Stone of Gurranq

stone of gurranq incantation elden ring wiki guide 200px
Spell Type Bestial Incantation
FP Cost 15 Slots Used 1
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Hurls a boulder before the caster

attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires

Stone of Gurranq is an Incantation in Elden Ring. Stone of Gurranq spell conjures a rock projectile and launches it in a slight arc. Updated to Patch 1.09.1.


Superior incantation taught by Gurranq, the Beast Clergyman.

Hurls a boulder before the caster.
This incantation can be cast repeatedly.

Long ago, Gurranq was a beast of such terrifying ferocity that his
former name meant "Death of the Demigods."



Where to find Stone of Gurranq

Where to find Stone of Gurranq:


Elden Ring Stone of Gurranq Guide

  • Bestial Incantation
  • Stamina Cost: 37
  • Deals standard physical damage
  • Can be chain-cast with itself as long as the player has enough FP and/or Stamina.
  • Deals considerably more Poise and Stance damage than other similar ranged spells/incantations
  • Unlike many other ranged sorceries/incantations, this spell has NO tracking, which can make it challenging to use against faster enemies at a distance.
    • Functions best as a mid-close range attack, where its poise damage can used to greater effect. 

Note: As of Patch 1.07

  • Reduced Stamina consumption.
  • Increased attack power and stamina attack power against guarding enemies.
  • Extended the impact area of projectiles.





Elden Ring Stone of Gurranq Notes and Tips

  • Updated to Patch 1.09.1. See Patch Notes for details.
  • Auto-targets when cast. Automatically targets an enemy when casting with no lock (within a set range from the center of the camera). This allows you to increase the range of this incantation spell to easily hit large targets that are out of normal range, such as Elden Beast.
  • You can reduce the recovery time by following up with a different incantation spell.
  • Stone of Gurranq is best paired with Lightning Spear as it has a faster cast time, recovery time, and similar range in distance. If you land a Stone of Gurranq on an enemy you can do a follow-up with Lightning Spear to get a true combo. 
  • Stone of Gurranq can also be paired with Wrath of Gold and Greyoll's Roar as close-range true combos. 
  • If a player is running toward you and dodging your stones, try aiming at your feet. This will make it so that if the opponent stops rolling they will take damage from the AOE hit. This will also guarantee a true combo if followed with another stone. 
  • Other notes and player tips go here. 
Elden Ring Incantations
Agheel's Flame  ♦  Ancient Dragons' Lightning Spear  ♦  Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Breath  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Horns  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Tail  ♦  Barrier of Gold  ♦  Beast Claw  ♦  Bestial Constitution  ♦  Bestial Sling  ♦  Bestial Vitality  ♦  Black Blade  ♦  Black Flame  ♦  Black Flame's Protection  ♦  Black Flame Blade  ♦  Black Flame Ritual  ♦  Blessing's Boon  ♦  Blessing of the Erdtree  ♦  Bloodboon  ♦  Bloodflame Blade  ♦  Bloodflame Talons  ♦  Borealis's Mist  ♦  Burn O Flame!  ♦  Catch Flame  ♦  Cure Poison  ♦  Darkness  ♦  Death Lightning  ♦  Discus of Light  ♦  Divine Fortification  ♦  Dragonbolt Blessing  ♦  Dragonclaw  ♦  Dragonfire  ♦  Dragonice  ♦  Dragonmaw  ♦  Ekzykes's Decay  ♦  Elden Stars  ♦  Electrify Armament  ♦  Erdtree Heal  ♦  Fire's Deadly Sin  ♦  Flame Fall Upon Them  ♦  Flame Fortification  ♦  Flame of the Fell God  ♦  Flame Protect Me  ♦  Fortissax's Lightning Spear  ♦  Frenzied Burst  ♦  Frozen Lightning Spear  ♦  Giantsflame Take Thee  ♦  Glintstone Breath  ♦  Golden Lightning Fortification  ♦  Golden Vow (Spell)  ♦  Great Heal  ♦  Greyoll's Roar  ♦  Heal  ♦  Honed Bolt  ♦  Howl of Shabriri  ♦  Immutable Shield  ♦  Inescapable Frenzy  ♦  Lansseax's Glaive  ♦  Law of Causality  ♦  Law of Regression  ♦  Lightning Fortification  ♦  Lightning Spear  ♦  Lightning Strike  ♦  Litany of Proper Death  ♦  Lord's Aid  ♦  Lord's Divine Fortification  ♦  Lord's Heal  ♦  Magic Fortification  ♦  Magma Breath  ♦  Noble Presence  ♦  O Flame!  ♦  Order's Blade  ♦  Order Healing  ♦  Pest Threads  ♦  Placidusax's Ruin  ♦  Poison Armament  ♦  Poison Mist  ♦  Protection of the Erdtree  ♦  Radagon's Rings of Light  ♦  Rejection  ♦  Rotten Breath  ♦  Scarlet Aeonia  ♦  Scouring Black Flame  ♦  Shadow Bait  ♦  Smarag's Glintstone Breath  ♦  Surge O Flame!  ♦  Swarm of Flies  ♦  The Flame of Frenzy  ♦  Theodorix's Magma  ♦  Triple Rings of Light  ♦  Unendurable Frenzy  ♦  Urgent Heal  ♦  Vyke's Dragonbolt  ♦  Whirl O Flame!  ♦  Wrath of Gold

