Red-Hot Whetblade |
Type | Key Item |
Grants choice of affinity upgrade to weapon
Red-Hot Whetblade is a Whetblade in Elden Ring. Red-Hot Whetblade grants choice of affinity upgrade to weapon. Key Items in Elden Ring include a wide variety of items found in specific locations or are given by a related NPCs which are used to unlock areas, quests, and to further progress the game's story.
Red-hot whetblade with a cipher engraved. Can be used as a whetstone knife.
When applying an affinity using physical or flame-type ashes of war, an additional affinity of fire or flame art can be chosen.
Where to find Red-Hot Whetblade in Elden Ring
When the Radahn Festival is inactive, travel to the Chamber Outside the Plaza site of grace. Once there, head out to the three flamethrower enemies and take a right. You should be face to face with another flamethrower. Go past them and towards the tower. An Abductor Virgin will attack you from the right as you're heading towards it. Once inside you'll find the whetblade on the floor and a soldier nearby on the stairs. [Map Link] Video Location
Elden Ring Red-Hot Whetblade Use
Red-Hot Whetblade adds the Fire and Flame Art Affinities to the menu when selecting compatible Ashes of War.
Elden Ring Red-Hot Whetblade Use
- Players can use the Red-Hot Whetblade to add a Fire or Flame Art affinity to physical or flame-type Ashes of War when applying it to a Weapon
- Anonymous
These are the best instructions to find an item I've ever seen on Fextra. Whoever wrote this great job
- Anonymous
if you're playing faith build this whetblade is top tier against radagon, slap flame art infusion on your chosen weapons and just spare yourself some blue flasks for eldenbeast.
- Anonymous
I learned what triggers the Radahn festival specifically so i would stop accidentally locking myself out of getting this item
- Anonymous
Just spent 20 minutes wandering around Redmane like a dumbass saying, "what the **** dude I KNOW IT'S HERE" just to check and see that I need to kill radahn
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Lots of things are weak to fire in elden ring, so it's pretty good to do a faith strength build and be a fire boi
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Fart is my favorite infusion so go get this item immediately.
- Anonymous
This can be grabbed right at the start of the game as long as you haven't spoken to Alexander yet.
- Anonymous
Lore implications and of a cipher on fire type whetblade? Connection between giants flame and two fingers? Or maybe the two fingers have their own fire powers. Fire is light and the two fingers speak with light. And the three fingers definitely use fire.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Chaos infusion that scales with faith and int and it makes madness buildup
- Anonymous
A madness infusion would be a cool opportunity to bring back something similar to mundane from ds2, if we look at the scaling on the frenzied seal we can see it scales with DEX, STR, INT and FAI, meaning a Frenzied Flame infusion could be similar to Chaos infusion from Ds3 with the bonus of madness build up. I’m not sure if such an infusion should also have ARC scaling, as scaling madness build up seems heavily abusable with AOW such as repeating thrust or sword dance.
- Anonymous
If you can’t get it after radahn, go back towards his boss arena and talk to the man on the way there. Exhaust his dialogue and the rest at a site of grace or fast travel a bit and you’ll be able to explore redmane castle and find this whetblade.
- Anonymous
I’m sitting at 16str/60faith. Tested with Flame of the Redmanes ash on a Godskin Stitcher. With fire it does 556, with 452 AR. With flame art is does 542, with 562 AR. So while it appears to boost you AR by adding faith scaling, it does NOT add faith scaling to the ash of war damage. Also with physical ashes even though it gives your weapon more AR than sacred, sacred does way more damage on the ash. Not sure if this is bugged, or if it’s just meant to be a crutch faith users can use again holy resistant enemies.
- Anonymous
Is there a difference between fire and flame art? All I ever hear people talk about is fire affinity, so I have zero clue what flame art is.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I know it says on this page to get it before the radahn festival, but I didn't know this was in redmane in the first place. seeing comments from a few saying they haven't been able to get it after killing radahn, seems like some get it and some don't. I made a build around faith, I be p*s*ed off if I can't get this until ng+ no way I'm playing through all this a second time. I'ts just not all that great a game when compared against the dark souls games, sekiro or bloodborne.
