Igon's Greatbow

igons greatbow elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 120
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
Rng 50
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy -
Mag -
Fire -
Ligt -
Holy -
Boost -
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str D
Dex E
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 23
Dex 16
Greatbow Pierce
Through and Through FP - (13 13)
Wgt. 12.5 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Igon's Greatbow is a Greatbow in Elden Ring. It is found in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Igon's Greatbow scales primarily with Strength and is specifically made for hunting dragons. Despite the mobility flaw, the heavy damage dealt when using great arrows makes up for it. All Greatbows require Great Arrows to fire.


Weapon of Igon, the broken drake warrior. A greatbow fashioned from two dragon bones bound with coarse rope. Covered in gashes left by claws. Imbued with Igon's obsession, enhancing the power of Igon's Harpoon.


Where to Find Igon's Greatbow in Elden Ring

The Igon's Greatbow weapon can be found at the following location:

  • Defeat Igon on the eastern side of Gravesite Plain [Map Link]
  • Complete Igon's questline by summoning him and then defeating Bayle the DreadIgon will drop his items at his previous location, just south-east of Foot of the Jagged Peak [Map Link] his body will have both Igon's Greatbow and Igon's set.


Elden Ring Igon's Greatbow Notes & Tips


Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Igon's Greatbow

  • Videos for the Igon's Greatbow Coming Soon


Igon's Greatbow Stats & Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Smithing Stones.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Igon's Greatbow Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst
Standard 120 - - - - D E - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +1 126 - - - - D E - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +2 133 - - - - D E - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +3 140 - - - - D E - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +4 147 - - - - D E - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +5 154 - - - - D E - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +6 161 - - - - D E - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +7 168 - - - - D E - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +8 175 - - - - D E - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +9 182 - - - - D E - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +10 189 - - - - D E - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +11  196 - - - - D E - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +12  203 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +13  210 - - - - C - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +14 217  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +15  224 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +16  231 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +17  238 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +18  245 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +19  252 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +20  259 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +21 266  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +22  273 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +23  280 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +24  287 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +25  294 - - - - C E - - - - - - - - - -




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    • Anonymous

      Im trying to come up with a weapon to go along this greatbow. How viable would dryleaf arts be? Im tired of playing magic and would like to go simple :)

      • Anonymous

        Some state in comparison to Golem's great bow and Great bow at 80 str 80 dex quality build. (At max upgrade):
        Igon's great bow's AR: 294+242
        Golem's greatbow's AR: 318+364
        Great bow's AR: 306+263

        Damage against gate front solider by giving him headshot directly from grace. With no damage/range increment items/buffs:
        Golem's great bow (Through and Through): 2010 with normal great arrow, 1926 with Igon's harpoon
        Igon's great bow (Through and Through): 1609 with normal great arrow, 1883 with Igon's harpoon
        Igon's great bow (Igon's drake hunt): 1918 with normal great arrow, 2243 with Igon's harpoon
        Great bow (Through and Through): 1715 with normal great arrow, 1651 with Igon's harpoon
        Great bow (Igon's drake hunt): 2019 with normal great arrow, 1969 with Igon's harpoon

        In my case:
        If using normal great arrow: Great bow with Igon's drake hunt yields the highest damage, slightly higher than Golem's great bow.
        If using harpoon: Igon's great bow with drake hunt out damages everything by more than 10%.

        My only wish is Igon's bell can be carried through NG+ in the future, other wise I'll have to kill Bayle every playthrough to restock harpoons.

        • The bonus damage from Igon's Harpoons seems to be 20%, just like Radahn's Greatbow with Radahn's Spears. BUT, I noticed that the bonus from Igon's Harpoons DOES NOT STACK by using two bows, but radahn's spear's bonus STACKS upon using two of radahn's greabows. On top of that, Igon's Hapoon has lower base damage (90) than other greatarrows, so this is quite useless IMO.

          • Anonymous

            This weapon doesn't make your character to say


            Literally unusable.

            Miyazaki needs to fix it to make this weapon good

            • Anonymous

              Why the weapon skill doesn't make your character to say:


              Honestly, From and Miyazaki-kun wasted a great chance to make this skill to be remarkable.

