Taunter's Tongue

taunters tongue elden ring wiki guide 200px
Type Reusable
item effects icon elden ring wiki guide 55px 18pxEffect
status effect 61 elden ring wiki guide 44px Lures in invaders

Taunter's Tongue is a Multiplayer Item in Elden Ring. Multiplayer Items allow players to interact with each other in various ways, including leaving messages for other players to read, co-operative gameplay and competitive gameplay like PVP.


Item for online play.
(Can also be used from the Multiplayer menu.)

Lures in invaders. This allows your world to be invaded without any Furled Finger cooperators present, and it also shortens the interval between windows of opportunity for invasion.

Additionally, enables the arrival of a second invader to join when a cooperator is present. (With two invaders, the maximum number of cooperators becomes one.)


Taunter's Tongue Location in Elden Ring

Where to find Taunter's Tongue:

  • Dropped by an invading spirit, Mad Tongue Alberich, within the Roundtable Hold.
    • Upon arriving or teleporting in via Table of Lost Grace, run around the left of the table and go through the second opening you see. This will bring you to an area with a raised balcony and a lower floor below. Jump down to the lower floor to get invaded by Mad Tongue Alberich.
  • Available by default during the Network Test.


Elden Ring Taunter's Tongue Guide

  • Beckons Bloody Fingers and Recusants to come invade your world.
  • This allows you to be invaded even without a Furled Finger cooperator present, and reduces the amount of time before re-invasion is possible. However, you still need to use a Furlcalling Finger Remedy.
  • It also allows for a second invader to join multiplayer. (With two invaders, the maximum number of cooperators becomes one.)
  • Both invaders can be summoned via duelist signs, enabling free-for-alls or "fight clubs" (where the invaders duel each other instead).

Notes & Trivia

  1. You can gain access to Leyndell Royal Capital with this item and the help of another player. Activate it near the lift at the Divine Bridge site of grace after using the teleport trap at the Tower of Return. The Invader or Hunter will likely spawn at the bottom of the lift; If they use the lever to summon the lift, you will be able to use it to get to Leyndell. This can allow you to easily gain access without beating the bosses required to get in via the usual means.
  2. Similar in function to the Dried Finger in Dark Souls. However, unlike the Dried Finger, the Taunter's Tongue does not unlock additional summon slots, as you can already summon the max number of cooperators without it (2). Furthermore, the tongue can be turned off, regardless of whether or not you are in multiplayer.
    • The community scorns those who abuse and turn off the Taunter's Tongue. Use it at your own discretion


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    • Anonymous

      game release for 2 years and no one do a real taunter tongue run.
      yes , Im not count the guy who use CE get everything in game since RL1 and call taunter tongue challenge , that a cheat run bruh.
      fresh start > get horse at gatefront ruin > rush to smoldering church to go round table > kill alberich for taunter tongue > go first grace and activate this > challenge begin here.

      • Anonymous

        I think the reason behind this being toggleable and all the other gank advantages in this game was to offset the activity loss from the removal of solo host invasions. With the changes made, ganking is as easy as it ever has been, letting players of all skill levels set up scenarios to get easy victories. On PC I generally get more invasions against taunter's tongued hosts than actual co-opers so without them the game would feel extremely dead. If they made this untoggleable I think activity would dry up pretty quick. It sucks fighting invasion after invasion against ugly braindead troglodytes cave ganking with their status builds and glitches but that says more about the community being infested with disgusting losers than it does the game mechanics.

        • Anonymous

          Taunters tongue has given me the best and worst invasions of all time. On one hand, awesome atmospheric bridge duel with bare hands and kicks. On the other hand, some of those radahn beach gankers once tried to convince me that they had pulled my IP.

          • Anonymous

            I have had a tongue on a character with 200+ hours on it and not once have I ever been invaded, is there something I'm doing wrong?

            • Anonymous

              Been doing a solo taunter's tongue playthrough and it's hilarious to witness the trauma behavior of ER invaders. Most of them either realize I'm alone and become friendly/want to honor duel, or maul me mercilessly on sight expecting phantoms to jump them at any moment. This is truly what gankers do to a mf

              • Anonymous

                I'm like most people, I win some and I lose some. But to those of you who would point me down during my Taunter's Tongue run when I'm not even using phantoms or a great rune, you break my heart. Don't worry, I'll still bow when I beat you like always, but it's sad to see when I'm going out of my way to make the fight fair for you, or even stacked against me. I invade too, and I think hosts/invaders/phantoms could all stand to be a little nicer to each other.

