Burn O Flame!


burn o flame incantation elden ring wiki guide 200px
Spell Type Fire Giant Incantations
FP Cost 26 Slots Used 1
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Raises a series of flame pillars around caster

attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires

Burn O Flame! is an Incantation in Elden Ring. Burn O Flame! spell creates fire pillars around your character. Updated to Patch 1.07.


One of the incantations that draws directly from the power of the
Fire Giants.

Raises a series of flame pillars around the caster.

Charging further increases the number of flame pillars.

The Fire Giants borrowed from the power of a fell god,
and still
they were defeated.
Yet their failure released them from their
solitary curse:
to serve as keepers of the Flame for eternity.


Where to find Burn O Flame!

Where to find Burn O Flame! :


Elden Ring Burn O Flame! Guide

  • Fire Giant Incantation
  • Stamina Cost: 36
  • Deals fire damage and 47 stance damage
  • This enchantment allows users to raise a series of pillars of flame around themselves.
  • Damage can be extremely high against large enemies when multiple pillars hit, though even a single pillar deals a significant amount of damage.
  • Uncharged, this spell has a fairly quick startup, making it a very useful crowd control option if you can afford the high FP cost.
  • Note: As of Patch 1.07, FP cost reduced from 30 to 26, and shortened the time it takes for a flame pillar to be generated.



Elden Ring Burn O Flame! Notes and Tips

  • Updated to patch 1.07. See Patch Notes for details.
  • Other notes and player tips go here. 
Elden Ring Incantations
Agheel's Flame  ♦  Ancient Dragons' Lightning Spear  ♦  Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Breath  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Horns  ♦  Aspects of the Crucible: Tail  ♦  Barrier of Gold  ♦  Beast Claw  ♦  Bestial Constitution  ♦  Bestial Sling  ♦  Bestial Vitality  ♦  Black Blade  ♦  Black Flame  ♦  Black Flame's Protection  ♦  Black Flame Blade  ♦  Black Flame Ritual  ♦  Blessing's Boon  ♦  Blessing of the Erdtree  ♦  Bloodboon  ♦  Bloodflame Blade  ♦  Bloodflame Talons  ♦  Borealis's Mist  ♦  Catch Flame  ♦  Cure Poison  ♦  Darkness  ♦  Death Lightning  ♦  Discus of Light  ♦  Divine Fortification  ♦  Dragonbolt Blessing  ♦  Dragonclaw  ♦  Dragonfire  ♦  Dragonice  ♦  Dragonmaw  ♦  Ekzykes's Decay  ♦  Elden Stars  ♦  Electrify Armament  ♦  Erdtree Heal  ♦  Fire's Deadly Sin  ♦  Flame Fall Upon Them  ♦  Flame Fortification  ♦  Flame of the Fell God  ♦  Flame Protect Me  ♦  Fortissax's Lightning Spear  ♦  Frenzied Burst  ♦  Frozen Lightning Spear  ♦  Giantsflame Take Thee  ♦  Glintstone Breath  ♦  Golden Lightning Fortification  ♦  Golden Vow (Spell)  ♦  Great Heal  ♦  Greyoll's Roar  ♦  Heal  ♦  Honed Bolt  ♦  Howl of Shabriri  ♦  Immutable Shield  ♦  Inescapable Frenzy  ♦  Lansseax's Glaive  ♦  Law of Causality  ♦  Law of Regression  ♦  Lightning Fortification  ♦  Lightning Spear  ♦  Lightning Strike  ♦  Litany of Proper Death  ♦  Lord's Aid  ♦  Lord's Divine Fortification  ♦  Lord's Heal  ♦  Magic Fortification  ♦  Magma Breath  ♦  Noble Presence  ♦  O Flame!  ♦  Order's Blade  ♦  Order Healing  ♦  Pest Threads  ♦  Placidusax's Ruin  ♦  Poison Armament  ♦  Poison Mist  ♦  Protection of the Erdtree  ♦  Radagon's Rings of Light  ♦  Rejection  ♦  Rotten Breath  ♦  Scarlet Aeonia  ♦  Scouring Black Flame  ♦  Shadow Bait  ♦  Smarag's Glintstone Breath  ♦  Stone of Gurranq  ♦  Surge O Flame!  ♦  Swarm of Flies  ♦  The Flame of Frenzy  ♦  Theodorix's Magma  ♦  Triple Rings of Light  ♦  Unendurable Frenzy  ♦  Urgent Heal  ♦  Vyke's Dragonbolt  ♦  Whirl O Flame!  ♦  Wrath of Gold

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    • Anonymous

      one of the absolute worst incantations. super slow cast times, literal RNG whether you even get any damage at all, only useful in very rare circumstances (Not useful against malenia, you're deluded), waste of fp when u could be casting an actually good spell. Most times a charged R2 on a straightsword will do more damage than this and leave you less vulnerable and also do more stance damage and also take 2x less time with 0 fp cost

      • Anonymous

        If multiple flames stack the damage is real even against smaller targets, hit Maleina for over 3k all the time.

        • Anonymous

          Fun fact: this incantation works exceptionally well against Malenia! Once your character kneels down, all of her horizontal slashes will sail right over you, and the flame pillars will launch her skyward!

          • Anonymous

            Hands down, the best spell to use against ganksquads who don't understand how invasion start immunity works.

