Miquella's Needle

miquellas needle elden ring wiki guide 200px
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Subdues a once-accepted frenzied flame
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling

FP Cost -

Miquella's Needle is a Consumable Item in Elden Ring. Most Consumables grant various effects such as restorative properties for recovering HP, removing certain negative status effects or applying temporary buffs and debuffs, while others can be thrown at enemies to deal damage.


One of the unalloyed gold needles that Miquella crafted to ward away the meddling of outer gods.

Capable of subduing the flame of frenzy if inherited, allowing one to cheat fate and avoid becoming Lord of Frenzied Flame.

However, the needle is as yet unfinished and can only be used in the heart of the storm beyond time said to be found in Faram Azula.


Where to find Miquella's Needle in Elden Ring

Miquella's Needle is obtained after reaching one of the two possible conclusions to Millicent's questline, and returning the Unalloyed Gold Needle to the Scarlet Aeonia left after Malenia, Blade of Miquella's fight.


Miquella's Needle use in Elden Ring

Miquella's Needle is used at Dragonlord Placidusax's arena at Crumbling Farum Azula to reverse the Three Fingers' flame of frenzy. This is the only way to undo the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending. To use it, simply select it from your inventory anywhere in the arena. Fighting Placidusax is NOT necessary to use the needle, simply being at the boss arena will do.


Elden Ring Miquella's Needle Notes & Tips

  • Using this item to subdue the Flame of Frenzy will remove the yellow glow in your character's eyes gained by accepting the Frenzied Flame, but it will not undo the burn marks left on your characters body. (If you do want to remove the burn marks for fashion purposes, you can easily do so by interacting with the mirror in Fia's room in the Roundtable Hold, or by talking to Rennala after defeating her and selecting the "Cosmetics" option.)
  • You can hold up to 1 Miquella's Needle.
  • You can store up to 600 Miquella's Needle.
  • This item DOES NOT carry over to NG+.


