Cerulean Coast (Southern Shore) is a Location in Elden Ring. The Cerulean Coast region can be found south of the Gravesite Plain. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map]


A captivating vista of brilliant blue flowers, intermingled with colossal stone coffins of unknown origin that seemingly drifted to this place. To the east, the jagged peak thrusts upward into the clouds.


Cerulean Coast Map & Map Fragments

Start from the Pillar Path Cross Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map] directly south of Castle Ensis. Head north of the Site of Grace, wherein you will follow the cliff until you see a part of it that you can jump on. Make your way to the bottom using the rocks, then head south to a cave opening leading to the Ellac River Cave Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map]. Keep heading south until you get to the waterfalls, then carefully jump across the rock formations. Head south, and you can activate the Ellac River Downstream Site of Grace [See Elden Ring Map]. From here continue traveling until you see glowing blue flowers around the area, which means that you are on the Cerulean Coast.

traversal map elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 300px

(See our Shadow of the Erdtree Game Progress Route page for more info.)


Elden Ring Cerulean Coast Sites of Grace & Sub-Locations

Sites of Grace



All NPCs and Merchants in Southern Shore

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All Items in Elden Ring's Southern Shore Zone


Elden Ring Southern Shore Creatures, Enemies and Bosses


Elden Ring Cerulean Coast Notes

  • The entrance to Stone Coffin Fissure, which is located below the cliff of The Fissure Site of Grace will be sealed until Miquella casts away his great rune, which is a story event that is triggered by either approaching Shadow Keep or crossing the bridge east of Bonny Village.


Cerulean Coast Image Gallery

 cerulean coast


All Elden Ring Locations
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Gelmir)  ♦  Minor Erdtree (Weeping Peninsula)  ♦  Minor Erdtree Catacombs  ♦  Minor Erdtree Church  ♦  Mirage Rise  ♦  Mistwood  ♦  Mistwood Ruins  ♦  Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum  ♦  Moonfolk Ruins  ♦  Moonlight Altar  ♦  Morne Tunnel  ♦  Mountaintops of the Giants  ♦  Mt Gelmir  ♦  Murkwater Catacombs  ♦  Murkwater Cave  ♦  Night's Sacred Ground  ♦  Nokron, Eternal City  ♦  Nokstella, Eternal City  ♦  Old Altus Tunnel  ♦  Oridys's Rise  ♦  Perfumer's Grotto  ♦  Perfumer's Ruins  ♦  Purified Ruins  ♦  Ranni's Rise  ♦  Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel  ♦  Redmane Castle  ♦  Renna's Rise  ♦  Revenger's Shack  ♦  Ringleader's Evergaol  ♦  Road's End Catacombs  ♦  Rose Church  ♦  Roundtable Hold  ♦  Royal Grave Evergaol  ♦  Ruin-Strewn Precipice  ♦  Ruined Forge of Starfall Past  ♦  Ruined Forge Starfall Past  ♦  Sainted Hero's Grave  ♦  Scadutree Base  ♦  Sealed Tunnel  ♦  Second Church of Marika  ♦  Seethewater Cave  ♦  Sellia Crystal Tunnel  ♦  Sellia Evergaol  ♦  Sellia Gateway  ♦  Sellia Hideaway  ♦  Sellia, Town of Sorcery  ♦  Seluvis's Rise  ♦  Shack of the Lofty  ♦  Shack of the Rotting  ♦  Siofra Aqueduct  ♦  Siofra River  ♦  Siofra River Well  ♦  Slumbering Wolfs Shack  ♦  Smoldering Church  ♦  Spiritspring  ♦  Stillwater Cave  ♦  Stormcaller Church  ♦  Stormfoot Catacombs  ♦  Stormgate  ♦  Stormhill  ♦  Stormveil Castle  ♦  stranded graveyard  ♦  Street of Sages Ruins  ♦  Subterranean Shunning-Grounds  ♦  Summonwater Village  ♦  Swamp Lookout Tower  ♦  Swamp of Aeonia  ♦  Temple Quarter  ♦  Testu's Rise  ♦  The Four Belfries  ♦  The Shaded Castle  ♦  Third Church of Marika  ♦  Tombsward Catacombs  ♦  Tombsward Cave  ♦  Tombsward Ruins  ♦  Tower of Return  ♦  Uhl Palace Ruins  ♦  Unsightly Catacombs  ♦  Village of Flies  ♦  Village of the Albinaurics  ♦  Village Windmill Pasture  ♦  Volcano Cave  ♦  Walking Mausoleum  ♦  Weeping Peninsula  ♦  West Windmill Pasture  ♦  Windmill Village  ♦  Witchbane Ruins  ♦  Woodfolk Ruins  ♦  Writheblood Ruins  ♦  Wyndham Catacombs  ♦  Wyndham Ruins  ♦  Yelough Anix Ruins  ♦  Zamor Ruins


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    • Anonymous

      One of my favorite areas in Elden Ring in terms of aesthetics. Got lost on my blind playthrough so that was annoying, but not too bad now that I'm using a walkthrough.

