Death Knight's Longhaft Axe

death knights longhaft axe elden ring shadow of the erdtree dlc wiki guide 200px
attack power elden ring wiki guide 18Attack
Phy 113
Mag 0
Fire 0
Ligt 73
Holy 0
Crit 100
guarded damage negation elden ring wiki guide 18Guard
Phy 61
Mag 32
Fire 32
Ligt 46
Holy 32
Boost 43
attribute scaling elden ring wiki guide 18Scaling
Str D
Dex E
Fai D
attributes required elden ring wiki guide 18Requires
Str 23
Dex 10
Fai 18
Greataxe Standard
Blinkbolt: Long-hafted Axe FP 8
Wgt. 11.5 passive effects elden ring wiki guide 18Passive -

Death Knight's Longhaft Axe is a Greataxe in Elden Ring. It is a brand new Greataxe in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Death Knight's Longhaft Axe scales primarily with StrengthDexterity and Faith and is a good Weapon for faith players looking for a great axe. This weapon deals both physical and lightning damage and comes with the Blinkbolt: Long-hafted Axe skill that transforms you into a bolt of lightning that rushes down to enemies and follows up with a heavy attack.


A long-hafted golden axe wielded by the Death Knight. Bears a representation of a decayed golden ring. Crackles with lightning, the power of the capital's ancient dragon cult. The knight, once the personal guard of Godwyn, was also the protector of the Prince of Death's cadaver surrogate.


Where to Find Death Knight's Longhaft Axe in Elden Ring

The Death Knight's Longhaft Axe weapon can be found at the following location:


Elden Ring Death Knight's Longhaft Axe Notes & Tips



Moveset & Videos in Elden Ring for Death Knight's Longhaft Axe


Death Knight Video Guide




Death Knight's Longhaft Axe Upgrades in Elden Ring

Please see the Upgrades page to understand the weapon bolstering process.

Requires regular reinforcement with Somber Smithing Stones

  Attack Power Stat Scaling Passive Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Death Knight's Longhaft Axe Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Sta Str Dex Int Fai Arc Any Phy Mag Fir Lit Hol Bst Rst
Standard 113 - - 73 - 82 D E - D - - 61 32 32 46 32 43 20
Standard +1 129 - - 83 - 90 D E - D - - 61 32 32 46 32 43.43 20
Standard +2 145 - - 94 - 98 C E - D - - 61 32 32 46 32 43.86 20
Standard +3 162 - - 104 - 106 C E - D - - 61 32 32 46 32 44.29 20
Standard +4 178 - - 115 - 114 C E - D - - 61 32 32 46 32 44.72 20
Standard +5 194 - - 125 - 123 C E - D - - 61 32 32 46 32 45.15 20
Standard +6 211 - - 136 - 131 C E - D - - 61 32 32 46 32 45.58 20
Standard +7 227 - - 147 - 139 C E - D - - 61 32 32 46 32 46.01 20
Standard +8 244 - - 157 - 147 B E - D - - 61 32 32 46 32 46.44 20
Standard +9 260 - - 168 - 155 B E - D - - 61 32 32 46 32 46.87 20
Standard +10 276 - - 178 - 164 B E - D - - 61 32 32 46 32 47.3 20




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    • Anonymous

      People talking about how the AR on this is low are seriously missing the forest for the trees. Lightning damage is simply the best elemental damage, both in PvE and PvP, so while it looks like it would deal less damage, it ends up dealing more damage than flame or sacred weapons. AND it uniquely lends itself to hybrid builds because it’s the same damage as the best incants in the game for PvP: KLS and ADLS, so the lightning physique buffs both. The only thing questionable about it is part of the skill scaling with Dex, but even then the poise damage and the utility of having a gap-closing move with I-frames are the same. And the skill even counts as 3 procs of Winged Sword Insignia, on a fast attacking weapon with a long reach that generates hyper armor early in the animation.

      This is a MONSTER of a weapon, ya’ll r just literally blind.

      • Anonymous


        • Anonymous

          The scaling is Str 94, Dex 17, and Fth 51. It's a little awkward and there are better Str/Fth weapons but the AOW is pretty cool

          • Anonymous

            Fun L2, but awful ar scaling. Base physical and lightning is just too low.

            Assuming you 2hand at 54 str, you'll need ~50 faith to be around the ar of heavy infused greataxes.

            Flame art/sacred infused greataxes beat this at that same stat spread, despite them only getting D str scaling.

            Uniques stuck with boring L2s get hate, but I prefer that over a bad weapon with a good skill.

            • Anonymous

              Tbh i'd reduce the faith scaling if it meant scaling the AoW w that stat. wtf why does it scale w dex lmaoo

              • Anonymous

                fantastic weapon. people *****ing here in comments because it is balanced and not a broken one million damage instakill machine like the blasphemous blade

                • Anonymous

                  I just killed consort radahn for the second time ever with this thing, some of the most fun I've had in the game for sure. You can punish most final hits of his combos (and some other moves) with the blinkbolt into followup. If you know how to time it right, this thing becomes easily the most fun weapon in the game lol.

