Frenzied Burst

frenzied burst incantation elden ring wiki guide 200px
Spell Type Frenzied Flame Incantations
FP Cost 24 Slots Used 1
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Emits concentrated blast of yellow flame of frenzy from eyes

attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires

Frenzied Burst is an Incantation in Elden Ring. Frenzied Burst spell releases concentrated blasts of the flame of frenzy. When charged, the blast can easily penetrate the enemy's guard. Updated to Patch 1.07.


Incantations originating from the maddening Three Fingers.

Releases concentrated blasts of the yellow flame of frenzy from the caster's eyes.
Charging enhances potency, enabling the blasts to penetrate the enemy's guard.

In times past, every single person who attempted to control the flame of frenzy succumbed to madness after a desperate internal struggle. This incantation is testament to a meager victory.


Where to find Frenzied Burst

Where to find Frenzied Burst:


Elden Ring Frenzied Burst Guide

  • Frenzied Flame Incantation
  • Stamina Cost: 33
  • Deals Fire damage
  • Charging the blast deals 23.5% more damage, penetrates enemies, and deals massive stamina damage to shield-blocking targets.
  • Long range (similar to Glintstone Cometshard), fast travel speed, and moderate damage make this an excellent long-ranged tool in a Faith user's arsenal.
  • This spell also does not trigger enemies' auto-dodge animations (most often in NPC invaders) similar to an uncharged Lightning Spear.  Very useful in builds that are leaning more towards fire incants instead of lighting incants.
  • Inflicts Madness buildup (90 normal/105 charged) on opponents and also (20 normal/30 charged) on self.
    • The self inflicted madness is fairly negligible, but that also means it is not useful for triggering the Black Dumpling effect.
    • Note that all but a handful of enemies in PVE are immune to Madness.
  • Note: As of Patch 1.07 Poise Damage and Attack Power when charged has been increased.




Elden Ring Frenzied Burst Notes and Tips

  • Updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
  • Other notes and player tips go here. 
Elden Ring Incantations
Agheel's Flame  ♦  Ancient Dragons' Lightning Spear  ♦  Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Breath  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Horns  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Tail  ♦  Barrier of Gold  ♦  Beast Claw  ♦  Bestial Constitution  ♦  Bestial Sling  ♦  Bestial Vitality  ♦  Black Blade  ♦  Black Flame  ♦  Black Flame's Protection  ♦  Black Flame Blade  ♦  Black Flame Ritual  ♦  Blessing's Boon  ♦  Blessing of the Erdtree  ♦  Bloodboon  ♦  Bloodflame Blade  ♦  Bloodflame Talons  ♦  Borealis's Mist  ♦  Burn O Flame!  ♦  Catch Flame  ♦  Cure Poison  ♦  Darkness  ♦  Death Lightning  ♦  Discus of Light  ♦  Divine Fortification  ♦  Dragonbolt Blessing  ♦  Dragonclaw  ♦  Dragonfire  ♦  Dragonice  ♦  Dragonmaw  ♦  Ekzykes's Decay  ♦  Elden Stars  ♦  Electrify Armament  ♦  Erdtree Heal  ♦  Fire's Deadly Sin  ♦  Flame Fall Upon Them  ♦  Flame Fortification  ♦  Flame of the Fell God  ♦  Flame Protect Me  ♦  Fortissax's Lightning Spear  ♦  Frozen Lightning Spear  ♦  Giantsflame Take Thee  ♦  Glintstone Breath  ♦  Golden Lightning Fortification  ♦  Golden Vow (Spell)  ♦  Great Heal  ♦  Greyoll's Roar  ♦  Heal  ♦  Honed Bolt  ♦  Howl of Shabriri  ♦  Immutable Shield  ♦  Inescapable Frenzy  ♦  Lansseax's Glaive  ♦  Law of Causality  ♦  Law of Regression  ♦  Lightning Fortification  ♦  Lightning Spear  ♦  Lightning Strike  ♦  Litany of Proper Death  ♦  Lord's Aid  ♦  Lord's Divine Fortification  ♦  Lord's Heal  ♦  Magic Fortification  ♦  Magma Breath  ♦  Noble Presence  ♦  O Flame!  ♦  Order's Blade  ♦  Order Healing  ♦  Pest Threads  ♦  Placidusax's Ruin  ♦  Poison Armament  ♦  Poison Mist  ♦  Protection of the Erdtree  ♦  Radagon's Rings of Light  ♦  Rejection  ♦  Rotten Breath  ♦  Scarlet Aeonia  ♦  Scouring Black Flame  ♦  Shadow Bait  ♦  Smarag's Glintstone Breath  ♦  Stone of Gurranq  ♦  Surge O Flame!  ♦  Swarm of Flies  ♦  The Flame of Frenzy  ♦  Theodorix's Magma  ♦  Triple Rings of Light  ♦  Unendurable Frenzy  ♦  Urgent Heal  ♦  Vyke's Dragonbolt  ♦  Whirl O Flame!  ♦  Wrath of Gold


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    • Anonymous

      Charging makes it penetrate targets, you can line up shots to kill 2 or more enemies at once. Lock on to the last target in the line. Try it out at the Rampart Tower in Stormveil against the stormhawks.

