Immutable Shield

immutable shield incantation elden ring wiki guide 200px
Spell Type Golden Order Incantations
FP Cost 15 Slots Used 1
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Increases left-hand shield's affinity/ailment resistance

attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires

Immutable Shield is an Incantation in Elden Ring. Immutable Shield spell buffs your shield to increase its affinity and ailment resistances.


One of the incantations of the Golden Order fundamentalists.

Enchants shield held in the left hand with the light of regression, increasing all forms of non-physical damage negation and ailment resistance.

Two concepts form the basis for Golden Order fundamentalism.
One is the law of regression, to which this incantation relates.


Where to find Immutable Shield

Where to find Immutable Shield:

  • Purchasable from Brother Corhyn as part of his quest to the west of the Erdtree Sanctuary at the colosseum overlooking Leyndell.


Elden Ring Immutable Shield Guide

  • Golden Order Incantation
  • Stamina Cost: 10
  • Shield nullifies Elemental Damage
  • Shield nullifies Status Buildup
  • Does not offer an improvement to Guard Boost.




Elden Ring Incantations
Agheel's Flame  ♦  Ancient Dragons' Lightning Spear  ♦  Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Breath  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Horns  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Tail  ♦  Barrier of Gold  ♦  Beast Claw  ♦  Bestial Constitution  ♦  Bestial Sling  ♦  Bestial Vitality  ♦  Black Blade  ♦  Black Flame  ♦  Black Flame's Protection  ♦  Black Flame Blade  ♦  Black Flame Ritual  ♦  Blessing's Boon  ♦  Blessing of the Erdtree  ♦  Bloodboon  ♦  Bloodflame Blade  ♦  Bloodflame Talons  ♦  Borealis's Mist  ♦  Burn O Flame!  ♦  Catch Flame  ♦  Cure Poison  ♦  Darkness  ♦  Death Lightning  ♦  Discus of Light  ♦  Divine Fortification  ♦  Dragonbolt Blessing  ♦  Dragonclaw  ♦  Dragonfire  ♦  Dragonice  ♦  Dragonmaw  ♦  Ekzykes's Decay  ♦  Elden Stars  ♦  Electrify Armament  ♦  Erdtree Heal  ♦  Fire's Deadly Sin  ♦  Flame Fall Upon Them  ♦  Flame Fortification  ♦  Flame of the Fell God  ♦  Flame Protect Me  ♦  Fortissax's Lightning Spear  ♦  Frenzied Burst  ♦  Frozen Lightning Spear  ♦  Giantsflame Take Thee  ♦  Glintstone Breath  ♦  Golden Lightning Fortification  ♦  Golden Vow (Spell)  ♦  Great Heal  ♦  Greyoll's Roar  ♦  Heal  ♦  Honed Bolt  ♦  Howl of Shabriri  ♦  Inescapable Frenzy  ♦  Lansseax's Glaive  ♦  Law of Causality  ♦  Law of Regression  ♦  Lightning Fortification  ♦  Lightning Spear  ♦  Lightning Strike  ♦  Litany of Proper Death  ♦  Lord's Aid  ♦  Lord's Divine Fortification  ♦  Lord's Heal  ♦  Magic Fortification  ♦  Magma Breath  ♦  Noble Presence  ♦  O Flame!  ♦  Order's Blade  ♦  Order Healing  ♦  Pest Threads  ♦  Placidusax's Ruin  ♦  Poison Armament  ♦  Poison Mist  ♦  Protection of the Erdtree  ♦  Radagon's Rings of Light  ♦  Rejection  ♦  Rotten Breath  ♦  Scarlet Aeonia  ♦  Scouring Black Flame  ♦  Shadow Bait  ♦  Smarag's Glintstone Breath  ♦  Stone of Gurranq  ♦  Surge O Flame!  ♦  Swarm of Flies  ♦  The Flame of Frenzy  ♦  Theodorix's Magma  ♦  Triple Rings of Light  ♦  Unendurable Frenzy  ♦  Urgent Heal  ♦  Vyke's Dragonbolt  ♦  Whirl O Flame!  ♦  Wrath of Gold


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    • Anonymous

      Seriously needs a duration buff. It should last as long as Golden Vow. Or have a shorter cast time with the ability to move while casting like flame grant me strength. I really tried to build around this with a great shield and the sword of night and flame but the spell itself is just too clunky to be useful even if the effect itself is actually pretty great.

      • Anonymous

        What kills this incant is the requirements and time. 45 secs are enough to make it worth it while you might be able to use old lord talisman (idk if it works). 15-16 per stat maaaybe would’ve helped too.

        • Anonymous

          Why doesn't the wiki page mention that it lasts a very short duration? I spent all that time doing Corhyn's quest to get this, just to realize it's almost useless for how briefly it lasts.

