Rellana's Twin Blades

rellanas twinblade light greatswords elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 103
Mag 66
Fire 66
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 66
Mag 47
Fire 29
Ligt 47
Holy 26
Boost 35
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str D
Dex D
Int D
Fai D
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 13
Dex 16
Int 16
Fai 16
Light Greatsword Standard/Pierce
Moon-and-Fire Stance FP 10 - 25
Wgt. 8.0 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Rellana's Twin Blades is a Light Greatsword in Elden Ring. It is a found in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Rellana's Twin Blades scales primarily with StrengthDexterityIntelligence and Faith and is a good Weapon for Int/Faith Builds. This weapon can be dual-wielded and comes with Fire, Physical, and Magic damage.


Carian light greatsword embedded with blue glintstone. Weapon of Rellana, the Twin Moon Knight. Two swords as a single armament. When two-handing, a straight sword engraved with golden flame will be carried in the left hand. Here, and here alone, were moon and fire ever together.


Where to Find Rellana's Twin Blades in Elden Ring

The Rellana's Twin Blades weapon can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Rellana's Twin Blades Notes & Tips

  • Weapon Skill: Moon-and-Fire Stance
    • Assume ready stance, swords imbued with magic. Follow up with normal attack to cast glintstone light waves, or strong attack to perform a spinning attack that bathes the area with flame. Light waves can have up to two follow-up casts with additional inputs.
  • This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
  • Can't be buffed by Magic or Consumables
  • Rellana's Twin Blades can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones.
  • This is a paired weapon, meaning you only need to have one copy in order to dual-wield it.
  • The sword used depends on the hand it is wielded in; this allows dedicated Int or Faith builds to use only the sword which suits their build and potentially pair it with an appropriately-infused Milady in the other hand. However, this also means that it cannot be dual wielded to use a pair of the Int swords, the offhand weapon will always be the Fire (Faith) blade, even if two sets of Rellana's Twin Blades are equipped. The skill can still be performed with another light greatsword in the offhand.
  • The glintstone sword is the longest light greatsword, but as the description suggests, the flame sword is the shortest in class by a noticeable degree.
  • NOTE: Patch 1.13 Increased poise damage of normal attacks with Light Greatswords (in PVP)
  • NOTEPatch 1.14 Increased the attribute scaling of Rellana's Twinblade for lower Intelligence and Faith attributes.
  • Other notes and player tips go here


Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Rellana's Twin Blades


Rellana's Twin Blades Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Rellana's Twin Blades Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 103 66 66 - - 57 D D D D - - 66 47 29 47 26 35 21
Standard +1 117 75 75 - - 62 D D D D - - 66 47 29 47 26 35.35 21
Standard +2 132 85 85 - - 68 D D D D - - 66 47 29 47 26 35.7 21
Standard +3 147 94 94 - - 74 D D D D - - 66 47 29 47 26 36.05 21
Standard +4 162 104 104 - - 79 D D D D - - 66 47 29 47 26 36.4 21
Standard +5 177 113 113 - - 85 D D D D - - 66 47 29 47 26 36.75 21
Standard +6 192 123 123 - - 91 D D D D - - 66 47 29 47 26 37.1 21
Standard +7 207 132 132 - - 96 D D D D - - 66 47 29 47 26 37.45 21
Standard +8 222 142 142 - - 102 C C D D - - 66 47 29 47 26 37.8 21
Standard +9 237 152 152 - - 108 C C D D - - 66 47 29 47 26 38.15 21
Standard +10 252 161 161 - - 114 C C C C - - 66 47 29 47 26 38.5 21




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    • Anonymous

      A man can dream of a world were we can use Rellana's sword for a pure Light great sword focused on INT, just hoe Leda's sword is focused on FTH

      • Anonymous

        The LGS power stance moveset is unique (i think it is at least, i don't know of any other weapon types doing this) in that the R2, jumping L1, or crouching L1 into another L1 makes you do the last attack in the power stance attack string, which hits 4 times.
        But this weapon specifically does the R2 -> L1 (or r1 in this case since it's a dual wield weapon) combo faster. The second attack comes out noticeably faster

        • Anonymous

          Even with charged renalla cameo(almost impossible to use on some bosses) that make this weapon kinda "viable" just take moonveil instead and deal MUCH more dps with VERY MUCH smaller investments and very simplier to use also. lvl 200 weapon, that still worse than any another light greatword on lvl 100 already, totally cant be compared with any meta. Huge respect to peoples that still actually playing this because of visual side.

