Bonny Butchering Knife

bonny butchering knife greataxe elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 134
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 0
Holy 0
Crit 100
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 58.0
Mag 31.0
Fire 31.0
Ligt 31.0
Holy 31.0
Boost 37
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str C
Dex D
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 16
Dex 20
Greataxe Standard
Hone Blade FP 16
Wgt. 8.5 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Bonny Butchering Knife is a Greataxe in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Greataxe in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Bonny Butchering Knife scales primarily with Strength and Dexterity and is a good Weapon for players looking for a weapon that can restore a small amount of HP when dealing damage. 


Weapon of the greater potentates of Bonny Village.
An outsize butcher's cleaver used to dismember human bodies in the making of the great jars stored in the gaols.

Restores a very small amount of HP when it squarely strikes an enemy.


Where to Find Bonny Butchering Knife in Elden Ring

The Bonny Butchering Knife weapon can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Bonny Butchering Knife Notes & Tips

  • Weapon Skill: Hone Blade
  • This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War
  • Can be buffed with Magic or Consumables, but they will be overwritten by Hone Blade.
  • Bonny Butchering Knife can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones
  • This weapon shares an identical appearance with the standard Butchering Knife from the base game, in addition to possessing the same attack rating, guard rating, stat requirements, weight, FP cost, and HP restoration effect.
  • It scales better to Strength than dex despite having a higher dex requirement. This may also dissuade players from powerstancing it with the Butchering Knife which scales better to dexterity.
  • Other notes and player tips go here


Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Bonny Butchering Knife

  • Videos for the Bonny Butchering Knife Coming Soon



Bonny Butchering Knife Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones.

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Bonny Butchering Knife Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 134 - - - - 80 C D - - - - 58 31 31 31 31 37 18
Standard +1 153 - - - - 88 C D - - - - 58 31 31 31 31 37.37 18
Standard +2 172 - - - - 96 C D - - - - 58 31 31 31 31 37.74 18
Standard +3 192 - - - - 104 C D - - - - 58 31 31 31 31 38.11 18
Standard +4 211 - - - - 112 C D - - - - 58 31 31 31 31 38.48 18
Standard +5 231 - - - - 120 C D - - - - 58 31 31 31 31 38.85 18
Standard +6 250 - - - - 128 C D - - - - 58 31 31 31 31 39.22 18
Standard +7 270 - - - - 136 B D - - - - 58 31 31 31 31 39.59 18
Standard +8 289 - - - - 144 B D - - - - 58 31 31 31 31 39.96 18
Standard +9 308 - - - - 152 B D - - - - 58 31 31 31 31 40.33 18
Standard +10 328 - - - - 160 B D - - - - 58 31 31 31 31 40.7 18




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    • Anonymous

      "Oh cool, a butchering knife for STR builds!... wait, it requires 20 dex? ok never mind it's going in the item box."

      • Anonymous

        Public static void BonnyButcheryAxe {

        int Damage = 134;
        string StrScale = C;
        string DexScale = D;
        image BonnyBK = ButcheryKnife;

        static void AnimationBonny {

        animation BonnyBK {

        CTRL C, CTRL V : ButcheryKnife;

        WS : HoningBlade;
        import Honing_Blade;


        //In conclusion, it's a Str oriented Butchery Knife, with the same animation, and just a different weapon skill.

        • Anonymous

          I'd have no problems with it if they swapped the values around so it was a dex weapon instead of str, that means ng+ is needed to powerstance the butchering knives.

          • Anonymous

            I never knew this weapon was greasable until now, huh. That could have been cool if the weapon skill wasn't also a weapon buff, what and odd combination of choice to make in designing this. This ash is also pretty slow so you can't just use it whenever in the midst of combat.

            80 Str/20 Dex a Heavy infused butchering knife gets more damage and the ability to swap ashes. This weapon actually performs best on a quality build, though its nothing amazing compared to other weapons in its class.

            • Anonymous

              Don't know what I thought I'd find in Bonny Village but I wasn't expecting a bunch of naked dudes all stroking their blades.

              • Anonymous

                Alright so this weapon ash has an ability that is likely a bug.
                It can heal on use if you hadn't already used the ash.
                Dealing hits with a non honed bonny will increase its heal on activation of hone.
                I was able to heal 20% of my hp with activation, possibly could heal more

                • Anonymous

                  Guys, I got this weapon when I killed an invader on Maintain Gelmir... but it doesn't have the "Bonny" in the name...

                  Dear Fextra community... Help me...

                  Did I do something wrong???

                  • Anonymous

                    I dont get why this exists. I mean, you could have just made "hone blade" an ash of war, found in the place were you would find this weapon. Would have much more preferd that.