Elden Ring Consumables
Academy Magic Pot  ♦  Acid Spraymist  ♦  Aeonian Butterfly  ♦  Albinauric Pot  ♦  Alluring Pot  ♦  Altus Bloom  ♦  Ancient Dragonbolt Pot  ♦  Baldachin's Blessing  ♦  Beastlure Pot  ♦  Bewitching Branch  ♦  Blasphemous Claw  ♦  Blood Grease  ♦  Bloodboil Aromatic  ♦  Boiled Crab  ♦  Boiled Prawn  ♦  Bone Dart  ♦  Budding Horn  ♦  Celestial Dew  ♦  Clarifying Boluses  ♦  Clarifying Cured Meat  ♦  Clarifying White Cured Meat  ♦  Crystal Dart  ♦  Cuckoo Glintstone  ♦  Cursed-Blood Pot  ♦  Dappled Cured Meat  ♦  Dappled White Cured Meat  ♦  Deathsbane Jerky  ♦  Deathsbane White Jerky  ♦  Dewkissed Herba  ♦  Dragon Heart  ♦  Dragonwound Grease  ♦  Drawstring Blood Grease  ♦  Drawstring Fire Grease  ♦  Drawstring Freezing Grease  ♦  Drawstring Holy Grease  ♦  Drawstring Lightning Grease  ♦  Drawstring Magic Grease  ♦  Drawstring Poison Grease  ♦  Drawstring Rot Grease  ♦  Elden Remembrance  ♦  Exalted Flesh  ♦  Explosive Stone  ♦  Explosive Stone Clump  ♦  Fan Daggers  ♦  Fetid Flesh  ♦  Fetid Pot  ♦  Fire Blossom  ♦  Fire Grease  ♦  Fire Pot  ♦  Fireproof Dried Liver  ♦  Flask of Cerulean Tears  ♦  Flask of Crimson Tears  ♦  Flask of Wondrous Physick  ♦  Freezing Grease  ♦  Freezing Pot  ♦  Frenzyflame Stone  ♦  Frozen Raisin  ♦  Furlcalling Finger Remedy  ♦  Ghost Glovewort (3)  ♦  Giantsflame Fire Pot  ♦  Glass Shard  ♦  Glintstone Scrap  ♦  Glowstone  ♦  Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot  ♦  Golden Centipede  ♦  Golden Rowa  ♦  Golden Rune (1)  ♦  Golden Rune (11)  ♦  Golden Rune (13)  ♦  Golden Rune (2)  ♦  Golden Rune (3)  ♦  Golden Rune (4)  ♦  Golden Rune (6)  ♦  Golden Rune (8)  ♦  Golden Runes  ♦  Grace Mimic  ♦  Grave Glovewort (1)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (2)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (4)  ♦  Grave Glovewort (5)  ♦  Gravity Stone Chunk  ♦  Gravity Stone Fan  ♦  Heavy Meteorite Fragment  ♦  Hero's Rune (1)  ♦  Hero's Rune (2)  ♦  Hero's Rune (5)  ♦  Holy Grease  ♦  Holy Water Grease  ♦  Holy Water Pot  ♦  Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Holyproof Dried Liver  ♦  Host's Trick-Mirror  ♦  Immunizing White Cured Meat  ♦  Invigorating Cured Meat  ♦  Invigorating White Cured Meat  ♦  Ironjar Aromatic  ♦  Kukri  ♦  Lands Between Rune  ♦  Large Glintstone Scrap  ♦  Lightning Grease  ♦  Lightning Pot  ♦  Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Lightningproof Dried Liver  ♦  Lord's Rune  ♦  Magic Grease  ♦  Magic Pot  ♦  Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear  ♦  Margit's Shackle  ♦  Melted Mushroom  ♦  Mimic's Veil  ♦  Miranda's Prayer  ♦  Mohg's Shackle  ♦  Neutralizing Boluses  ♦  Numen's Rune  ♦  Oil Pot  ♦  Omen Bairn  ♦  Pauper's Rune  ♦  Pickled Turtle Neck  ♦  Poison Grease  ♦  Poison Pot  ♦  Poison Spraymist  ♦  Poisonbone Dart  ♦  Poisoned Stone  ♦  Poisoned Stone Clump  ♦  Prattling Pate Let's get to it  ♦  Prattling Pate My Beloved  ♦  Prattling Pate Please help  ♦  Prattling Pate Wonderful  ♦  Prattling Pate You're Beautiful  ♦  Preserving Boluses  ♦  Pureblood Knight's Medal  ♦  Radiant Baldachin's Blessing  ♦  Rainbow Stone  ♦  Rancor Pot  ♦  Raw Meat Dumpling  ♦  Regal Omen Bairn  ♦  Rejuvenating Boluses  ♦  Remebrance of the Black Blade  ♦  Remembrance of Hoarah Loux  ♦  Remembrance of the Black Blade  ♦  Remembrance of the Blasphemous  ♦  Remembrance of the Blood Lord  ♦  Remembrance of the Dragonlord  ♦  Remembrance of the Fire Giant  ♦  Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen  ♦  Remembrance of the Grafted  ♦  Remembrance of the Lichdragon  ♦  Remembrance of the Naturalborn  ♦  Remembrance of the Omen King  ♦  Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor  ♦  Remembrance of the Rot Goddess  ♦  Remembrance of the Starscourge  ♦  Rimed Crystal Bud  ♦  Roped Fetid Pot  ♦  Roped Fire Pot  ♦  Roped Fly Pot  ♦  Roped Freezing Pot  ♦  Roped Holy Water Pot  ♦  Roped Lightning Pot  ♦  Roped Magic Pot  ♦  Roped Oil Pot  ♦  Roped Poison Pot  ♦  Roped Volcano Pot  ♦  Rot Grease  ♦  Rot Pot  ♦  Rowa Raisin  ♦  Rune Arc  ♦  Sacramental Bud  ♦  Sacred Order Pot  ♦  Scriptstone  ♦  Shield Grease  ♦  Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot  ♦  Sleep Pot  ♦  Soap  ♦  Soft Cotton  ♦  Soporific Grease  ♦  Spark Aromatic  ♦  Spellproof Dried Liver  ♦  Stanching Boluses  ♦  Starlight Shards  ♦  Stimulating Boluses  ♦  Swarm Pot  ♦  Sweet Raisin  ♦  Thawfrost Boluses  ♦  Throwing Dagger  ♦  Uplifting Aromatic  ♦  Volcanic Stone  ♦  Volcano Pot  ♦  Warming Stone  ♦  Winged Crystal Tear  ♦  Wraith Calling Bell