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    • Anonymous

      This makes the first stage of Mohg completely irrelevent. E Z stagger and ridiculous DPS on a STR/FTH build.

      • Anonymous

        There's no spell in the game that gets as good as Stone of Garrunq if you cast it at max speed (meaning with 70 virtual Dex.) It's fast, deals a long stagger animation, has a surprisingly large hitbox, and has low endlag for comboing at close range. Great followup to Catch Flame.

        • Anonymous

          This received a silent rework. It LOCKS ON enemies even when you havent toggled lockon with your controller stick. This is better for hitting more consisently but has all but disabled skill aiming with this thing in medium / close range. If you're far enough away from an enemy it won't lock on, but it's still unfortunate. I often used my own aim to hit the headboxes of enemies with the stone and now it targets their torso.

          • Anonymous

            Many say that lightning spear outclasses it and it’s true in many situations like raw damage potential where you can use godfrey icon to benefit from it while stone can’t.

            The lightning spear comes out a bit faster and that allows you to deal with enemies faster (eagles and whatever you may find annoying) while having access to lightning damage which is one of the best you can have in pve.

            But there are three great things that stone of gurranq has.

            It’s the best physical damage projectile from incantations you can have since it’s cheap, has an aoe and stagger you shouldn’t underestimate and goes very far and lasts more than 7 seconds.

            The chain cast renders enemies immobile and lands a ton of damage to the objective you choose. No joke you can kill omens and haligtree knights with chaincast All you need is just an opening.

            And finally it can be free aimed with more ease than other spells. This last thing is probably one of the best things you can have while being surrounded by enemies from many sides.

            Still not better than lightning spear in terms of damage and speed but definitely the best spell design for making it fun to use

            • Anonymous

              You can use this to snipe that "teleports behind you" dual wielding banished knight in Castle Sol all the way from where you fight the mariner with the undead snails. Be warned tho, he can also teleport all the way up there after you hit him...

              • Anonymous

                If you're thinking this works wonders on crystallians, it doesn't, this spell does not do strike damage. i went to test it on the spirit crystallians in the haligtree and i was doing 45 damage with this spell before breaking its guard. i had a +10 golden order seal, 55 INT/FTH with 353 Incant Scaling.

                It's silly, as it says up there it does standard damage which is the chop damage that axes do.

                • Anonymous

                  Out of all offensive bestial incantations, this one is the most broken, and bestial sling has been severely nerfed but still has its uses in pvp. Gurranq’s claw and bestial claw on the other hand are not bad spells but their casting speed and damage are outclassed. So a good addition to bestial incantations could be the attack from Gurranq that throws rocks into the air and then fall down

                  • Anonymous

                    A couple of things to note on this spell. First of all, I don't think I've seen a more significant example of cast speed being impactful. This spell comes out much faster with high cast speed. It's not necessary for some applications, but it becomes much easier to land in pvp or to stunlock enemies in pve with more cast speed. Secondly, this spell seems to never knock players off ladders, at least not after 5 hits which is as much as it takes to kill at most for me. So in situations where someone tries to make space and then escape by climbing a ladder, thinking that the worst that can happen is they get knocked off of it, you can just spam this and they die and can't do anything about it. It can be thrown quite vertically too, if you still can get a lock on them you can probably hit them. I always bring this spell just for this reason, but it's also pretty good for punishing stormcaller and storm stomp spammers, especially if you have lightning spear to combo with it.

