Bell Bearings in Elden Ring are Key Items which, when turned in to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold, expand their shop with new items. Though often collected after the death of NPCs, these bearings are occasionally dropped by Bosses or found throughout the Lands Between. This page covers their names, items they unlock, and Locations.

As of Patch 1.05, the following Bell Bearings' items are kept by the Twin Maiden Husks in New Game+. All other Bell Bearings are not kept in New Game+.

  • Bone Peddler's
  • Meat Peddler's
  • Medicine Peddler's
  • Gravity Stone Peddler's
  • Smithing-Stone Miner's
  • Somberstone Miner's
  • Glovewort Picker's
  • Ghost-Glovewort Picker's



Elden Ring Bell Bearings

Bell Bearings Table
Bell Bearings Gallery

Bell Bearings Table for Elden Ring

Quick Search of All Bell Bearings

Recommended Search Terms:
Smithing Stone, Glovewort

Name Item Unlocks Item Unlocks Cont. Location

kales bell bearing elden ring wiki guide 200
Bell Bearing

Church of Elleh, Limgrave 
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)Nomadic Merchant's
Bell Bearing [1]

Limgrave East of Saintsbridge 
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)Nomadic Merchant's
Bell Bearing [2]

Limgrave Found on the road between the Mistwood Ruins and Fort Haight 
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)
Nomadic Merchant's
Bell Bearing [3]

Limgrave Found underneath the rock structure southeast of the Coastal Cave 
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)Nomadic Merchant's
Bell Bearing [4]

Castle Morne Rampart, Limgrave 
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)
Nomadic Merchant's
Bell Bearing [5]

Liurnia Lake Shore, Liurnia
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)
Nomadic Merchant's
Bell Bearing [6]

Liurnia Found under the rocky overpass just north of Bellum Church 
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)
Nomadic Merchant's
Bell Bearing [7]

Altus Plateau Found sitting by a fire at the side of the broken greatbridge, just next to the Forest-Spanning Greatbridge Site Of Grace. [Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)
Nomadic Merchant's
Bell Bearing [8]

Mt. Gelmir East of the Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite site of grace, resting on a ledge halfway up the mountain
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)
Nomadic Merchant's
Bell Bearing [9]

Caelid Between the Astray From Caelid Highway North and Aeonia Swamp Shore sites of grace
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)
Nomadic Merchant's
Bell Bearing [10]

Caelid South-west of the Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank site of grace
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing
Isolated Merchant's
Bell Bearing [1]

Weeping Peninsula
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)
Isolated Merchant's
Bell Bearing [2]

Just outside the Raya Lucaria Academy in Liurnia of the Lakes.
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)
Isolated Merchant's
Bell Bearing [3]

[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)
Hermit Merchant's
Bell Bearing [1]

Drop by Hermit Merchant (Leyndell).

merchant bell bearing (small)
Hermit Merchant's
Bell Bearing [2]

Drop by Hermit Merchant (Mountaintops of the Giants).

merchant bell bearing (small)
Hermit Merchant's
Bell Bearing [3]

Drop by Wandering Merchant (Ainsel River).

merchant bell bearing (small)
Abandoned Merchant's
Bell Bearing

Found playing music by an unlit campfire in the ruins of Siofra River.
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)Imprisoned Merchant's
Bell Bearing

Found on merchant inside the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum west of Mohgwyn Palace

smithing stone miners bell bearing 2 elden ring wiki guide 200
Smithing-Stone Miner's
Bell Bearing [1]

  •  --

Dropped by the Crystalian Boss at the end of Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel.
[Map Link]

smithing stone miners bell bearing 2 elden ring wiki guide 200
Smithing-Stone Miner's
Bell Bearing [2]

  •  --

Found in a chest at the first secret area inside the Sealed Tunnel.

smithing stone miner's bell bearing 3 elden ring wiki guide 200
Smithing-Stone Miner's
Bell Bearing [3]

  •  --

The bell bearing is found in Zamor Ruins in the Mountaintop of the Giants area at the bottom of the stairs in a chest.

smithing stone miner's bell bearing 4 elden ring wiki guide 200
Smithing-Stone Miner's
Bell Bearing [4]