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    • Anonymous

      To answer the question "Why doesn't Melina come back if I got rid of the Frenzied Flame?"

      Note when Melina leaves, she states that "our journey together ends here" as if she's already done with you and then she says "SHOULD you rise as the Lord of Chaos, I will kill you...". She's not leaving based on whether or not you become Lord of Frenzied Flame, she's leaving because by taking the fame in the first place, she doesn't trust you or see you as fit to be a lord. In fact, based on the use of the world "should" in that line she probably already knows it can be subdued, seeing as you wouldn't be the first to do so. Vyke is known to have done the same thing in the past. She doesn't care if you "make it right" because you already ignored her begging you not to inherit it and even messing with it at all is going too far in her eyes. Or, eye.

      TLDR: It's not an oversight or "missed opportunity", it's just delusional to think she'd forgive you.

      • Anonymous

        is the needle only usable once? after i subdue the frenzied flame, will i be able to reactivate it and subdue it again?

        • Anonymous

          people complain undoing the influence of the Frenzied Flame doesn't give you a special ending but in my mind the lord frenzied flame ending is part of this quest. The lord of frenzied flame ending is easily the coolest ending cuz you get to see Melina again, and to me NOT getting that ending when you otherwise would is equally as cool because you save Melina and you know she sees you become Elden Lord after undoing the influence of Frenzied Flame. You don't need a whole new ending where she pops up and says "good job".

          • Anonymous

            This is the most contrived story item in any fiction I have ever seen. What is it? A needle yes, but what is it? What do you do with needles? Why does it result in losing the brand of Frenzied Flame? It begs more questions than it answers and hurts the story tremendously as this was a chance to explain or clarifying things, as a reward for making it this far along a very convoluted path. As it is, you can rest assured Miyazaki had no ideas and leaves it to our "imagination" but all I imagine is him giving up here.

            • Missed opportunities all around, you should totally be able to use a Celestial Dew at the Church of Vows to get more dialogue from Melina in areas after the point where she would have burned herself, if only for her to go "you're a jerk" so that the needle can be more than a super convoluted and secret way of backing out of destroying the world if you don't want to. It rather could have been your character finding a way to cheat destiny to "save" their companion who should have had more opportunities to have speaking roles in more parts of the game by the way. This is by far my biggest criticism of Elden Ring, it feels like there were many opportunities and even intentions of making the story grander than any game they've made previously, but it was all either massively cut back or removed entirely because of time constraints and/or concessions for gameplay over grand plots that could be easily missed if you aren't following a guide. It feels like they designed quests around you potentially missing them, which resutls in every quest having no overarching contribution to the main narrative or influencing the ending of the game in any way. Only 6 questlines manage to do this out of the 35 that exist in the game, and somehow Millicent's isn't one of those select few despite her connections to Malenia and thus subsequently Miquella, who (alongside Godwyn) the DLC is probably going to revolve around? It all just feels unfinished, at least to me.

              • Anonymous

                This capable of removing outter god's influence, if you can bring blaidd to placidusax's arena, u should be able to remove greater will's influence on him and save him, but the game does not allow you to, poor doggo.

                • Anonymous

                  Almost did the frenzied route again even after deciding not to, wanted to check if opening the doors is separate from the actual meeting with the 3 fingers(been awhile since ive done the quest on my.first playthrough, currently taking my time on 2nd) its good to know that you can avoid it if you close the game before the cutscene ends.