                • Anonymous

                  To my wizard co-invader in leyndell, i rarely have a co-invader, you're like my 10th co-invader or something, and u break my heart so badly by attacking me, i'm sorry about killing u, i need to reroll the teammate

                  • Anonymous

                    I'll have a run using this item before the DLC arrives. It's going to be only me vs the enviroment + invaders, with no players helping me. Invaders will be traded as any other enemy, I'll do my best to erradicate them. PvP formalities are going to be left in the colosseum, despite the lack of manners of many players on the arena...

                    • Anonymous

                      When i'm exploring Legacy Dungeon, i always have a Furled Finger, White Chiper Ring active and Taunter Tongue active, this is something u don't get in Colosseum, a big open area where u can set up some ambush, parkour to escape or uses weird item like mimic veil, but i can't do this on Stormveil bc of the ******* twinker while it's literaly the best map for the war

                      • Anonymous

                        I very rarely summon so I’ve never had cause to look into it. But this let y’all be invaded, and the second only applies after a cooperative summon is brought in. Am I reading that right? Because I missed invasions, but don’t like being jumped by three dudes.

                        • Anonymous

                          I have 1 gold and 1 blue, you 2 red have the PvE in case u need to re-apply buff or something, we fair right? At least i'm not that piece of **** who disable the taunter tongue after getting an invader while having 2 gold all pvp ready

                          • Anonymous

                            This also works on reds IRL. Just say something about reds and they all come after you to defend their pride.

                            • Anonymous

                              i wish the pvp wasn't garbage so more people were inclined to invade so i can finally get my 1v1s in placidusax's arena

                              • Anonymous

                                Boohoo poor invaders I'll abuse this item all I want you're out to ruin lowbies fun I'll do whatever I can to make it miserable for you and draw out a fight forever as you try to chase me down and I get blues over and over

                                • Anonymous

                                  Invaders should be a taunter tongue-only thing. No pve player wants invaders in their world except gankers. Ppl then are like nooo don't use seamless. **** yea I'll use it if I have to be invaded by the same shitter with the same setup for the millionth time just for trying to play with my bros. This game's online is so dogshit

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I hope they do balance out duels and the arena for sure. But invaders deserve nothing. I hope they cut their health in half give hosts a seed item, reduce all invaders damage by half and insta kill them if they stay in a hosts world for more then 5 minutes while taking all thier runes permanently. Invaders are trash and deserve nothing but trash in return.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Oh and btw invaders have far kore advantages then the host does they hace the entire map and all the pve on their side to hide behind most of them are save scummers and dupers with infinite resources while the host just has his phantoms and unlike ds2 abd 3 thetecis no giants tree seed item in this game. So stop listening to whiny invaders complaining about balance since it has and always will be in their favor.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        I use this just to enjoy watching invaders lose their sh!t when they realize they're up against a host that's actually capable of pvping and not some dude/dudete and their friends just going through the level.

                                        I've learned that invaders actually collectively suck at pvp and only invade to get easy wins against noobs who don't know how to deal with them.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          "The community scorns those who abuse and turn off the Taunter's Tongue. Use it at your own discretion"
                                          I don't see how anyone can abuse this. Or perhaps I'm not creative enough.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Honestly, this item is great. I started using this with my simple str build, to Spice up game while we are still here waiting dlc. Gotten several honorable duelists bows and all. Feels like going back to ol days ds1. No rune arcs just normal walking around. Wich reminds me, dear invaders here, if you get 1v1 invasion thanks to this and you loose, dont assume its because "well they had rune arc, so ofc i loose" or "well they had more heals ofc i loose" i have been invaded when ive had just 4-3 flasks left and still won duel. Ive Lost duels too. Its simple you win some and loose some.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              To any would-be solo hosts out there in Elden Ring: don't. No invader wants this. Invaders go in EXPECTING a 3-on-1, prepared for a tough fight where they use the enemies in the level to their advantage. The fun of invading is finding 2-3 dudes just playing the game. Being the invader means causing problems by being a smarter enemy than the average misbegotten or soldier, putting up a tough fight for the host. If I wanted to 1v1 people, I'd go to the coliseum. Solo invasions in Elden Ring are a bad time for hosts, because invaders pose a serious threat, and they're a bad time for invaders, because it's usually either an easy win or a boring slog.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                this item is great because you can turn it on after getting in a good position using the horse, then when the invader comes he cant use horse lol. you can farm them with jar cannon and great bows just keep crafting more great bolt and great arrow. i love turning the white ring on too because hunters in blue colour will get summoned automatically. the important part is to go somewhere on the horse where the invader cant jump to so you have enough cover to spam ranged spells and weapons. i farm a lot of souls this way

