Elden Ring Map (Interactive): Find and track all Items, Bosses and Npcs in the game with our interactive map. Our Elden Ring Full Map is regularly updated with detailed information for all Quests, Equipment, Bosses and Locations, and much more! From Walking Mausoleums to special Teardrop Scarabs or NPC locations, you can find everything you need on this Elden Ring Map.


  All Shadow of the Erdtree content added to our interactive map! Click on the following link to head directly to the Land of Shadow!



Elden Ring Map

 How to access the Shadow of the Erdtree area in the interactive map?


If you want to access the latest content on the Elden Ring Interactive Map, and head directly to the Shadow of the Erdtree area. You need to follow a few steps.

  1. As soon as the page loads, head to the Interactive Map's lef top corner to find this item.  map icon elden ring wiki guide
  2. Click on the item and a new menu will be displayed before you. By default, you will be on the Overland Map.
  3. Press the Shadow of the Erdtree Map to instantly switch to the new region!
  4. If, for any reason, you want to go back to the overland (or visit any other region in Elden Ring), just click on the map icon elden ring wiki guide   again and select the region you want to travel to!

map sote1 elden ring wiki guide600px



Please be mindful that locations in the Elden Ring Map are not pixel-perfect to their corresponding location, as many items are found on top of each other. In order to provide easy tap targets for tooltips and links, some items have been spaced out around the area where they are found. Please see each description tooltip or item page for further details on the item, boss or location.

Elden Ring Map Size: this is a very big field, and users are working on figuring out the actual transformative distance of the Elden Ring Map in KM. You can find a 4k Elden Ring Map on our Maps section, that displays the full World Map divided by regions, featuring all locations and regional distinctions.

This Elden Ring Interactive Map is a still work in progress: You can contribute to it by editing wiki pages such as Locations to add information, and adding comments to this page to give tips and advise. You can also join us on discord.gg/fextralife to provide feedback and tips.

If you are on mobile, the map works best on Safari or Chrome. Allow it time to load in all the assets as you scroll or turn filters on or off. Alternatively we suggest using our static Maps instead, and the wiki's search function to find what you are looking for.

How to use the Elden Ring Map:

  • Click the er icon map info sidebar icon of the map to see the map legend explaining the icons, and to swap between overworld and underground maps
  • The search bar matches partial words so you can try and put "sword" or "Staff" and see what comes up. Use the Weapons page and the categories there and in Armor to find names for items. Use the wiki search to find pages for "All Golden Seeds" etc.
  • You can filter by category using the checkmark layers on the right side of the map. These are general categories, so Upgrade materials include Flask upgrade items (Golden Seed, Sacred Tear), as well as Ore and Glovewort. Weapons category will include all weapon types, etc.
  • Please see our Walkthrough and Game Progress Route to figure out where to go!
  • VIP USERS: PROGRESS TRACKER: Now live for ALL DEVICES! Click on any item and "mark as complete" to save your progress to your account and view it on ANY of your logged in devices.
  • VIP USERS: PROGRESS RESET, Multiple Character Slots and PERSONAL CHECKLIST now available! Use the links to select slots and reach your checklist. We will add "mark as complete" from the checklist soon.
  • VIP USERS: SIDEBAR REMOVAL. If you're on a laptop or your resolution is under 1500px, the sidebar will disappear. You can also use this feature on a large desktop if you simply make your tab a bit smaller and reload. You can then full screen your tab without sidebar and without having to enter "full screen"
  • VIP USERS: You can put the map FULL SCREEN by clicking the expand screen icon (desktop and android only):
    fullscreen icon
elden ring map progression tracker fullscreen completion alldevices 600 elden ring map vip sidebar removal300


Elden Ring Map Content:

  • Complete Overland and Underground Map for Elden Ring. Individual jpgs can be found under Maps page.
  • All Bosses and Minibosses: Some of these are repeated finds on the landscape but only have one page since they are essentially the same enemy. Some bosses also become Regular Enemies later in the game.
  • All Weapons, Talismans, Ashes of War, Spirit Ashes and Armor found as treasures or guaranteed drops.
  • All Upgrade Materials that can be found as Treasures; Includes Smithing Stones and Ghost and Grave Glovewort items
  • All Key Items: This includes Bell Bearings, Cookbooks, Keys and special drops
  • Treasure Consumables: Consumables found on the landscape as a shining treasure
  • Guaranteed Drops: Items guaranteed dropped by bosses, npc invaders and enemies.
  • Summoning Pools Map: Now Adding!
  • NPC Questlines: See Side Quests for details, all NPC locations are being added - Work in Progress
  • NPC Invasions: Hostile NPCs and invaders - Work in Progress
  • Walking Mausoleum locations - Now added!
  • Altars + Pillars - Now Added!
  • All Locations and puzzle solutions
  • Logged-in user progress tracking
  • Personal Elden Ring Checklist - Updating now to show non-map items.
  • Completion % tracker
  • Character Slots for tracking
  • All Spiritsprings now added (Mount Jumps)


Features to be added:

  • Expansive search to complement filters
  • Farming locations for materials
  • Enemy spawn locations
  • Zone level suggestions
  • User notes per location.
  • Custom User Notes

elden ring interactive map wiki guide


Tired of anon posting? Register!
    • Updated June 21 2024

      June 2024: DLC MAP is now added! Click the little map icon on the left of the map to pull out the sidebar, and select "Shadow of the Erdtree Map". You can also go to this link directly: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Shadow+of+the+Erdtree+Map - please bear in mind day 1 patch changed the location of MANY items and we have to collect them again, record it, and fix them on the map. The map is not yet complete but it's still a good guide. We expect it'll take 1 - 2 weeks for everything to be properly recorded in the wiki.

      April 2024: We have updated the map's logic and features to improve loading, performance and search, but we kept the original UI that players of Elden Ring seem to prefer. Please feel free to share feedback!

      This Elden Ring Map is a complete guide to all Treasures, NPCs and Locations. However, it is STILL BEING IMPROVED!!! We are adding small items and corrections, the page "updated" date is not reflective of when we last updated the map since it is independent to the wiki page. How to Help: You can help complete this by editing whatever you know about the game into other wiki pages, or joining our discord to report missing things or errors. We read all the comments.

      ✔️ Click the MAP icon on the left side of the screen to select Overland / Underground maps via the sidebar

      ✔️ FULLSCREEN: available for VIP USERS (https://fextralife.com/be-a-vip/).

      ✔️ SIDEBAR REMOVAL: available for VIP USERS (https://fextralife.com/be-a-vip/). If you're on a laptop or your resolution is under 1500px, the sidebar will disappear. You can also use this feature on a large desktop if you simply make your tab a bit smaller and reload. You can then full screen your tab without sidebar and without having to enter "full screen"

      ✔️ PROGRESS TRACKER: available for VIP USERS (https://fextralife.com/be-a-vip/) - All devices. You can mark locations as completed and their icon will change. Progress saves to your account and is visible and editable from ALL your devices! You can HIDE icons by unselected "completed" from the right category list.

      ✔️ CHARACTER SLOTS: available for VIP USERS. You can now keep track of 5 different characters. You can also "reset all" with one button.

      ✔️ PERSONAL CHECKLIST: available for VIP USERS. Use the buttons at the top to navigate to your checklist and see completed % for each category. Update Aug 22: We are now working on making the checklist for ALL items including bought and dropped items.

      DONT WORRY YOUR PROGRESS ISN'T LOST! We save all progress to our servers. As long as you were logged in when you tracked, it's there even if you don't see it. Usually you don't see it because of caching issues:
      1. refresh your page (ctrl+shift+r)
      2. clear cache manually or POST A COMMENT ON THIS PAGE
      4. Disable Adblock / Privacy blockers if some script isn't loading
      5. contact me via DM or discord.gg/fextralife (the fextralife account on the server)

      VIP TROUBLESHOOTING (Data not updating): Toggle one map marker, THEN refresh the page, reset cookies, etc. It can help refresh your session by try changing something so the map updates.

      ⭐ VIP STATUS: VIP isn't instant, it can take 10+ minutes depending on load. Please wait a bit. If you aren't seeing the buttons as your browser may have saved portions of the logged-out version of the map. If this doesn't work please get in touch via dm or discord.gg/fextralife, or send us an email.