                  • Anonymous

                    Honestly, this is a pretty useless item. For the simple reason that endings don't really do much in Souls games; you can still complete the other ending quests even after getting one ending (for example, you can go do Ranni's quest even if you finished the game with Fia's quest). And you'll want to do the Frenized Flame ending anyway, at least for the trophy on Playstation/PC and the unique cutscene. Why someone would want to fight Malenia and get to Placidusax JUST to cancel that, makes no sense to me.

                    Doesn't even make sense lorewise; using the needle doesn't make Melina forgive you for taking on the Frenzied flame. You can't combine endings, you can't have your cake and eat it too. That's not how the Souls games or real life works. Also just remembered that you can just remove the cosmetic changes if that's what you care about.... So again, a very, very, very useless item. Cool lorewise I guess that Miquella could stop the Outer Gods' powers, but other than that it's pretty stupid.

                    • Anonymous

                      Ok, with this you can troll the frenzied flame and in the process you can save melina and prevent her from trying to kill you, it's a win-win no matter how you look at it

                      • Anonymous

                        So.... If I did another ending like Rannis ending, I cannot use the needle?

                        I beated the elden beast, got rannis ending, beated placidasux, then beated malenia and now I am trying to use the needle but is not letting me.

                        • Anonymous

                          I thought this item was carried over to NG+ and beyond oh well Hyetta and Shabriri's questlines will have to wait for another cycle i guess since i am not passing on Milicent's Prosthesis for the second time.

                          • Anonymous

                            I'm glad that this exists. I like to role play and write stories for my characters, and this item fits pretty well with some of them.

                            • Anonymous

                              One thing I wonder is if From Software will address the whole “cheat the Frenzied Flame and leave Melina alive” speal that players came up with, making it so that in the DLC it turns out the needle is a bust and those who inherit the Flame will still go crazy given enough time. Really seems like a Miyazaki thing to do, lol.

                              • Anonymous

                                This is such an idiotic side quest, kill 2 of the hardest bosses in the game just to not do the Frenzied Flame ending that is already very avoidable.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Boy, I wish this had any kind of significance. I beat Placid, used it, and there was just a white magic mark. The glow disappeared from my eye but the burns were still there. Literally nothing happens. Melina doesn't come back. I love this game but it could be better in a lot of ways. Maybe DLC will fix this?

                                  • Anonymous

                                    2 reasons people tend to just take chaos ending:
                                    1: the descent to madness figuratively and literally
                                    2: you have to defeat malenia, then use the unalloyed gold needle (after you finish milicent's questline) where her body turned into flower to get this needle

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Out of pure curiosity can anyone tell he actually completed all steps in her quest without a guide? As mach as I love Souls games finding quest NPC should be much easier then it is. Dunno maybe put them at easy seen unavoidable places instead of cliff edge etc. Alexander is another great example of hard to find NPC

                                      • Anonymous

                                        This should have led to another ending. One where Melina is left alive because you burnt the Erdtree with the Frenzied flame and the betrayed it.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          So i just beat dragon placidusax and i didnt use the needle before, does this affect anything else beside the ending

                                          • Anonymous

                                            So… this is a weird question, I know. But normally, if a player inherits the frenzied flame and Melina leaves, by the time you can get rid of it, you’ve already beaten Fire Giant and are past the point where her last interaction would be anyways. BUT, if one were to wrong warp to Farum Azula early and get to Placidusax’s arena after getting the needle, and remove the frenzied flame before burning the erdtree, would Melina show back up? I would guess that she does tbh, because otherwise the player would have no method of burning the erdtree. She probably just has the normal dialogue because the game obviously doesn’t expect you to wrong warp, so it might seem kind of clunky since she left and pretty clearly had no intent of coming back. Y’know, having threatened to kill you and all…