          • Anonymous

            For 30 seconds it should’ve actually been immutable. Kind of a joke but I keep using it on erdtree great shield for the fashion.

            • Anonymous

              Careful, this incantation is missable even if you progress Goldmask quest correctly. You must speak with Coryhn immediately after telling Goldmask "Radagon is Marika" at Leyndell. If you don't and go to the Mountaintops of Giants after telling Gold Mask, they will move to there and Corhyn will not sell it nor will he have the dialogue offering to sell it in the Mountaintops. It must be bought at Leyndell or at least be offered by Corhyn to purchase it. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.


              • Anonymous

                Lmao they have to made sure you can't use this in pvp with how long the cast time and how short the duration and have to make it extra hard since you have to switch weapon with that long recovery.

                • This spell allows you to block the gouts of fire and freezing mist fired by the Imp Pillars in the Catacomb areas. You won't take any damage, and you can walk right through even though the fire/mist is still visually hitting you.

                  • Anonymous

                    i honestly feel bad using this against mages. forget barrier of gold, this just straight up completely nullifies all of their damage and status build up they may have

                    • Anonymous

                      put this on a 100% physical negation shield. now your shield cant be damaged by anything, including status buildup

                      • Anonymous

                        30 seconds is too little. At least give it the 60 seconds scholars shield and shield grease have. That way you would need to cast it less and it would actually be considered for some bossfights.

                        • Anonymous

                          Very sad, the bleed glitch with the Fire's Deadly Sin incantation ignore's this spell's status nullifying effect :(

                          • Anonymous

                            Please, Miyazaki, give it the same duration as Sorcerer's Shield. It doesn't even give guard boost, has a VERY long casting animation, and only exists to counter status builds in PvP since most status-inflicting enemies get around it with clouds and AoE anyways.

                            • Anonymous

                              I'm a STR/FTH hybrid user who focuses on Shield Bash as one of my main PVP builds. It's tough just with the timing along to make things work. A flaw of Shield Bash is is elemental damage is always chip damage and status effects can breach the shield bash animation.

                              So Immutable Shield sounds great! However my INT is 7. Not even enough to use a +10 flask to make up the difference without adding secondary equipment. My build benefits zero to invest INT.

                              Can people like us just get a grease that does the immutable shield effect please?

                              • Anonymous

                                The spells average duration is 30 seconds with an additional 10 seconds using the Old Lord's Talisman, with a cast time (tested with 16 dex) of ~1.5 seconds to apply the buff and a total of ~4.5 seconds to complete the animation. Using Radagon Icon will cut down total cast time (still tested with 16 dex) to ~1.3 seconds to apply buff and ~3.5 seconds to complete the animation.

                                Statuses and Non-Physical Damage are only negated by attacks that make contact with the shield, meaning ground effects like the lake of rot and area of effects bypass.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Does this only block status when blocking? Or is it an overall buff? Might it be useful in the lake of rot?

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Are you only able to purchase this from him when he is at the coliseum? He's at the bridge with Goldmask in the mountain tops for me right now but isn't selling it.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      A strangely low duration for its negligable ability and rather high stat investment. You're somehow forced into a weird int-faith hibrid build that uses a shield, and a large one at that since it doesnt grant stability. Its anti magic, but Scholar Shield also does that for only 12 int and offers far more.

                                      Might be reasonable though if it had the same duration as scholars.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        So what exactly have I missed out on by not being bothered to respec for the 37 INT to use law of regression and finish his quest? I got his bell bearing but the finger reader hasn't got this available from it. I wont be too concerned if this is the only incantation I can't get.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Oh man... I solved the riddle, spoke to him, didn't bought it, he died in Mountaintops of the Giants (gave him this Tonic of Forgetfulness), I took his bell bearing and... it's not there. But I think I saw this spell in his inventory.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Interestingly enough, when tested against blackflame monks, it blocked all the direct fire damage, but I still ended up taking the DoT damage. Might work the same against Maliketh? Not sure.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              There is a great niche for this spell. Doing the great jar battles, where almost everyone seems to be bleed heavy or using dragon breath moves, this spell will completely shut down that nonsense, while you deliver a beatdown. Then you can reapply it between fights.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                A let down yes but it does have some uses. Base stamina on astrologer with maxed gilded iron shield and you can block one collosal sword r1 and roll away. You can also block curved swords and rapiers with impunity. Now add the spell buff and you can set up parry rivers of blood or status effect rapier spam without status build up. You can also shield poke these builds with your own estoc. It’s a small window so make it count.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Baffling that you can't get this spell until so late in the game. It's not strong or flashy - why do you need to follow Corhyn's quest and reach Morgott to get it?

