Grave Keeper's Cookbook [1]

grave keepers cookbook cookbooks elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
Expands crafting repertoire
Required for Piquebone Arrow
Piquebone Arrow (Fletched)
Piquebone Bolt

Grave Keeper's Cookbook [1] is a Cookbook in Elden Ring. Grave Keeper's Cookbook [1] is a brand new Cookbook in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLCCookbooks are records of crafting techniques that players can use to learn how to craft a wide variety of  items.


A record of crafting techniques of the grave keepers who watch over those who rest in the realm of shadow. Acquire the knowledge to craft the following: - Piquebone Arrow - Piquebone Arrow (Fletched) - Piquebone Bolt


Grave Keeper's Cookbook [1] Location in Elden Ring

Where to find Grave Keeper's Cookbook [1]

  • From cerulean coast west, head south east until you reach a small grave with a tree. There should be a tree on your map not that far from the grace. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map]


Grave Keeper's Cookbook [1] Elden Ring Guide

Grave Keeper's Cookbook [1] provides the knowledge to craft the following items:


Elden Ring Grave Keeper's Cookbook [1] Notes & Tips

  • Notes and player tips go here


Elden Ring Cookbooks
Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook (3)  ♦  Ancient Dragon Knight's Cookbook (1)  ♦  Ancient Dragon Knight's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Antiquity Scholar's Cookbook (1)  ♦  Antiquity Scholar's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Armorer's Cookbook (1)  ♦  Armorer's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Armorer's Cookbook (3)  ♦  Armorer's Cookbook (4)  ♦  Armorer's Cookbook (5)  ♦  Armorer's Cookbook (6)  ♦  Armorer's Cookbook (7)  ♦  Battlefield Priest's Cookbook (1)  ♦  Battlefield Priest's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Battlefield Priest's Cookbook (3)  ♦  Battlefield Priest's Cookbook (4)  ♦  Deserter's Cookbook (1)  ♦  Deserter's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Fevor's Cookbook (1)  ♦  Finger-Weaver's Cookbook (1)  ♦  Finger-Weaver's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Fire Knight's Cookbook (1)  ♦  Fire Knight's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Forager Brood Cookbook (1)  ♦  Forager Brood Cookbook (2)  ♦  Forager Brood Cookbook (3)  ♦  Forager Brood Cookbook (4)  ♦  Forager Brood Cookbook (5)  ♦  Forager Brood Cookbook (6)  ♦  Forager Brood Cookbook (7)  ♦  Frenzied's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook (1)  ♦  Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook (3)  ♦  Glintstone Craftsman's Cookbook (7)  ♦  Grave Keeper's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Greater Potentate's Cookbook (1)  ♦  Greater Potentate's Cookbook (10)  ♦  Greater Potentate's Cookbook (11)  ♦  Greater Potentate's Cookbook (12)  ♦  Greater Potentate's Cookbook (13)  ♦  Greater Potentate's Cookbook (14)  ♦  Greater Potentate's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Greater Potentate's Cookbook (3)  ♦  Greater Potentate's Cookbook (4)  ♦  Greater Potentate's Cookbook (5)  ♦  Greater Potentate's Cookbook (6)  ♦  Greater Potentate's Cookbook (7)  ♦  Greater Potentate's Cookbook (8)  ♦  Greater Potentate's Cookbook (9)  ♦  Igon's Cookbook (1)  ♦  Igon's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Loyal Knight's Cookbook  ♦  Mad Craftsman's Cookbook (1)  ♦  Mad Craftsman's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Mad Craftsman's Cookbook (3)  ♦  Missionary's Cookbook (1)  ♦  Missionary's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Missionary's Cookbook (3)  ♦  Missionary's Cookbook (5)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (1)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (11)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (12)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (13)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (14)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (15)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (16)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (17)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (18)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (19)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (2)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (20)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (24)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (3)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (4)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (5)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (6)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (7)  ♦  Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (9)  ♦  Perfumer's Cookbook (3)  ♦  Perfumer's Cookbook (4)  ♦  St. Trina Disciple's Cookbook (1)  ♦  St. Trina Disciple's Cookbook (2)  ♦  St. Trina Disciple's Cookbook (3)  ♦  Tibia's Cookbook

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    • Anonymous

      From cerulean coast west, head south east until you reach a small grave with a tree. There should be a tree on your map not that far from the grace

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