      • Anonymous

        Absolutely ****ing despise how Miyuzaki designed the layout for Ancient Ruins of Rauh and it's surrounding areas. You wouldn't be able to tell what's higher or lower in that goddamn place.

        • Anonymous

          Appears to be missing the illusory wall in the first room of Raya Lucaria Academy. After the the door with the two mages, the window to the right can be broken to reveal a cemetery with a Rune Arc

          • Anonymous

            The map misses the Pearldrake Talisman in the location of farum azula that is reached via the four bellfires.

            • Anonymous

              Hey, don't know if the creator of this interactive map will see this but you are missing a site of grace in limgrave "artist's shack"

              • Anonymous

                The pearldrake talisman at the crumbling farum azula through the belfries at the four belfries is not listed

                • Anonymous

                  Missing the Summoning Pool statue at The Nameless Eternal City Site of Grace in Deeproot Depths underground area. There are 4 summoning pools there, not 3.

                  • Anonymous

                    At the windmill heights or wtv I already killed the godskin boss before her questline and she isn’t showing up

                    • Anonymous

                      I was so excited for this game when it came out, but I stopped playing it after about 80 hours because I could never figure out where to go. Hour after hour after hour flipping back and forth between the gameplay and the useless af map, constantly guessing where to go, never knowing if I was right. Does anyone know if there is a LIST that simply shows the suggested order of locations to visit? I'm a souls veteran, have platinumed them all on release, and again on re-releases. I probably have thousands of hours in Souls, but OPEN WORLD is just way too much for me and I just run in circles having no clue where I'm supposed to go or why. A simple, basic list of suggested locations to go to could make all the difference, but for some reason it does not seem to exist. I'm just looking for something that's very general, doesn't need to list every location or anything optional. Just a very general idea would be helpful. Thanks

                      • Anonymous

                        Minor mistake: In the Golden Lineage Evergaol, the map says "Godfrey the Grafted is imprisoned within" but it's actually Godefroy the Grafted.

                        • Anonymous

                          Note about Consecrated snowfields Enemy Caravan. It says "Note: This caravan only spawns at night." This is wrong, it spawns in the early morning and is really misleading to players when you do this, get your **** together guys!

                          • I don’t know if I missed it reading through up top, but how do you save your inputs in the category menu, every time I leave the site and come back the menu is unchecked and I had to go through and check off what I need?

                            • Anonymous

                              I somehow had this Ash of War already equipped with the Golden Halberd, after defeating the Tree Sentinel. Then it somehow disappeared from my inventory, so thanks for the map reference so that I could reobtain it!

                              • Anonymous

                                the deeproot depths summoning pool, The Nameless Eternal City, is missing from this map. it's at the stone arch just south of the grace of the same name

                                • Anonymous

                                  Hey just a friendly FYI. On Sept 19, I tried to use this map, there was a particularly malicious ad that was adding these white side banners that was completely destroying the aspect ratio and making this page unusable on my pc. I think it was possibly a Windex add or something. I love this map which is why I'm giving you the heads up.

                                  • How does one edit the interactive map? There's a Martyr Effigy missing :
                                    - Ancient Valley Ruins: From the Snow Valley Ruins Overlook site of grace, go West. The Effigy is located along a cliff overlooking Castle Sol, near a pointy indentation of the cliff on the map. This Effigy doesn't appear on the interactive map of the wiki.

                                    • I am having trouble with the interactive maps. I have followed the Troubleshooting steps (I haven't yet, but I'm about to DM in Discord), yet the problem persists. Seemingly at random, the map icons are not loading and appear as large, square, empty image placeholders with numbers on them. I can still click on them and toggle them as completed, but it is glitchy and parts of the map are just left as blank, dark grey spaces. I will be including a screenshot in the DM. Any assistance in resolving this would be greatly appreciated.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        For the Ancient Ruins of Ruah Shadowpot Scadutree fragment, go to the Ancient Ruins of Ruah East Site of Grace, head back into the tunnels and use the 2nd spiritspring to jump up. The Shadowpot Enemy will be right there.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Maybe it’s a problem only I’m having, but I can’t access the main underground map, only the SOTE underground when I click that tab.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            whats with the diffrent skulls on bosses? like margit has a small skull while agheel has a big skull and nights cavalry (limgrave) has a worn skull

