Leda's Sword

ledas sword light greatswords elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 101
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 65
Crit 100
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 63
Mag 32
Fire 32
Ligt 30
Holy 46
Boost 35
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str E
Dex C
Fai D
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 11
Dex 22
Fai 19
Light Greatsword Standard/Pierce
Needle Piercer FP 19
Wgt. 7.5 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Leda's Sword is a Light Greatsword in Elden Ring. It is found in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLCLeda's Sword scales primarily with StrengthDexterity and Faith. It is a good weapon for dealing piercing damage and removing buffs with its Skill.


Light greatsword with gold inlaid. Weapon of Leda, the Needle Knight. Deals holy damage. Though polished to a mirror sheen, this blade still reeks with the stench of crusted blood that lingers from the cull of her knightly comrades.


Where to Find Leda's Sword in Elden Ring

Leda's Sword is dropped by Needle Knight Leda after the Leda and Allies Boss fight [Map Link] [Video Link]


Elden Ring Leda's Sword Notes & Tips


Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Leda's Sword


Leda's Sword Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Leda's Sword Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 101 - - - 65 56 E C - D - - 63 32 32 30 46 35 20
Standard +1 115 - - - 74 61 E C - D - - 63 32 32 30 46 35.35 20
Standard +2 130 - - - 83 67 E C - D - - 63 32 32 30 46 35.7 20
Standard +3 144 - - - 93 72 E C - D - - 63 32 32 30 46 36.05 20
Standard +4 159 - - - 102 78 E C - D - - 63 32 32 30 46 36.4 20
Standard +5 174 - - - 112 84 E C - D - - 63 32 32 30 46 36.75 20
Standard +6 188 - - - 121 89 E C - D - - 63 32 32 30 46 37.1 20
Standard +7 203 - - - 130 95 E B - D - - 63 32 32 30 46 37.45 20
Standard +8 218 - - - 140 100 E B - D - - 63 32 32 30 46 37.8 20
Standard +9 232 - - - 149 106 D B - D - - 63 32 32 30 46 38.15 20
Standard +10 247 - - - 159 112 D B - D - - 63 32 32 30 46 38.5 20



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    • Anonymous

      Well, if you're dual welding this with Cold Milady and don't have fire, use the needle. It removes frostbite.

      • Anonymous

        Law of Regretion is too old.

        Now you use this weapon to unbuff those PvP goobers when they buff themselves after a full 1 minute!

        • Anonymous

          this weapon is imo the best mix between fantasy and realistic, the shape and proportion are on point if you ignore the ridges on the blade, and the the gold handle, crossguard and details are pretty tastefull without falling into the sword of night and flame "hollow blade" and pokey crossguard

          • Anonymous

            For all 6 fire emblem cosplayers out there here is a literal actual lightbrand for your ranged hero/swordmaster needs

            • Anonymous

              I like it, like, really.

              I can use this on my right hand to use the weapon skill, and can put Milady of any infusion to give it a bit more DPS.

              Pairs well with a Straight Sword or Offhand Axe for a mix up move.

              Good to have a Sacred Relic on any hands and this one too to keep a bit of a pressure on enemies who are far.

              Can be used pretty good with a Estoc on the right hand, and this on the left, so you can make the enemies think twice before getting closer.

              It is really a weapon made to keep enemies in a little bit of a defensive style

              • Anonymous

                It’s really good but for the wrong reasons. Just too spammy on the jumps and r2s. It’s also a weapon/ash you would want on, ya know, a pure caster rather than a dex build. Also the entire light great sword class, to me, is a slap in the face to anyone who thought straight swords deserved a better 2h move set. The ash is REALLY good at killing clerics in pvp but it shoulda been on a straight sword, thrust sword or even a hammer. In PvE the floatyness and lack of weighty hits makes the spammy attacks feel unsatisfactory. Multi hit suffers greatly from split damage vs resistance so it does have damage issues in PvE.

                • Anonymous

                  I did a full playthrough using this and milady, and to be honest, for PVE Leda's sword was meh, for PVP it can do alright in 1v1s, and is good at debuffing opponents, but overall kinda mid compared to other options for dex players. The 19 faith requirement is also a waste considering the faith scaling is negligible. Milady overall is the better weapon, especially since you can put other infusions and ashes on it. However, I did have fun using this, and it looks really cool.

                  • Anonymous

                    Weaponized law of regression for clowns that want to stack a million buffs before a fight. What’s not to love? Don’t wanna lose your buffs and a chunk of health? Don’t buff in my line of sight.

                    • Anonymous

                      Hey faith builds, at least be happy that it deals good physical damage too! Because holy damage is worthless!

                      • Anonymous

                        I can't quite tell it Miquella was ever a good person, or just the most horrifically manipulative bastard of all these demigods. Because if his most faithful knight Leda in her blade blessed/created by Miquella had this ailment-curing skill... Why did he never cure Malenia?

