HemorrhageStatus Effect 「shukketsu」 出血(Exiting Blood) |
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Effect | Take damage equal to percentage of Max HP |
Mitigated by | |
Cured by | |
Resistive Stat | Robustness |
Hemorrhage is a Status Effect in Elden Ring. Status Effects are various buffs or ailments that apply either a beneficial or detrimental effect to the target. Status Effects can be applied on both enemies and players alike. Status Effects are triggered after a buildup meter is filled by repeated application of attacks that cause the effect. Both players and enemies can have varying resistances to a given Status Effect.
Elden Ring Hemorrhage Guide
Hemorrhage (also known as Blood Loss) is a status effect that builds up through repeated application of the effect. Hemorrhage is inflicted via various means including Weapons, Skills and Spells. Once the Hemorrhage meter is filled, the effect is triggered and the target takes damage equal to a percentage of their Max HP.
Hemorrhage (combined with its governing stat, Arcane) is the only status effect and stat combo that stacks multiplicatively with itself.
Hemorrhage Effects in Elden Ring
A Hemorrhage occurs when the amount of bleed damage (also called blood loss) becomes higher than the target's Robustness, causing immediate damage and consuming the effect. The damage is equal to a percentage of the target's Max HP.
- Hemorrhage inflicts 15% of a normal enemy's max HP plus 100 or 200 damage depending on the weapon used.
- Most bosses, as well as normal enemies located in boss rooms, will take 10.5% of their max HP plus 100 or 200 damage depending on the weapon used.
- The exception to this is Mohg, Lord of Blood who takes 7.5% max HP plus 100 or 200 damage.
- Weapons that deal % + 200 damage: Reduvia, Morgott's Cursed Sword, Varré's Bouquet, Hoslow's Petal Whip (any affinity), and then any weapon with innate Hemorrhage buildup when infused with Blood Affinity.
- All other sources of Hemorrhage deal % + 100 damage.
- There are no cooldowns or other limits in place to prevent Hemorrhage from being repeatedly, and/or instantly triggered.
- Hemorrhage's build up can be slowed by raising your Robustness stat, increasing the amount of bleed damage required to trigger the effect. Robustness can be improved by adding points into Endurance.
- Proccing Hemorrhage activates the bonuses of the White Mask, Lord of Blood's Exultation, and Sacred Bloody Flesh
- Hemorrhage buildup can be eliminated by consuming Stanching Boluses, or by the Incantations of Bestial Constitution and Lord's Aid.
- Compared to other Status Effects, Hemorrhage has several unique mechanics which drastically reduce the viability of the above options in most situations, especially during Player-versus-Player.
Elden Ring Hemorrhage Effect on Players
This section lists information pertaining to the Hemorrhage effect and its relation to Players
Elden Ring Hemorrhage Effect on Enemies
This section lists information pertaining to the Hemorrhage effect and its relation to Enemies and Bosses.
Note : Testing on Trolls and Godrick Soldiers, Damage is equal at 100 + 15% of their Max Health
Tested on Godrick and Margit, Damage is equal at 100 + 10% of their Max Health
Elden Ring Hemorrhage Mechanics, Trivia and History
FAQ: How do you bleed better Elden Ring?
The best way to improve your bleed is to create a bleed build that works well with your chosen weaponry. A lot of different equipment pieces or Ashes of War that can be equipped to increase the chances of bleed. There are a few existing bleed builds that have been made to strengthen these effects as a melee player or magic player. A few are perfect for beginners who want to strengthen bleed. There are 4 Ashes of War to consider that have a direct Affinity with Bleed. With these in mind, players can experiment creating their own bleed builds or test and modify a few existing ones.
FAQ: Is Bleed still Op Elden Ring?