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  I rarely ever invade but I play as a cooperator often, sometimes I get summoned to gank squads and see them using this tongue. I think it shouldn't be usable if you have the white cipher ring turned on, and unusable if you have furled fingers summoned. as for getting more than one invader, perhaps having a rune arc activated would allow two invaders at once.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Bad at PvP and need practice?, use this to lure in invader for a 1v1, give them a bow and they will immediately understand and show you their best fight, most of them are insanely good at PvP so you can learn better from them

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      I don’t understand giving invaders an award for success and then not letting them use it in PvP. Do the people who run this company app have pink hair dye poisoning on the brain? Cause they sure seem demented

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Using this solo should open you up to 1 invader only, at least that would PARTLY deal with the ganker problem

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          So if you can turn this of at will give invaders the ability to block areas so gankers can't chose spots like radagon fogwall
                                                          Now that would be kind of fair, oh wait....

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            I'm totally in love with the Haligtree, so I usually sweep the whole area clear from the Haligtree Town site of grace down to the Haligtree Town Plaza site of grace up to the Boss' fog wall outside the Haligtree Prominade site of grace. No misbegotten, ants, plants, snails, battlemages or rotting corpses in the whole zone; usually after 15 minutes with my build. Using Taunter's Tongue and the White Cipher Ring, you can see impressive red vs blue phantom battles tracing along the branches and rooftops of this beautiful city. Just make your character name point out its a fight club so no one is confused about the situation. It's like the lake fight scene from that Jet Li movie, Hero except with 10 times more flips and 10 times less 'honor' lol.

                                                            It's a good hosting item, just make sure you clean your house before inviting guests to visit.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              As someone who's done both solo taunter's tonguing and arena duels, the difference in the feel of a 1v1 in a flat circle and in the open world is insane. If anybody is reading this and does duels but not solo taunter's tonguing, you gotta give it a shot. Always so interesting to see an invader who's so ready to get blasted with a 1v3 host gank just see me, in my not min maxed build chilling out or farming enemies.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Picked up the game after a while, and actually engaged with the multiplayer beyond cooperation. This item is not 'useless bc of arena', nor is i 'unfair' or 'broken' because you can turn it on and off at will. It's by far my favourite way to do PvP, because you don't have to sit there in a room waiting for matches, and you get to stay in your own world. Nearly everybody has been respectful and honourably dueled, and most seem surprised they didnt invade a group of 3 to be immediately killed (also reflected in their build gimmicks being high damage/spammable/stunlocking.
                                                                Invaders don't get to set the terms for their PvP, and getting angry at an item designed to encourage balanced invasions is just stupid. Arena gave it a bad rap, but the best aspect of PvP is variety, and this shits on arena in that regard.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  step 1) disguise yourself as an exile with a torch pole (tedious farming)
                                                                  step 2) kick every exile soldier off the stormveil cliffside
                                                                  step 3) tongue
                                                                  problem, invaders?

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Turn this on planning on doing a solo playthrough with some invasions on the side.

                                                                    Immediately get invaded 3 times in a row by the same guy with a Dragon Scale Katana and Lionel's Armor, along with like, 7 flasks. I tried bowing to him beforehand but he just ran at me full tilt after buffing up with Boiled Crab. Lose to frostbite procs. End of invasion he just chugs all of his remaining flasks to rub it in.

                                                                    Love PvP, I've been invading for ages, but why people get dopamine for tooling on low level builds with lategame talismans, items, and heavy armor is completely beyond me. I did like 23 damage per hit to him lmao

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      My heart goes out to every invader thats visibly suprised whenever they get into my world and realize im actually playing solo and they actually have a chance at winning for once

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Should add an extra invader slot regardless of summons present, not be deactivated at will, and boost item discovery and runes by 30%.

