Claws of Night

claws of night unique elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 79
Mag 51
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 110
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 33
Mag 31
Fire 18
Ligt 18
Holy 18
Boost 21
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Dex C
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 8
Dex 20
Claw SlashPierce
Scattershot Throw FP 11
Wgt. 3.0 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45)

Claws of Night is a Claw in Elden Ring. It was added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Claws of Night only scales with Dexterity and is therefore a good Weapon for dexterity builds. As a Smithscript weapon, the claws can be thrown and immediately returns to the user's hand.


Claws of a bottomless black from which no light can escape.
Wielded by Anna, Swordhand of Night.

Engraved with a smithscript enabling strong attack to launch all three claws at a target. The blades are only semicorporeal, and cannot be fully guarded against.


Where to Find Claws of Night in Elden Ring

The Claws of Night weapon can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Claws of Night Notes & Tips

  • Weapon Skill: Scattershot Throw
  • This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
  • Can't be buffed by Magic or Consumables
  • Claws of Night can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones.
  • This weapon has a anti-block modifier similar to the Bloodhound Claws.
  • Strong attacks throw the claws as ranged projectiles for zero FP.

    claws of night throw 2

  • Projectile damage is boosted by Smithing Talisman.
  • Projectile damage is boosted by Axe Talisman if fully charged.
  • Jumping attacks cannot be used while one-handing in the offhand.
  • Has a unique "retreating slash" that other claws lack. Similar to Thrusting Swords, Heavy Thrusting Swords, and Curved Swords, simply holding the Heavy Attack button and pressing the dodge button will perform a retreating strike that throws the claws and backsteps.
  • At 80 Dexterity, Claws of Night has 684 AR.
  • NOTE: Patch 1.13: Increased poise damage of dual wield attacks of all Claws (in PVP) and poise damage of the Claws of Night throwing attacks.


Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Claws of Night


Claws of Night Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Claws of Night Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 79 51 - - - 34 - C - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 33 31 18 18 18 21 10
Standard +1 90 58 - - - 37 - C - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 33 31 18 18 18 21.21 10
Standard +2 101 65 - - - 40 - C - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 33 31 18 18 18 21.42 10
Standard +3 113 73 - - - 44 - C - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 33 31 18 18 18 21.63 10
Standard +4 124 80 - - - 47 - B - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 33 31 18 18 18 21.84 10
Standard +5 136 87 - - - 51 - B - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 33 31 18 18 18 22.05 10
Standard +6 147 95 - - - 54 - B - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 33 31 18 18 18 22.26 10
Standard +7 159 102 - - - 57 - B - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 33 31 18 18 18 22.47 10
Standard +8 170 110 - - - 61 - B - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 33 31 18 18 18 22.68 10
Standard +9 182 117 - - - 64 - B - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 33 31 18 18 18 22.89 10
Standard +10 193 124 - - - 68 - B - - - hemorrhage status effect elden ring wiki guide 25px(45) 33 31 18 18 18 23.1 10



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    • Anonymous

      The only thing they lack is stagger damage. Otherwise, it's a beast on dex builds: high damage, range, bleed. Pair with rakshasa great katana and you have coverage for around 90% of things the game can throw at you

      • Anonymous

        claws are one of the FASTEST weapons in the game with the highest dps but they are short.
        with this thing you have long ranged attacks AND its the longest claws.

        The AOW does pierce damage so you can use the spear talisman.

        TONS of play styles, you can do bleed, AOW spam, light attacks with Millicent’s talismans

        TL;DR one of the most fun versatile and of course OP weapons, use it.

        • Anonymous

          Unironically one of the best crit weapons in the game, typically out performing the misericorde and executioner’s great axe even on elemental infusions. This weapon is too good at so many things and im not sure if I’m supposed to hate it or love it.

          • Anonymous

            it’s really fun to be coop summoned with this to fight consort radahn. guard counters w a shield are awesome & super fast, R2’s throw, and ash can aggro radahn back to you to keep the host alive longer lol. it’s just fun. kinda mean to use against invaders, usually swap out to play fair. justified for an invader to use against gank squad tho.

