightning Spear  ♦  Frenzied Burst  ♦  Frozen Lightning Spear  ♦  Giantsflame Take Thee  ♦  Glintstone Breath  ♦  Golden Lightning Fortification  ♦  Golden Vow (Spell)  ♦  Great Heal  ♦  Greyoll's Roar  ♦  Heal  ♦  Honed Bolt  ♦  Howl of Shabriri  ♦  Immutable Shield  ♦  Inescapable Frenzy  ♦  Lansseax's Glaive  ♦  Law of Causality  ♦  Law of Regression  ♦  Lightning Fortification  ♦  Lightning Spear  ♦  Lightning Strike  ♦  Litany of Proper Death  ♦  Lord's Aid  ♦  Lord's Divine Fortification  ♦  Lord's Heal  ♦  Magic Fortification  ♦  Magma Breath  ♦  Noble Presence  ♦  O Flame!  ♦  Order's Blade  ♦  Order Healing  ♦  Pest Threads  ♦  Placidusax's Ruin  ♦  Poison Armament  ♦  Poison Mist  ♦  Protection of the Erdtree  ♦  Radagon's Rings of Light  ♦  Rejection  ♦  Rotten Breath  ♦  Scarlet Aeonia  ♦  Scouring Black Flame  ♦  Shadow Bait  ♦  Smarag's Glintstone Breath  ♦  Stone of Gurranq  ♦  Surge O Flame!  ♦  Swarm of Flies  ♦  The Flame of Frenzy  ♦  Theodorix's Magma  ♦  Triple Rings of Light  ♦  Unendurable Frenzy  ♦  Urgent Heal  ♦  Vyke's Dragonbolt  ♦  Whirl O Flame!  ♦  Wrath of Gold

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    • Anonymous

      K, but why not make it alleviate sleep and frenzy build up aswell. With as frequent as status afflictions are in this game (pvp specifically) it'd be nice to have a spell like Great Magic Barrier but for status. Alleviate afflictions, boost resistances, and quicken cooldowns. Everything is spread so thin in this game.

      • Anonymous

        I have a character with 100% completion on NG+6. I discovered this spell exists today through this site. I now have a character with 99.9% completion.

        • Anonymous

          This can’t clear frostbite, just the buildup. Flame Cleanse Me has an incidental second usage for clearing frostbite once afflicted, as it inflicts 15 fire damage to you.

          • Anonymous

            Only nine faith to be able to clear up bleed and frost build up? That’s a damn steal for certain starting classes already, use it with the communion seal and you have a literal on the spot thawfrost/blood bolus reusable for no carry weight!

            • Anonymous

              only good if you have really high robustness since the average bleed junky will bleed you out in 2 or 3 hits

              • Anonymous

                Actually useful in duels if you’re packing speckled tear. Beats buying tons of boluses anyways. You need just enough resistance to not get bled/frost on a trade then use Golden Land ash, a must for faith tanks, to cast your heals/buffs beneath it. I also have a fundamentalist caster who uses this under magic glintblade/phalanx or when my opponent is running away from elden stars/triple rings. Both my tree sentinel and my naked priest almost never get bled unless it’s double seppuku spear nonsense.

                • Anonymous

                  This one and lucidity need to make you immune to corresponding status buildup for 20-30 seconds to make them somewhat useful.

                  • Anonymous

                    These cure Spells- this one, Lucidity, the Poison and Rot cures- all really need something extra to help them stand out and be worth the stat investment, time spent cycling to the spell in your inventory, casting the spell after input, FP expenditure that could go to using a Weapon Skill or other spell, etc. Otherwise, anyone who's really determined to cure a status ailment is just going to dip into the pool of 200+ Boluses they farmed Runes for (or duped), since it's too situational otherwise. Spell Lists are difficult enough as is to cycle through in the heat of the real-time moment in my experience.

                    What would that 'something else' be? Maybe it slows down buildup dramatically for a short while after cast?... like, imagine if, for ~20 seconds after casting Bestial Constitution, you only received two-thirds of the normal Bleed/Frostbite buildup or so, enabling trades with powerstancing builds more safely without the status proccing and one-shotting you. Or after popping Flame, Cleanse Me running across the platforms in the Lake of Rot, you built up half as fast for the next brief bit of running.

                    I don't know how actually practical that would prove, but it would at least give the spells more of a proper identity.

                    • Anonymous

                      RoB = 17 FP and this 10 FP. Get some robustness and watch them cry, as you get some distance and cast this to trade FP efficiently. On a second thought, since you are up against a RoB user, you just have to slightly step out of range of their weapon art, and they will still spam it until they are out of FP. So you might not even need this. :-)

                      • Anonymous

                        Whats with all these comments about how unfair this is and how bleed is so big? Im past the giants forge and ive barely run into bleed in this game.

                        • Anonymous

                          This spell honestly breaks the game. Whenever you get hit by a bleed weapon you can run away and cast this in only 3 seconds to get rid of the build up

                          • Anonymous

                            This spell honestly breaks the game. Whenever you get hit by a bleed weapon you can run away and cast this in only 3 seconds to get rid of the build up

                            • Anonymous

                              This spell honestly breaks the game. Whenever you get hit by a bleed weapon you can run away and cast this in only 3 seconds to get rid of the build up

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