          • Anonymous

            Something I've noticed in my short time using this. you can't guard if you two hand this weapon. Like if you were to use the Hookclaws or the Ornamental Straight Swords, while two handing you can guard, but with these, it acts like a separate weapon. its weird.

            • Anonymous

              My highest disappointment when using this weapon is actually not the weapon, but the left hand skill system.

              When you use a weapon on your offhand while the main hand has ''no skill'' (seal, for example), the game doesn't let you use the skill from the offhand. The other thing is the game doesn't allow to add ''No skill'' to weapons, like Milady. Those things fixed, I'd love to run a build leaned towards higher faith with this weapon.

              • Anonymous

                pro - the AOW deals high stance damage - around 30 for the light waves, 40 if the blade connects, same for the flame pillars I think slightly higher
                cons - the R1 and R2 attacks scales with STR DEX, and lacks stagger abilty. while the AoW scales with INT and FTH,

                • Anonymous

                  I know people debate on how good this weapon is considering the amount of split damage it has and I won't argue that it's top tier compared to the host of DLC weapons. we got, but man, is it a fun weapon to use, and suprisingly effective at that. It looks amazing and the ash of war is extremely satisfying. I find myself always side-eyeing this weapon while I'm using other builds because it's so tempting to use.

                  • Anonymous

                    What does the Twin blades quote “Here, and here alone, were moon and fire ever together.” meaning? Rellana wanted to pursue Messmer so they can be together?

                    • Anonymous

                      Yeah, this is sorta a level 200 weapon with how wonky stats are. You either invest in one part or the other if you're gonna use this in lower levels.

                      • Anonymous

                        The weapon is amazing at fulfilling the power fantasy of getting Rellana's weapons.The weapon art (especially the fire variant) can be extremely powerful against both bosses (especially large bosses) and NPC fights.
                        However the weapon has some serious drawbacks.
                        The paired R1 rolling attack leads to a unique attack chain, where the second attack leads to a double swipe attack with both swords. Great for stacking up hits for things like Rotten Winged Sword Insignia but it takes so long that it feels like it should be seperated into two button presses.
                        As it stands for some bosses (e.g. Radahn) you can't effectively use rolling attacks to punish since the first attack deals only small amounts of damage and the second attack will take too long. This makes using the weapon fairly awkward, where you have to either try deliberately wait out roll attack time window to get the normal R1 chain or use the weak L1 attack to reset yourself to neutral before using the normal R1 attack.
                        The damage profile of the weapon can also be flawed - the split between physical damage, magical and fire damage with a moveset that mostly consists of slashing moves will make some bosses incredibly tanky (e.g. Bayle).

                        I had a lot of fun using this weapon and sometimes it could just melt through bosses (Maliketh, Malenia, Radagon, Messmer, Romina etc.) but many times I also felt sabotaged by it (Bayle, Radahn).

                        • Sadly the right-hand weapon only uses phy+magic and the left-hand only phy+fire, so going elemental damage is weak for the moveset. At the same time, INT/FTH scalings are much less impactful than STR/DEX. IMO this weapon would be a lot better if one of the physical stats' scaling was nerfed and the other buffed (e.g. dex buffed str nerfed since it requires more dex than str, makes more sense) so we would need to invest into 1 physical stat only, then buff a bit the INT/FTH scalings. That would make it a lot better to invest some points into the elemental stats without sacrificing too much on the physical stats as we would only need to invest into a single stat for the physical AR.

                          • Anonymous

                            you can see that the scaling for str/dex reaches C before int/fth; that means the scaling value is higher, as is the base physical damage. so invest in your quality stats before int/fth. sorry golden order / death builds, fromsoft said you go 99 everything or pick a different build

                            • Sexy af, like the original wielder. Certified baddie. Too bad it can't block if using paired, perhaps because it's meant for offensive only (moon and fire stance) and it's literally TWO different swords (out of a single one, unlike the other pair of weapons that are identical to each other). Kudos to the designer(s) who were thinking of such details.