      • Anonymous

        Summoned some guy in liurnia to help with the tree avatar and he just spammed this thing and killed it in like 15 seconds. Had to go look up what it was and how to get it after that

        • Anonymous

          Melts anything and from a mile away at that, with only 24 Faith this is better than most of my sorceries at 42 int.

          • Anonymous

            Tried it after so 10 new games, the range is insane. Pretty good for dealing with those pesky winged anteaters

            • Anonymous

              Overpowered. As a pure faith user doing a co op playthrough with a friend using a pure int build I think this spell outclasses anything low to mid int range by an absurd margin.
              Loretta's bow doesn't do nearly as much damage.

              • Anonymous

                one of the best pve incants in the game, ng+7 and it allows you to one shot most large enemies the main component to making it work is having the frenzied seal

                • Anonymous

                  I affectionately call this the "Schizoflame Railgun." Its minor spiraling occasionally makes it catch a nearby surface and get blocked, and some enemies will accidentally sidestep it, but good lord it can shoot from so far away. A great tool for dealing with annoying sniper enemies or eliminating some otherwise annoying but really agile enemies like those damned hawks or strays.

                  • Anonymous

                    I'm disappointed with the damage from this.

                    I thought I'd try and build specifically for it and in NG+ with 2 frenzied Flame seals, ritual sword Talisman, Flocks Canvas, Godfrey Icon & Fire Scorpion Charm it takes 2 charged attacks to kill the banished knights in stormvale.

                    Combining the lackluster damage with the slow charge time makes it feel like it's not worth bothering, but maybe I'm missing something.

                    Obviously the madness aspect is nice for PvP but how often are people realistically going to get hit by spells in PvP?

                    • Anonymous

                      wish this had just a tiny bit more tracking/curve during travel so you wont be able to doge it just by taking 2 steps to the side

                      • Anonymous

                        why doesn't the map link work anymore? it just opens the whole map instead of being anywhere near where the item is.

                        • Anonymous

                          I remember when this used to stunlock in pvp... ahh, good times... fromsoft doesnt want players to have fun...

                          • Anonymous

                            This is the only Frenzied Flame incantation that a PvE player is likely to find useful. Darkly fitting, since the description text implies that is the only Frenzied Flame incantation that is safe to use.

                            Perhaps the final effect of succumbing to Madness is to being turned into a PvP player.

                            • Anonymous

                              This is brilliant for deleting Banished Knights, since they usually do a slow-walk to you with their shield raised when you're out of their range. Charged version = shield is basically useless. :D

                              • Anonymous

                                This thing doesn't work on non aggroed bosses. itested it on the putrid avatar in calied and on commander neil

                                • Anonymous

                                  If you need a safe way of killing Gideon and managing the fight once he starts spamming spells, look no further than this. You can snipe him from clear across the arena with it without him being able to land a spell

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Great knife, kick aow, lightning ram aow, lifedrain aow, caestus, this incantation right here... and in-game contracts of killing people.

                                    Yep, i'm playing as kano.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      I've noticed that if you use this on the dragon with low health that's spamming the lighting bolts near the end of Crumbling Frarum Azula, he will fly away and not come back, or sometimes just disappear. He'll stay gone until you reload the area. idk if this is a bug or what.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        range is much higher than comet, tied with loretta bow sorcery. High damage, penetrates enemies and shields, builds up frenzy in human npcs and can't be dodged on pve.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Randomally deleted both NG+ Moongrum and Gidion for about 18000 damage with 2 Charged Frenzied Bursts cast with a 301 Incant Scaling Dragon Communion Seal. No idea why it did so much, seemed almost like the Inescapable Frenzy One-Shot set up but with a piercing long ranged attack. Not exactly complaining but can't seem to replicate it against the Flame Guardians in the Guardians Garrison, so unsure why it happened at all, let alone twice now.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Absolutely shreds Crucible Knights with enough stat investment and the right distance. Pierces straight through shields. Might be one of the best spells in the game for dealing with tanky knights

                                            • Anonymous

                                              This spell is really good against Malenia's first phase on a faith build. She can't dodge it and she's too slow and passive to close the distance.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Has anyone noticed 'frenzied burst' is missing target locked enemies even if they are well within its range and not at a tricky elevation?

