Paired Weapons in Elden Ring

Paired Weapons in Elden Ring are a Weapon type. When inputting to two-hand these weapons, your character will instead equip a second, duplicate weapon in their off-hand. This means that any existing type of weapon, from Daggers to Greatswords, could also be a Paired Weapon if they follow the aforementioned behavior.


Paired Weapons in Elden Ring

The following Paired Weapons are available in Elden Ring:

The following Paired Weapons are available in Shadow of the Erdtree:

Paired Weapons vs. Dual-Wielding

Paired Weapons differs from standard dual-wielding (a.k.a., power stance) in a few distinct ways:

And some more obvious, but no less important differences:

  • Inability to combine a greater amount of status buildups
  • Occupies only a single armament slot
  • Weapon Buffs coat both weapons with a single action


Paired Weapons Notes & Tips

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    • Anonymous

      I know it will never happen, but wouldn't it be cool to have a talisman that lets powerstance sets get the paired moveset with guard? Someone could have two identical weapons powerstanced (Bandit's Curved Swords, for example) and have this imaginary talisman equipped to unlock the very cool moveset used with two curved swords while being able to block and guard counter. Perhaps it could raise Equip Load to compensate a little for the weight required to powerstance.
      Or maybe having Parry and Block on a dual sword setup would be too much?

      • Anonymous

        A question: can you do powerstance with a great sword and a colossal sword (or ultra great sword) like in Dark Souls 2, I'm new to the game and I would like to know if it works with both weapons?

        • Anonymous

          genuinely prefer using this over powerstance, solely because i despise having to right click to attack with both weapons when powerstanced. it's something i just can't get used to

          • man its really weird how much they wasted by not bringing back cross-class powerstancing. imagine ss-axe or ts-katana, while maybe 1-2 attacks would look weird it would have been way more interesting

            • Anonymous

              Honestly a bit surprised they didn't add paired Katanas, paired Straight Swords and paired Greatswords to the DLC. I personally don't like Katanas but they really deserved a paired option

              • Anonymous

                I always disliked how paired weapons had their L1 relegated to blocking in the base game. After all if their damage negation and guard boost is so low what's the point? The Deflecting Hardtear no doubt alleviates this issue but does make me wonder why it wasn't a core mechanic from the beginning.

                • Anonymous

                  New from DLC:
                  Light & Lord UGS
                  Falx, dancer, and horned CS
                  Rellanas LGS
                  Smithscript dagger
                  Death knight axes
                  All Hand to Hand, beast claws, and perfume bottles

                  • Anonymous

                    I think it's worth noting that the Paired Weapons, when two-handed, count as being two-handed for the purpose of shield bounces, wall deflection, not rebounding off hard enemies, etc. I know it seems obvious that "when you two-hand a weapon, it counts as being two-handed," but two-handing paired weapons means you're holding two with one hand each, not one with both hands. It doesn't behave like normal powerstancing, despite looking the same.

                    • Anonymous

                      I'm not seeing anyone talk about this in the comments so I'll ask, is there any difference between using 2 separate paired weapons with 1 in each hand vs using 1 in the paired mode? I.E. If I pick up the Hookclaws in my first playthrough and equip them, I then have two claws that act as the same weapon effectively. If I then in NG+ get a second Hookclaws and instead equip them to my other hand, is there any noticeable difference assuming they have the same upgrade levels?

                      • Anonymous

                        The page still have yet to include into this the Throwing Blades, Perfume Bottles, Rellana's Twin Blades, the 2 Greatswords of Radahn, Dancing Blade of Ranah, Horned Warrior's Sword, and Death Knight's Twin Axes (i think Hand-to-hand and Beast Claws are also all paired). At least at the time this comment is written.

                        And also, so far Rellana's Twin Blades is the only paired weapon that doesn't allow guarding when two-handing, and instead does the left hand attack.

                        And i believe the "uniquely" note doesn't only apply to Starscourge Greatsword, but to any attack that only use "one weapon" while two-handing.

                        • Anonymous

                          Step 1)put ornamental straight sword in to 2 handing
                          Step 2)use the skill
                          Step 3)hold heavy attack button and let the carnage begin

                          • Anonymous

                            Once again, From has refused to make the Shotel a paired weapon. We cannot even get 2 in a single playthrough. Poor Lautrec.

                            • Anonymous

                              Main hand is a hard hitting weapon with a nice AoW (any of the "Great" type weapons, spears, anything with reach), off hand is a fast swinging weapon (dagger, handsman axe, thrust swords) with a buff type AoW. Start a fight with the left hand buff, swap to use both weapons and let carnage ensue.

                              • Anonymous

                                I would love to see some paired weapons in the DLC that are two different weapon types. Like the carton greatsword as an ultra with a dagger.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Here's to hoping they add more paired weapons to the DLC. Would love to have something like the Sellsword Twinblades or Gotthard Twinswords.