                              • Anonymous

                                This weapon belongs to Carian family.

                                Sword of Night and Flame is settled in Carian Manor, and is somewhat related.

                                With this as base, does both weapons has something related to each others too?

                                Like, since they are similar in names, and does the same damage, is there anything that we can say about their relation?

                                • Anonymous

                                  If you use bastard sword offhand, the fire sword will be placed in the scabbard. Really cool detail. Looks awesome.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Why on earth is this the only paired weapon that can't block with its l1?
                                    Instead of being able to make a guard counter build with the deflecting tear you have the useless ability to do a straight sword r1 with your l1... not even the light greatsword r1... completly ruins the weapon for me

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Not the highest dmg output naturally, but the R2 is pretty darn good to deal with evasive pests like dogs or rats. Quick 1-2 combo with good tracking and a decent amount of gap closing, that can be easily extended with another R2 input for a fast 3-4 addition. Pretty neat stance breaking potential, too. Also good crowd control potential with the stance-R2. Allround a pretty decent weapon to make shish kebab out of trash mobs.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        This could literally be one of the best duelling PVP weapons for technical players if the L1 was guard instead of the sloppy Straight Sword R1... That way guard cancels were possible for jump chains, Fluid Ravioli and wavedash mixups. Sad that's so much wasted Potential. Ornamental Straight Swords have that block mechanic & therefore a fantastic moveset

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Imagine if this weapon has a feint attack where you shoot a magic beam when you jump back like Rellana does. Would be dope asf.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            For some reason this weapon has a superior powerstance moveset compared to the other light greatswords. Like how the running R2 or jumping R2 are both able to go right into the paired L1 2, or the INSANE TRACKING the paired L1 1 has compared to regular powerstances light greatswords.
                                            Too bad for the split damage, the low scaling, unwieldy weapon art and mediocre range lol.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              The stance R1 projectile is just sad. The first two will hit the floor more often than Loretta's Mastery if you don't unlock and free-aim them.Especially frustrating when you know it would've been a hit, but the range was cut short from hitting a tiny pebble on the way.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Wish I could use a seal in the righthand and this weapon on the lefthand but still be able to use the weapon skill

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  the fact that the damage, and thus the int/fth scaling, is split across both swords is so awkward. it means that each sword is only getting 50% value from your int/fth investment. i tried to make it work at lv150 but i got more dps out of double sonaf every time. even int/fth's one new tool is undercut by this game's weird insistence on making it bad. sad

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    The amount of people that think that "moon" and "night" or "fire" and "flame" means the same thing is abysmal. Maybe the number of iliterates is higher than what is measured.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Rellana's Twin blades. "Here, and here alone, were moon and fire ever together."

                                                      I says pardon, you forgot about the sword of night and flame. It literally disproves the statement in the name.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        I thought that wing of astel + carian piercer is busted as hell, but it seems that my dex/int build is eating good in this DLC

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          I wish it didn’t scale with strength and instead had better scaling for its other stats. Hyperquality is annoying to manage, dexterity is already more relevant to casters, and Rellana just screams agility.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            For anyone wondering, the damage on the fire R2 must scale with weapon level or AR, not faith. I just got the weapon on my Ng+ Dex/int build and WOW. Completely outdamages cold Milady for regular weapon damage, and the ash (with shard of Alexander and rellanna's cameo) is crazy powerful.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Some of the DLC weapons have such an absurd skill/art that they feel like they belong in a different game entirely.
                                                              They're cool, don't get me wrong, but you used to be lucky to land 1 Moonlight Greatsword projectile because how telegraphed the attacked was, while this thing can be spammed to roll catch anything in a slipt second.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                No jokes.

                                                                When I saw the name as "Twin Blades", I imagined some kind of Twinblades that could do Fire and Magic damage at the same time by gyrating.

                                                                But the term Twin Blades is referring to Two Swords, and not those Twinblades we see as Euporia or Godskin Peeler.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  This is such a cool Int/ Faith weapon. Shame, it's not an Int/Faith weapon but just the 600th ****ing quality weapon in the game but now with extra steps. The dlc with the int/faith bad guy adds zero new int/faith weapons or even an order whetblade for int/faith infusions. It doesn't even use Godwyn as a bad guy even though the base game implies that Miquella wants to revive him and it just recycles Radahn. Hmm...