                    • Anonymous

                      People are hating on Bonny's Guitar because it's literally a copy paste? Sure, fine. That's true, and it sucks. But people really think the skill is bad?! I'm sorry but are you blind??

                      The attack bonus is only the cherry on top, ya'll really sleep on 6% Hp an attack, but that's not all. I'm unsure of exactly how it works but when you kill an enemy and use the skill fresh (not reapplying while it's active) the skill HEALS you.

                      Offhand sacrificial axe / equip blessed blue dew or ancestral horn and you'll get all your large chunks of HP back for hitting an enemy, FP back for killing them and then use the skill when the buff wears off to heal all over again. And I was just comboing it with FP stuff, there's a bunch of different options for lifesteal / hp regen!

                      But... no, I'm not gonna pass the pure copy paste, they coulda even pulled a DS2 and just actually reskinned the butchering knife to be like coated in blood or something. That's embarrassing.

                      • Anonymous

                        One of the most pointless weapons in Soulsborne history. This fatass cleaver that should’ve have high Strength scalings before finally has it, but now it can’t be infused. Literally why?

                        • Anonymous

                          The type of weapon to wipe my a## with when I run out of toilet paper. It's only significance is probably it's lore description, but even that barely reveals anything about the story ( Btw no, your childlike comparison between Anastasia and Bonny butcherers leads to no revealations and barely any meritable speculation). This is simply one of the many examples of how Fromsoft isn't taking their game design seriously anymore. To those who unironically use this pathetic excuse of a dlc weapon, just why are you so pleased by a copy-pasted and arguablely less viable kitchen knife? Surely even causal soulsborne enjoyers understand the basic level of detail, care, and deeper intention Miyazaki put into his past games enough to see this as a waste of space.

                          • Anonymous

                            W-what... what is even the point if this weapon? Locking it to strength scaling makes sure str builds are the only ones who uses this weapon, wich makes the default butchering knife automatically better. It has a sht weapon skill that locks you in place for 3 seconds only to give a pathetic attack increase and a mediocre lifesteal, wich has no place in a world where prayerful strike or prelate's charge (both compatible in the default butcher knife) exists. It isn't even worth to powerstance with it's overall better counterpart, because you'll replace it with another vanilla butchering knife the second you kill anastasia again.

                            And you couldn't even bother to make it visually different, fromsoft? This kind of crap isn't exactly the worth i expect to get from 40 fkin bucks. The way i see it, this is the worst weapon in the entire game, for the fact that it is a straight up scam.

                            • Anonymous

                              It only has the same attack power with the Butchering Knife, if the later is on Standard. Also the Butchering Knife is more DEX oriented, while this weapon is for STR users - but sadly even this new(ish) weapon has the same BS heavy attack... and no option for Wild Strikes.

                              • Anonymous

                                Imagine giving us a 2nd Butcher Knife in Elden Ring, for it to still not have the classic one-handed heavy attack

                                • Anonymous

                                  After using this weapon for a while wearing the heaviest armor I can, I love this thing. This thing seriously ****S. I feel like more of a chad using this then Greatsword. Standing there sharpening my blade as a few soldiers run up, smack me, and fail to interrupt me makes me feel like a god. Then turning around and smacking the **** out of them to heal my health back, hearing that satisfying heavy thud as my knife cleaves the ground has brought me more pleasure then sex.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Restores 15 HP per hit and if you hit an enemy before using Hone Blade it will restore 15 HP from using it, however hitting an enemy and using Hone Blade while it is active will not; Restores 31 HP per hit while Hone Blade is active.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      New idea of build: off-hand it on an blue feather build with the right defensive buffs: golden vow consumable, boiled crab, defensive talismans, godskin talisman and holy ground - all when you can. Go with an fast str/fire infused weapon with endure as main hand, I probally would choose bs twinblade cause its two handed running R2 can trigger the godskin talisman easilly, also, blood tax is generally useful and bloody slash can keep your health below the 20% threshold

                                      • Anonymous

                                        it might seem boring and lazy design but this thing is extremely strong
                                        For some reason they made it so if you use the basic attack without using ash of war against enemies it stores the heal and when you use the ash of war it just insta heals you the damage you dealt

                                        Meaning you can just hit npcs multiple times and then have it as a backup heal and that along with the heal buff you get from the ash of war you can do a lot of heal with this

                                        • Anonymous

                                          At least should’ve been given the model for ds3 butcher knife. I’m happy this weapon is back, just would’ve been nice if it felt unique.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            103 new weapons*
                                            8 new weapon categories**
                                            A new gigantic map to explore***

                                            *including reskins
                                            **with 2 or 3 weapons each
                                            ***half of it is empty