                                                                        Besides that, this game really needs covenants to encourage more PvP and discourage ganking.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          I use this solo when I'm farming for spirit flame or golem arrows. It's incredibly boring and a random invasion makes it better. 90% turn into fun duels, the rest are obnoxious tryhards who don't seem to realize a solo host has no reason to chase you through a trash mob. (I just jump off a cliff when that happens)

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Honestly I just put this on while I’m solo and get some amazing experiences. It’s pretty fun to have on.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              You see my friends, you all come here complaining about how FromSoft destroyed the multiplayer in this game, but you all mostly fail to notice one thing: PvP in Dark Souls games was so good because of the community, not because of how it was programmed. People (at least in most cases) had actual honor, the fights were proper, and there were not too many sweatlords who would backstab you if you were standing AFK.

                                                                              As Elden Ring hit a much wider audience than DS games, it naturally drew in way more people, and, unfortunately, those of the worst sorts. It is absolutely filled in to the brim with genital-less ganking tryhards, most people will abuse the **** out of every single mechanic, item or spell that can be abused. Meeting someone who actually has balls and wants to play out a fair and proper duel is an amazingly rare occurence, but when you meet one of the old DS players... you see it instantly, just by the way they behave and start the fight. I honestly miss those and I wish ER did not go as big as it did - I would rather have a much smaller community but consisting of people who actually have a spine instead of this pathetic shitshow that it became.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                1. Make this item increase the summoning limit by 1 for the Invaders if the host has 2 summons (that way solo TT playthroughs are untouched)
                                                                                2. Give it some sort of cooldown so you can't activate and deactivate it at will
                                                                                3. The host gets a significant amount of extra runes and/or item discovery to encourage inexperienced people to interact with pvp
                                                                                4. Add detection zones around the common areas people abuse afk farming, if they haven't left those zones for 10+ minutes in a multiplayer session, teleport them to the nearest site of grace OR fix the way invaders spawn when using the fingers and add spawn points to those afk farming areas only if the host is there

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  What a great way to show everyone that you are coward scum than using this with your buddies then turning it off, preferably in a small area with the most cringe meta weapons possible.
                                                                                  Wish I could see taunters tongue users irl so I can avoid them. Blues in this game are also noble AF.These boys sure do need protection.
                                                                                  The only change needed is that these clowns could damage each other but that's never gonna happen.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Does this basically make it the same as dark souls for a singleplayer host? If it does I might have it on for my next run, I'm not a pvp'er by any means, but I don't mind a couple of invasions here and there

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      I'd love to see this enable friendly fire between host/phantom/hunter. Watching audience pathway gankers try desperately to not 2 shot eachother would be too sweet.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        I don't think anyone would complain if this item was removed. There should just be an item like dried fingers in DS3 which enables a second red while also allowing another phantom to be summoned. Taunter's Tongue is just cancer and ruins invasions. At level 125-150 every other invasion is either a rune arced bonfire duelist with 2x your flask or 2-3 sweatlord gankers ready to chase you down with poking weapons.
                                                                                        I can't understand how Fromsoft managed ruined the multiplayer in this game so badly.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          singlehandedly ruined meta level invasions. nonstop anti-fun ganks and duels that turn into ganks when the host starts losing

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Really wish there was an option that turned off hunter summoning. Dont summon me mid game so you can leave me to deal with ganker 1 and 2. I always try to leave when I realize its just someone wasting my time when I could be trying to help someone struggling with a dungeon or field boss and got invaded. But also: invaders, tip: if the blue severs out, you still get flasks. Go after the taunting host instead of chasing me down while I'm literally trying to help ya

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              playing through the game in ng+ at level 90 with this on summoning random people as I went was some of the most fun I had in this game, merging PvP into PvE unlocks a whole new dimension to the game.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                Just don't use this. You invariably get the one invader that plays catch me if you can while waiting for the other one to show up so they can swoop around taking potshots when anyone gets low on health. Not fun for hunters, not fun for invaders that can't get a good fight and die 5 in a row while the second guy buzzes around. You won't get the cool 2v2 you want.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  Great item. If you have time to waste. Find a high spot you can only get to with a horse. Turn it on and waste the time of griefers who don't want to use the pvp arenas. 10/10 would recommend. Poke your head out now and again to make em waste mats trying to get you