- The bleed effect has received a reputation in Elden Ring of being OP, with Weapons such as Rivers of Blood, Bloodhound's Fang, and Mohgywn's Sacred Spear receiving plenty of attention from players vocalizing varying degrees of praise as well as criticism from different users, especially when faced against in PvP modes and invasions. Since the initial release of the game, developers have since released a number of Patches and Updates in attempts to add more balance to the game including a nerf to Rivers of Blood during the 1.06 Patch in August 2022. As of the end of 2022, players continue to call for nerfs to the stats of different bleed weapons.
Hemorrhage Other Notes
- Hemorrhage has been largely changed from DS1 and DS2, and between Arcane and Hemorrhage, has elevated the Status Effect as a source of direct damage rivaling that of pure damage scaling - rather than functioning as a heavy debuff to Stamina, Stamina Regen, Max HP, and movement speed, it now only functions as a direct damage source. Several design changes have also altered previously existing mechanics, fundamentally changing counterplay options. This is in contrast to other status effects receiving similar changes while generally retaining the counterplay options of previous games.
- Previously Hemorrhage rewarded consistently landing blows in quick succession to cripple the enemy, providing a large advantage and opportunity to end the fight. Bleed buildup was much more conservative, and it drained much more quickly in previous games, often requiring several actions to trigger it.
- Elden Ring has more bleed buildup sources, many of which can be stacked to achieve multiplicative scaling - allowing bleed buildup to be stacked higher than in previous games. Additionally, because there is no cooldown preventing Hemorrhage from being repeatedly applied, it incentivizes getting as much blood loss build-up as possible in a short amount of time.
- Hemorrhage's potential damage scales well into late-game, primarily due to not having a cooldown - as bleed damage rises, actions / hits required to inflict Hemorrhage are reduced - and the sooner a Hemorrhage is triggered, the sooner any and all subsequent procs can be applied.
- Wearing pieces of the Ansbach's Set primarily increase damage of blood-inflicting skills.
- Additionally, defense and resistance have been simplified to a single value: Robustness, which can be increased by leveling up endurance or wearing armor.
- DS2 included defensive values for shields against status build in addition to direct damage
- Currently all robustness from endurance and armor increase the amount of buildup your character can endure before the active effect is triggered.
- Previous games included different methods to temporarily increase resistance to status buildup.
- The one remaining application of this design is the Incantation Immutable Shield, which enchants a shield to prevent all status build up from a blocked attack.
- Anonymous
Do rivers of blood or elianoras poleblade also deal %+200 damage like reduvia and morgotts?
- Anonymous
Bleed builds, how do you deal with enemies immune to status effects?
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Buff stacking is the most OP mechanic and the real "easy mode" , not just bleed.
- Anonymous
Heavy Uchigatana +25 one handed helped me with bloody weapon incant to defeat the Divine Beast Dancing Lion.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
There are exactly 307.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill the Fromsoft server. If the word BLOOD LOSS was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles, it would not equal one one BILLIONTH of the HATE I feel for arcane builds at this micro instant.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
Like this comment if you like/enjoy bleed, dislike the comment if you dislike/hate bleed (pve & pvp)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
it's not called bleed, it's called hemorrhage. please use the correct terms.
- Anonymous
Ok so you didn't beat the game if you mained bleed build, sorry
- Anonymous
I genuinely wonder why so many side bosses take reduced damage from blood loss (about 5%) while every main boss not immune to it takes 10%. You can't convince me that this mechanic is not a crutch for players who can't beat the game on their own. It feels so unfair especially in DLC where bleed resistance of bosses is not affected by scadutree blessing in any way.
- Anonymous
Why with two 108 bleed weapon, that with a jump attack it 4 goddamn times making a 432 infliction of bleed status do not proc bleed on consort radhan after 2 jump if he has like 750 as a first step? And after that, his max resistance is like 1680, means i would need 4 jump attacks...and **** never happen even after like 20 jump attacks
- Anonymous
Ya'll are getting too pressed over PvP! How are you gonna take a mode where there's no ranked and everyone is on 200 ping seriously??
And in PvE there's like 5 things more broken than bleed so I'm not getting the hate.
