The Erdtree is an enormous, luminous tree located in the Lands Between. In Elden Ring, it serves a central purpose in the game's story and lore. The Erdtree lies in Leyndell, Royal Capital, and houses Queen Marika the Eternal. Players much reach it in order to become Elden Lord. The Erdtree will change depending on the achieved ending. See Erdtree Incantations for the related spell class.
The Erdtree governs all. The choice is thine. Become one with the Order. Or divest thyself of it."
Erdtree Lore
The Erdtree's primordial form was the Crucible of life, but it began to take shape after Queen Marika's ascension to godhood as an Empyrean chosen by the Two Fingers. She became a god at the Gate of Divinity in Enir-Ilim long ago. She planted the Golden Seed sometime during the War against the Fire Giants, ushering in a new age named after the Erdtree once the Giants were defeated. This new age was led by Godfrey, First Elden Lord. Many opposed the Erdtree and its rule, but through countless victories in war, it became the embodiment of Order according to the Protection of the Erdtree description. This would align it with the Elden Beast, a vassal of the Greater Will and living incarnation of the concept of Order. The age was marked with abundance, as the Erdtree offered numerous blessings to valiant warriors who would fight on its behalf, given out by Queen Marika herself. Some of these warriors would form a pact with the Erdtree to be reborn as Guardians after death. To many, dying a true death meant returning to the Erdtree in spirit. Even demigods and great champions are hewn by the Erdtree upon their end and turned into remembrances. It was once thought that the bounty of the Erdtree would last forever, but that age of plenty would not last, and with time the Erdtree became more an object of faith.
A transition of power arose when Godfrey and his men were stripped of the grace of gold and Radagon of the Golden Order became the second Elden Lord. Things escalated when the Night of the Black Knives occurred and Godwyn the Golden was unjustly slain. He would be buried beside the Erdtree's roots, and Deathroot would run rampant across the catacombs in the Lands Between. The Erdtree was irrevocably ravaged when the Elden Ring was shattered into shards by Queen Marika, and Radagon sealed the Erdtree with protective thorns while attempting to repair the Ring. Golden seeds dispersed from the Erdtree because of this event, as if life itself knew that its end had come. Some of these seeds grew into Minor Erdtrees defended by Erdtree Avatars. Perhaps through the Erdtree Avatars and Ulcerated Tree Spirits, the Erdtree let its wrath be known. The shardbearing demigods would wage a war known as the Shattering in the wake of Marika's betrayal. During this time Morgott, the Omen King would protect Leyndell in Queen Marika and Lord Radagon's absence, and would remain there to deter any who would approach the Erdtree. Gideon would discover the truth about the Erdtree, that it had been broken long ago. In a land veiled in shadow, the Scadutree is said to be the Shadow of the Erdtree and shines with its grace.
Elden Ring Erdtree Notes & Trivia
- Speaking with Melina at the Forge of the Giants and defeating Maliketh, the Black Blade in Farum Azula result in irreversible changes in the Erdtree's appearance in addition to advancing the game's story.
- In the boss arena for the Elden Beast, innumerable Erdtrees can be seen in the background, which may be a nod to a reoccurring background theme by FromSoftware starting with Ash Lake from Dark Souls, and includes Aldia's Keep from Dark Souls 2, Smouldering Lake from Dark Souls 3, and the Hunter's Dream from Bloodborne.
- Many have noted the Erdtree's likeness to Yggdrasil, the World Tree, which has appeared in many works of fiction and has roots in Norse mythology.
Erdtree Lore
Lore Items Related to the Erdtree
Erdleaf Flower
A dusky-yellow flower that has started to fade and wilt. Material used for crafting items. Found throughout the Lands Between.
Said to grow from the old fallen leaves of the Erdtree, these flowers serve as the base material for a number of sorcery techniques.
Warming Stone
Ruin Fragment blessed with an incantation of the Two Fingers. Craftable item.
Uses FP to generate warmth, continuously restoring the HP of those nearby.
It's said that the Erdtree was once as warm as the gentle sun, and would gradually heal all who bathed in its rays.
Golden Seed
A golden seed, found at the base of an illusory tree.
Increases a Sacred Flask's number of uses. (Can be used after resting at a site of grace.)
When the Elden Ring was shattered, these seeds flew from the Erdtree, scattering across the various lands, as if life itself knew that its end has come.
Sacred Tear
Blessing of the Erdtree, worshipped in the churches of all lands; this is but a faint vestige.
Increases the potency of a Sacred Flask's restorative effects. (Can be used after resting at a site of grace.)
During the age of the Erdtree, these tears were used to spread the faith, for theirs was once a certain blessing.
Tree Sentinel Helm
Golden helm of the heavy cavalry Tree Sentinels who serve the Erdtree.
Very few are permitted to wear a golden wood crest of such size as seen on this helm.
Staff of the Avatar
Ceremonial staff depicting the Erdtree in its historic radiance. Wielded by the avatars who protect the Minor Erdtrees.
The avatars, emerging in the wake of the Elden Ring's shattering, were determined to protect the withering Erdtree's offspring.
Guardian Garb
Engraved golden garb. Worn by guardians of the Minor Erdtree.
In accordance with an ancient pact with the Erdtree, it is said that their deaths led not to destruction, but instead to renewed, eternal life as guardians.