                    • Anonymous

                      Oh ok you're casting comets, magic swords and storms of ice? Well I cast Giant Stone Boulder Into Your Teeth

                      • Anonymous

                        This spell is insane. Short cart time, high damage, long range, can be chained. The stamina cost is high, which might make this more workable as a long-range incantation for a mixed melee-caster than a pure faith build. Still, with 300 incant, this spell alone made me kill Lichdragon Fortissax on the first attempt without taking any damage. I just stood there, lobbing stones at him and the poor 4-winged fool got obliterated.

                        • Anonymous

                          Never leave roundtable without the mighty rock, it's strong, goes far and is funny as hell when you throw this to people and demigods alike.
                          Perfect for caveman Ooga Bogga Build and strongs tarnished, you will never lack for maidens and ladies, they love strong mans and you like them too.

                          If you use a seal and you don't use rocks then I don't know what are you doing. Go get yourself a ROCK now! Rock good.

                          • Anonymous

                            patch 1.10 : stamina cost =28…. but can apparently be casted a 4th time with 111 stamina with a tiny delay when it cost 112 for 4th cast

                            • Anonymous

                              Not only is this spell really good, but it's also just fun. Every single time I use this spell in pvp I say "rock" out loud to myself

                              • Anonymous

                                Is the note about this true comboing into lightning spear accurate? I know it combos into WoG but how consistent is lightning spear? Anyone tested this?

                                • Anonymous

                                  good spell for arcane/blood build vs bosses immune to hemorrhage. Gargoyle and last esp. Just use dragonseal

                                  • Anonymous

                                    On a dedicated build this thing has the best FP to damage ratio of any spell in the entire game. Especially w/ cinquedea equipped while two-handing the claw mark seal or bonus STR scaling.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      'ate archers
                                      'ate mages
                                      'ate demihumans. not racist just don't like 'em

                                      luv me strength
                                      luv me stones

                                      simple as.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        It's criminal how good this spell is, especially on a dedicated STR/FTH build with its corresponding seal. Successive chain casting on top of great damage, low cost, great stagger and layering potential with other spells/skills makes this one a staple for me.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Love that his incantation has 0 tracking but Mal can decide he threw a curveball halfway through the stone's arc

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Lichdragon Fortissax was kicking my butt, my Claymore had trouble landing any hits and did pitiful damage. I tried all my spells in a panic and ONE Stone to his head dealt 3 times the melee damage. Next attempt I only used the Stone, and that was the run !

                                            • Anonymous

                                              I love to meticulously plan all the variations of faith builds and spend hours collecting all the gimmicks just to use this and Black Blade on almost all of the bosses.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Lots of people going "Grug strong, Grug throw rock good" which is funny, but considering this and rock sling are some of the best spells in the whole game maybe cavemen were smarter than we thought. Rock strong.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Really good at catching quickstep and light rollers. Has an AOE which makes it really good if you aim it at your feet and the a connection true combos into another rock or into most melee attacks.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    honestly this thing is a ****ing workhorse for faith builds. just very well balanced all around as a projectile incant.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Needs slightly better tracking or slight change in ballistic trajectory, it's all fun until the rock sales over your opponents head.......

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        I just love how some of the best spells in the game is literally just multiple variations of "throw stone"

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          As of patch 1.07 this directly competes with Giantflames Take Thee and Lightning Spear as the best mid-range incantation for PVE.

                                                          A high strength and low faith (13-20ish points) hybrid will especially get the most use out of this spell.

                                                          Frankly even those wanting a pure Strength build ought to consider 15 points of faith and using this incantation.

                                                          Especially when paired with Flane Grant Me Strength

                                                          Lightning spear will still be the best go to incantation for damage, but the stagger and low FP cost in this is still nice.

                                                          Giantsflames Takes Thee can hit multiple enemies like lightning spear and has good stagger. It offers a good best of both worlds, but it costs two memory slots and requires 30 faith.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Amazing utility spell. Decently fast, hits hard, has good range and can be free aimed. Actually, it's better off being free-aimed, as you can hit someone running sideways, because tracking is awful. Well-timed shot can punish that chug or opponent's spell easily. Also good for poking enemies at range in PvE. FromSoft loves putting some annoying ranged enemies to places that are hard to reach, so throwing a boulder to their face solves a problem.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              This is strong and while not fast compared to comets or lightning bolt it's def a faster free aim spell by comparison with minimal arch. Fun toy that's also dangerous in good hands and fast enough/staggering to combo for mix ups.. another incant/spell with a very high skill ceiling