                                            • Anonymous

                                              I just killed Miquella today and used the needle at Placidusax's arena and got the animation but my eyes are still glowing, idk if they changed this in a patch but the entry here on the wiki says the glow in your eyes are removed when you use the needle. Maybe my game just bugged or they actually patched it so the glow stays on just like the marks.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                I feel like I have to save this for the upcoming DLC, but I’m using it now for frenzy and to do the save state endings… i just want to get the charm and leave with Ranni’s ending because I’m a stupid simp.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  So I have a question.. With wrong warping early to Crumbling Farum Azula, what would happen if I accept The Frenzied Flame and then go to Placidusax's arena to undo it before even sitting at a site or grace or defeating the fire giant?

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    "You can store up to 600 Miquella's Needle.
                                                    This item DOES NOT carry over to NG+."

                                                    Do they expect 600 people to drop the needle for you?

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Unintentionally locked myself out of getting this since I killed her early in Altus Plateau for her prosthesis talisman. Guess I'm Lord of Chaos for good.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        I'm not sure about this but after beating Malenia there was a scarlet aeonia in the boss arena and I'm sure I got the action prompt about the needle, so what was that about?

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          it says after we undo the curse, the mark on the body stays but can be easily removed by editing the cosmetics. but how about the glowing eyes? can we get it again with the cosmetics? those eyes are badass although i don't wanna be cursed no more.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            did millicent's quest for the RWS and gowry's talisman but decided to go to 3 fingers so i could undo it and keep the burns in the goldmask ending since i also did his quest. i also didnt get the finger print shield before hitting the ground and losing half my health instead of all of it like the last 2 dozen attempts because screw that platforming section.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Wait did the devs seriously not consider making this a key item for some of the best endings? IE: I get frenzied, therefore don't burn Melina, then I get the needle, use it in Azula, and go for any of the other endings with Melina still alive... Why is that not a thing?

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                After all the hassle to get and use the needle, I was hoping for more than just the kneeling healing animation

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I'm seriously disappointed in fromsoft not taking the opportunity to make malenia a secret boss once you become the lord of frenzy

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Killed several gods, scorched myself in the flames of Hell, broke free from the worst curse known to man, and claimed the throne of the world's most powerful country.

                                                                    And after all that, Melina never came back to talk to me.

                                                                    Story of my life.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      I'm going to have to try getting this at some point and I can't say I'm looking forward to Malenia. I made a stupid mistake and not for the first time since starting elden ring. Instead of reading the relevant wiki page I listened to that idiot Hyetta I took off my armour then opened the door and inherited the flame of frenzy. I thought the three fingers would give me a choice, I did not know taking my armour off and opening the door was the choice.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        I've really pis*ed on my cornflakes with needing to get this. I thought I would be given a choice and need to give a yes or no answer. I did not know opening the door was the choice and the way out was somewhere else.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Does anyone know if it’s possible to use the needle in multiplayer? I already have defeated placidusax, however we both killed each other at the same time, so I was never able to rest at the site of grace there and now can no longer access the arena in singleplayer.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            From a lore point of view I wonder if using this needle and then getting the normal or perfect order ending prevent influence of the greater will too. Or it's just a boring consumable that get destroyed after used. I like to think that this remains deep in my flesh keeping the outer gods out of my business

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              My eyes still glow after using the needle. Seems like its updated so you can keep the glowing eyes now. At fia's mirror I can turn the burnmarks AND eye glow still on and off.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I think a much better use for the needle would've been if it were a talisman. When you equip it it negates or vastly slows scarlet rot build-up from the environment (rot swamps and what not). It would've made sense as well seeing as the needle halted the rot within Millicent. And considering the absolute hell-**** you go through to get it, I think it would've been a nice reward.

                                                                                • My favorite ending: Use the Frenzied Flame to burn the Erdtree, saving Melina, then use the needle to cure yourself. After that, do the Age of Stars.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Does using it revert your previous eyes modification or you just don't have special eyes anymore ?