            • Anonymous

              The Ash was broken, but it didn't need a nerf. The main problem with it was headshotting through rolls, but that can be countered with pumpkin helm or the crucible knot talisman before the nerf. The people who were *****ing about the ash should actually figure out ways to counter it instead.

              • Anonymous

                > Has a unique "retreating slash" that other claws lack. Similar to Thrusting Swords, Heavy Thrusting Swords, and Curved Swords, simply holding the Heavy Attack button and pressing the dodge button will perform a retreating strike that throws the claws and backsteps.
                >retreating slash
                >retreating strike

                It's called a feint attack bruh.

                • Anonymous

                  Completely bugged phantom hits. R1 almost undodgable close up on good/decent latency. This weapon class with it’s speed should not have this kind of hitbox/range. Oh and if buggy phantom hits wasn’t enough, it has comparable single hit damage to a greatsword. Thank you, Miyazaki!

                  • Anonymous

                    One of, if not the most busted DLC weapon I used. Trivializes PvE and hated in PvP, the nerf was justified, however, don't make the mistake of thinking this weapon is only good because of L1 spam. Because of how fast those claws are, you can get some considerable damaging punishes with r1s. be confident in your hits and not in your throws, people think that this weapon shines in applying pressure at mid-long distance because of scattershot throw, but I dare to say those claws shines all the more at closequarters.

                    Additionaly, Claws of night are one of the few weapons that can use twinblades talisman to it's fullest, I encourage you to try it (PvE).

                    • Anonymous

                      Also has a unique guard counter with stepback and throw - damage doesn't depend if 1h/2h, so can be used with shield. Boosted by Curved Sword talisman

                      • Anonymous

                        This one on left hand + Estoc on the right: Corvian Knight from DS3.

                        With it could at least throw them while jumping and using left hand attacks, so it could be a perfect cosplay...

                        • Anonymous

                          Beat the final dlc boss with these after struggling for ages with various weapons. The rapid R1 double slash is a great punish for short windows and the ash of war for the bigger windows.

                          Lobe how the ash of war still lets you hit if you happen to roll away a bit, especially on that bosses large form.

                          • Anonymous

                            Ngl, I’ve tested these vs the smithscript daggers pretty heavily and as much as everyone loves to hate on the smithscript daggers and call them trash… I think they’re better than these claws. Just stick the scatter throw AoW on the smithscripts and bleed infuse them and they become a better version of this weapon imo. Of course these function as claws with usable melee attacks, but the main appeal is their AoW and ability to throw projectiles in which case the smithscript daggers just do it better. Spamming smithscript R1’s is significantly better than trying to get value out of these things R2’s, they just spread too much and suffer too much damage falloff. I think the best move that these two weapons share is the jumping R2 and of the two, smithscript daggers just do it much better.

                            • Anonymous

                              Hardstuck for an hour soloing the leda fight with a dex build until I brought these out and shredded them before I heard all of their dialogue. 10/10 would cheese NPC ganks again.

                              • Anonymous

                                Had to deal with a guy who just spammed the skill and 2 shot me and pointed downwards in the colluseum. solitude set and 50 vig. pls nerf

                                • Anonymous

                                  Heh, remember guys how folks were complaining about fantom reach of heavy thrusters and how OP Vyke's spear is. We sure wandered far since then)

                                  As for the counter to these, try fast glintstone shard, bestial sling or storm blade.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    It's a good weapon in both pve and pvp but the only reason it's broken in pvp is because of the bleed proc wich if it's caused by the weapon art causes players to stumble and tap dance long enough to throw another barrage and actually land