              • Anonymous

                Did testing on the best strength greatbow. Damage testing done on the Cleanrot Knight at prayer room (no headshot, new game+6) with 70 strength and 18 dexterity with shard of alexander, arrow soaring sting talisman, arrow sting talisman, sharpshot talisman (must continue aiming down till hit)

                +25 Igon's Greatbow with Igon's Drake Hunt (507 AR) and Igon's Harpoon was 2017 damage

                +10 Golem Greatbow with Through and Through (597 AR) and Greatarrow was 1672 damage

                Even using greatarrows on Igon's bow still did 1729 damage which is more than Golem.

                Finally I tried through and through on Igon's bow with Igon's harpoon which did 1652

                So Igon's Greatbow and Igon's Drake Hunt is better and you can even save 2 dex points (16 dex Igon, 18 golem) to do more damage with more strength. Igon also weighs 2 less

                • Anonymous

                  Igon's bow is the second-best bow for one shotting. when it comes to flat-out physical damage due to the Ash of War which gives +75% extra damage. golem greatbow+10 maxed out deals 318+391 Phys dmg (709) then you need to add on the additional 30% dmg from the Ash of War bring golem great bow to deal 921.7 physical damage. meanwhile, Igon's greatbow+25 maxed out deals 294+261 (555) then with the extra 75% dmg from the Ash of War brings the total to 971.25. The best bow would be the greatbow+25 with igon drake hunter now, which would deal 588 (306+282) when maxed out and 1029 with Ash of War.

                  • Anonymous

                    I've done some testing with Igons great bow, and I really loved it. So I went and completed the dlc and came back again in new game plus so I could get another igons great bow in order to do more damage like have 2 lions greatbows equipped. However, having 2 igons greatbows equipped did not do more damage, so it seems like the effect of igons bow on igons harpoons does not stack like the lions greatbow. Has anyone else found this problem?

                    • Anonymous

                      wondering between Rahdan Lion Greatbow + Radahn's Spears or Igon's Greatbow and Arrows with AOW Rain Of Arrows or Rahdan Greatbow with Igon Arrow

                      • Anonymous

                        With VERY limited testing, 25 strength and 40 dexterity, testing on the beast man warrior down the stairs from spiral rise as my training dummy:

                        Golem Greatbow +10 and great arrow normal shot did 1959, using Through and Through with great arrow it did 3005, with Igon's harpoon normal shot did 1904, and with Through and Through Igon's harpoon did 2932.

                        Igon's Greatbow +25 and great arrow normal shot did 1572, using Igon's Drake Hunt with great arrow did 2985, with Igon's Harpoon normal shot did 1828, and with Igon's Drake Hunt and Igon's Harpoon it did 3490.

                        Results: In every situation asides from using Igon's Greatbow coupled with Igon's Harpoon, Golem Greatbow with normal great arrows are better, and considering they cost 300 runes versus 1000, plus ease of access to be able to buy Igon's Harpoons, it just is not worth the slight extra damage. HOWEVER, this is not considering that my stats are not focused on utilizing greatbows to their max, nor was I using any talismans that would affect damage other than Shard of Alexander for both weapons because I simply forgot to take it off.

                        • Anonymous

                          It melts dragon's like their are nothing, ancient dragons, drakes, not even placidusax stands a chance, this is quite literally the ultimate dragon slaying weapon.

                          • Anonymous

                            Ah, dragonslaying, knighthood’s highest calling… but for for every one of them, we lost three score of A HAIL OF HARPOONS!!!