- Sincerely, a strength mf'er.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
so what does bleed even do in PvP? why do people use it? every time it procs on me i take 0 damage
- Anonymous
Mike Ezekiel needs to bury status effects into the ground in his next game. I've reached the point where I genuinely despise how broken they are, especially in coop where they completely overshadow any normal means of dealing damage. You shouldn't be able to proc poison / rot on a random boss and then run away watching as it eats 1/3 of their health bar. The way to balance it is making them deal partially percetange, but mostly flat amount of damage which scales with arcane, and make the status last much shorter, just like in DS2. Same deal with bleed and frost, but the % part should be much less because 10% on bosses is ridiculuous. The amount of frost buildup have to scale with intelligence. Buildup of each status effect must be totally meagre at low arcane / int, because you can still effectively use them on any build which is stupid. Poison Mist AoW does instantly proc status most of the time even if you have minimum arcane.
- Anonymous
Anyone know why the Claws of Night AOW seem to do around 50% health hemorrhage damage instead of the 15%? And that doesn't even include damage from the weapon itself. Something is not right here.
- Anonymous
people who get mad at bleed build users are the same people who get mad when you want to play the game your own way. play your own way, its your game and your save file, dont let some random person on the internet make you change it
- Anonymous
You know, when I was making a Chikage build in Bloodborne, I was wondering why every boss had 999 rapid poison resistance (that game's version of bleed), which basically made it impossible to trigger the effect on them. After playing Elden Ring, I understand. I want to go back.
- Anonymous
people will complain about other people using "easy mode" by using bleed, then go and spam lions claw on the greatsword like it's not literally more broken
- Anonymous
The bacon of Elden Ring. As in:
You can make the most gourmet and delicate dish. If you put bacon in it, it will taste like bacon.
You can make the wildest build ever. If you use a bleed weapon, it will always be a big factor of your damage.
Im not complaining.
- Anonymous
This doesn't sound right, I saw a guy doing 38K of damage when he bled Consort Radahn using the Bloodfiend's Arm, but my Occult Great Katana +25 only does around 8K when I bleed him.
I feel like Bleed should do flat damage again like DS2 but when you proc it on a target they dont gain increased resistance to it, or at least very minimal amount. That way its a more varied status effect with different pros and cons to Frost, which I think would be cooler
- Anonymous
So do y’all think Fromsoft intentionally made bleed incredibly good to add an easier way to play the game or do you think they did it on accident and can’t really roll it back because every 3rd weapon has bleed build up on it and it’ll go back to being borderline useless in the next game?
- Anonymous
FromSoft don't usually like to let the player have fun. In this case they obviously thought differently. Bleed in ER is fun mode activated.
- Anonymous
i still believe that whoever at FROM made bleed op in this game was just salty it never got its time to shine in DS3.
- Anonymous
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I play at level 300, 90% of players I'd faced so far used blood loss. I know very well the need to win, but is kinda boring facing the same thing on pvp. The only thing I can do to make it fun for me is to defeat them with weapons they don't see often on pvp. Rosus' Axe, Watchdog's Staff, Cranial Vessel Candlestaff, Flowing Curved Sword, Golem's Halberd, Death Poker, and so on. And then, that's it, I prove I can win without relaying on meta builds, there is pure satisfaction on overcome a Nagakiba with the weirdest stuff.
- Anonymous
Why is the title of this page "Hemorrhage"? I've only seen "BLOOD LOSS" and "bleed" ingame. It doesn't seem correct.
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I think Bleed status may not only represent bleeding from cuts and wounds, but also blood magic which is separate from a simple bleeding cut. Bleed buildup and Blood weapons are governed by the Arcane stat, a stat which generally represents magic of the self, and magic of the body. While Intelligence governs your ability to manipulate the power of Glintstone, which comes from stars and other astral bodies, and Faith governs your ability to draw upon the gods for power, Arcane seems to represent a more internalized source of power, an ability to manipulate energies of your own body, and the energies within others' bodies. This could be explained by the association of Arcane with Albinaurics, claymen, and other artificial forms of life, as these creatures are likely a product of manipulating life energies. Bleed and Poison both attack an opponent not outside their body, but in it. So perhaps, Blood weapons are not simply causing bloody wounds, but manipulating the victim's blood to create otherwise impossible amounts of hemorrhaging and damage.
