Ansbach's Longbow

ansbachs longbow elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 74
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
Rng 50
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy -
Mag -
Fire -
Ligt -
Holy -
Boost -
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str E
Dex D
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 9
Dex 43
Bow Pierce
Fan Shot FP -
Wgt. 4.5 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Ansbach's Longbow is a Bow in Elden Ring. It was added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Ansbach's Longbow scales primarily with Strength and Dexterity and is wielded by Sir Ansbach. All Bows require Arrows to fire.


Weapon of Sir Ansbach.
A longbow consisting of two bow bodies and two strings.

Unusually for a longbow, it can be wielded similarly to a light bow—provided that the wielder has the extraordinary dexterity demanded.


Where to Find Ansbach's Longbow in Elden Ring

The Ansbach's Longbow weapon can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Ansbach's Longbow Notes & Tips


Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Ansbach's Longbow



Ansbach's Longbow Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Ansbach's Longbow Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 74 - - - - 30 E D - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +1 84 - - - - 33 E D - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +2 95 - - - - 36 E D - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +3 106 - - - - 39 E D - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +4 116 - - - - 42 D D - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +5 127 - - - - 45 D D - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +6 138 - - - - 48 D D - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +7 149 - - - - 51 D D - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +8 159 - - - - 54 D D - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +9 170 - - - - 57 D D - - - - - - - - - - -
Standard +10 181 - - - - 60 D D - - - - - - - - - - -



Elden Ring Bow
Albinauric Bow  â™¦  Black Bow  â™¦  Bone Bow  â™¦  Erdtree Bow  â™¦  Horn Bow  â™¦  Longbow  â™¦  Pulley Bow  â™¦  Serpent Bow

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    • Anonymous

      I’m an archer build but I didn’t know to specifically reload the area and talk to him properly enough for the invasion sign to appear and now I’ve missed out on this weapon. I really wish from would stop this kind of design.

      • Anonymous

        The AoW used to deal the damage of all 8 arrows even if only 1 hit. Apparently that changed? When? What patch? Do your job Wikiman

        • Anonymous

          I can afford to chew through arrows, and let me tell you, I was only trying to weaken a divine beast warrior, but killed him outright with bleed arrows. Don't sleep on this if you are a dex build

          • Anonymous

            I have no idea how to feel about this bow. I generally regard bows as a non-viable "just for fun" weapon, decent enough in the early game, but really just for luring or personal amusement in the late game.

            This one's weird. It's one of the closest bows to be truly usable beyond just for proccing statuses. The barrages get chonky shots off on mid-sized enemies like Sewer Omens (my favorite test dummy), and the time it takes to reload isn't long, not to mention it has short-bow speeds for more rapid status proccing, just like Black Bow. Still, they devour ammo; if I didn't use mods to supply my own arrows, I'd be concerned about how Fan Shot spam can deplete a good 100 arrows on 3 Sewer Omens. It's a good bow for a bow build, it just doesn't make bow builds strong.

            • Anonymous

              Y'know, this was the first bow I added in my arsenal, since the word from mouth scared me too much to consider giving them a shot, but for my pure dex build, its a solid enough ranged option. Not the best, but not weak as people make it out to be.

              • Anonymous

                I'm not familiar with this so If anyone has some information on this things AoW please help me. How exactly does the AoW respond to status arrows? For example, bleed. If I use Bleed Arrows will each hit of the Fan procc a separate ammount of status buildup? Or 10 but each arrow does less buildup because of balancing? Or is it some entirely different thing like, yes you shoot 10 arrows but the maximum allowed to hit one target is like 5 or so reducing the maximum ammount of buildup? Or is it just shoot 10 arrows, hit 10 arrows, bam bleed procced?

                • Anonymous

                  urgh I hate fan shots, it doesn't even make sense. An arrow is a ranged weapon, why do you have to fire it it at point blank range to get the most damage from it.

                  • Anonymous

                    From added a homing spammable bow and a nuke ash of war bow instead of fixing phantom hits in pvp. It goes to show where the greatests minds of gaming are.

                    • Anonymous

                      Why don't you get this with Ansbach's scythe and armor at the end of his questline? Is there a reason for that I didn't notice or is this just a Fromsoft moment?

                      • Anonymous

                        At 55 dex a normal shot with storm arrow does about ~200-220 damage in pvp. Not bad at all. It's an excellent tool for invasions. You can put mages under significant pressure from range they cannot punish. You can nuke people off ladders with ash of war. If you're quick, you can put someone to sleep and headshot them with WA for a ton of damage, but it needs fantastic reaction and muscle memory to pull off. I did a level 90 DEX invader and was surprised how useful this thing is, after ignoring bows in these games since DS2.

                        • Anonymous

                          The proud FromSoftware tradition of making fabulous-looking weapons with sky-high stat requirements accompanied by dirt poor scaling gloriously marches on.