                        • Anonymous

                          NEEDLE Knight's sword.

                          Mostly standard attack moveset with very few piercing attacks thrown in.

                          Thematically, a thrusting sword or heavy trusting sword would have made way more sense.

                          • Anonymous

                            If Leda hadn't slain her fellow knights in Miquella's name, then Miquella wouldn't have drawn in others to do his bidding in the Realm of Shadow, including our Tarnished. The time she's spent cleaning her sword to a mirror-sheen not only hints at her lingering guilt, but even alludes to Miquella's grander scheme: perfection at the sacrifice of everyone else. Their own cruelties became both their undoings, for love without compassion has no place under our Lordship

                            • Anonymous

                              This weapon has a glitch with death blight. It applies that status quickly with its ash of war, idk the details. What u can do is go to recent player -> block & report. These guys should just go back to their genshin impact

                              • Anonymous

                                The total AR is lower than Sacred Milady a little bit. Leda Sword has more Dex scale and Sacred Milady has more Faith. Moveset is the same. Different is the skill and how good it look. The ash is ok, there is a hitbox on the sword as well but you are not likely using it when close to the enemies. It becomes good when you use with Last Rite from Golden Epitaph. Also good for headshot bosses. Not much else to say.

                                • Anonymous

                                  I swear I love this thing, but it feels like regulars in arena have mostly figured out the LGS moveset, it's impossible to trade damage with any spear, colossal sword, halberd, or great katana. I like using this and the Milady more, but it's back to the Rakshasa, my favorite crutch weapon. o7

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I swear faith users have the most and still complain about literally everything. oh no this one random sword doesn't get faith scaling?? how terrible it must be for you when you have TWO INFUSIONS AND LIKE 100 WEAPONS AND HUNDREDS OF SPELLS

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Leda's armor "There used to be many Needle Knights, now there is only one."

                                      Leda, did you kill every other Needle Knight because you thought they were unworthy?

                                      • Anonymous

                                        If you think about it, the description of this weapon is a little disturbing, since Leda used this sword to kill her own battle companions, perhaps she did so because she thought that her companions were not so loyal to Miquella.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Ahhhh yes the gankers tool which removes the buffs of the wondrous physick tear buffs.
                                          This takes away the last advantage that the invader has and this for only 11 str, 22 dex and 19 fth and only 19 fp cost. Thanks Fromsoft for making these kind of weapons for further holding the hands of the gankers which think that they're really good when they kill you in a 2v1 or 3v1 and teabag after xD (yes i get it i invaded "their" world and got what i deserved)
                                          See ya all in the next game which i hope will be more balanced. Take care!!!!

                                          • Anonymous

                                            The flat +25 Holy damage from the Last Rites AoW from Golden Epitaph will apply the bonus to every individual needle from Leda's Sword AoW, Needle Piercer. That makes it deal substantially more damage on average than it does with Golden Vow, which is very useful for low Faith builds. Also, the added +100% damage to undead makes Needle Piercer comically good at dealing with Death Knights as well as nuking the heads of undead dragons.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Does this reset resistances as well? Example: If I proc bleed on an enemy, the enemies bleed resistance would increase. So if I were to use needle piercer, would the enemy's bleed resistances go back to default value?

                                              • Anonymous

                                                FYI, the sword has a hitbox during the WA. I don't know if you can parry it, but sanguine nobles definitely can.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  The only people I've ever seen use this weapon are 3v1 taunter's tongue gankers
                                                  thank you fromsoft for adding yet another ash that's completely useless as an invader but the most annoying thing ever when fighting gankers

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    i dont get the scaling of this weapon like the faith scaling is on D the whole time but on the max the str scaling is D too and i didnt really paid attention upgrading it if it actually upgraded its scaling on faith

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Had someone offhand Eclipse Shotel and it made the AOW death blight me in two hits. Awesome and balanced.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        >"holy weapon"
                                                        >checks inside
                                                        >dex scaling with nearly useless faith scaling
                                                        >weapon art scales only with dex
                                                        >builds with 60/70/80 faith completely cucked


                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          I will never ever take this away from someone, ever. But you can't tell me that doesn't look like a straight sword. Happy it ain't.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Before anyone gets downvote happy, I have checked the numbers.

                                                            Leda's Sword should be considered a pure Dex weapon with a base FTH requirement. +10 LS at 80 Dex has only a negligible difference in Physical damage than a +25 Keen Milady. We're talking around ~80 AR.
                                                            The FTH scaling is abysmal, barely above E grade. From 19 FTH to the softcap at 40, you gain literally less than 30 extra Holy damage. 21 whole levels for less than 30 bonus FTH scaling damage.

                                                            If you're going to 25 for Golden Vow, that's fine, but it's nothing but wasted points past that for the sword's damage.