            • Anonymous

              One of the absolute best pve spells In this game. Paired with endure it can get you through some of the worst bosses, especially duo fights. Incorporate oil pots & howl/fgms to make things even easier. Large targets like tree avatars, gargoyles & spirits will melt. Swarms of weaker enemies will similarly be dealt with.
              In pvp it's pretty much only good against melee sweatlords, overeager gankers or people in caves. Even then watch out because they can backstab you or hyperarmor through it to deal damage. That's if they don't just run out of range & pop you with magic of their own. I suppose you could status effect combo with this if you had max casting speed. Maybe.

              • Anonymous

                Sends Malenia flying into the air. With good rng (and a mimic with this spell,) you can potentially chain these together without her ever having a chance. It takes incredible rng to pull off though, because she'll often cancel her recovery and just go into an attack.

                • Anonymous

                  From being nearly as worthless as firestorm from DS1 to being as awesome as firestorm from demon's souls on a dedicated caster looks like fromsoft can do something right every once in a while.

                  • Anonymous

                    Endure into this = get annoying gankers off your ass. Howl of shabriri + endure into this = kill them too.

                    • Anonymous

                      For pvp this is good, now is it better in pve then ancient dragon lightning strike and death lighting on not a pure pyro dedicated build though?

                      • Anonymous

                        This and the giant's red braid whip are more than worth using a mausoleum for duplicating the fire giant's remembrance.

                        • Anonymous

                          (Speaking of PvP not PvE) Really fun to use honestly, especially with the improved cast speed. Did around 400 damage on my build and uppercuts players into the air if a pillar hits, essentially granting you a safe recovery from its animation. Given its low poise when casting and damage relative to cast time from start to finish though, I personally wouldn't use this for serious, sweat-inducing invasions.

                          • Anonymous

                            Used this very late and 1 or 2 shot Radagon with it. Easy to use on him at the beginning of the fight. Have to test it on Malenia now.

                            • Anonymous

                              This demolishes Malenia. Still requires skill to cast, especially timing it in her second phase when she's more aggressive. Cast Swarm of Flies to draw her in and then immediately cast Burn O Flame! She'll fall for it every time.

                              • Anonymous

                                Does this incantation stack with the rotten winged sword insignia talisman and Thorny cracked tear? It worked with ancient dragon lightning.

                                • Anonymous

                                  This spell is so broken. With 80 faith, +25 Giat Seal in main hand, +10 Erdtree Seal in off hand (casting with off hand) fire scorpion charm, golden wow, flame grant me strenghth and flame shrouding tear I was able to stun lock Malenia in both phases granting she did not do her hyper armor combos. Easily took her down in less then 30 seconds.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I've been using black flame ritual for the exact same things mentioned here for this and it's a lot easier to get. Enemies that don't have stupidly high fire damage negation cant pass through the pillars of black flame to get at me it staggers them and does very good damage and if they keep trying to pass through they die. It's really good for buying time to heal or cast something else with a longer start up that might otherwise leave you vulnerable.

                                    • Anonymous


                                      • Anonymous

                                        This thing ****ing slaps. It perma knockdowns smaller enemies, and obliterates big enemies when cast under them.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          This is actually a sleeper spell for pure casters in PvP. It's very fast, does quite a bit of damage, and flings people into the air, stunning them for a while to potentially set up a combo. And even if they don't run into it, it forces them to back off of you. Even though Fire Storm/Chaos Storm in DS3 was absolutely terrible, don't knock this one 'til you try it.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Soloed Malenia (no spirit ash) with this (1.04 patch). Easiest method I’ve tried so far. You can chain knock downs. It was possible prebuff, but much easier now.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              This spell does massive damage when you charge it if you manage to sneak one off or during an opening. It's not good against things that are resistant to fire but you won't have to worry about that since there's not a whole lot.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                This is a really good spell, albeit situational. In my case, I'm using Fire Prelate Set with Fire Scorpion/DragonCrest Greatshield Talisman/Godfrey Icon and Flock Canvas Talisman, with Giant's Red Braid (Whip).

                                                This is a spell you use against large enemies; Easily I can deal 3K+ dmg against those pesky Erdtree Avatars and Ulcerated tree spirits at 62 FTH; that's easily 40% of their HP per cast, and I have enough Vigor (and defenses) at 44 VIG and Radahn's Great Rune to trade taking some dmg to cast this spell. It's pretty high risk, but the payoff is insanely good against large enemies. Dragons/Tree spirits and all sorts of large enemies will eat dirt if you get this off. Never use this against trolls or human sized enemies though; the former is still "too small" and since the flame pillars are rdm smaller enemies can dodge them easily. If the latter gets hit though, its big dmg and they get knocked up first and then come crashing to the ground.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Summoned Mimic Ashes likes to use this spells when surrounded by many enemies, ducking down while casting sometimes dodges attacks.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Used to use flame pillars in ds3 combined with iron flesh to mess up gank squads, wish there was a elden ring equivalent of iron flesh that provides infinite poise for a short time

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      good spell but you gotta use it smart. Pillars do high damage and enemies can be hit by more than 1 pillar. If u use it smart in bossfights a single cast can make over 3k damage

                                                      • Pretty good spell for crowds and large enemies.

                                                        Each pillar does around 700 damage with 50 faith and a +9 seal.

                                                        The Pillars will also knock enemies in the air.

                                                        the Pattern is random, it's not simply a circle around the caster.

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