                          • Anonymous

                            not sure if this is bugged, broken beyond belief, or the moron using it was cheating. but someone invaded me and from the edge of lock-on range, where only one arrow possibly could have hit me, blasted me with the L2 for at least 1500 of my 1975 hp, and did 75% of my sleep resistance. healed up, second shot hit a wall but made me fall asleep anyway. he moved around a corner and did it again, dead. considering how difficult it is to get *rain of arrows* to do that much damage *with golem greatarrows*, im inclined to believe it was cheating

                            • Anonymous

                              Perched on a rock ansbach bow in hand! Your foreheads in sight all according to plan! Roll wrong homie & you might get caught. Everyone limgrave gonna hear what I got cause it's a BOOM HEADSHOT!

                              • Anonymous

                                I managed to get this after helping Hornsent. I finished Freyas quest, got her shield and killed her, then told Ansbach about her response and killed him (right away, before resting). I got his armor and his bow.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Progressing Ansbach's questline to the point that he leaves Shadow Keep prior to progressing Leda's questline to initiate the invasion locks you out of the invasion and the opportunity to get this bow.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    im greedy af, i kind of wish there was another way to get this bow if you help hornsent first, but ah well i'll wait until ng+2

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Everyone talks about this weapon but I never see anyone using it. I might give it a shot but right now I don't like dexterity builds enough to bother.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Putting the ridiculously powerful AoW for a moment...

                                        Literally a bow belonging to the former captain of Mohg's knights, who specialize in Blood magic that requires innate arcaneness...has no Arc scaling.

                                        The Albinauric Bow, belonging to Albinaurics who have an innate affinity for the arcane, and who have weapons that scale mostly off Arcane...has no Arcane scaling.

                                        But the goofy-ahh snake bow that doesn't go well visually with either of these two groups has Arcane scaling.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Wish you could hold the arrows for a bit after drawing them before releasing, trying to use this in PVP is almost useless because everyone just rolls away and you have literally zero chances of hitting anyone if they are paying attention. The whole draw animation takes twice as much time as regular R1, but the worst part is that you can't roll out of it or hold the arrows for a bit before releasing to catch people of guard. Insanely good in PVE, but kinda meh in PVP unless you get lucky

                                          • Anonymous

                                            on ng+2, didnt know that helping hornsent was gonna lock me out of this, now i gotta do another ng, yay!!!

                                            • Anonymous

                                              King of status proc cheese, one sleep arrow on the volley hits and most (if not all) of the bar fills up. RIP anyone on the receiving end of this

                                              • Anonymous

                                                It’s petty, but I personally believe that this is From admitting that light bow moveset is just way more fun. Adding ONE new regular bow to the dlc and it’s just black bow on crack. Really hope they cut out light bows as a category in their next game and just make bows that have a fast moveset all the time.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Damage is capped to 3 arrows max. Looks awesome and is actually useable in PvE and PvP, but it does not need any nerfs.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    sad fact: shooting rainbow stone arrows with the skill will make them instantly disappear after touching the ground

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Just managed out to squeeze out 9.5k damage from single arrow hitting in AOW. Currently highest potential dps in the game. Needs nerf. Don’t listen to people against nerf in comments pretending to be range users. True range wants a good fight not 2 hit killing every boss.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        The Ash of War is currently bugged to making it count all 8 arrows hitting if one hits. Kinda busted with status effects and the damage is insane. Expect a fix

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          I was used to bows having super lenient stat requirements outside of greatbows, so seeing this was just a 43 dex jumpscare

                                                          Also 43 is a really weird number just make it 40 or 45 my brain can't tolerate anything beyond multiples of 5

                                                          • What if I did the step related to Freyja, did pointed Leda to Hornsent, but did not get involved in any of the fights (Leda v Hornset and neither Leda v Ansbach)? Will I still get the bow after dealing with Leda?

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              I love it, a bow that deals actual damage without status proc cheese. The aow is very good. Seems to be capped at 3 hits per target, dealing roughly 100% increased damage per arrow.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Both Arrow Sting Talismans, Spear Talisman at all times

                                                                Shard of Alexander Bosses
                                                                Green Turtle Talisman (or the better version from DLC) for Open World

                                                                I've found Blue Dancer Charm not worth using for the restrictions it has.

                                                                Radahn Greatbow with Radahn Spear arrows for very large bosses
                                                                Ansbach Bow with Bleed Arrows + the status arrows theyre weak to for regular size bosses
                                                                Black Bow with Normal arrows + Bone arrows for the open world

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Why do people think this bow is bugged? Genuinely asking since it’s just a hard hitting AoW and the scatter crossbow works in a similar fashion not requiring all projectiles to hit. It’s a feature of the weapon, if it didn’t do this it would be a pretty **** AoW.