- Anonymous
In general, Fire will do a little less damage than Heavy (despite higer AR, because split-damage) HOWEVER Fire damage can be boosted by putting the flame tear in your physick flask whereas no corresponding tear exists for physical damage. So if you use the flame tear, Fire affinity will do more damage than Heavy while the flask buff is active.
Of course if you put a fire affinity on your weapon you can't buff it. The most damage can be reached by going heavy + black/blood flame blade + flame tear physick. However managing a third buff can be annoying if you are already using golden vow and flame grant me strength.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I appreciate that they thought about giving str and dex elemental damage that does not need an extra stat investment. Being able do deal fire damage that scales with str, and lightning that scales with dex is such a blessing. I honestly don't know what some people are on about when saying DS1 was so much better. The sheer ability to customise your build alone in ER is better than any of the DS games could ever dream of.
- Anonymous
Because there's a lot of conflicting info out there, you CAN get this before killing Radahn, before the castle goes into festival mode. The two triggers for the festival starting are resting at a site of grace in Altus Plateau (Divine Bridge and Mamga Wyrm Makar don't count) or talking to Ranni after Caria Manor.
If you go right to the castle before doing either of those you can grab it.
- Anonymous
In my opinion a must have for faith builds. Allows you to use Flame Art affinity when selecting fire-based Ashes of War (like Flame of the Redmanes) which allows for faith scaling and adds fire damage to a weapon. This means faith builds no longer have to worry about every weapon adding holy damage which many bosses resist.
- Anonymous
On a cold winter morning, in the time before the light
In flames of death's eternal reign, we ride towards the fight
When the darkness has fallen down, and the times are tough all right
The sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonight
Fighting hard, fighting on for the steel, through the wastelands evermore
The scattered souls will feel the hell bodies wasted on the shores
On the blackest plains in hell's domain, we watch them as they go
In fire and pain, now once again, we know
So now we fly ever free
We're free before the thunderstorm
On towards the wilderness, our quest carries on
Far beyond the sundown, far beyond the moonlight
Deep inside our hearts and all our souls
So far away, we wait for the day
For the lives all so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
- Anonymous
This is great for a shield build as if you mix this with shield bash or crash, then the shield (dragonclaw or fingerprint stone one or just normal toweshield) it will make fire damage plus awesome fire and lighting damage negation like in the 93% to 97%. Now all you need is magic protection
- Anonymous
You can get this very early in the game. Just gotta get in to the castle by going around the right side and up the ladder. Drop down on the far right when you see the knight with the flaming sword. Run past the flamethrower dudes and grab the "Chamber Outside the Plaza" site of grace(just before the boss door). Then head back out and turn left past another flamethrower guy. There's a small doorway at the end of the courtyard(watch out for the iron maiden on the right). The whetstone is just through the doorway.
- Anonymous
the trigger for redmane castle being repopulated and the doors opening is actually Jerren leaving. Talk to him after beating Radahn, rest at a site of grace, and then the castle will have soldiers in it again.
- Anonymous
i killed radahn and entered nokron havent talked to blaidd after ?improsoment by iji all the doors are locked for me and there are no enemies exept for a few two lions, page, dog infront of peasant chamber whats going on here there are no bosses as far as i can tell?
just talked to jeren i think this actually ended the festifal, all the enemies are back
- Anonymous
Initially I had no idea fire damage scales with strength, and lightning damage scales with Dexterity. I love this change. It gives melee-only builds so much spice. On my fresh strength build, I put Flame of the Red Manes on my Nightrider Glaive, and I'm just ripping through Caelid. Wish I had just done my first character as a STR build.
- Anonymous
i remember how happy I got when I saw that this had flame art affinity while I was playing on my faith build.