  •  --

Obtained from defeating The Godskin Duo in Crumbling Farum Azula

somberstone miners bell bearing key items elden ring wiki guide 200
Somberstone Miner's
Bell Bearing [1]

  •  --

Sellia Crystal Tunnel: Dropped by the Fallingstar Beast upon defeat.
[Map Link]

somberstone miners bell bearing key items elden ring wiki guide 200
Somberstone Miner's
Bell Bearing [2]

  •  --

Altus Tunnel: defeat Crystalian Spear and Ringblade boss

somberstone miners bell bearing key items elden ring wiki guide 200
Somberstone Miner's
Bell Bearing [3]

  •  --

Found on a body outside the First Church of Marika in Mountaintops of the Giants.

somberstone miners bell bearing key items elden ring wiki guide 200
Somberstone Miner's
Bell Bearing [4]

  •  --

Found on corpse next to Tempest-Facing Balcony Site of Grace located in Crumbling Farum Azula.

somberstone miners bell bearing key items elden ring wiki guide 200
Somberstone Miner's
Bell Bearing [5]

  •  --

Found on a body in the abandoned temple on the North side of Crumbling Farum Azula

ghost glovewort pickers bell bearing 1 key items description
Glovewort Picker's
Bell Bearing [1]

  •  --

Altus Plateau: Dropped by Erdtree Burial Watchdog in Wyndham Catacombs.

ghost glovewort pickers bell bearing 1 key items description
Glovewort Picker's
Bell Bearing [2]

  •  --

Dropped by Ulcerated Tree Spirit in Giants' Mountaintop Catacombs.
[Map Link]

ghost glovewort pickers bell bearing 1 key items description
Glovewort Picker's
Bell Bearing [3]

  •  --

Can be found in the middle of a lake in Crumbling Farum Azula. From the Crumbling Beast Grave Depths Grace, go the big church to the northwest and exit outside to the southwest. Take the elevator going down and you should see a lake in the distance to your left. The Item is in a gazebo in front of the lake. You can take the item undetected by going stealth.
[Map Link]

ghost glovewort pickers bell bearing 1 key items description
Ghost-Glovewort Picker's
Bell Bearing [1]

  •  --

Found on a corpse lying at the base of a gazebo in Nokron, Eternal City.
[Map Link]

ghost glovewort pickers bell bearing 1 key items description
Ghost-Glovewort Picker's
Bell Bearing [2]

  •  --

Found in a chest guarded by several Silver Tears with shields in the corner of a small room in Nokstella, Eternal City.
[Map Link]

ghost glovewort pickers bell bearing 1 key items description
Ghost-Glovewort Picker's
Bell Bearing [3]

  •  --

Found in a graveyard in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree. From the Haligtree Roots Grace, go back up the elevator, go straight to exit the church and then take a left down the slope filled with Lesser Kindred of Rot. The item will be next to a grave surrounded by more enemies.
[Map Link]

bone peddlers bell bearing elden ring wiki guide 200px
Bone Peddler's
Bell Bearing

  •  --

Dropped by the Bell Bearing Hunter after nightly invasion at Warmaster's ShackStormhill (Limgrave).
[Map Link]

meat peddlers bell bearing key items elden ring wiki guide 200
Meat Peddler's
Bell Bearing

  •  --

Dropped by the Bell Bearing Hunter after nightly invasion at the Church of Vows.
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)
Medicine Peddler's
Bell Bearing

  •  --

Dropped by the Bell Bearing Hunter after nightly invasion at the Hermit Merchant's Shack in Altus Plateau.
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing (small)
Gravity Stone Peddler's
Bell Bearing