      • Anonymous

        My only complain is that Cerulean Coast, Charo Hidden Grave and Stone Coffin Fissure lacked unique enemies.

        • Anonymous

          Imagine being an environment artist and spending months or even years making some of the most beautiful locations ever seen in a videogame just to have the gameplay designers copypaste a bunch of goombas there and call it a day.

          • Anonymous

            Dunno why everyone's complaining about the area being pretty but empty when that's exactly what Ash Lake was in DS1, though the lack of any memorable music does make it less special I guess.

            • Anonymous

              This is one place I saw for the first time and thought, "I'd love to smoke a joint out here somewhere." Kind of wish there was a way to make a lawn glow like this area does, it's super serene.

              • Anonymous

                Do you guys really always need to have tons of things to do, items to get, and secrets to find with every single area of the game? You can't just relax and ride through this area on Torrent enjoying the beautiful scenery?

                • Anonymous

                  you guys hate this area bc it's empty. i hate this area bc my brain is conditioned to look for a scarab beetle every 5 seconds bc of the ambient music; we are not the same

                  • Anonymous

                    There are lesser cemetery shades in the Cerulean Coast area so that might need to be added to the regular enemies list.

                    • Anonymous

                      The lightning perfume bottle is here, which is one of the best ones. So it’s not a complete wasted trip unlike most of the comments below. Also I don’t see the wiki listing this weapon yet so hopefully this helps someone. It’s among all the stupid lightning rams in the middle of a puddle on a dead body.

                      • Anonymous

                        i thought this was finally the moment we could farm the mantis enemies to get their bug hat for ourselves, oh well

                        • Anonymous

                          There's actually a diverging path at the dragon's pit terminus... The branch to the communion is descending and has a bump at its beginning which really looks like a cliff... tricked me

                          • Anonymous

                            this is literally a single area that only exists to transition into 2 other areas why are we complaining oh my god

                            • For anyone wondering how to get here... From Dragon's Pit take the plunge where there's a message saying 'be brave, show no fear' something like that, then there's a boss fight afterwards open the door and ride to 'Grand Altar of Dragon Communion' crossing the bridge thingy will take you to 'Charo's Hidden Grave ', from there easily ride to the map fragment.

                              • Anonymous

                                Fromsoft usually doesn't go back and update empty areas... but I am really hoping that they release an update for this

                                • Anonymous

                                  As wide as an ocean, as deep as a puddle. Nowhere near as unique or interesting as any of the base game areas, there is literally nothing here

                                  • Anonymous

                                    this area is completely empty,,, theres like 2 reused base game bosses and quite literally almost NOTHING else. hardly any enemies, loot, places of interest, etc. its literally just a giant blue field of nothing that you run through (takes forever) just to get to the next area which spoiler alert, is also super empty and lifeless. fromsoft, this took yall 2 years to make? are you serious rn? at this point im almost expecting a patch that will add the rest of the dlc because i am about halfway through it so far and it feels VERY unfinished. and im not talking fromsoftware "unfinished" like bloodborne or ds3, im talking like.. UBISOFT levels of unfinished. you gotta be kidding me guys.. THIS is the highest rated dlc of all time? nah. this aint even the best fromsoftware dlc, much less best ever made.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      i dont want to be that guy but dlc seems like "unfinished"? why such a beautiful area but seems like empty

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Can get here by following the Ellac River downstream and doing the jumping section with your horse. It will eventually lead to it if keep following river and run past the Furnace guy.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Getting here for the first time and riding all the way to the finger monument made me realise just how massive the DLC is. From the finger monument some of the area goes down much further than you initially see and that's even before I discovered the fisure underground.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            If you go south from the Ellac River Grace, there's a buncha rocks and pillars torrent can jump across that will bring you down there.

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