Midra's Manse is a Minor Legacy Dungeon in Elden Ring. Midra's Manse is a dungeon exclusive to the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. It is located in the Abyssal Woods region, southeast of the Dragon's Pit Terminus Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map].
General Information
- Recommended Levels: 150 - Above
- Bosses: Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame
- Site of Grace: Manse Hall [Map Link]
Midra's Library [Map Link]
Second Floor Chamber [Map Link]
Discussion Chamber [Map Link]
Video Walkthrough
Midra's Manse Map
NPCs in the area
- n/a
Weapons & Shields
- n/a
- n/a
Upgrade Materials
Enemy Drops
Keys & Other
- Notes go here
Full Midra's Manse Walkthrough
Midra's Manse Entrance
Enter through the main door of Midra's Manse and run up the steps to find the Manse Hall Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map]. The door on the right is currently locked, so hit the painting on your left to reveal a hidden hallway.
Proceed through the hallway, and you will find a room on your left. Enter the room, then pick up x1 Torn Diary Page on a dead body. The room will be filled with Shadow Undead, which you can easily deal with as they die in one or two hits. From where the gathered Shadow Undead enemies were, you can jump on the top of the shelves and use it as a path to find a body that holds x2 Swollen Grape Head back out the hallway through either of the two doorways in the room.
After heading out, you will encounter a Horned Warrior patrolling around the hallway. Once you have dealt with the Horned Warrior, you can follow the hallway going east, then go around the corner to find another room. Enter the room filled with Shadow Undead, along with a Shadow Undead above using the incantation Flame of Frenzy on you. In this same room, check the fireplace to find a body next to it that can be pillaged to find x4 Thin Beast Bones.
Head to the archway leading to another room, and you will encounter another Horned Warrior patrolling the room. You can sneak past the Horned Warrior as its pathing will only be in the direction it is facing. Follow the room going southwest, and a Shadow Undead will be waiting for you around the corner. The Shadow Undead will try to get a jump on you, so attack it right as you are going around the corner. After dealing with the Shadow Undead, head to the opposite room, then pull the lever.
After pulling the lever, follow the room on the east, hugging the wall, and you will find a ladder going up. You'll end up in a room with Shadow Undead scattered around. You can pick up x1 Shadow Realm Rune (6) from a dead body hanging by a beam. Head to the next room, which will be the balcony where the Shadow Undead using Flame of Frenzy on you is located. Jump onto the to reach the other side of the balcony to find a body that can be looted to obtain x3 Surging Frenzied Flame (NOTE: Post-release patch, the Swollen Grape item was changed to Surging Frenzied Flame). Next, head up the ladder on the northern wall of the room.
At the upper level, you will be walking across beams. As you traverse through the beams, there will be Frenzied Giant Rats on the right archway that might attack you. If you enter the dark room the rats are in, you can loot the Mad Craftsman's Cookbook (3) item. In the northeasternmost corner of this dark room, you can drop through some damaged planks to pick up another Swollen Grape from a body on top of some tall furniture in the room with Shadow Undead and the fireplace from earlier. Make your way back to the beams. Keep heading west, and you will arrive at the Midra's Library Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map].
Midra's Library
Head west of the Site of Grace, and you will be in the library. You will encounter frenzied enemies throughout the library. On your left, you can cross a beam to get on top of the library shelves. On the shelf in the middle, you can grab x2 Golden Horn Tender from a dead body. You can drop down to another shelf, which contains x1 Shadow Realm Rune (7). If you look towards west of the compass, you'll spot a body, jump down and pillage the corpse to find x2 Swollen Grape. Now head to the eastern side to find a door
Open the door to gain access to a shortcut to Manse Hall. After opening the door, look at the southern wall with the painting just before the previously closed door. Attack it to reveal another hidden path. This leads to a lever that you can pull to move a bookshelf, opening up another path.
Backtrack your way to the top of the bookshelves. Instead of dropping down again, jump on the ledge north of it. Follow the path, crossing the run-down path. Make the jump to get to a balcony with a dead body, where you can loot x1 Nanaya's Torch.
On the recently opened path, head up the stairs. You will be in a room on the upper level of the library, along with a normal and greater Inquisitor enemy in the area, defeating this enemy drops x1 Revered Spirit Ash. After defeating the enemies, head up another set of stairs on the east. Keep following the path, clearing the room of Inquisitors, and you will discover the Second Floor Chamber Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map].
Head north of the Site of Grace, and you will see a chandelier along with a ladder going down. Jump to the chandelier to obtain x1 Revered Spirit Ash. You can drop down safely to the ground without receiving any damage. Backtrack your way up to the Second Floor Chamber Site of Grace, then go directly east of it through the archway. You will hear a person wailing in the room nearby. Approach the wailing man, and it will be hostile towards you. Defeat the enemy, and it will trigger a cutscene.
Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame
After defeating the wailing man, it will then be revealed in the cutscene that he is Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame. You will then fight the true form of Midra, the embodiment of the Frenzied Flame. He will be using a spear made out of the weapon that was formerly impaling him. For a more detailed guide on how to defeat Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame, you can refer to this guide.
After defeating Midra, you will receive the Remembrance of the Lord of Frenzied Flame, and the Discussion Chamber Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map] will be unlocked.
Midra's Manse Map
Midra's Manse Videos
Midra's Manse Walkthrough Video
Speed Run Walkthrough
Upon entering Midra's Manse, head up the stairs and activate the Manse Hall Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map]. Hit the painting on the left to reveal an illusory wall. Through the hallway, enter the room on the left to find a body that can be pillaged to acquire the Torn Diary Page. Approach the group of Shadow Undead enemies and jump on the top of the shelves to find another body that can be looted to find x2 Swollen Grape. Head back out the hallway, defeat the Horned Warrior enemy, and head east to find a dining room filled with Shadow Enemies. Investigate the fireplace in this room to pillage a body holding x4 Thin Beast Bones.
Head to the archway leading to another room, and you will encounter another Horned Warrior patrolling the room and investigate this section until you find a lever that moves one of the shelves. Follow the room on the east, hugging the wall, and you will find a ladder going up. Walk onto the beam to find a body that can be looted to acquire a Shadow Realm Rune (6). Head into the next room and jump onto the chandelier to reach the other side of the balcony and loot the body to obtain x3 Surging Frenzied Flame. Climb up the ladder where you will be walking across beams. As you traverse through the beams, there will be Frenzied Giant Rats on the right archway that might attack you. If you enter the dark room the rats are in, you can loot the Mad Craftsman's Cookbook (3) item. Keep heading west, and you will arrive at the Midra's Library Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map].
From the Site of Grace, go west to find a library. Cross the beam to reach the top of the shelves, you should spot a body that can be looted to obtain x2 Golden Horn Tender. Look below and drop down onto another shelf that has a body, looting it yields x1 Shadow Realm Rune (7). Look towards west of the compass, you'll spot a body, jump down and pillage the corpse to find x2 Swollen Grape. Now head to the eastern side to find a door, unlock it to reveal a shortcut to the Manse Hall site of grace.
In the same room where you opened the shortcut door, there is a painting on the wall. Hit it to reveal an illusory wall. Run to the top of the stairs and climb up the ladder to find a lever that you can pull. This moves a platform that you can jump on in the library. Go back to the library where you can jump on the bookshelves to reach the platform that you just activated. Reach that balcony to find a body that can be looted to obtain x1 Nanaya's Torch. On the recently opened path, head up the stairs. You will be in a room on the upper level of the library, along with a normal and greater Inquisitor enemy in the area, defeating this enemy drops x1 Revered Spirit Ash. After defeating the enemies, head up another set of stairs on the east. Keep following the path, clearing the room of Inquisitors, and you will discover the Second Floor Chamber Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map].
Head north of the Site of Grace, and you will see a chandelier along with a ladder going down. Jump to the chandelier to obtain x1 Revered Spirit Ash. Backtrack your way up to the Second Floor Chamber Site of Grace, then go directly east of it through the archway. You will hear a person wailing in the room nearby. Approach the wailing man, and it will be hostile towards you. Defeat the enemy, and it will trigger a cutscene. This will trigger a boss fight against Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame. Defeating this legendary boss rewards the player with the Remembrance of the Lord of Frenzied Flame.
- Anonymous
I got summoned while inside the dark room with a bunch of rats, watched the host die to waterfowl dance, and then something peculiar happened. All the rats in the room were just gone. And when I looked at the floor below, the shadow people weren't there either (I didn't kill them). But when I exited the room back into the rafter things, all the rats just re-appeared. Not even aggro on me, either. Not the first time something weird has happened after being summoned & returning to my world, either...
- Anonymous
Lots of particulate floating around; had to activate the filters on my Great Helm
- Anonymous
What's the deal with the three graces. Either the developers could have saved themselves the shortcuts, or they could have left it at one or two graces. But it doesn't make sense to connect three checkpoints in such a way that I can switch between them faster on foot than if I teleport
- Anonymous
Missed the portrait of Midra and Nanaya cause I used Margit shackles on the first site of grace which broke both the hidden walls in the entire dungeon
- Anonymous
Looks spooky on the outside but the inside of full of the same enemies from other areas. What a letdown.
- Anonymous
The atmosphere here is insane. It's feels so cold here, but not scary, just mysterious.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
For everyone's knowledge the Midra's Manse is inaccessible. Same thing with the top of Raugh Ruins. Likely cut content
- Anonymous
This place is the biggest nod to Resident Evil 1.
1.) you’re running from evil horrors in the woods to a mansion that looks similar to the Spencer estate especially from the front and double doors
2.) everything in the mansion is under frenzy (T-virus)
3.) Midra looks a lot like Spencer from Resident Evil 5
4.) obviously souls, but to grotesque transformation into a perfect being (tyrant)
- Anonymous
The owls near the Manse (head left and around from the main entrance with the grace up the stairs) don't move at all when you're near them. My theory is that they forgot to program them perhaps.