  •  --

Dropped by the Bell Bearing Hunter after nightly invasion at the Isolated Merchant's Shack in Dragonbarrow.
[Map Link]

specialized bell bearing (sorceries)
Bell Bearing

Found on Sorceress Sellen's body at Witchbane Ruins.
[Map Link]

seluviss bell bearing elden ring wiki guide 200px
Bell Bearing

  •  --

Found on Seluvis' body in Seluvis's Rise after reaching the end of Ranni's questline.
[Map Link]

thopss bell bearing elden ring wiki guide 200px
Bell Bearing

  •  --

specialized bell bearing 1
Bell Bearing

specialized bell bearing 1Miriel's
Bell Bearing

Found on Miriel, Pastor of Vows' body at the Church of Vows, a neglected house of worship on the East Isle of Liurna of The Lakes
[Map Link]

ds bell bearing elden ring wiki guide 200px
Bell Bearing

  •  --

specialized bell bearing (sorceries)
Bell Bearing

  •  --

Found at Gowry's Shack located in eastern Caelid
[Map Link]

rogiers bell bearing key items elden ring wiki guide 200
Bell Bearing

  •  --

bernahl bell bearing elden ring wiki guide 200
Bell Bearing

Found on Bernahl, Warmasters Shack, Boilprawn Shack in Liurnia.

ijis bell bearings elden ring wiki guide 200px
Bell Bearing

  •  --

Found on War Counselor Iji's anvil. Complete Blaidd's questline and defeat him, then speak to War Counselor Iji with the "Blaidd's Death" option. Leave the area and then return.
[Map Link]

gostocs bell bearing elden ring wiki guide 200
Bell Bearing

Found on Gatekeeper Gostoc, near Godrick the Grafted Site of Grace.
[Map Link]

merchant bell bearing key items elden ring wiki guide 200
Bell Bearing

Caria Manor Church's upper mezzanine, upon Pidia's body after progressing through Ranni's Questline. 
[Map Link]

pitches bell bearing elden ring wiki guide 200Patches'
Bell Bearing

Found on Patches in Murkwater Cave.

blackguards bell bearing elden ring wiki guide 200
Bell Bearing

  •  --

Elden Ring Bell Bearings Gallery









Gowry's Bell Bearing

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:

bone peddlers bell bearing elden ring wiki guide 200px
Bone Peddler's Bell Bearing

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:

meat peddlers bell bearing key items elden ring wiki guide 200
Meat Peddler's Bell Bearing

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:


Gravity Stone Peddler's Bell Bearing

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:

smithing stone miners bell bearing 2 elden ring wiki guide 200
Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing [1]

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:

smithing stone miners bell bearing 2 elden ring wiki guide 200
Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing [2]

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:

smithing stone miner's bell bearing 3 elden ring wiki guide 200
Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing [3]

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:


smithing stone miner's bell bearing 4 elden ring wiki guide 200
Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing [4]

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:

somberstone miners bell bearing key items elden ring wiki guide 200
Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing [2]

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:

somberstone miners bell bearing key items elden ring wiki guide 200
Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing [3]

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:


somberstone miners bell bearing key items elden ring wiki guide 200
Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing [5]

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:

ghost glovewort pickers bell bearing 1 key items description
Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing [1]

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:

ghost glovewort pickers bell bearing 1 key items description
Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing [2]

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:


ghost glovewort pickers bell bearing 1 key items description
Ghost-Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing [3]

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:

ghost glovewort pickers bell bearing 1 key items description
Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing [1]

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:

ghost glovewort pickers bell bearing 1 key items description
Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing [2]

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:

ghost glovewort pickers bell bearing 1 key items description
Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing [3]

Can be used to gain access to the following items when offered to the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold:

Tired of anon posting? Register!
    • Anonymous

      So question: If an NPC whom you gave scrolls or prayer books dies or you kill them, will the unlocked spells carry over through their bell bearing?
      I already bought all of them and I would have to kill Miriel to check. But I assume it should just like with NPC's who gain new inventory by doing their quest right?

      • Anonymous

        This 'Ball Bearings' game mechanic that practically encourages you to murder merchants, combined with the fact there's at least one canon sociopath npc that would murder to get their hands one these things (literally), makes me think that being a merchant in the Elden Ring universe is akin to committing one delayed suicide without even knowing it.
        :/ I'd pity them, if i hadn't already killed them all.

        • Anonymous

          Bell bearings need to sell infinite supplies of ancient stones please. Basically weapons only go upto +24/+9 because of how limited they are.

          • Anonymous

            "Found on Bernahl, Warmasters Shack, Boilprawn Shack in Liurnia." lol wut. Somebody fix this. His bell bearing will either be at the warmasters shack in Limgrave if you kill him, or at Volcano Manor. He's never in Liurnia. Who wrote this?