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    i wish we could get a separate version of the main sword with carian sovereignity as the AoW, because it looks so cool, qnd we wouldn't have to deal with this 4 stat scaling nonsense.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Is it too much to ask that the weapon remains buffed for a bit with either magic or fire depending on which stance attack we use like Rellana's boss fight?

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Oh boy a cool paired weapon with INT/FTH scaling? I wonder how people use it in PvP- oh. That's a lot of L2

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          While technically the ar is best with some quality, you would lose damage on the unique skill, and there are better quality alternatives. With int/fth, while you lose a bit of ar, you gain more damage on the unique skill and access to better spells, which outweighs a little extra damage per swing anyways. Besides if you want the moveset you can always just powerstance two light greatswords on a dex build.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            How does a single enemy makes me want to buy DLC so badly. Its a Pontyff with Spellblade build and double moons...
                                                                            I wanna be her frfr

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              One Handed with Staff of the Great Beyond for spell support and a Parry Shield feels much more effective than the power stance combo. The R2s are the best part of the swords moveset so str/int or dex/int with a bit of faith for the staff and some incants is the way to go.

                                                                              • These swords + Rellana's Cameo + Shard of Alexander are simply absurd! The damage of the skills is extremely high.
                                                                                You have a certain flexibility because of magic and fire damage.

                                                                                It's well worth making a dedicated build.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Unique to these weapons the paired R2 > final L1 chain comes out much faster compared to powerstanced Miladys. Very nice if you are running Twinblade talisman and is satisfyingly smooth to use.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    I did some damage testing for those interested.
                                                                                    Enemy used: putrid corpses at the shaded castle(neutral to any damage type)
                                                                                    On a basic vagabond with 48 damage stat investment:

                                                                                    Quality leaning 30-31: Crouch attack 788
                                                                                    L1(fire sword attack) 504
                                                                                    1H R1(magic sword attack) 504
                                                                                    AoW R1 2544
                                                                                    Waves only 2106
                                                                                    AoW R2 1500-1700

                                                                                    Int leaning 47:
                                                                                    Crouch attack 660
                                                                                    L1 408
                                                                                    1H R1 464
                                                                                    AoW R1 2552
                                                                                    Waves only 2701
                                                                                    AoW R2 1500-1700

                                                                                    Faith leaning 47:
                                                                                    Crouch attack 647
                                                                                    L1 464
                                                                                    1H R1 408
                                                                                    AoW R1 2675
                                                                                    Waves only 2106
                                                                                    AoW R2 1800-2300

                                                                                    Comparatively, INT leaning broadsword: 542. INT milady: 560

                                                                                    The enemies didn't have enough HP for the full R1 AoW so those numbers are irrelevent. Just know that the INT version was a lot stronger

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      I did some damage testing for those interested.
                                                                                      Enemy used: putrid corpses at the shaded castle(neutral to any damage type)
                                                                                      On a basic vagabond with 48 damage stat investment:

                                                                                      Quality leaning 30-31:
                                                                                      Crouch attack 788
                                                                                      L1(fire sword attack) 504
                                                                                      1H R1(magic sword attack) 504
                                                                                      AoW R1 2544
                                                                                      Waves only 2106
                                                                                      AoW R2 1500-1700

                                                                                      Int leaning 47:
                                                                                      Crouch attack 660
                                                                                      L1 408
                                                                                      1H R1 464
                                                                                      AoW R1 2552
                                                                                      Waves only 2701
                                                                                      AoW R2 1500-1700

                                                                                      Faith leaning 47:
                                                                                      Crouch attack 647
                                                                                      L1 464
                                                                                      1H R1 408
                                                                                      AoW R1 2675
                                                                                      Waves only 2106
                                                                                      AoW R2 1800-2300

                                                                                      Comparatively, INT leaning broadsword: 542. INT milady: 560

                                                                                      The enemies didn't have enough HP for the full R1 AoW so those numbers are irrelevent. Just know that the INT version was a lot stronger.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        tried it in a few invasions.
                                                                                        actually viable now.