- Anonymous
SO what do I do with this. I take it its of no use on weapons with a prefixed art like Blasphemous Blade. Can some please give me an example of a good use case for me to experiment with. Thanks
- Anonymous
so funny thing, if you beat radahn and finish Sellen's questline taking her side against Jerren and kill him, you get permanently locked out of the room in which you get this. so. talk to him before killing him. or get this ng+1
- Anonymous
Killed Radahn, finished Rannis quest, explored Dragonburrow, went to Altus and teleported to Volcano Manor immediately via Rya, went back to Redmane, respawned all the enemies, killed the duo boss and the doors still don't open. Not sure what's up with that.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
When the festival begins, the doors will close, and then you have to defeat all the bosses in the area. Then the enemies in the area will show up, and the door open.
- Anonymous
When the festival begins, the doors will close, and then you have to defeat all the bosses in the area. Then the enemies in the area will show up, and the door open.
- Anonymous
Entering Altus Plateau is one of the triggers for Radahn's Festival. During the Festival, this item will be locked inside a building and unobtainable. So long as the Festival is not occurring, the building will be open and this item can be obtained. It is possible to go straight to Redmane Castle upon character creation and obtain this whetblade, as the Festival is not occurring until one of the conditions to activate it are met. It can also be obtained after Radahn's fight, as the Festival will have ended.
An excellent early-game option for Faith-focused characters for the Flame Art infusion for Ashes of War, as the Sanctified Whetblade is inside Leyndell, which is inaccessible until at least two shardbearers are defeated.
- Anonymous
Start New game
Radagon's Soreseal,
Fire Grant me Strengh,
Red Hot Whetblade,
Choose a weapon infuse it with fire.
Start my adventure.
- Anonymous
So when you use fire infusion does all the strength scaling go into the fire damage or is it split between physical and fire
- Anonymous
I ran here very early game and the door was open. Didn’t have to beat Radahn.
- Anonymous
I ran here very early game and the door was open. Didn’t have to beat Radahn.
- Anonymous
You can always get in. Use horse to ride up to gate, take a right and hug wall. Jump down to lower rocks and keep hugging wall until you climb up rocks. Just some bats here. Once at the top, hidden hole you jump over into a graveyard. Wooden part of wall has a ladder which lets you climb up to the top.
- Anonymous
the big question is here what is the difference between fire and flame??
- Anonymous
When I attempted to get this after killing radahn, the castle re-populated but the doors were still locked. No matter how many times I sat at the grace they stayed locked. I had to fast travel to the grace site for them to open.
- Anonymous
description of location: In the ground floor of the tower north east of Armorers Cookbook 4 ( its close by)
- Anonymous
TO ANYONE who has the door currently sealed close and are confused as you have beaten radahn etc: I had the same issue, and it was solved after talking to Witch Hunter Jerren again after beating Radahn. I did not realize he had more dialogue (he is seated in one of the rooms near the lift you take to radahn), and after I came back and spoke to him, refreshed at the grace, and came to the area this is in, it was now open. If you're wandering around Redmane looking for this and there's basically no enemies around, this is why. It should open and the enemies should come back after you exhaust his dialogue. Hope this helps anyone who was wandering around as confused as I was trying to figure out how to get in there
I just randomly found this as I was exploring the castle the first time. I can't even fight the boss until stars align or something.
- Anonymous
You DO NOT have to beat Radahn to get this. I just ran there right at the start with a new character and the doors are all open. The castle is only locked up and empty if you have the festival questline active.
- Anonymous
I have defeated both the double mini boss aswell as radahnn and the door to get this is still closed for me for whatever reason? so its possible you need to get it before killing radahn but either way its stupid
- Anonymous
This is in Redmane Castle after defeating the boss. From the grace take a left and you'll see some guys who weren't there before on the ballista, take a right and go straight on through a newly opened door and it'll be sitting on a corpse
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This is from Redmane Castle after you've killed the boss. Go back to the Chamber grace, turn left outside and turn right where you see the new enemies have spawned, there's a new door opened with the item on a corpse
through the fire and the flame arts