Elden Stars
This legendary incantation is the most ancient of those that derive from the Erdtree.
Creates a stream of golden shooting stars that assail the area.
It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring.
Protection of the Erdtree
A superior incantation of Erdtree Worship.
Increase damage negation for all affinities except physical, for both the caster and nearby allies. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.
In the beginning, everything was in opposition to the Erdtree. But through countless victories in war, it became the embodiment of Order.
Wrath of Gold
Superior Erdtree Worship incantation.
Produces a golden shockwave that knocks back nearby foes. Charging increases the size of the shockwave.
This incantation was discovered when the Elden Ring was shattered, and it was feared as a sign of the Erdtree's wrath.
Smithing Stone 7
Stone used to smith a variety of armaments. Found in a polar region, it is semi-vitrified. Strengthens armaments up to +21.
Thought to have been used to hone the weapons of the champions of the War against the Giants at the birth of the Erdtree.
Erdtree's Favor
A talisman depicting a special blessing of the Erdtree. Slightly raises maximum HP, stamina, and equip load.
It is said that when the Age of the Erdtree began, such blessings were personally bestowed upon their recipients by Queen Marika herself.
Blessed Dew Talisman
Talisman depicting a drop of the Erdtree's sap, a blessed boon.
Gradually restores HP.
It was once thought that the blessed sap of the Erdtree would drip from its boughs forever -- but that age of plenty swiftly came to a close, and with time, the Erdtree became more an object of faith.
Minor Erdtree
Secret incantation of Queen Marika. Only the kindness of gold, without Order.
Creates a small, illusory Erdtree that continuously restores the HP of nearby allies.
Marika bathed the village of her home in gold, knowing full well that there was no one to heal.
Shadow Realm Rune 1
Golden remnants of the grace bestowed upon those who fell in the realm of shadow.
Use to gain 7500 runes.
The Scadutree is the shadow of the Erdtree. No wonder grace shines ever so brilliantly.
Dialogues Related to the Erdtree
Spoken Echoes of Queen Marika
Hark, brave warriors. Hark, my lord Godfrey. We commend your deeds. Guidance hath delivered ye through each ordeal, to the place ye stand.
Put the Giants to the sword, and confine the flame atop the mount. Let a new epoch begin. An epoch glistening with life. Brandish the Elden Ring, for the Age of the Erdtree!
The Erdtree governs all. The choice is thine. Become one with the Order. Or divest thyself of it. To wallow at the fringes; a powerless upstart.
To aid you in your search for the Elden Ring. You need only take me with you. To the foot of the Erdtree.
This tiny golden aura is the grace of the Erdtree. This light once shone in the eyes of your Tarnished brethren. But now it is all that guides you.
Me? I'm searching. For my purpose, given to me by my mother inside the Erdtree, long ago.
It takes me back. I was born at the foot of the Erdtree. Where mother gave me my purpose.
You were unable to enter the Erdtree, no? Prevented by the mantle of barbs. The thorns are impenetrable. A husk of the Erdtree's being; that spurns all that exists without.
O Erdtree, you shall burn. Burn, for the sake of the new Lord.
A remembrance of gold has found its way into your possession. Demigods, and even the greater of the champions, are hewn by the Erdtree upon their end, into remembrances.
Queen Marika is the vessel of the Elden Ring, carrier of its vision. A god, in truth. But after the Elden Ring's shattering, she was imprisoned in the Erdtree. A grim punishment for shattering the Order, despite her godhood.
Heavens forbid... That is not the domain of mere men. The burning of the Erdtree is the first cardinal sin.
Only the smoldering flame in the Great Forge of the Giants, on the highest peak in the Lands Between, can burn the Erdtree.
For the flame to burn the Erdtree, a sacrifice is needed. Of one who envisions the flame.
Erdtree Image Gallery
- Anonymous
In case your wondering erdTREE Is a tree
TREE comes from the English word tree meaning tree aka erdtree. In case you need clarification
- Anonymous
"Apparently the Erdtree is a tree.
Scroll down for more tips and trivia."
- Anonymous
(in the classic green text of a site long lost)
> The Erdtree is an enormous, luminous tree located in the Lands Between.
> Enormous, luminous tree
> Refuses to elaborate further
> Leaves
- Anonymous
Just to confirm for others: I chose to accept the frenzied flame, and travelled to Farum Azula, and beat two bosses there- and the main world was unchanged. So you can go to farum Azula for items and not get locked out of quests
- Anonymous
The Erdtree and its consequences have been a disaster for the Lands Between
- Anonymous
Could we get a list of all missable items and quests from burning the erdtree?
- Anonymous
It seems that fextralife is mostly only interested in statistics.
It seems there is little to none lore..
- Anonymous
I've only gotten so far into the game so I might be wrong on this but the way the Erdree looks reminds me of The Two Trees of Valinor from Tolkien's Silmarilion. Specifically it looks like Laurelin, the tree that casts Golden Light with its gold-trimmed leaves. This seems like it would be one of GRRM's contributions to the game.
- Anonymous
This is the article for the central hub of the Lands Between? So much historical and story significance yet nothing here.
Something isn't right about this tree, I think we're doing a good thing in burning it, I also think burning to the extent we did isn't going to kill it.
Confirmed Archtree?