                                                                                        just like comments below say: don't forget to put rellana's cameo and shard of alexander

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          New buff really solidified this as a quality weapon with some int/fth sprinkled on top. If your highest stats are int/fth, sonaf or infusables will probably perform better.

                                                                                          Int and fth only benefit their respective swords, plus the base magic and fire damage are lower than the base physical damage. Str/dex improve both swords and scale better, so those are your priority stats.

                                                                                          I personally went with 16 int and 25 fth. You get good buff/utility incantions around this level. Also, standing heavy attack into light is a fun 6 hit combo.

                                                                                          • Forgot to mention that Renallas cameo also got buffed. Given the that this weapon is the absolute best candidate for this talisman (makes sense huh) thanks to the fact that if you hold L2 and fire all 5 beams, all of them get buffed - and you can use that talisman much more easily thanks to its ranged properites, this weapon can now be considered very viable for few builds:
                                                                                            Dex build while abusing twinblade talisman
                                                                                            Int build abusing Cameo talisman and moon stance
                                                                                            Int/faith as usual

                                                                                            • Man if the meele hits from moon stance R1 did some proper hitstun, it would be really good. The damage is bit better now, and moon R1 is noticeably faster and reach is not bad. Damage is OK for its cost, its no moonveil, but its advantage lies elsewhere = its ranged DPS monster, all 5 beams can be fired in really quick succession. What holds it back is the fact that black knights, fire knigts, curseblades and so on will just poise through and interrupt you whenever they feel like it. If it did better hitstun I would actually love that.

                                                                                              As for paired moveset and damage - as noted, there is really really neat combo with twinblade talisman. You can R2, cR2 or JumpR1 into R1, and that last R1 is actually last move from R1 chain. It contains 4 hits, deals nice damage, instantly stack any multihits and procs twinblade for some huge damage.
                                                                                              In actual use I feel its not all that amazing, damage is overkill against normal enemies, and bosses will rarely let you do 2 multihit moves without getting staggered back, but when it works, its great.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                ATK power shown is completely misleading. It shows in the UI the weapon's entire atk power (phy+magic+fire atks), but this is NOT TRUE. If held in the right hand, the fire atk is set to zero, the weapon only deals phy+magic damage. If held in the left hand, the magic attack is set to zero (only deals phy+fire dmg). If two-handed, the right hand weapon will be phy+magic and the left hand will be phy+fire. If you use it paired with milady, for example, it will only use phy+magic or phy+physical, depending on which hand you put twin blades on. So you NEVER reach the entire atk power shown in the UI. But yes, this weapon has higher total AR as a compensation, so even if you 'ignore' the atk power that is not being used, it still outclasses the AR of milady with the respective infusion.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  Tested today after patch good dmg on weapon art with 20 int 25 faith with as well buffed rellana cameo and alexander. Give it a try you will change yr opinion on this weapon

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    THANK GOD IT GOT BUFFED TODAY!! It is much better, and is now worthy of being a rememberance weapon. Hopefully they tackle the Greatswords (lord and light) of Radahn, next.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      From the latest patch:

                                                                                                      Increased the attribute scaling of Rellana's Twinblade for lower Intelligence and Faith attributes

                                                                                                      Moon-and-Fire Stance

                                                                                                      Increased the light wave range, poise damage, and attack speed of the stance’s normal attack

                                                                                                      Increased the poise damage from the stance’s heavy attack

                                                                                                      Adjusted the damage animation recovery time when a stance’s heavy attack hits another player

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        jumping r1 to neutral r1 can be buffed with twinblade talisman and claw talisman since it jumps to the last attack in the neutral moveset after the jumping r1

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          There's a secret sauce to this weapon to make it actually good. And that is the fact that the heavies weave seemlessly into the R1s, which are the last R1s in the attack chain. That means that you can make extremely effective use of multi-hit boosts, charged attack boosts, and, uniquely, the Twinblade talisman. It also allows for stance breaking.

                                                                                                          It should also be noted that Rellana's Twin Blades are uniquely good at this combo, i.e. they are better than powerstanced Light Greatswords for this. That's because the transition between the R2 and light attack is faster with them compared to the powerstanced moveset (maybe because the buttons you have to press are different).

