Wiki To-do List

List of missing pages or pages that needs more work and content.
Miss a page or feature? Then list it in the Needed Pages section below.


Missing Information


Needed Pages

  • TBA


Pages needing improvements

  • Remembrance Weapons is outdated, whereas Remembrances (items section) page is not. If the two cover basically the same thing, mark Remembrance Weapons page for removal and relink Weapons page to remembrance section in Items page?
  • Move relevant info from Alabaster Lord (Boss) page to Royal Grave Evergaol or Onyx Lord pages, since the boss was renamed the Boss page itself should be deleted as it's just another Onyx Lord. Consider renaming Lesser Alabaster Lord page to Alabaster Lord page since there is no more Boss variant.
  • General improvement to all pages: Fix descriptions to reflect in-game line spacing, but don't emulate the same screen wrap.
  • Damage Types could use more assistance as it is lacking in certain areas.
  • Ashes of War' "Damage of Ashes of War" explanation could use a touch-up to improve its concision and have a more consistent distinction between Ash of War vs Skill.
  • Location information for all Items could be standardized and shortened. 
  • Some Consumables don't have clearly stated values for their effects.
  • Some Consumables still mention "Location" or "Crafting Guide" when it is not applicable to the item.
  • Many of the Items could use an update to their tag clouds. Currently, a vast majority are jammed into Key Items or Consumables.
  • Work towards having animated gifs for all Skill pages.
  • Several enemies have various subtypes that need stat cataloguing and good pictures, such as Rotten Strays, Putrid Corpses, Fanged Imps, Giant Crabs, Giant Miranda Sprouts, and Miranda Sprouts. Use the table on the Wandering Nobles page as a template.
  • Consider merging weapon Skills into their Ash of War pages to reduce duplicate information.
  • Consider merging "Damage Negation" pages with "Defense" pages.


Tag usage

TAGS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE TO ORGANIZERS - please contact editors via to tag pages

Wiki tags are not metadata, but a way to define different properties of, for example, an item. A tag does nothing on its own, but when many pages share the same tag they can be used to list other items with similar properties. Tags should mostly be single words, and not long unique sentences (like "great weapon to pwn n00bs with").
Example: The Moonlight Greatsword, it's a greatsword, it deals magic damage, and it has a special attack. It should be tagged with something like "Weapon" "Greatsword" "Magic" "Special".


Cluttered pages

If you encounter a particularly cluttered page, but have no time to clean it up at the moment, then tag the page with " cleanup" as a reminder. They will show up below:



Rename Pages

Pages with names that differ from in-game names should be renamed, so please tag them with " rename". Renaming pages also involves fixing all backlinks and redirecting the current page to the new one. They will show up below:



Duplicate Pages

Some items/equipment/npc´s have duplicate pages. Please tag such pages with " duplicate", and someone will eventually merge them.



Unnecessary Pages

If you encounter an unnecessary page, or have a request to delete a page, then tag it with " delete" and it should appear in the list below.



Redirects that need to be cancelled/changed

  • /Skeleton should redirect to /Skeletons
  • /Artist's+Shack to /Artist's+Shack+(Limgrave)


Infusion/Upgrade tables that need to be changed

Any page with the wrong table should be tagged with: upgrademe


Templates that need to be deleted or renamed

  • Applicable templates go here


Tired of anon posting? Register!
    • Anonymous

      Not sure where to post this, but could we have an advanced search option that ignores the comment section in the search? With the comments mentioning so many other "lore unrelated" items for specific builds it muddies the search results for people looking for lore connections

      • Anonymous

        In the Map of „Academy of Raya Lucaria“ the Ground Floor cannot be watched. Clicking on the thumbnail leads to a map of Stormveil Castle (in bad resolution.

        • Anonymous

          Just found out that visiting Round Table Hall is mandatory before entering Lyndell, don't know if this info is in the wiki, but it may be useful

          • Anonymous

            Just found out that visiting Round Table Hall is mandatory before entering Lyndell, don't know if this info is in the wiki, but it may be useful

            • Anonymous

              Really need to figure out this roundtable hold thing. I have seen now 3 separate ways to get there and I have found another. I was just going along and teleported to the beast undead killing guy went in gave him the root sat at the site of grace and boom now I'm at the roundtable hold for the first time.

              • how do you create a new page? there is no page for "Redmane" Painting for example but cannot for the life of me figure out how to create a new page and cannot find any broken links now that i need one which is the only way i've seen in the past to create a new one >.<

                • Hi guys.
                  Thanks for the work.
                  I would like to contribute (by tagging things mostly), but only organizers can.
                  Can you add "cleanup" to the Ancient Death of Rancor sorcery?
                  Or give me the role if that's not toi much too ask (don't know if you can see my past contribution to Dark Souls 2 french fextralife wiki)

                  • Anonymous

                    If I'm putting together stat level/scaling info for myself, would those be numbers you guys want? Or are people on top of it already?

                    • Anonymous

                      If I'm putting together stat level/scaling info for myself, would those be numbers you guys want? Or are people on top of it already?

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