                                            • Anonymous

                                              please make it so you can select mausoleums, i want all the remembrances but dont wanna individually look up the area of each mausoleum

                                              • Anonymous

                                                there should be a nighttime version of the maps for the overground and dlc maps because some content is only accesible during the night but somebody may not know that

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  The Effigy of a Martyr next to The Nameless Eternal City site of grave is missing. This map needs to be updated. Istg…

                                                  • Why do all of the "found" things practically disappear when marked?? Why can we not change the opacity or whether it highlights the find this way?? Color change instead of practically making it invisible?? What is the good of that feature at all?

                                                    • I don't know how to edit the map or if I even have the ability, but, at the Apostate Derelict Church in the northwestern Consecrated Snowfield, a Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone icon should be placed at the back of the church. If you read the wiki page dedicated to the church, you can see how to obtain it, but for those who use the map and don't read every single location page, this would be immensely helpful, as it is in other locations where items are shown along with a brief description of how to obtain them. If someone could add this, that would be awesome.

                                                      • You seriously need to go back and edit the base game map. There are so many items that are either misplaced or so far away from where it actually is located. Given you have something as exact as coordinates you should be able to make it a lot more accurate. On top of that I really feel like mentioning a enemy can drop a weapon in a specific area is super un-useful as all enemies of that type will drop that armor/weapon and often times it's not even put in the most opportune farming area. I really hope this map can be polished, or I'd volunteer to do it myself.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          The Lands between and the DLC maps look like everything is located on a very large tree stump.
                                                          Like if you cut a tree and the game takes place on what is left of the tree, on its stump, is this likely?
                                                          mostly this seems to me if i look at the map of the dlc.
                                                          On the original game map it looks less like this, but if you take a closer look on the snow region of the lands between, than this also looks kind of loike a treestump vied from above it.
                                                          laso the coastlines could very well be interpreted as what would the edges of a treestump look like viewd from above.
                                                          so could the erd-tree be this three stump everything takes place on?
                                                          and is the dlc-stump miquellas haligtree somehow?
                                                          and could therefore these gigantic skelletons of wich mostly only the skulls remain be humans?
                                                          therefore everything in the game-world would be very smal in comparsion, and i wonder about elves and mythical stuff, like... äh... how should i know? :)
                                                          Stuff that is regular livin in trees wich occure in fairy tales, idk.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            The layer overlay keeps popping up when I haven't clicked on it and prevents me from using the map. Anyone come up with a fix, only seems to happen while using desktop mode on mobile and pc.

                                                            • Error! Operation could not be performed!

                                                              Warning!! Your comment could not be posted

                                                              Can't use the map, can't post about something potentially missing. What the hell can I do ? Maybe it's time I touched some grass

                                                              • Posting an update for anyone that is worried:
                                                                1. PROGRESS IS SAVED TO DATABASE! Always. It's why the service may give you errors etc.
                                                                2. On top of ER traffic, unfortunately we have a lot of websites and people wanting to scrape the wiki for info - this consumes tons of resources that would normally be available for regular users and slows everything down.

                                                                We have already upgraded our database, and we will be upgrading the Elden Ring servers next. When these upgrades happen there is a small window of downtime (2 to 6 hours) and we may disable progress tracking during that window to prevent people losing their data. Updates for this will be on discord.gg/fextralife.

                                                                PLEASE DM ME IF YOU HAVE ISSUES - more often than not it's a simple caching problem or you got a timeout due to the above problems. I'll help you resolve them <3
                                                                Thank you everyone for supporting the site and what we do. We are working all hours of day everyday for weeks to update everything and fix issues and errors. Thank you for being patient as well.

                                                                • There is a Smithing Stone [2] at map coordinates -127.50019 : 56.1266. Both this one and the one in the below post are on the Overland Map (Liurnia).

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Bayle the Dread is a legendary boss, his heart acts as the remembrance for story purposes, give my boy his due. Also he drops 490,000 runes

                                                                  Load more
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