- Anonymous
FromSoftware looked at the state of bleed builds in Dark Souls 3 after nerfing the sh*t out of them and said: Now it's your time to shine, let's make it as busted as possible.
- Anonymous
Everyone saying bs about bleed. What about rot, huh? Cheesiest **** ever in pvp, especially with pokey fast weapons, but nobody says anything. That is op and needs a nerf. Also powerstanced pokey weaps, bs skills like spinning slash etc. Bleed is way less bs than those things listed
- Anonymous
Just face it, bleed is op and if you say it's not, you're most probably bleed user who wouldn't be able to beat Elden Ring without it. Just swallow you pride, you can't afford it anyway and say I need cheez to win in this game :D it's not that hard and once you say it loud, you'll feel better to finnaly say truth ;)
- Anonymous
Bleed was fun in Dark Souls 3 and it's still fun in Elden Ring, learn to play against it or give up and get over it. Nobody likes a crybaby.
- Anonymous
the major problem in PVP is when hemorrhage occurs the effect also stun you!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This status is completely broken when I can just roll through the damage lol. Not that I feel too bad about it, because the phantom hits still cause build up on a dodge. It's stupidity all the way down.
I love how Mohg is weak to blood
It makes sense but its still funny
- Anonymous
people complaining bleed is op (in pve) as if colossal weapons like giant crusher arent just as good if not better. and guard countering too.
- Anonymous
What's the difference between this and slapping on 30 buffs before a fight to nuke someone?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Honestly, bleed build for infusions need to be nerfed. Mainly since compare most special weapons with bleed they are at max like 90 usually 50-60. Now look at weapons with bleed infusion, they are like 125-170. That’s insane.
- Anonymous
This article is so full of salt i need to go check my blood pressure
- Anonymous
Easy fix, reduce the damage of the bleed proc and put a cooldown on it similarly to how frostblight works. It's simply just too strong in it's current state and overshadows just about every other build.
- Anonymous
Seek robustness!
in short
high Endurance and Stalwart Horn.
Honestly in pvp bleed builds for me are easier that greatsworders or halbert/pokey users and when i lose to a bleed build its because they was just a better player.
- Anonymous
This page is missing information on which weapon types give the most innate bleed. A blood infused zweihander has way more build up than a blood infused scavenger curved sword, for example.
- Anonymous
Why are both Godskins listed as vulnerable and imune to blood loss?
- Anonymous
Even if Bleed damage was nerfed to 5% HP of your HP with 10 additional damage, it would still be good : it's free damage on top of your regular hits and can be reapplied instantly. I dunno what From was thinking with the way it works right now. DS2 had the right idea making it a temporary debuff that had to wait until the bar was empty to rise again.
- Anonymous
"As of the end of 2022, players continue to call for nerfs to the stats of different Bleed Weapons such as Moonveil." I've never had problems with people using bleed against me, and rarely see people using Moonveil in PvP lately. There's a lot of other weapons that build bleed much faster. Anyway, I'm glad FS has not caved to people asking for bleed nerfs as I don't think its really a big problem, theres lots of ways to counter it. Although every once in awhile I get one shot by someone dual wielding that hits me with a jump attack that also triggers an immediate bleed proc right away. Not sure how they accomplish this but it's a brutal end.
- Anonymous
When people say sorcerery is easy mode for pve, bleed is easy mode for pvp. Don't even need to land your hits for the stagger.
- Anonymous
When people say sorcerery is easy mode for pve, bleed is easy mode for pvp. Don't even need to land your hits for the stagger.
- Anonymous
What was once luck is now Arcane. There is your bleed build.
- Anonymous
Elden Beast is Immune to everything. Why is it not on the list?