                            • Anonymous

                              Yes guys finally not the 18 Dex cap, i can save 1 point now (spread crossbow). Thanks BAYLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

                              • Anonymous

                                The Igon (CURSE YOU BAYLE) Build:
                                Igon Armour set
                                Igon's Greatbow with the Igon's Drake Hunt Ash of War
                                Igon's Harpoons + normal Great Arrows
                                Spear Talisman
                                Arrow's Sting Talisman
                                Shard of Alexander
                                Arrow's Soaring Sting Talisman
                                60 Strength (80 for the max. scaling thats worth)
                                just 16 Dex (it has bad scaling)
                                (If your heart desires Dragpm Communion Incantations use the Clawmark Seal with the Dragon Communion Seal in the off hand. Best Incantations to use would be Greyoll's Roar, Dragonmaw and Dragonclaw because of the small requirements)
                                Have Fun with it as I had WITH A HAIL OF HARPOONS!! :)

                                • Anonymous

                                  If you are hunting dragons and specifically using Igon's Harpoons, this bow will do more damage with Igon's Drakehunt against dragons compared to the Greatbow despite having lower damage. I don't have Ancient Dragon Stones to make it 25 so I tested Igon +24 and Greatbow +25 both with Drakehunt against the respawning Farum Azula dragon. Greatbow did 1383 on the body. Igon did 1480 on the body. Greatbow AR is 784, Igon AR is 699. I'm 80/80 STR/DEX.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    This Greatbow has the lowest Dexterity scaling of all Greatbows in game, so it is better for a Strength focused and minimum Dexterity build

                                    • Anonymous

                                      It has the lowest AR on 60/60, just slightly lower than normal greatbow. Golem still has the highest AR by around ~20% more.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        This bow on a dedicated greatbow build has honestly been one of the most gratifying experiences to date. When summoning in at 150, i can easily 2 shot most invaders, and im doing close to 900 damage per shot on bosses.

                                        You ever summon Zoa The Huntress on PlayStation, you have my bow.

                                        • Roleplaying as Igon vs. Bosses with weak spots as Coop is a lot of fun, the Scadutree Avatar has a lot of moments where it's head will remain stationary for 2 attacks, with 56 str 40+end(just to get enough stam to get 3shots of) and rest in dex or maybe faith/int with spells just a ton of fun hitting like 2-3k per shot

                                          • Anonymous

                                            They really dropped the ball on the skill of this weapon. Igon himself says hes going to kill bayle with a "hail of harpoons". They should've gave it a skill called "Hail of harpoons" where you roar and fire 3 great arrows in a quick succession or as a multishot with slight randomness in trajectory. I don't care if each greatarrow did 25-30% less damage each, it would still be unique for greatbows and not just a reskinned "through and through". So much potential lost.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Quick tip, you DO NOT need to summon Igon, you WILL need to get his Finger however still for his equipment to show up afterwards... This will help you avoid having to fight Bayle with a 60% HP buff and 50% status resist buff... Happy hunting Drake Warrior.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                you're legally obligated to yell "CURSE YOU BAYLE" in your head everytime you fire this thing, even if it's not at a dragon. the only acceptable way to honor igon

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  The Ashe of War mentions a you "Bellow" when firing, so does that mean the Roar medallion can increase the damage?
                                                  Gimme DV if no, browser is being iffy rn

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    This makes every human AI enemy a joke. It turns using bows from quite possibly the worst vs the AI to being able to all of them blindfolded because of how the strong the poise break is on the scream. God bless you Igon you glorious bastard.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      this is monstrously powerful on a strength build. swapped out the erdtree greatbow for this and the difference in damage was astounding.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Useful to kill Senessax (aka worst boss design) and get a free 1x Ancient smithing stone and 1x Ancient somber smithing stone

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          did some testing on the troll near Godrick's room:
                                                          Using Igon's Drake Hunt to shoot a Rahdahn spear while the Lion Greatbow was equipped in my off hand did 1257 damage
                                                          Using Igon's Drake Hunt to shoot a harpoon did 1470 damage
                                                          Using Rahdahn's rain to shoot harpoons while Igon's greatbow was equipped in my off hand did 2830 damage
                                                          Using Rahdahn's rain to shoot Rahdahn spears did 2905 damage (though the damage of this weapon art varies a lot so I'm not sure about these values)
                                                          It seems like it's best to just use the ammo type that's matched to Igon's bow and Rahdahn's bow if you're going to use them.