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Best used for 2v2s imo. using it as a solo player is super overbearing, and using it with 2 phantoms is just ganking.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      boy i love how gankers who spam the tongue on and off get infinite priority for invaders over actual players

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        Yeah, let's allow this to be turned on/off because the most toxic grieferes don't have enough power as it is.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          The two ends of the Taunter's Tongue spectrum are "playing solo, get invaded every 2 minutes by multiple red phantoms" and "playing with two gold phantoms, get invaded every 2 minutes by one red phantom" and neither experience is fun. Sorry, did I say "spectrum?" I meant binary. When it's good for invaders it's insanely good, when it's good for hosts it's insanely good. Needs a serious rework to be fun either way.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            got ganked in murk water cave recently by someone using one of these bad boys. They had CROSS-NAGINATA and Vykes spear. as well as bull-goat set. they watched me spawn in as if they knew exactly where to stand. I was blocked in a very tight spot so it was an easy kill for them. This was at level 33 by the way.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              Can anyone confirm that the taunter's tongue still works in map sections where you have cleared the area bosses? I've sat alone in limgrave for 20+ minutes waiting for an invader at rl 150. The First Step is gank city at rl 150. I get plenty of action in Farum Azula where I haven't killed the godskin duo yet.

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                doesn't seem to work if the boss of the area is already dead, wish I could host a fightclub at shaded castle, the lobby with the statues makes for such a good arena

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  I hope this gets reworked. Using it as a solo player is just so overbearing. its almost impossible to progress

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    should enable team damage between hosts/phantoms/hunters. then gankers will need to exhibit some restraint to not two-shot eachother

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      I like summoning randos and playing through the map with this active. 2v2 fights while the enemies are milling about is utter chaos and I love it

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        From really needs to address the priority that taunter tongued hosts get over normal players. I can't even remember the last time I invaded players genuinely playing the video game and not dueling in the lake with some ultra sweaty setup.

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          To quell the afk farming issue, from could add diminishing returns on the runes gained from invaders with this active. idk what else they could do since there seems to be an unending amount of spots where these people set up

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            maybe I’m toxic but I love using this with a level 400 arcane frost +bleed build and caving in their skulls

                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                              I really wish they would have left solo invasions as they were before. Now the choice for me, someone who likes getting invaded, is either to be invaded non-stop or not to be invaded at all. Much of the suspense and unpredictability that came with being invaded in previous games is gone. Now I know that I'll likely be invaded within a minute of using this item and I won't stop being invaded until I disable it.

                                                                                                                              If this didn't completely disable the invasion cooldown timer that would be a step in the right direction. At least the invasions wouldn't be non-stop then. If you want to reset the timer you should just have to use it again or they should add the Dried Finger item from Dark Souls.

                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                If I invade at the boilprawn shack i'll just immediately finger sever>recent players>block. I don't invade to bonfire duel, I invade to spank ganks. summon randoms or blues at least ffs.

                                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                  Beware anybody with the name "TaunterRun" or anything to that effect. It's almost always some toxic trash bonfire dueling or ganking to make it seem like they're not bonfire dueling or ganking.

                                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                    FYI all "duelists" that use this to fight invaders are either naive or griefing. They have every advantage imaginable. They will almost always be higher level, have more flasks, have access to rune arcs, and if they want they can turn the tongue back on for hunters, in which case hunters always have priority over other reds.

                                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                      I was summoned to a gankers world with another finger, we didn't help them with invaders and watched, they ended up dying on the 3rd invader, we cheered for the invader who killed them

                                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                        It would be nice if they gave some kinda of bonus, like extra rune gain and/or item discovery, but couldn't be turned off until death. Incentivizing solo players to use it would also give hunters a renewed purpose, as currently they are kinda just worthless except for ganking.

                                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                          there are two types of taunter tongue players: the wholesome gankers and the rune arced 14 estus ""honor"" duelists

                                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                            So much better now with the 1.06 patch to invade anywhere. Now I'm not getting the same invader over and over like before. I've been doing a playthrough with this always on and it's been great.

                                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                              DO I need this thing to invade another World? I'm merely trying to complete Varre's quest at Rose Church and I have to invade someone else's World three times. Been trying to invade for days and nothing. Put my strongest weapons in the chest. I'm lvl 58. Tried at the Academy main gate, First steps, and outside the church of Elleh. My internet commection is NAT 3 but I've never had issues playing online in other games. Any suggestions? Thank you

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