                                                                                    (I want to keep my red eyes, but hate to not have the frenzied seal, as a completionist)

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      This is so weird. Why Millicent, Malenia and Gowry, three characters related to Rot, have something specifically made to "cancel" the Frenzied Flame, who has nothing to do with Rot? I mean, they are two different outer gods, no? Wonder why they are related like this

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        You don’t have to kill the boss in order to use the needle. You just have to be in a certain section of the boss arena & then it will give you the option to use it. Even during the boss battle. Just have to be in the right area. Not in the very beginning when you first enter.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Unknowingly opened the door to the 3 fingers and was forced to set out on this quest to cure my frenzy. Lol. Strange turn of events.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            The way of use explained here is wrong; You MUST defeat the Dragonlord in order to use Miquella's Needle. I almost panicked when first seeing this and it was grey'ed out when trying to use before starting the battle. There is a site of grace the spawns after but idk if you teleport out if its still usable. if anyone tries this, please reply with your result.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              So like IF I used the needle is the effect like Millicent? where if I remove the needle I would hypothically have the power of a frenzy god as my own? I would be a tough boss then lol

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                You can indeed use this after beating the Dragonlord and even after beating the final boss of the game. You just teleport back to the Dragonlord grace, use it, and teleport back and you get all your other ending choices,

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  guys, i glitched info farum azula early, planning to get frezied flame mark, then use the needle

                                                                                                  since its a glitch, erdtree hasnt been burned, this way i could talk to melina, but not sure it will cause something new,

                                                                                                  is there any change guys if anyones done the same?

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Does Dragonlord Placidusax need ronbe alive for the frenzied flame to be removed? I already killed him then got the Flame of Frenzy

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      I can't find this in my inventory, I did everything right with Millicent's questline, I chose the gold summon sign and helped her fight off her 4 sisters and even picked up the needle.
                                                                                                      I'm in Placidusax's arena and only now did I notice that the only needle I can find is the unalloyed gold one in the key items section.
                                                                                                      Am I looking in the wrong spot or did the needle disappear?

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        I just went through all the pain to reverse the flame of frenzy, will I ever talk to Melina again ? ( The erdtree is burned, so ...)

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          What if you use this to cure yourself before actually burning the erd tree at the top of the mountain of giants..? Like how to you burn the erdtree at that point without melina and without the frenzied flame?

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            Would've been nice if I knew she doesn't drop the needle if I challenge her at the end. I already got the rotten sword insignia on a previous playthrough anfd wanted the prosthesis next, but I guess I should've known that "completing her questline" isn't exactly accurate. Sigh, I just wanted to spare Melina and then cure myself, lol.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              Can you use this before talking to the three fingers to prevent it from locking you into the ending at all?

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                I got locked out of the normal ending in my first blind playthrough by doing too much exploring and the game is literally telling me in a note: "seek this needle in the colossal haystack that is the Lands Between to fix it" and its not even possible to get Melina back? Plus it is also possible to get locked out of the other endings anyway, even after that astronomically convoluted side quest, because of a bug in the dragon's arena that From still didn't fix? Man, i love this game, but, yeah, stupid **** like this can really ruin someone's experience. Very dumb design IMO.

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  Maybe it's a bug, but I took too long beating Radagon and now my eyes have gone back to being that frenzied flame color, indicating to me that the effects of the needle are only temporary. Has anyone else had this experience?

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    You CAN beat the final boss and then go to the placidusax arena to use the needle after the boss is dead. So you can backup your save file in c:\users\user\appdata\roaming\eldenring\ER000.sl2, get the frenzied flame ending achievement, then copy back the backed up save, go to placidusax grace, use the needle and get other endings

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      i cant use it in the area.... but i havent talked to three fingers either. so if i dont talk to them, there is no need for the needle ?

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        Just wondering - If you get the unalloyed needle from Niall and have Gowry fix it but never give it to Millicent and just take it straight to the flower in Malenia's room, can you skip the entirety of Millicent's questline and still get Miquella's needle? I realise you would miss out on both talismans this way but it's just a thought, as I'm pretty sure the item has the exact same name and description when you get it from Gowry and when you finally get it back from Millicent...