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                The Barbaric almost useless version of Rock Sling.... Lmao seriously , this is the only Bestial Spell that has no worth whatsoever. ( The other Claws and Bestial Sling is much more better both in terms of damage , casting and Utility mostly ). Rock Sling is superior than this giving the Tracking , More Damage and better Stagger it offers.... This is however just a Cosplay Spell when used as a Beast-build lol otherwise its pretty useless honestly.... Even FP ratio Rock Sling is Superior in everyway.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  In a game that has katanas that shoot laser beams, staves that creates gravity wells, and the ability to summon F*CKING METEOR SHOWERS….. you decided to throw rocks. I can respect that.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Shreds enemy stance and puts them on their knees. I had Mohg kneel to me twice in his fight. At this point I don't care about the damage, stance breaking by itself is a huge incentive to use this incantation.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      wish it had slight tracking maybe a bit more aoe splash otherwise solid. great in pve and decent in pvp if you learn to free aim it

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Does anyone have any tips for hitting enemies at long distance with manual aim consistently? I killed all the silver tears around the giant skeleton on the throne at night's sacred ground before the chest holding the fingerslayer blade from up on the cliff where the ancestral woods grace checkpoint is. But I had to use maybe six cerulean flasks to do it, I needed a lot of cast to find the range for each group and it helped that they move towards where the rocks land then get hit by those following. Unlike arrows shot from a bow far out of its range with manual aim that do no damage when they hit their target, the rocks were killing the silver tears just as effectively from that big a difference in elevation and distance as they were when target locked up close. But I can't find any consistent way, like lining up my helm with landmarks to hit what I'm aiming at without using a load of FP to find my range first, so I'm hoping someone here will have more experience and ideas how to best go about this.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Even after using it for a good while and knowing its a stunning incantation for shredding poise, stamina and for breaking even a strong enemy's guard leaving them open to a critical hit and knowing how versatile it is it still isn't easy to recommend this because the hassle of getting six deathroot might outweigh its value to a lot of players who haven't seen what it can do.

                                                                          I wouldn't say this part anywhere else, but I think everyone who already has it will know. I messed up some npc quests by not reading the steps I needed to follow, after that I'm not sure I got to the boss this incantation surprised me with the most at the intended level because of my determination not to bollocks up doing what I needed to get the dung puppet summons. Once I had him squared away I followed Ranni's quest to the letter and got to Astel naturalborn of the void at the grand cloister and before anyone says I was over levelled the baleful shadow was killing me in three fast hits until I got my timing right.

                                                                          I summoned dung as soon as I was in the boss room and promptly got knocked flat on my arse by Astel's beam attack for half my health bar, it was the only hit it landed on me. Dung was tanking the hits like a champion and kept getting up for more, I was able to keep at a safer distance and target the weak spot of the boss's head with stone of gurranq I don't think anyone on Astel's wiki would believe me but between that and dung it destroyed him, I only had to use one crimson flask from that first hit. Exactly the same tactic worked to kill the version of Astel in yelough anix tunnels at consecrated snowfield later as well but that one did land plenty of hits, but again this incantation and dung killed it first time. I thought it was worth saying here in case anyone who already has it maybe hasn't thought to try it on those two bosses.

                                                                          • Not sure if this is already known, but if you land a stone indirectly ing pvp, the stagger is enough to have a guaranteed followup r1 for atleast greataxe and below at max cast speed

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              I roleplay as Ifan Ben-Mezd from Divinity Original Sin 2 with this OP incantation and im having a blast! I posted the build on my yt page if anyone wants to check it

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I made a comment on 26th July 09:02, I wouldn't normally go on and on about the same thing but the enemies involved are strong contenders for the most c**tish in the whole game so if anyone found a way to make dealing with them a little easier I'd want to know about it.

                                                                                I said how enough hits from this will knock the T-Rex dogs down and open to a critical hit in my previous comment. It does the exact same thing to those giant crow f**kers as well, but it's not as straight forward with the crows as it is with the dogs because of how quickly they can close the distance between them and you, so it's not going to make them an easy kill but it does make them an easier kill.

                                                                                Bearing in mind this is only available after giving Gurranq six deathroots as well as the places and enemies that need to be dealt with to get them, it is easier to avoid the T-Rex dogs and giant crows than it is to get this incantation just for an advantage in dealing with those two enemy types, but seeing as most reading up about this incantation are likely to have already been given it by Guranq I thought it was worth making a comment about this being good for those two specific enemies.

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