                                            16 times the detail

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Unless you're going to make a specific build around the healing ability, adding the Swaddling Cloth talisman, maybe Malenias Greatrune to the mix, it's a pretty boring weapon. Could have at least made it look a little more unique.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Pretty sure the only reason this weapon exist is to keep up with the recurring "naked man with a big knife" NPC since Dark Souls 1. Also the ash of war is literally identical to the DS3 one on the butchering knife and great machete.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  any one else notice that if you sharpen the weapon after killing a few enemies that you heal a huge chunk. not sure if its the kills that activates it or just hitting a lot with it. Great weapon to give to mimic to keep it alive longer in fights.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Idea of build: this on a str build with godskin swadling cloth and an fire eclipse shield with shield crash to trigger the talisman consistently, try other heavy infused black weapon with blood tax. Use a black themed fashion and your str vampire is now complete

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Wish there was a different ash for base weapons, I like the idea of just sharpening your weapon infront of a dude before chopping into him

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        the only reason (besides laziness) to have this weapon be an exact match of base game butchering knife has to be for lore reasons. if theres no lore implications, then this thing can just **** off.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          This Art of War is quite op as an utility when used properly, although it needs a setup.

                                                          Basically you can store HP before entering a boss fight, this means you can just stack it before entering a boss fight and use it instead of a first Crimson Flask to heal a huge amount of HP. After that you can continue using it to heal for the buffed 2% during the fight /w increased AR or just switch to a second weapon.

                                                          I haven't tested how much HP you can store in total, but a lot, someone should test if it's possible to heal for 2000+ HP or is there a cap.

                                                          Also, it's very good for sustain in dungeons on it's own, you don't even need to use Crimson Flasks if you combine it with other healing talismans.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            It's such a bafflingly basic and uninteresting addition that it loops over into being an interesting novelty item

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              They really should've at least slightly changed the model, I mean it has a unique ash of war and stuff but is visually identical. Even just some engravings or mildly different metal color or SOMETHING

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                I was thinking of dual wielding this in the left hand and the "regular" butchering knife with prayerful strike in the right, and with the godskin swaddling cloth equipped I imagine it would make for a viable regen setup.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Okay out of all the awesome weapons this DLC gave us this is by and far the lamest and laziest. It's just the same exact carbon copy version of the butcher knife from the main game only worse because it can't be infused just why.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    They basically turned a Butchering Knife (an amazing Dex Greataxe which can be infused with some powerful AoW like Wave of Darkness which can already heal like 3 to 4 times) into a less flexible, mediocre Str weapon with 20 Dex requirement, and a weird AoW that heals less than just having consecutive hit AoW. Wow.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      I accidentally discarded this when I was reviewing my inventory for duplicate weapons because I thought it was a dupe of the Sacred Butchering Knife from the icon. How confusing.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Powerstancing this with the other butchering knife and adding the godskin cloth talisman is fun, but I bet it would piss people off in pvp.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Looks like the follow.
                                                                          1%Life on Hit always and Stores 1% extra HP with every Hit.
                                                                          Activate the AoW gives like 5% Attackpower and 1% Life on Hit extra (2% active) for 40 seconds and heals for every stored Hit 1%.
                                                                          So long the AoW Buff is active no HP are stored.

                                                                          • This seems to be STR counterpart of regular Butchering Knife. At +10 with 54/20 STR/DEX it has two-handed AR of 697, which seems... adequate i guess. But unlike DEX, STR builds not really in shortage of superior greataxe options, so even with its unique skill i doubt this thing will win competition.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              It’s basically less flexible Butcher’s Knife that can’t be infused. I was excited and hoped it had the old Butcher’s Knife one handed R2, but it’s just identical to the regular one, but worse

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                at least you can dual wield it with the other butchering knife and they look like they match despite being completely different weapons in terms of stats

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  I've seen that this comes with C in Strength and D in Dex. Anyone know what the stat spread is like as it's leveled? Wondering if its pure strength or quality.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    So it turns out it stores heals on hits and then heals you when you use the weapon skill. I don't know the math behind let's say you do 10 hits then use weapon skill it will heal 100hp

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      So it turns out when you hit enemies It stores up the hits and heals you when you use the weapon skill. I don't know the math behind it. But let's say you hit something 10 times then skill you get 100 HP

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        So is the basic r1 and r2 moves the same? Would love if it had the iron cleaver run, or any kind of horizontal

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Same weapon? This and the 3 Radahn blades we got even after having his blade from his soul. What kind of joke is this?

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Despite being somber you can buff this weapon with spells and grease. I hope this isn't a glitch and they keep this.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Despite being somber you can buff this weapon with spells and grease. I hope this isn't a glitch and they keep this.

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