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          The wiki page on endings mentions that none of the endings involve being free of the influence of the outer gods or the greater will. But, based on this item's description, would anything change if you cured yourself with the needle and then just did the normal ending?

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            Dying at the same time as Placidusax boots you out of the area and you cannot return to get your runes or use Miquella's Needle.

                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                              Does anyone know when can you use it? I mean, is there any restriction? Or can you just go beat the final boss and use it before the ending? Because you can do it the other way around and get the frenzied flame ending by "talking" to the three fingers after the final boss, so I was wondering if this was also possible

                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                Do you have to use the needle BEFORE fighting Malekith? I got a cutscene for defeating him and nothing for using the needle aside from my eyes going back to normal.

                                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                  Wait.. Speedrunners can get to Crumbling Farum Azula within 10 minutes of starting a new playthrough (wrong Warp).
                                                                                                                                  That means that you can then reach the Three Fingers, lose Malenia.. then do the necessary to get the Needle and lose the Frenzy Flame! Who burns the Erdtree then?

                                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                    Can I first beat Dragonlord Placidusax, then obtain the needle, and then return to the boss fight area after?

                                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                      Can I first fight Dragonlord Placidusax, then obtain the needle, and then return to the boss fight area after?

                                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                        "if you have already killed Dragonlord Plucidax it is not possible to go back to his arena and use Miquella's Needle ( I may have missed to activate a site of grace in the arena after killing Dragonlord Plucidax"

                                                                                                                                        You did miss a Site of Grace, it sits at the center of the arena after its death.

                                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                          "if you have already killed Dragonlord Plucidax it is not possible to go back to his arena and use Miquella's Needle ( I may have missed to activate a site of grace in the arena after killing Dragonlord Plucidax"

                                                                                                                                          You did miss a Site of Grace, it sits at the center of the arena after its death.

                                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                            So... spoilers ahead, but you probably don't mind it if you're on this page.

                                                                                                                                            I'm really surprised there isn't an ending related to this. Barring Mohg's palace (which would deserve a similar note), as it stands now, the Haligtree is the only major area of the game that does not lead to any unique ending (if we exclude the pox you can find there, but that's just unrelated). Not to mention how many things you need to get right for this to happen.
                                                                                                                                            You must go to such lenghts to acquire the Frenzied Flame. Then you need to double down on it, or rather, triple down, I'd say, just to undo it. That's 3 hidden areas, 6 boss fights, 3 subquests. And when you get this, you give up a useful talisman. Plus, it does not transfer over to NG+.

                                                                                                                                            Despite all that, as it stands now, the only real benefit you get from this is possibly sparing Melina from her sacrifice. But there's no recognition of the event in any ending besides the very ending in which you don't use this needle, the frenzied flame.
                                                                                                                                            So what's the deal with this? Is it a cut ending? Do they plan to add it in a later patch?

                                                                                                                                            • "We left a way out of the Frenzied Flame ending! You just have to follow some easy to miss questlines and beat some REALLY annoying bosses to get out of it!" :D

                                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                For anyone whose wondering, you CANNOT use this item if you're in the boss arena with a Co-Op partner. I do Co-Op with friends and family a lot, and when we got to the Dragonlord, I tried using the needle and it wouldn't let me. We couldn't figure out why, so I decided to go in by myself and sure enough, it let me use it. So if you're trying to cure it and it's not working, make sure you go in SOLO.

                                                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                  Can i use it at any time? I’m wondering if I can inherit the Frenzied Flame, beat the Elden Beast, THEN use the needle to choose a different ending.

                                                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                    Someone did ask if it carries over to NG+, no it doesn't
                                                                                                                                                    The runes don't either, nor do the runes of mending, neither of them.

                                                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                      If you return to the guy who had you retrieve the needle for her you find out Malenia is her mother and he is her father

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