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            Fun fact: You can use the fully charged heavy attack when dual wielding these and then the light attack right after to do the attack at the end of the dual wield light attack combo. It's broken with twinblade talisman.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              The weapon is good but skill is weak. Moon projectile range is too short, slightly too long delay before shooting on first and third inputs (second input is ok delay), third input costs the same as first and second but deals 75% dmg only, should be buffed to match the others. Fire deal mediocre damage for its cast time unless many flame pillars hit, should deal like 30% more dmg on the flame tornado and 30% lower dmg on flame pillars.

                                                                                                              • What level do you need for these to be viable? 200?
                                                                                                                I am at 120 and they are pretty much useless. I just use Knight's Lightning Spear and the Int/Faith Sacred Seal.

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  Just got these. A lot of people seem to be complaining about them in the comments I was reading.

                                                                                                                  My experience is similar to Milady which I also just got the previous play session... Incredibly fun weapon! Will definitely be using. My character is a lightning build but I'm going to respec a bit so I can make full use.

                                                                                                                  I'm enjoying using Rellana right hand milady left hand, with swap to 2h milady with wing stance when desired.

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    Honestly I love the concept, but it kinda sucks that the weapons don't remain infused like Rellana's, even if only for a short bit, and the range of the magic wave is stupid short even though Rellana can hit you from the next ****ing country. It honestly feels like the Wish version of her weapons instead of a boss reward. :/

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      As other people brought up, the int energy beams have poor range. But ontop of that, the tracking is really bad sometimes. It'll just start shooting into the floor. I rarely use the moonveil side of the AoW. The fire part is way better at the moment.

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        I wish it was like the twin princes' sword where you can get both separately and combine them to get the paired weapon. I just want the straight sword :(

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          Beat the game + dlc on a no flasks run with these. Absolutely fantastic with the godskin swaddling cloth for healing, the jumping R1 and follow up R1 proc it easily. Combine this with hp regen, Malenia's great rune etc and you'll forget about flasks.

                                                                                                                          Just don't use these in PvP, very obvious attacks. Two handed Milady does a better job.

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            It would have been nice if they were separate weapons and could be used on int and faith builds respectively.

                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                              I wanted to focus pure faith for the L2 R2 and use a shield but I guess you can't do that? Like the right weapon is magic unless you equip it in the left hand slot which means you can't have fire on the right and a shield?

                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                Today I learned the right sword does the same amount of damage without the faith requirement and the left straight sword deals full damage without the int requirement met.

                                                                                                                                They also don't both deal magic *and* fire damage, the right sword deals magic damage, and the left sword deals fire damage.

                                                                                                                                This means they are viable weapons on a dedicated int or dedicated faith build!

                                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                  Things I would have like to have seen for using these swords as a pair.

                                                                                                                                  1. The L1 should have been a block, so you could use the Sekiro tear.

                                                                                                                                  2. The R2 should have a unique heavy moveset using both swords.

                                                                                                                                  3. The R2 (especially charged, should do way more poise damage.

                                                                                                                                  It would have felt away more natural that way. At least to me.

                                                                                                                                  I have no issue with the high stat requirements. These were obviously meant for people like me who play solo offline, not caring at all about your level.

                                                                                                                                  Addendum: a tad bit of hyper-armor wouldn't hurt during the aow.

                                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                    If you want an unoptimal but really fun build, crank up the int/faith and pair this with the staff of the great beyond, it may not be optimal as of the numbers, but it’s really fun having the build equivalent of “RANDOM BS GO!” while chucking spells, incantations, and triple split melee damage without needing to swap weapons at all.

                                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                      Why is the Light Waves AOW doing such poor damage? I got 72 INT, ****wads, I expect to do more than ~900-1000 total after 3 of the 5 lightwave attacks. With the 0 stagger I rarely get to do the full 5 before eating **** from any big enemy or boss. Those 3 initial waves do as much or slightly less than a single lightwave from the Moonlight GS - and that comes out in only 1 R2 and costs no FP for multiple hits after the initial powerup. Jesus wept, this better be heavily buffed in the future, as of patch 1.13 it's straight trash. Cold Milady with wing stance will remain my INT LGS of choice, it does more base damage than this and the AOW can be whatever I pick.

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