                                                I know if an enemy changes their elevation either jumping down or jumping up to a ledge or whatever FB can miss, but I've never had it miss a mounted knight the way it has been earlier on today. I didn't think to keep count of the casts that hit and those that missed, but it wasn't the odd miss here and there it was missing three or four casts in a row. I'd appreciate it if anyone else who's been seeing it lose its pinpoint accuracy replied to this commentt.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  This spell is responsible for the nerfing of the whole family. Seriously, only this spell and the fact that the madness affliction could be chained needed to be nerfed. No reduction on Frenzy build up from the Howl of Shabriri, Flame of Frenzy, and making Inescapable Frenzy do mediocre damage compared to how hard it is to land.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    so lets look at the frenzy incantations, hmm...
                                                    we have: fire, scream, more fire, a grab, and barrett 50cal sniper rifle.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      someone mentions frenzied burst no longer passing through one enemy to hit a target locked enemy behind it. I was farming for poison-blooms outside morne tunnel yesterday, target locking the giant flowers furthest from me then lining up so the frenzied burst would pass through one to hit the other. It definitely still works, I was casting from the same distance every time, to be sure the poison cloud AoE couldn't reach me, and it was consistently hitting both flowers in one cast and doing the same damage to both.

                                                      • Starting a new pew pew character. Does arcane still affect this significantly when cast from the dragon seal? Or is it better just to double up on the frenzy flame seal for the extra 20%?

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          One thing I just noticed that I haven't seen mentioned is hitting an enemy seems to reduce the range of the rest of the follow-through. I'm seeing this when farming the 3 Stormveil birds just outside Rampart Tower grace. When you leave the doorway, 2 of them are lined up. If you lock onto the furthest of the two and fire through the closer one, you won't hit the one you're locked to. But if you fire another from the same spot, you will hit it.

                                                          • Really funny how after the fix I haven't seen a single person in pvp use this over like...what, 1000 fights? Looks like everyone only wanted a cheap stunlock to death and now no one cares about it. Still fun for pve tho.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              One of the best PvP sniping options - it scales well and is easy to stack damage boosts with, unlike greatbows/ballistas, the charging animation is easier to conceal than Loretta's Greatbow, and it's easier to aim than Cannon of Haima.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Even post nerf, If you spec completely into using this spell, it's insanely strong and really fun in PvE and PvP. Godfrey's Icon, Fire Scorpion, and Flock Canvas Talisman, will multiply the charged blast damage by a total of 40% on top of the innate 20% charged damage. Easily one shots unsuspecting targets from long distance

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Insane all the people that wanted this nerfed when the ultimate counter for it was walking slowly to the left. Now it will continue to miss 96% of the time, and when it hits, won't do a damn thing.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    They nerfed the least problematic OP thing in the game. Kinda odd, honestly. I used this quite a bit and it only worked like 20% of the time but over on my RoB account I edgewalk people and 1-2 shot entire groups.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      LMAO total trash rn
                                                                      4 shots to apply the crazi status, at 4 shots doing 600 dmg they r probably dead already,
                                                                      Use madness spear, spears are totally broken in range and the status proc on them even if they are rolling

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        I wanted the arcane scaling boost gone as that trivialized pvp, but I don't think they should have nerfed the buildup on the spell itself. Previously, you were able to proc madness in two hits on every seal, aside from Dragon Communion Seal, and now it ranges from 3-4 to accomplish the same thing. The issue is that this spell isn't easy to hit twice to begin with, and the fact that you potentially must hit it four times makes it nearly impossible to pull off. The best fix would have to completely remove arcane adding madness but keep the spell as is, and in the best case scenario they figure out a way to make it not add madness on rolls.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Still really good at PvE. You know how most minibosses have an AI that makes them dodge the moment you fire any projectile, even if it's as slow as Elden Stars?

                                                                          This one spell breaks them, they just don't dodge it. They will, but right after being hit. Malenia takes it, even from across the arena and even when charged.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Given the spell's notoriety it was only a matter of time. I haven't tried the spell, ever, but i'll still go pick it up. The range and esthetics of it is still awesome. I'm glad unreasonably powerful stuff is nerfed, although i still want there to be a diverse meta; so if one powerful element of the game dwindles into obscurity I'd kinda want the same for everything else. Of course not everything can be meta as it ruins the satisfaction of progressing into something grand.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              For PVP, around 400 Mind is needed to resist an uncharged 50 Arcane/30 Faith Frenzied Burst from the Dragon Communion Seal. If they have something like 80arc/80fai and charge it to full, you might need around 600 mind, although this is a massive investment in arcane/faith and charging it is not optimal in most situations. 425 mind will resist 99% of frenzied bursts, you just need the talisman and some fire prelate armour pieces.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                friendly reminder to carry a backup carian retal shield/spell incase someone tries to stunlock you with this

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Flaming sniper shot, absolutely wrecks human sized enemies, the range is massive, can be charged so it benefits from Godfrey's icon. Quite efficient damage to fp ratio and npc invaders don't know how to deal with it. S-tier incantation.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    This spell is probably the most annoying thing to play against durring a gank. It didn’t used to proc full frenzy on hit before, now it can actually stunlock an opponent.

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