                  • Anonymous

                    if this thing had the same hyperarmor as the base game long-haft axe, it would be my favorite weapon in the game

                    • Anonymous

                      For anyone who uses this weapon: is this strong on a 50 str+60 fth (2handed) build? Pairing with gravel seal and lighting spells... Thanks in advance

                      • Anonymous

                        Have tried it a few times, Mimic doesn't seem to be able to complete the follow up attack for its ash, only the blink itself.

                        • Anonymous

                          weapon art does 3 hits (dash, weapon attack, lightning bolt) which gives 2 procs of rotten winged sword insignia and milicents prosthesis on the first two strikes. it is a good opener and a very good gap closer. running r2s roll catch every time. overhead light attacks and the weapon art both easily land headshots for extra damage. heavy attack sweeps in a wide arc and does increased lightning damage and looks incredible. defenses on it are terrible. consider a shield for blocking when you need to. 2h talisman can be easily swapped out for greatshield talisman.

                          • Anonymous

                            It’s unfortunate that almost all the dlc bosses have high lightning resistance. Personally I wish it didn’t have the aow and functioned similarly to the fire knights GS.

                            • Anonymous

                              Insane in pvp. Went on a good streak in duels and invasions. Ok by itself but using the death knight armor and good talismans (lightning charm, Alexander shard, bull goat, and two handed) turns this weapon into a monster. Haven’t even tried dual wielding because the 2 handed move set feels so good. Hard to read sweeping heavies that cover a large area, easy roll catches with light attacks. Aow very useful at closing gaps with a stylish follow up heavy. I feel like Kobe when punishing jump attacks, breaking ankles by blinking under and behind them, then absolutely dunking on them with the follow up heavy doing huge damage.

                              • Anonymous

                                As cool as the weapon is I do wish the weapon art had two different followups like the death knight who wields it, ie heavy attack input for the leaping slash and light attack for the wide horizontal slash

                                • Anonymous

                                  ar aside, this seems to currently be the only way to get lightning to scale with faith aside from the weapon buff, as the twin axes are currently bugged. correct me if i'm wrong

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I'm not going to lie, as cool as this weapon looks, I'm here because Ongbal no hit NG+7 Miquella/Radahn with it.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Just hit base faith scaling to jse it, even at 80 faith it doesnt seem to do more than alot of damage somits actually just a str weapon.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Tbh, I just put blinking bolt on a heavy crescent moon axe and do jumping attacks. The ar on this is atrocious.

                                        Almost every heavy infused greataxe (rip gargoyle) beats out this split damage weapon when 2 handed at 54 str. Fth only scales up the lightning damage, and the base lightning damage on this is extremely low.

                                        I think FS was too conservative with the death knight weapons. The skills are interesting, but their ar is so bad. They're only good for fashion and spamming L2.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I wish the Faith scaling on this was just a bit higher. It’s still useful to have on a Faith leaning Str/Faith build, especially if you’re two-handing, but the lightning damage isn’t very high compared to all the Holy and Fire dealing weapons out there.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Thank god that there's one weapon that has lightning faith scaling. Consider yourself redeemed michael zaki.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              I get that unique weapons should have lower ar than generics to make up for their strong skills and higher stat cap, but this is just way too weak. It's such a shame since it gets cool heavy attacks, decent range, and a fun skill.

                                              2-handing at 54 str/80fth still has it as a bottom tier greataxe. The fire infused axes below it are only 40 ar worse, despite completely wasting 70 levels.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Its only real fault is that its ar is low for its weapon class, by about 70-80 i’d say. Has an awesome niche on a Str/faith caster that uses it to safely gap close and punish but not strong enough to justify a build on its own merits despite its badass skill.

                                                • According to the comments this weapon scales with all the stats and none of them and some of them and is benefited by some talismans but not others except also the opposite

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    This thing claps cheeks in PvP. Great pressure and reach. Really good at roll catching. Shines mostly in 1v1 due to lack of AOE

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      So freaking cool, but From soft will nerf it cause you cant have cool things, they want you to die dozens of times for a boss.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        shard of alexander DOES increase the slam dunk damage at the end of AoW, but not the axe talisman or two handed talisman

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          "The knight, once the personal guard of Godwyn, was also the protector of the Prince of Death's cadaver surrogate." So not only did this guy do nothing while Godwyn was getting stabbed to death, but now for whatever reason he's chosen to guard the guy's dead body. And considering Fia was able to get to him he's doing a poor job at that too. Worst guard ever.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            haft (noun): the handle of a knife, axe, or spear.

                                                            shaft(noun): a long, narrow part or section forming the handle of a tool or club, the body of a spear or arrow, or a similar implement.