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Not bad against status. But it doesnt last very long and has a long cast time. Not viable to cast while fighting. Better to learn other ways to counter status i think.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      so . . .I can drop barricade with this and use Silaria's tree without 2handing it? Count me in! Considering I'm running +5 all stat greater rune 24/7 now, I just need 4 int from talisman/helmet.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        I finally bought this incantation, and I have the required attributes, but I cannot seem to cast it? Thoughts? I do have 19 Arcane, does that negate it?

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          This can HARD counter bleed builds. Combine this with a Greatshield, "Old Lord's Talisman" for a 39 second duration, and "Greatshield Talisman" with some decent Stamina and any PVP bleed build wont be able to touch you. Works against Dragon Breath Incants too.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Hold up, how much affinity and ailment resist are we talking about here? I know you can hit Guard Boost 100 with Fingerprint and I'm seeing real positive things about Bleed, but depending on how much Magic resist is given, this also starts to make sense to help turn Erdtree Greatshield into a proper anti-caster. Despite having a spell counter, Erdtree has a mere 67 magic resist -- but if that goes to 90 or higher, it really becomes a true magic mitigator.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Does this scale based on your Seal of choice in any way whatsoever? I prefer to keep my seal in my left hand, but if its just a flat bonus, i’ll just use an extra seal in the right hand for this spell.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                I made a build based around this and now I am surprised whenever something does damage to me. Almost everything can be blocked with zero damage dealt to health, no stamina loss, and no status buildup inflicted with the right setup. Big things to watch out for are the Fire Giant's overhead slam in phase 1 and being unable to charge straight into Malenia when she blooms.

                                                                Also with a spear this hard counters the 80% of players running katanas in pvp that blindly mash at you (especially if they have sepukku) as you can block 100% of not only their physical and fire damage but also their bleed infliction while stabbing them back. I've ended many fights as soon as they began with a couple shield pokes into madness via Vyke's spear followed by a fully charged power attack.

                                                                The incredibly long casting time and short duration of the buff (30 seconds, 39 with talisman) is a bit bothersome though.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  For those yet unaware, this also allows you to block ALL ailments, including the ever prevelais bleed, allowing you to block complete bleed weaponarts and the like while getting ZERO bleed buildup. Strong counter to the current bleed meta.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    "oops we accidently made a faith spell useful, goodness me that must go first thing! Wouldn't want people thinking they should be playing anything but a sorcerer!"

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Alright well after update 1.03 this incantation is now useless, it was nerfed to garbage, how we are supposed to somehow survive player magic spam is beyond me and the best part is that they made magic stronger lmao.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Unfortunately after the update immutable shield no longer seems to stack with barricade shield anymore. Seems you can still cast ashes of war on your shield and still keep the immutable shield buff, but not barricade shield.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          This incantation is actually insane. Use this on an upgraded brass shield with barricade shield and you'll have a literally unbreakable guard. 100% block against ALL DAMAGE TYPES and 0 stamina cost for blocking. That's right, you can get free and perfect blocking against every damage type in the game with a shield that requires 16 strength. But that's not the best part! The quest reward for the required quest to get this incantation gives you the T-POSE EMOTE!

                                                                          • can someone do comparison of the shield buffs and which ones do work together please ?
                                                                            Scholar Shield (Sorcery)
                                                                            Immutable Shield (Incantation)
                                                                            Shield Grease (Consumable)
                                                                            Baricade Shield (Ash of War)

                                                                            i will then edit it into the appropriate wiki pages, thx

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Did some testing finally (Getting this thing is quite a bit of work)

                                                                              The incantation is actually insane.

                                                                              It appears to give your shield 100 in all non physical defenses and you are immune to any status build up from attacks.

                                                                              Furthermore, it "stacks" with Barricade Shield, or rather, both buffs can be applied at once. So by applying this to >= 65 Boost shield and using barricade shield you have God Mode for about 30 seconds (40 with the appropriate talisman). If you use the greatshield talisamn with a maxed out Fingerprint Shield you already have 100 boost and don't need Barricade Shield. Really, really good. The only thing that can hurt you with this up are certain aoes (And a surprising number of them are blockable), grabs and of course falls.

                                                                              I'd need more testing to see if this always maxes out defenses, but for most medium and great shields it does.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                This incantation only last 30 seconds. Not worth it for a tank build imo since the cast time takes quite some time to activate and this is without the spell shorten talisman. Stick to barricade shield and accept the chip damage if you want or not. choice is yours.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Brother Corhyn is dead after doing the Law of Regression part of his quest. Is it not possible to get this incantation?

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    how do i get this?
                                                                                    corhyn is dead too early in my game
                                                                                    he was dead at altus and his bellbearing didnt include this and some other spells

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