- Anonymous
Is bleed op with all weapons that have it or just certain ones like RoB or moonveil?
Bleed is OP in elden ring because every player is too much salty and salt makes bleeding more harmful
Bleed is OP in elden ring because every player is too much salty and salt makes bleeding more harmful
- Anonymous
Numbers here are outdated I believe. Rivers of blood inflict 50 bloodloss on its page but 52 here. Varre's Bouquet page says it inflicts 65 here its 38(!) blood loss.
- Anonymous
I did a bleed build on my first play through and spent my time desperately whacking away at bosses to trigger it. This was not fun and also stressful as any time I wasn't attacking I was aware that their bleed meter was emptying. Several plauthroughs later, I two hand a greatsword and can engage with the game so much more and have learned to dodge, time my attacks and wait for openings.
I don't necessarily have an issue with bleed, but I think it (and to a lesser extent other status effects) cause a desperate need in players to only trigger effects rather than learn how to dodge etc (more with a first playthrough).
A personal example would be Malenia. First time beating her I just spammed corpse piler because that was the strategy that the game had shown me was most effective (but not the most fun). Didn't really learn how to dodge her attacks and only ended up winning due to luck. Again, several playthroughs later and I can solo her with a greatsword or halberd. Much more enjoyable and rewarding.
The fact that so many options for bleed appear so early in the game can really railroad new players into over-reliance on it as the only strategy. Saying that, always worth having a bleed weapon for the massive dragon and fire giant....
- Anonymous
Still a firm believer this status effect should've inflicted its damage over time once procced instead of all in one burst and then have it unable to be procced again while the DoT is active, like how Frostbite works. The fact that it's so easy to proc and can be immediately procced again for how powerful it is is just insane.
- Anonymous
remember when dark souls 2 got bleed right and made it a status that lowered your max stamina til it went down completely preventing roll spammers or tryhards from abusing the dodge button too much all while not doing an obnoxious amount of damage?
yeah, me neither
- Anonymous
Imagine Corpse Piler on Rivers Of Blood buffed with Blood Grease, Bloodflame Blade and Seppuku.
- Anonymous
According to Fallingstar Beast's page, it is immune not resistant. Doing ~900 bleed buildup (3 colossal charged R2s with roar active) did not proc it for me so I'm inclined to say that page is correct, but at least one is wrong
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Bleed is stronger than every other damage type. There is no reason to use anything other than bleed in PvE or PvP minus bleed resistant enemies of which are few and far between.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Still ridiculously overpowered. Good bleed builds are so busted that I consider it to be cheating and bad sportsmansship.
- Anonymous
Is it better when the little number right next to the bloodloss symbol when you are on the weapon menu or is is better when the number is lager because is still have not clue about this
- Anonymous
Dump points into Arcane to have either a Bleed weapon scaling with Str/ Dex, OR an Occult weapon without bleed and un-buffable.
10/10 pure logic
- Anonymous
Wish there was an option for straight swords other than infusion. I miss the barbed straight sword from Dark Souls.
- Anonymous
I can literally see the writer's hair all over that F.A.Q part
- Anonymous
You should add under the guide section that if the player manages to time the hemorrhage effect with the i-frames of a dodge, the bloodloss will trigger but no damage will be taken. Tested myself in pvp and in controlled testing. Obviously only works if you can poise you're way through the attack that hits your robustness cap or timing your roll with one of the lord of blood spells DoT's
- Anonymous
Well people asked for a nerf, and it appears a nerf they got. I personally have never had issues with bleed in this game and was hoping they would leave it alone, but now there should really be no complaining about bleed. Although it looks like it is still decent in PvE and I give them credit for that. I think that's a good move and was really hoping they would not mess with people's private experiences, which I heard a lot of users voice, and it looks like FS listened, I do not see anything in the patch notes about PvE, so cheers for that. Overall the 1.09 patch notes look like they bring pretty good balance, except I'm not sure why they messed with pokey weapons.