                                    • Anonymous

                                      What a wonderful weapon design - 28 rapidly shot projectiles, stunlocking and bleeding you through i-frames. Sure, Moonveil spam clearly wasn't good enough. People could still dodge and even parry it. But lo and behold, here's the new and improved "gank'em all with no skill at all". Thanks From, we totally need more animesque weapon skills and spells. Gosh, I totally miss those fat bastards running with dual spears.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Just speaking for PvE only, this has become a top 3 favorite weapon in the game for me and by far the best claw weapon. Feels great to finally have claws with longer range. Then toss in a versatile move set with the throwing R2s and AoW. Love it.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          What a lovely and amazing weapon. I used it for my Grunkamatasurigruber cosplay build, of course paired with the godrick soldier gauntlets altered fireprelate chest piece fire knight helmet, and no legs! Duh. I found it performed quite well with the two handed sword talisman. Fairly lacklustre in pvp unfortunately. Misinformation misinformation, misinformation misinformation. Misinformation, misinformation misinformation misinformation? Misinformation!

                                          • I re-tested the effect of various talismans and spells on the ash of war for 1.13 as the recent patch lowered the physical portion of the AoW damage somewhat. I used an Omen due to their high health and 0 pierce/magic resistance. The below is the damage of a point blank ash of war hit with 75 dex and various items equipped. A naked hit of the AoW now hits for 1224. Pre-patch it hit for 1304, so a 6% base damage reduction.

                                            The multi-hit talismans do NOT activate for me even after many uses of the ash. However, you can quickly activate them with melee hits and mix in the AoW while they're active.

                                            The spear talisman DOES work with the ash of war, but the boost you get is lower than usual due to the split damage. On a pure pierce dmg weapon you would get 30% from counter dmg and 49.5% from counter dmg + spear talisman (1.30*1.15). You can't test the spear talisman directly because you can't turn off the standard counter damage, but with the combined number you can calculate it.

                                            Naked: 1244

                                            -Counter Hits -
                                            Counter Damage: 1464 (19.6%) // Counter Damage + Spear Talisman: 1620 (32.3%) // Spear Talisman: 1354 (10.6%)

                                            - Talismans -
                                            Millicent's Prosthesis: 1260 (2.9%) // Prosthesis Wearer Heirloom: 1260 (2.9%) // Ritual Sword Talisman: 1348 (10%)
                                            Smithing Talisman: 1348 (10%) // Shard of Alexander: 1408 (15%) // Lord of Blood's Exaltation: 1468 (20%)

                                            - Spells -
                                            Flame Grant Me Strength: 1384 (11.2%) // Golden Vow: 1408 (15%) // Howl of Shabriri: 1530 (25%)

                                            - Physick -
                                            Dexterity-knot: 1272 (3.9%) // Magic-Shrouding: 1312 (7.1%) // Bloodsucking: 1468 (20%)

                                            - Armor -
                                            White Mask: 1348 (10%) // Full Rakshasa: 1322 (8%)

                                            • Anonymous

                                              I have a sneaking suspicion that heavy attacks does not proc "successive hits increase AR" stuff as I was hoping to swap my smithscript dagger for this just for the the innate blood loss passive. Can someone fact check please? just for confirmation

                                              it also deal more damage with heavies compare to ss dagger heavy at 40dex-50arc even though this doesnt scale with arcane. Imagine if the the heavies proc prosthetic/winged insignia this this will demolish, also does the projectile hit 6 times or is it just 2 massive hitbox?

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Don't think the update fixed these headshotting you and proccing bleed through rolls feels like it's up to rng at this point

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  you can literally throw these on any build and they'll be effective. forget the dex scaling lol. free headshot staggers and bleed procs, all for a 20 dex investment. needs a nerf

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    With the number of weapons that are reported to have 90% of the player base use them, I have concluded that 9000% of players play this game.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      So I have been using this, but I must say the stamina cost makes it less useful in melee combat compared to daggers. Especially when dual welding and using the insignia sets. To really get the most out of them you would need to have a full dex and endurance build. Definitely was made for dedicated assassin builds

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Although it feels cheap, this makes consort radahn very easy. He’s fat enough to eat like 60% of the bullets from the skill if you’re dodging by staying your distance and the blood loss on the side is very nice. In my head, if radahn is going to freeze my game and have 2 horrible to dodge nuke attacks I think im allowed to use cheap tactics.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Hahah omg I saw this in a ChaseTheBro video (love him), I just had to try it. I absolutely TRASHED so many hosts with it last night. The regular moveset is pretty bad, so just use alex shard and filligreed's crest XD

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            This weapon is so annoying to deal with in PvP. Wouldn't be so bad if it didn't phantom hit all the time.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Are you afraid of Rune Bears? Are these beasts annoy you so much that you don't even care about learning their 2 moves? Worry no more, tarnished. Stand at fair distance and spam! Headshot for constant stun! Now, ARISE! YE TARNISHED!