            • Anonymous

              Might be a tad bit late but damn is the patch welcome where the upgrade material bell bearings carry over to ng+

              • Anonymous

                DO NOT KILL BROTHER CORHYN until you complete his questline. Or his bell won't give you all the available incantations.
                This includes Great Heal which is the best heal in the game.

                • Anonymous

                  For any future people wondering why the bell bearings are kept past ngs, they don't so make sure you buy whatever you need to before you go into a new game plus

                  • Anonymous

                    So, do the bell bearings for smithing stones carry over? I want to say yes, but there seems to be a lot a mix of responses regarding it?

                    • Anonymous

                      I have access to everything other than brace of the haligtree and miquala's haligtree or farum azula. Does anyone know where I can find ghost glovewart no.3s? I've used five of them on my renowned spirit ashes. Are the no.3s deliberately scarce? I hope not because I don't have mimic tear or any of the puppet ashes yet.

                      • Anonymous

                        Started ng+ with all bell bearings turned in and then they all went away? I have no internet but have patch 1.07 installed. Any ideas?

                        • Well, turns out that you have to actively give the bearings to the Twins, in order to "keep" them on the NG+. Too bad for me, and it's actually a quality of life "feature". I designed my NG+s to hunt every single one of them before starting a new cycle. I ain't mad at all, a smart and player driven design choice, thanks FS.

                          • Anonymous

                            I'd like there to be a “Rare Material Bell Bearing” so it could save us the headache of farming them.

                            • Anonymous

                              I just wish one of them made the rot boluses available for sale like the others. Those stupid butterflies are so rare

                              • Anonymous

                                For those that may not understand, ALL smithing stone bell bearings carry over. So you can have regular 1-8 in NG+ and beyond. Had some people think it was just the first bell bearing of each type that gets carried over.

                                • Anonymous

                                  There seems to be three different looking Bell Bearings. Basic ash colored ones for normal people, golden ones for those close to the golden order, and crystal ones for those that study magic. However Rogier's bell bearing looks corrupted because of how he gets stabbed by Gwyndolin's corpse, and Seluvis' bell bearing has a more purple hue in comparison to other crystal Bell Bearings, possibly hinting either at his strong perception of the arcane arts, or at him being a puppet controlled by Pidia.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    People mad that you can't just buy arteria leaf but honestly I'm fine with it because it makes certain things actually valuable. If you aren't huffing bloodboil for every fight you're not going to hurt that bad.

                                    I get amped when I see the lil red bushes and water lilies.

                                    String and root resin on the other hand should be buyable somewheres

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Wish there was a bell bearing for plants like arteria leaves, boring trying to make exalted flesh just to have only 32 leaves

                                      • Anonymous

                                        So, what exactly is a bell bearing? A pun on ball bearing? But isn't a ball bearing the concept of a mechanism that is "bearing balls"? Is "bearing" a name? When i put on the english subs I got confused because in my language I think the localization team gave up and called them "Ashen globes", which... kinda makes sense but this isn't DS3 so it's a little out of place. Also what's up with the fingerprint markings on the balls?

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I am keeping a few bell bearings after getting all their items, as a memento, without handing them in. Such as Rogier, D, Corhyn, Iji and Boggart. It's like collecting dogtags

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Late into the game (Can I stil Malenia?) and decided to visit the Warmaster Shack in Liurnia to beat that bell bearing hunter. Yeah... overleveled. As much as I complained about hunting for arrow parts with beat bones not dropping as often as I'd like to make 10 arrows, I realized I complained for no reason.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              If you gather bell bearings but do not hand them over to the Twin Maiden Husks, do they carry over into NG+? I have left all the merchants alive in this playthrough - but if I were to kill them all before starting NG+, and keep the bell bearings in my inventory, would they persist so I could hand them in once I got to Roundtable Hold again in NG+?