                                                          On the other hand, there's the Golem bow:
                                                          Using through and through by itself to shoot a regular great arrow did 1290 damage
                                                          Using through and through to shoot a harpoon with Igon's bow in my offhand did 1511 damage
                                                          Using through and through to shoot a spear with the Lion Greatbow in my offhand did 1548 damage
                                                          So if you're going to use the off-hand bonus damage cheese, I think the Lion's greatbow is the better choice; the exception being if you're fighting a dragon.

                                                          Igon's greatbow still has a niche as being the best bow for pure for primarily STR builds, I think.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            This thing requires 16 Dex instead of 20 like the greatbow or 18 like the Golem greatbow, which allows you to spend less points on dex which could be useful for builds that require a lot of stats like STR/FTH or even just for low level invasions

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              The WA has two animations with two separate stamina cost. The first is the 20 stamina yell, the second is the 50 stamina shot. So long as you have 1 stamina for the yell, the shot will also go through at full damage. The yell gives you a minor poise buff, helping you complete the shot, as well as knocks down less poised enemies in melee range.

                                                              Testing on the fire knight at the Storeroom Seventh Floor site of grace, once the yell goes through I could tank his melee swing or his fireball, as well as knock him down if he's close to me. Testing on the curseblade from the start of the DLC, the yell doesn't knock him down, and doesn't give enough poise to tank his spinnig lunge attack, but does give enough to tank his light one handed attack.

                                                              In comparison, through and through costs 50 stamina, but can be interrupted by even the slightest of hits.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Pro tip: the Ash of war is powerful... but it's not its value.

                                                                It can be repeated without resetting the greatbow, meaning rapid(ish) fire is now available...

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  the unique WA is cool and does more damage than through and through, I think
                                                                  unfortunately his harpoons do less damage than regular arrows on anything that isn't a dragon, it seems

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Greatbow with Igon's > Golem's with Through and Through > Igon's with Igon's

                                                                    However Greatbow is only slighty better than Golem's and the damage on non AoW arrows will be much higher on Golem's

                                                                    The only use case for this bow I can see is Igon's Greatbow + Igon's Drake Hunt + Igon's Harpoon, and only against dragons. Pretty niche.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Although the combination of Golem's + Radahn's on the back with Radahn's arrows gives a stronger hit, Igon's with Igon arrows gives comparable damage at 11.5 less weight and 4 less DEX. That's not a bad tradeoff if you're STR heavy and don't have much DEX past the minimum requirements to begin with. Not to mention the utility of not having to swap your off-hand mid fight back and forth if you like to refresh your self buffs with an incantation, that's two extra actions you could gain mid combat. In a game centered on action economy, this is not a negligible gain.

                                                                      Of course, the above might not apply if multiple of those stats (STR, DEX, END) are all very high, or if you have access to two Igon's, but at lower levels the tradeoff versus the Golem/Radahn combo is nothing to sneer at.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Golem's greatbow does more damage with through and through shots on a dragon's head, even with Igon's harpoons. Tested with Shard of Alexander and all 3 arrow damage talismans. Igon's ~4900 damage, Golem's ~5300 damage. 52 Strength 80 Dexterity

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Alright, I get it, it takes time to compile information about things on a wiki. Especially since this is DLC is not too far off from just being elden ring 2 as far as content density.

                                                                          However, maybe we shouldn't be putting information that's just straight up wrong. You have placeholders for a reason, use them.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            This weapon can be infused with ashes of war - it comes with an ash of war that is a stronger version of through and through but doesn’t penetrate. It also has a passive that buffs Igon’s harpoons which should stack of you run two of the bows as it works in the offhand as well - there is a bug currently where radhans spears don’t get their damage buff if you use the ash with radhan bow on offhand (only when using the ash nor when normally firing) this would make radhans spears the better arrow for damage if you only had one igon Greatbow and one radhan bow in the offhand - max damage is achieved when using two igon greatbows with igon harpoons and the igon ash of war

                                                                            Note: not tested but rellanas stance talisman might work with ‘stance’ allowing further damage increase

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              I love bows/greatbows/crossbows. Why cant fromsoft make greatbows good in pvp you just try to attack and it takes ages to fire even on a jump attack. They gotta make the igons ash of war a true combo aswell the yell stuns people but then they can roll out of the arrow 1 second after its so stupid.

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