                                                            Sacred Milady gets way more FTH scaling, and Fth is its highest value just at C.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              This should be int faith scaling not dex. We do not need anymore dex faith weapons. Not to mention it's b scaling in dex is frankly terrible.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                While I know I wouldn't like Leda as a person (as she is a religious fanatic and unfairly distrustful, paranoid beyond reason), I do have to admire a fighter that respects a fair fight to extent that her blade literally removes ailments from her enemies in addition to their buffs. Man, I love FromSoft.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Ash is mid on most enemies unless you bother with PvP, weapon itself has subpar scaling. Not awful, but honestly just use Milady instead.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    From was right to get rid of duelist charms so people can use more than just the most inconsequential buffs, but wrong to keep buff stripping abilities in the game at all. Both this sword's ash of war and law of regression should not exist.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Doing holy damage wouldn't be as much of an issue for this thing as it would be if you got it in the basegame, until you realize that you get it immediately before the *one* main DLC boss that actually does have high holy absorption....

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        This weapon can cure status ailments of your enemies. Leda really doesn’t like when I frostbite or rot relanna

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Don't bother with Faith beyond the minimum requirements for this weapon unless you want buffs or healing. It's faith scaling for both the Ash of War and in general are terrible, it's also holy damage: the worst damage type in the game.

                                                                          This is a pure Dex weapon.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Regarding Needle Piercer, it scales off of your AR rather than Faith and the needles themselves deal Piercing damage (Can be buffed by the Spear Talisman); even if you're not dual-wielding, you can easily proc your multi-hit effects (Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, Millicent's Prosthesis, Thorny Cracked Tear) using the Light Greatsword's superb moveset and potentially bypass Needle Piercer's somewhat low damage thanks to it's quick casting speed

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              the damage is trash but it looks and feels good (unfortunately for pvp/coop people have too shitty internet to be able to utilise the sword efficiently)

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I like how Leda is so unhinged that her sword stinks of blood from all her murdered comrades. She's the last Needle Knight most likely because she just killed all the others out of paranoia that they weren't as devoted to Miquella. Makes sense that someone this crazy would think being mind-controlled is a good thing.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Underrated weapon. Scaling isn't great but fully maxed with the right talismans and I am sitting at 1080 AR with only +8 scadu frags. l2 also hits decently hard with shard of alexander.

                                                                                  Also, great in duels.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    I don't have a build for it but I love the moveset, it is so elegant.

                                                                                    Needle 'nighty Leda, we miss you :*

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      I don't have a build for it but I love the moveset, it is so elegant.

                                                                                      Needle 'nighty Leda, we miss you :*

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        An absolute banger of a weapon. I would have Liles slightly higher faith scaling, but it still rocks. It's a shame you get it so late into the dlc, i would have used it from the start and it would not have come off.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          An absolute banger of a weapon. I would have Liles slightly higher faith scaling, but it still rocks. It's a shame you get it so late into the dlc, i would have used it from the start and it would not have come off.

                                                                                          • Sexy enough to make me, a perpetual Strength main, re-allocate my points for a Dexterity build. Strong enough to make it worth it. I can hardly even blame Nutso Knight Leda anymore; if I had an awesome weapon like this, I couldn't resist the urge to just use it on anything and anyone without provocation, either.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              You're upset it's not a faith only weapon. I'm upset because I cannot put Wing Stance on this absolute beauty.
                                                                                              We are not the same.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                this is a god tier weapon for gank squard by now.
                                                                                                the weapon skill CAN REMOVE ALL BUFF.
                                                                                                what do you think if Law of Regression can do damage and not remove your buff but all physick and buff from invader are all gone.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  Pretty slick weapon. Much more heavily weighted to dex scaling than faith, but holds its own quite well against DLC content at +10 even without an optimized build.
                                                                                                  Weapon art has a hitbox on the sword swing as well and does pretty great damage for how fast and lenient it is. Haven't seen its mini-Law of Regression come into play yet, but I imagine it'll be quite potent in PVP.
                                                                                                  Give it a whirl, light greatswords are pretty great and Leda's is no exception.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Weapon's pretty fun to use (like all Light Greatswords) and definitely viable, even at the final boss of the DLC who has some holy negation. I actually just spammed the weapon art most of the time and it honestly kinda carried me ngl (without ashes or summons). It can whiff if you use it as the boss is moving as they aren't exactly homing (if at all.)
                                                                                                    It's not a meta definer but I was reminded once again not to put much stock into early wiki comments who call something bad without trying it myself haha.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Haven't tested this one yet since I'm taking my sweet time and not in that part of the game yet BUT Light greatswords are my new fav kind of weapon and I've been testing the Milady and Rellana twins swords heavily and *chef kiss* love those.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        Did I need to complete the questline? I'm stuck with freyja letter absence and ansbach already disappeared

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          They made three Light Greatswords
                                                                                                          Gave us this one at the very END of the game
                                                                                                          And made it suck
                                                                                                          Why does Fromsoft not get the flak it deserves?

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