                                  • According to the page, "Using paired weapons still counts as two-handing a weapon and confers the associated strength bonus for two-handing, allowing to use them with less than the required strength."

                                    This is simply not true EXCEPT for the starscourge greatsword, which DOES get the damage boost for NON-PAIRED attacks ONLY. The Ornamental Straight Sword, and all Fists and Claws do NOT get the 1.5x str multiplier whatsoever.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      I find it supper weird that we somehow got this b*stard child of a paired weapons system alongside powerstancing...

                                      • Anonymous

                                        The wiki is incorrect when it says strong attacks remain the same. For fists and claws only; They vary both charged and uncharged to the one handed moveset, usually adding one or two more hits depending on if the attack was charged, which part of the chain the attack is in, and if one of the shouts that alters movesets was used..

                                        • Anonymous

                                          For real paired weapons like the Ornamental Straight Sword your weapon carry weight isnt doubled when you dual weild/powerstance them

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Why do paired weapons block with L1 in this game? In dark souls 3, L1 was the dual wield attack and R1 was the standard one handed attack. Huge shame.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Paired weapons > Powerstancing any day. The paired weapons in DS3 are the most fun and unique weapons in the entire Dark Souls trilogy, and the Rakuyo and Blades of Mercy in BB are two of most unique weapons in the entire franchise in terms of movesets. Quality over Quantity any day.

                                              • The paired weapon right hand attack button uses the same moveset as dual wielding the weapon type, but the charged/heavy attacks are different. That's the main benefit, outside of reduced cost to upgrade, I'd say.

                                                The main downside is that you can't use the one handed moveset, reducing your options, as it replaces that with blocking.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  With the samurai start, you can pick up a second uchigatana and those pair. One left hand light attack does a quick slash with left then right hands, a second light attack flows into another paired attack with different motions, and a third light attack does a simultaneous slash both hands.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Weapons do the same damage for crits and backstabs regardless of whether you're using one or both. Should be noted.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      One of many missed opportunities in this game. Basically only 2 paired weapons? No onikiri&ubadachi? No twindaggers or winblades? I would have waited another dev. cycle to get some the cut content, or otherwise absent content that really should be in the game, but isnt.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Why are the Warhawk Talons not a paired weapon? Every Warhawk uses two. Just saying. I was dual wielding them before switching to the Ornamental.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          so many comments about power stancing on a page about paired weapons. Have people literally lost their ability to communicate or comprehend basic reading?

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            neat wakizashi is a dagger but can be used for katana combos, too bad they didn't add the same thing for other daggers and straight swords. waki/katana should be taken off the list though it's not one weapon becoming two, changing r1/r2 attacks to dual, and the left to a block, it just acts as dual wielded katana. interesting but unrelated

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Seems like there is a lot of confusion in this section. Paired weapons are weapons that you equip in one slot, and when two handed will be two separate weapons. Dual wielding separate weapons from the same class is called Powerstancing, and do not receive the two handed bonus to strength. Also pretty sure the Wakizashi and other katanas should not be in this section, as they are powerstanced, not paired.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Just tested this on patch 1.04. TLDR, strength reqs on paired weapons ARE met by two handing 1.5x, unlike DS3. This may be patched later if it's a bug.

                                                                Level 1 character, heavy Star Fist +12 (req. Str 12 and Dex 8), Scaling Str B
                                                                Str 10: 1h=34 dmg. | 2h= 108+108 dmg (2 hits)
                                                                Str 15: 1h=142 dmg. | 2h=125+125 dmg (2 hits)

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I know that it says so on this wiki, but can anyone actually confirm if paired weapons receive the strength bonus from two handing? I keep getting mixed messages on it, especially with the starscourge greatsword

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Okay, I've been seeing mixed information on if paired weapons receive the two handing strength bonus. Do they, or do they not? I get the most mixed messages concerning the Starscourge Greatsword

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Really wish they chose to use two different weapon types instead of one. Starscourge Greatsword and the Ornamental Swords are not bad, but I just wish there was more weapons like the Farron GS or the Valorheart.

                                                                      • so i found that dual wielding the golden epitaph with the Ornamental Straight Sword gives the combo of the ornamental sword neat trick for changing combo of the epitaph also both wepons ashes can technically be used by two handing the epitaph buffing then swaping back to the DW and using ornamental buff

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          My tests so far so that the light and heavy attacks remain the same and the block button becomes a dual attack button and you do carry the weight from both weapons. This has been specifically with claws and fists. The character in question has not gotten duplicates of any other weapons yet. So either this entire post is inaccurate or the wording needs to be updated to better explain that fists and claws are specifically excluded from the... everything

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            I like the paired weapons solution and the power-stance solution to dual wielding, but I wish this category were more fleshed out with super creative weapons like the Farron Greatsword from DS3. It is what it is, I suppose.

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