Though they might get away with pretending they've gone mad also.
- Anonymous
OMG The OST of the boss is the violin theme the sealed merchant was playing under the Capital !! Simply amazing
- Anonymous
Something about this place is almost…comfortably unsettling if that makes sense. It’s like an unexpected refuge that reveals itself from the shadows and while pretty low key without much action to be had, it fits thematically to a T. Standout atmospheric stuff here too. Love it.
- Anonymous
You, approaching Eleum Loyce. Turn back... The old Chaos hungers still.
- Anonymous
Terrible experience. This place was advertised as a 5 Star Hotel but it was super dusty and not only were there rats, ghosts and weird phantoms appearing out of nowhere, the Residents also seemed kinda strange. Something about a yellow glow in their eyes and incoherent babbling. That made it pretty hard to check in to my Room.
Then there was constant screaming in the night and when i went to look what was up i got randomly attacked by some dude with a sword in his head. wouldn't recommend this Hotel.
This whole area was awesome and felt like an ode to Dark Souls level/boss design. I just wish the dungeon was a bit longer, especially considering how much running around I had to do to reach it in the first place.
- Anonymous
What's up with those headless bodies in front of this place? Everything about this whole area screams cosmic horror. I love it.
- Anonymous
Idk why exactly but I loved this place, after horror woods. It really felt like a blessing to find this building after these parry or die, even tho you know it won’t be an happy peace place
- Anonymous
This whole area and its discovery were fantastic from beginning to end and easily my favorite part of the DLC....Fromsoft absolutely kills it with horror themed areas.
Although now I'm finding myself craving more Bloodborne....
- Anonymous
normally i'd agree that the section behind the dungeon is inaccessible based on the amount of times the map lies to you in this game, however you can clearly see a statue or deliberately placed tree on the very bottom of the crevice. on top of the mist snaking down in a path like fashion I feel like there's a secret to get back there- even if its just a single item or ends up being disappointing
- Anonymous
Love hitting the stacks of books and watching them fly off the 2nd floor and scatter, unusually satisfying physics
- Anonymous
Is there a way to get the the area south of this place? It even shows a little grey path on the map!
- Anonymous
After defeating the boss and going to roundtsble, the whole mansion disappeared? My sites of grace are gone, and visiting the area there's no mansion... Very strange...
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Midra is a cool boss but I was super disappointed with the Manse, it looked so much larger than it was, I figured it'd be like cathedral of the deep kinda but it ended up being no longer than a Cave or Gaol.
- Anonymous
ok, so you beat midra... then what? is there a way out the back of the castle?
trying to get to that bit of the map south of it.
- Anonymous
Reminds me The Nightmare of Mensis for some reason and I love it
- Anonymous
I killed a fat priest and he dropped an item but before I could grab it my blue ring summoned me to another world. Was it anything important?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
given how you come to find this place, it was a very anticlimactic ending lol still cool tho
- Anonymous
Everytime you kill one "Aging Untouchable" one of the heads of the orange crystal guys in front of the manor goes down, i cannot find more then 5 or 6 of them, i dont remember, and there is the huge area behind the castle too, anyway there is something to do, this area as maybe more to offer, that what we believe (there is also rats in place you cannot go by foot for sure)
- Anonymous
If you listen to the ambiance, you can actually hear a very feint leitmotif during a very small portion of the song that is similar to song the merchants under leyndell play. This is such a small little detail that I just absolutely appreciate so much.
- Anonymous
There are a row of people sitting down in front of the mansion. What about that? Anything you can do to trigger something? I want to know if you can go further.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Brilliant level shortcut design reminiscent of classic souls.,. rendered completely pointless by sites of grace.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Bit short, thought could argue that this is simply the 2nd part of the chaos "legacy dungeon" with Jori as the door boss, and abyssal forest first part. Still would have been nice to have the location be a bit more crazier.
The side dungeons are notably more complicated to traverse.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I beat him with a bunch of parries, highly suggested as it was really fun and not too tough!
- Anonymous
They really tucked away one of the coolest bosses in the hardest place to find lmao. W dungeon
- Anonymous
Anyone knows how to unlock the first door, already defeated everyone in the area, fun boss fight but i think there's still more into this.
- Anonymous
Boss in this is insaely cool but the sword is sooooo dissapointing, it doesn't even inflict madness
- Anonymous
Cool area, great stealth elements. Boss is hard, I recommend going solo and using bleed in all forms. Watch out for huge and painful AOE. Sword is cool but a lackluster reward for the effort.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
small but very atmospheric place and also has a cool boss 9/10
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Really glad they decided to do more with the frenzy theme, really fun stuff.
- Anonymous
Really glad they decided to do more with the frenzy theme, really fun stuff.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Now imagine how scary the house would be if it were full of aging untouchables. Then again, sneaking around them in the library and other rooms would be pretty cool.