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                more poise dmg than colossals
                                                                more dmg than colossals
                                                                more reach than bows and spells
                                                                90% of everyone in pvp uses this
                                                                so fun

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  full point blank perfectly aimed ash of war doesn't even flinch fire knights in shadow keep, welp, say what you want but unless you have a solid cover, you're just a glasscannon easy target

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Fun fact, these claws use the throwing dagger guard counter. You move backwards and throw out the claw blades. Honestly makes for an interesting guard counter build since you get range but (I think) lose most of the poise damage

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      I don't spam its weapon skill, only use it as a fast melee weapon, and mainly anti-greatshield measure.

                                                                      Is this allowed?

                                                                      • I haven't used this weapon and won't until it gets balanced. Every player I see that uses it in PvP or PvE just uses the same move repeatedly and it's very effective at doing both damage and bleed. It's unfortunate. It looks ridiculous. And it's disrespectful to others that are playing the game on a balanced build. But, There will always be a large section of the player-base that gravitates towards strong and easy to use skills. Personally, I find the weapon hideous. It's comically long. Just like the Pata.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          HIGHLY recommend using jump-back R2 as a way to outspace and punish long boss combos. Even if you're jumping away your character will still turn around! Doesn't really work against last boss cause his hitboxes are enormous but malenia's AI legitimately breaks if you spam it.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Patch 1.13
                                                                            - add poise damage for weapon R2 (that literally no one use)
                                                                            - Fixed a bug where the physical attack attribute of the “Scattershot Throw” Skill of the “Claws of Night” weapon was different than expected (aka nerf damage for L2)
                                                                            so , it's nerf but still viable (except you are L2 spammer)

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              The AoW in PvP still feels very strong, if not borderline cheesy. I hope they balance these out because the projectiles are so fun to play with, they just come out so fast I can see why people have a problem with them. Then again, I'm so used to other people using them that it's not too hard to predict either. All in all though, I think most people would be happy if they just lengthened the animation time on Scattershot Throw.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                They messed up they do literally no poise damage at all now even to a naked person they're basically worthless now.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  This was one of the last weapons that needed a buff and From went and buffed them. I could understand increasing the poise damage for PvE but it's completely unnecessary in PvP.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Hey, this got buffed! Great news for the no-skillers in PvP. Truly happy for you, go get those cheap wins you so desperately need in your lives.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      I just saw the patch notes and they INCREASED THE FUDGING POISE DAMAGE.. Everyone's just gonna run these and nothing else! I've already seen an overinfestation of people running this and using it to kill me when they realize they don't have the skill to use their main weapon to avoid a loss. Good god. Somebody PLEASE tell me I'm wrong.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        After reading the July 15 comment from down below about this not being as wild as people have mentioned, I did some testing and found that their claim is well supported. Assuming that the average opponent has around 300 Bleed resist, it will take 2 hits from Bloodflame Blade Heavy Bloodhound Claws at 80 Strength to proc it on you. On an opponent with 162 Slash resistance along with 35 Slash defense, and R1 with both claws hitting will deal 376 damage. This takes into account the new powerstance damage nerf. This means that in two R1s you will deal 1237 damage, assuming your opponent has 1900 hp since Bleed does 15% of their health total along with another 200 damage on top. On the contrary, 80 Dexterity Claws of Night deal 506 damage after hitting the same opponent with both claws. In addition, the opponent has 145 Magic resistance with 26 Magic defense. This means in two R1s we will be hitting for 1012. After crunching the numbers, Bloodhound Claws are dealing 22% more damage. Now, if we want to let Claws of Night Bleed with their 58 buildup, it will take six hits, meaning you will have dealt 3521 damage. Bloodhound Claws after hitting 6 times and the 3 Bleed procs it gets will deal 3711 damage. This closes the gap in damage to Bloodhound Claws only dealing 5% more damage, but this goes to show that Claws of Night are NOT the definitive set of claws for damage. The reasons you would want to use these is for their longer range, unique R2 moveset, and Ash of War. On the other end of the spectrum, if you want to take true advantage of Bloodhound Claws, or the other Bleed claws you will be running Lord of Blood's Exaltation for an extra 12.5% damage increase in PVP, or even White Mask to push it further.