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Some players kill the merchants to get their bell bearings. I don't do that, I like visiting the merchants and listening to their unique dialogue and looking at their cute donkeys. But interestingly, if you read the Briar set description, you will learn that Elemer of the Briar (a boss) did the same thing, he murdered merchants and instructors for their bell bearings, and was sentenced to death for it (it says "The winding, rusted iron briars are a mark of the guilty and typically indicate a sentence of death. Elemer murderd numerous instructors and merchants, and was known as the Bell Bearing Hunter")

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  I keep giving my bell bearings to that one merchant in the round table, however I never see the shops pop up. What am I doing wrong?

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    What is the lore about the bell bearings? What are they and why do merchants seem to have them in their bodies so they drop them when they die?

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Isolated Merchant's Bell Bearing[3] is missing from the list. He sells the Sekiro armor - Land of Reeds among other things.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Is there a SMITHING-STONE MINER'S BELL BEARING (5) ingame ?
                                                        Somber stones goes up to 9 so smithing stones should do aswell

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Is it possible to give these to other NPCs?? im missing GHOST-GLOVEWORT PICKER'S BELL BEARING (1) i cant over them any bearings and i checked the item location its not there anymore

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            The expanded shop should remain expanded.

                                                            Since you can stock pile materials before going into New Game+ anyways it feels unnecessary.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              So is it worth to kill all the wandering merchants in order to have all their stuff in one convenient shop? Does it affect your game negatively?

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Missing Miriel's Bell Bearing (Sorcery) and Miriel's Bell Bearing (Incantations).

                                                                Also missing..
                                                                Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing (I've found 10 different ones so far)
                                                                Abandoned Merchant's Bell Bearing
                                                                Imprisoned Merchant's Bell Bearing
                                                                Isolated Merchant's Bell Bearing (I've found 3 so far)
                                                                Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing (I've found 3 so far)

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I Have a few bell bearings in my inventory will they carry over into new game + or should I give them to twin husk now and buy what I can

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Another one I found: Isolated Merchant in the Wheeping Peninsula drops 'Isolated Merchant's Bell Bearing [1]' if you kill him.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Patches Bell Bearing

                                                                      Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot
                                                                      Fan Daggers
                                                                      Margit's Shackle
                                                                      Grace Mimic
                                                                      Glass Shard
                                                                      Furlcalling Finger Remedy
                                                                      Festering Bloody Finger
                                                                      Stonesword Key
                                                                      Missionary Cookbook 2
                                                                      Parrying Dagger
                                                                      Great Arrow
                                                                      Ballista Bolt
                                                                      Horse Crest Wooden Shield
                                                                      Sacrificial Twig

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Rogier's Bell Bearing allows you to purchase the Ashes of war Rogier would provide. The bell bearing is provided after he goes to sleep and then dies, where you can loot his armor set and a letter from him along with his bell bearing. It also allows glintstone scrap to be purchased from the shop in the roundtable hold.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Hey I just discovered that you can get somberstone miner's bell bearing [2] from the boss at the end of the altus tunnel in the woods in the northern altus plateau

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            The Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing [2] is dropped by the Crystalian bosses at the end of the Altus Tunnel. Adds Somber Smithing Stone [3] and [4] and Cracked Crystals to the Twin Maiden Husk's wares.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Actually I might be mixed up. It might be the one at Church of Vows, where the bell bearing hunter also spawns

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I think D's and Rogier's bell drops if they die, as to not lose out on their shop items. The meat peddler's bell drops from the boss that appears during night at the Church of Vows (the one with the tortoise)

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  I don't understand these at all.. I turned in one (Patches I think) and I got a shop option called 'Patches Bell Bearing 2' which opens up a shop menu. The next 5-6 of them that I have turned in to the NPC haven't given me any new menus nor any new items in the shop (unless I'm stupid), seems like it doesn't work at all.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Can you tell us how to get bell earring that you give to hag at roundtable so she can sell smithing stones 1-2 why withold info

                                                                                    • I'm on my phone and editing the table is a headache. Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing [4] is located right by the Tempest-Facing Balcony site of grace. It's on an island you can get to after reaching Forge of the Giants in Mountaintop of the Giants. It lets you buy Somber Smithing Stone [7] and [8] for 16k and 20k. Perhaps Sanctuary Stones too (600 runes), I don't know how I unlocked these.

                                                                                    Load more
                                                                                    ⇈ ⇈