                                                                  There are so many hard hitting abilities and spells that are a lot more spammable and don’t require ammo, and do even more damage

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Needing only 2 arrows to land is very very strong and in invasions, hitting 3 players, 2 arrows each. They are all getting the full damage applied. I've sniped players back to their world from respectable distances sending the hosts into a panic, without any bow charms and just regular arrows.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      absolutely decimates groups of enemies in pve, does only slightly less damage than greatbows while having a much easier to use moveset

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        The skill on this bow is disappointing. Of the 8 projectiles fired only 2 can hit a single target. Guess this was done to avoid it being too powerful at point blank range, but it also makes the arrow economics absolutely horrible.
                                                                        The only uses i can see for this bow are against groups of enemies or enemies that dodge sideways. Otherwise you are better off using the Black Bow.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Used this for a few hours in the arena and I kinda have a feeling that I've been getting blocked a lot lately

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            for those having trouble with leda's invasions, horsent's ash of war, leda's second talisman and this bow are mutually exclusive and can only pick one, helping leda kill the target will give the armor early and a talisman, if you only want the bow, kill hornsent or messmer (preferably hornsent since its easier and also gives a talisman) since leda will always target him first, then she will go after ansbach and you can betray her there, getting the bow

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              It scales (slightly) better off of DEX than STR, so Lightning Arrows are still the best kind of arrow to use (and, yes, for those who don't know, arrow elemental damage scales if your bow has the corresponding stat scaling), cause those can be further buffed by lightning buffs (scorpion, tear etc.). PLUS, the new Florissax spirit ash can debuff enemies' lightning damage reduction, so that can further help us archers in PvE.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                FYI you can also buy an infinite number of flame and serpentine arrows from two of the merchants in Caelid, not just golden arrow. Flame arrows are really really good

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Still only procs bleed once or twice on bosses even if I use the art exclusively, am I doing something wrong?

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Excellent bow, but it burns through so many arrows that I would be loathe to use the WA with anything other than golden arrows which can be bought infinitely. Otherwise prepare to farm I guess.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Best bow in the game, but sometimes I go in with 99 of 2 types of arrows, usually serpentine and bleeding, and finish them before the Boss dies. It is solved if you use any invocation, but if you are alone you will often run out of arrows.

                                                                                      Ng+7 level 380 80/80 and im using golden bow, a barrier, Alexander, the new bow talisman, dragoncrest, double neck turtle.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        almost a 100% upgrade over Black bow, and easily the best viable bow for a bow only playthrough.
                                                                                        the AoW hits for very good burst damage for big punishes, at the expense of rather inefficient use of arrows, so be mindful of spamming too much AoW when fighting bosses with big HP. for reference, using only AoW can easily burn trough 300+ arrows on NG1 fire giant, while just shooting normally can get the job done with 200 arrow or so.

                                                                                        An ideal setup for max damage would be: 2 bow damage talisman, Leo ring or shard of alexander, and divne beast talisman paired with storm hawk arrow (yes the arrow does count as "storm" and get the 10% boost)
                                                                                        this setup can usually hit for around 1.5-2k in base game, and easily over 3k in DLC, with even higher numbers if you do land a counter (but its rare due to how slow the AoW is)

                                                                                        or, just with bleed for what bow build are at its core : a bad long range bleed build lol

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Why the hell are people saying he will drop his bow and armor after being killed if you side with Leda?

                                                                                          Am I missing something, because he didnt drop it. This seems like a hard split between chosing his bow or the talisman.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Just beat a poor invader to dead with the ash of war. Its pretty good and I'll probably be using it instead of Black bow from now on.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Absolutely decimates, for Invasions.

                                                                                              (Shard of Alexander + Lord of Blood's Exultation)

                                                                                              Instant bleed procs hitting for 1500+ damage.

                                                                                              Kill anything anything in 2-shots, that isn't holding a shield.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                If you missed the Ledia vs. Ainsbach fight in the Storehouse, will Ainsbach drop this item at the end or is it just lost forever?

                                                                                                • Here are all the bow stats:
                                                                                                  Requirements: Str 9, Dex 43.
                                                                                                  LVL 0: Physical dmg 74, Str E, Dex D.
                                                                                                  LVL 1: Physical dmg 84, Str E, Dex D.
                                                                                                  LVL 2: Physical dmg 95, Str E, Dex D.
                                                                                                  LVL 3: Physical dmg 106, Str E, Dex D.
                                                                                                  LVL 4: Physical dmg 116, Str D, Dex D.
                                                                                                  LVL 5: Physical dmg 127, Str D, Dex D.
                                                                                                  LVL 6: Physical dmg 138, Str D, Dex D.
                                                                                                  LVL 7: Physical dmg 149, Str D, Dex D.
                                                                                                  LVL 8: Physical dmg 159, Str D, Dex D.
                                                                                                  LVL 9: Physical dmg 170, Str D, Dex D.
                                                                                                  LVL 10: Physical dmg 181, Str D, Dex D.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    A review of this weapon as someone who knows how to play with bows. YES! get this, insane burst, the weapon art uses 8 arrows each shot and deals tons of damage. you'd think for a fan of shots it'd be important to hit them all, nope. You can hit this weapon art max range and deal 2k+ damage with a good setup and a +10 weapon using the stormhawk arrows. it's really good.

                                                                                                    • On quality build +10 it is stronger than black bow with the same beneficial shortbow moveset, and the skill is killer. It can insta-proc poison/ bleed if all arrows hit. I love this thing

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        The skill on this bow hits for around ~1000 damage if you're in close enough range and with the proper dexterity stats. And that's without any boosting gear.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          42 dex. Forty. Two. Which gets you... a whole lot of nothing in a vaguely-longbow-shaped package. Very cool!

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