                                                                                        TLDR: Bloodflame Blade Claws are 22% stronger than Claws of Night in a head-to-head R1 contest in a PVP environment with no additional buffs

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Best weapon in the game alongside Backhand blades with quick slash AoW.

                                                                                          Insane speed and dps. 680 AR on an 80 dex build. Bleed build up. Range attacks which cost no FP. Shotgun AoW. Ignores block. These will be nerfed for sure.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Is it just me or does scattershot throw with these deal the same dmg with the same range even without FP?

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Invasions in this game would be so much fun if people stopped abusing broken stuff. This is like the 4th invader I've blocked today who was trying to cheese me with this.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                basically every claw weapon needs to be completely nerfed into the ground because of the atrocious & broken PvP in Elden Ring. Good show, guys. Just stop playing the PvP if you can't handle the fact that this game was not at all made with the intention of any semblance of balance. It's got the worst PvP of any Souls game by a large margin, and always has.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  Was pretty underwhelmed with these on a high level build. With no way to scale the damage once you hit the dex hard cap, and have no additional scaling to further increase their damage, they get outclassed pretty quickly. No arcane scaling means you also can't increase the bleed buildup, making them less valuable compared to an arcane build with a bleed infused weapon if you're going for a bleed build. They do have more natural bleed buildup than a blood infused Smithscript Daggers, so if you like the throwing AoW for the bleed buildup these are better. For anything else though you'll get more out of pretty much any other weapon, including any other claw weapon.

                                                                                                  Really good at low/mid levels on a pure dex build, but if you're going to be taking your character into NG+ and beyond consider replacing them with something else.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Some of these new L2 win spam weapons are almost making me miss the horrible dual Great Spear meta of two months ago.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      FromSoft development team:
                                                                                                      - You know, most players really hate Moonveil. Shall we finally nerf it?
                                                                                                      - Nah, got a better idea...

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        ok guy let me ask some strange question.
                                                                                                        DOES AIMBOT REALLY EXIST ?
                                                                                                        we got 3 headshot stunlock in a row by invaders , 3 players got 3 continuously headshot together !!! , if he not ran out of stamina , I think we will get stunlock till die.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          You can get permastunned by throwing charged heavy attacks. Have From Software tested anything in this DLC? Everything is eaither absolutely pointless (Hefty Freezing Pot, hello), or absolutely busted with no counter (backhand blades, hello).

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            I hope they nerf just this weapon and not scattershot too. It's lame that this is a way better throwing weapon than smithscript dagger, on top of having strong melee capabilities.

                                                                                                            Blood smithscript dagger is honestly only decent, even with scattershot. To have a bad skill and dogshit damage would be a total bummer.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              I've always felt that if I get summoned as a blue phantom anything's fair, because I'm there to defend the host, right? But these are ridiculous. I consider myself a pretty average player but it's like, see the red guy, press L2 a few times, get a rune arc, go home. They really need to be nerfed. But I can't stop using them.

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                Lol I just encountered the same guy in pvp, that I remember from spamming moonveil skill all the time and never using anything else and he's now spamming Scattershot Throw with these claws :D Obviously he's F-tier skill-wise, I beat him over and over again, but in 2v2s or 3v3s there are so many people with 900 hp at 150 lvl that got carried through whole game by phantom summons that he's stacking kills left and right. Man what a sh t show :D

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