- Anonymous
I think it'd feel more fair if it did the damage over a short time rather than all at once, and can't be reapplied until the first proc wears off. 15% of someones hp over 3 seconds would still be ridiculously strong. but as it is, being able to trigger it like 4 times in a row is ridiculous
- Anonymous
Minimum player health is 290, max is 3243.
Going off the 15%+200 formula-
290×0.15+200=243.5 dmg (83.96% max hp)
3243×0.15+200=686.45 dmg (21.16% max hp)
Hemorrhage has no cooldown & no required gimmick to reset.
Frostbite formula is 10%+30
290×0.1+30=59 dmg (20.34% max hp)
3243×0.1+30=354.3 dmg (10.92% max hp)
Frostbite can happen once per 30 seconds unless removed with curatives or fire dmg.
Both can apply buildup and trigger on phantom hits.
Moving a decimal, to change the formula to 15%+20 results in-
290×0.15+20=63.5 dmg (21.89% max hp)
3243×0.15+20=506.45 dmg (15.61% max hp)
PvE damage remains functionally intact and PvP is significantly closer to frostbite while still dealing more and having no cooldown mechanic.
An additional adjustment could be a DS2 style debuff (reduce the maximum stamina of the target to 75% for 5 to 10 seconds. Also any movements that are not a run, dash or roll are reduced to a walk) but preventing consecutive bleedouts.
- Anonymous
If you're a strength build feeling like it's time to get in on the blood loss game, do not sleep on the Omenkiller Cleavers
- Anonymous
This status effect is cool and all but PLEASE fix the phantom hitbox crap. roll through rivers of blood/reduvia spam and it still applies bleed? how am i supposed to enjoy any diversity in pvp if half the population uses moonveil and rob
- Anonymous
When monsters/bosses have an indication of their bleed resistance going up every time it procs, it usually stops after the 4th level on the site. does that mean that their resistance doesn't increase anymore? or that they become resistant to bleed?
- Anonymous
“Bleed too strong waaa!”
Yeah so is your 4500 damage super duper supreme ultra annihilator death nuke sorcery.
- Anonymous
This has no business existing. If you are having trouble with a boss, either use ashes or coop.
- Anonymous
It would seem 15% + 100 or another static number is inaccurate damage calculation for the weapon. Reason being if the player had a max health of 1 and got inflicted by bleed without taking direct damage they would not be killed. I'd correct the page but without knowing the calculations myself it is pointless. All I know that it is wrong.
- Anonymous
I think the overabundance of bleed weapons is due to gameplay-related issues. Bosses in Elden Ring have fewer openings compared to Dark Souls and Bloodborne. FromSoftware compensated for this by lowering stamina-consuption across the board and by introducing stance-breaking. However, faster weapons have a difficult time accomplishing the latter. So instead many of them inflict bleed, to make up for the lost DPS from shorter attack windows and supplant the need for stance-breaks. Essentially, hemorrhage gives you another long-term goal to work towards after landing one or two attacks on an enemy. Of course since it's FromSoftware, the balancing ended up all over the place. And since Elden Ring brought in a lot of new players, you now have a bunch of people standing around in front of a boss, or distracting it with summons, and hoping for the best while mashing their bleed button of choice. I don't think they'll ever address this again since the fallout would be disastrous and Namco sadly seems to force them to listen to fan bickering.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It should only build on damaging hits. Other wise it's still busted.
- Anonymous
Why are there 3 times as many sources of Bleed than any other status effect?
- Anonymous
This disrupts the pve experience. Should be nerfed just for pve imo. Buff it all you want for pvp so that tryhards don't complain but nerf for pve.
- Anonymous
The only possible way to balance bleed and frost is to remove the stagger. Doing insane damage just by spamming is one thing. Not being able to trade with spammers in heavyer armor with high-poise attacks because insane status-effect staggering keeps knocking you out of your powermove is another.
Some people need to realise how stupid they look wielding 2 twinblades to abuse bleed. Lmaooo just ps some curved swords, claws or something