                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Never got the non-dlc version and laughed that it was a typo (ie shouldn't it be longSHAFT?)

                                                              Turns out haft is a word and basically means the same thing as shaft in this context. lol wtf.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Combined with Divine Bird Helm and Chest and Tree Sentinel Legs and Gloves for maximum Golden Drip, Love it.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  There are weapons in the same weight class with better AR, but this one is exceptional at staying aggressive so it's easier to maintain a high DPS with it. The reach is pretty good, and any time you need to roll away you can re-engage with the L2 which provides i-frames during the dash, hyper armor and high stance damage. The i-frames are a bit slow to come out so it's tricky to make use of but it's a nice bonus when it works.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Finally a lightning weapon that scales with faith. The weapon art is really cool, and being a golden axe it fits perfectly with my tree sentinel armor

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      80 Faith/60 Strength. Its incredible. Don't be afraid of DEX scaling anxiety nonsense. This thing scales with FAITH. +10 it and become a believer.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        THE LIGHTNING DOES NOT SCALE WITH DEX, IT SCALES WITH FAITH. This is true for both weapon and AoW damage.

                                                                        Do not assume it behaves like the lightning infusion. Test it yourself, all you need is the dex talisman, the faith talisman, 30 seconds, and at least two brain cells.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          I love this weapon, the R2 is very fast just after rolling. I use str/faith build. I send KNIGHT'S LIGHTNING SPEAR frol mid distance and just after the AOW for high damage.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            I did some testing for the AoW since there seems to be conflicting information on this page.

                                                                            All testing was done with a character that started as a vagabond (lowest my dex could be was 13 instead the min req of 10).
                                                                            Damage was dealt to the regular shadow people in Gravesite Plains by the Three-Path Cross (don't know their damage negations)
                                                                            Scadutree Blessing of 10 (scaling differences will be "bloated").
                                                                            AR numbers listed below were before Scadutree Blessing.
                                                                            Damage testing was only for the combined damage (overhead swing and lightning bolt) of the R2 part of the AoW. I didn't want to spend a ton of extra time trying to hit enemies with only the lightning part. Does not include the blinkbolt "bump" damage.
                                                                            Axe was upgraded to +10.

                                                                            Bare minimum requirements to wield the axe: 1480 Damage (575 AR)
                                                                            Bare minimum requirements to wield the axe and it was raining: 1533 damage (575 AR)
                                                                            Bare minimum +5 DEX: 1494 damage (580 AR) +14 from base
                                                                            Bare minimum +5 STR: 1552 damage (594 AR) +72 from base
                                                                            Bare minimum +5 FTH: 1502 damage (582 AR) +22 from base
                                                                            I started wearing Shard of Alexander after this point (whoops)
                                                                            99 STR with rest at bare minimum: 2459 damage (787 AR 2H / 749 AR 1H) (damage was the same whether 1H or 2H) +979 from base
                                                                            99 DEX with rest at bare minimum: 1856 damage (619 AR) +376 from base
                                                                            99 FTH with rest at bare minimum: 1973 damage (647 AR) +493 from base
                                                                            54 STR / 60 FTH / 14 DEX: 2408 damage (784 AR 2H / 729 AR 1H) +928 from base
                                                                            55 STR / 60 FTH / 13 DEX: 2415 damage (784 AR 2H / 731 AR 1H) (overhead 1844, lightning bolt 571) +935 from base
                                                                            55 STR / 60 FTH / 13 DEX with rain: 2495 damage (784 AR 2H / 731 AR 1H) (overhead 1867, lightning bolt 628) +962 from base with rain
                                                                            Blinkbolt "bump" damage without rain and using the last build was 307

                                                                            With the final build the weapon AR is 479 Physical and 250 lightning (roughly 65/35 split) and if we include the bump damage the damage split for the AoW is roughly 45% physical / 55% lightning and 50/50 without the bump.

                                                                            While not the most scientific and exhaustive testing this is my conclusion: STR >> FTH >>> DEX for both AR and AoW scaling.

                                                                            DEX scaling is really bad and doesn't have really nice synergies with the rest of the build like FTH does. Me personally I would only gain better bow sniping damage and incantation casting speed with DEX while the FTH gives me better scaling with my incantations. Interestingly the AoW damage didn't change whether I was 2H or 1H with the weapon, perhaps that has always been the case but it's new to me.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              At 54str and two-handing it needs 34 faith just to match the AR of the Heavy Crescent Moon Axe, but with split damage, woefully underwhelming for what would have been my favourite weapon :(

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Probably one of my favorite axes in the game appearance-wise. Equal parts practical and embellished. Plus, it hits like a truck. What's not to love?

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Can we PLEASE stop getting weapons that don't scale with literally everything else than their motif?
                                                                                  It's a STR weapon that has a ash that (to my understanding) scales with DEX while also having FTH scaling, which it matches aesthetically and also has a respective armor set to buff.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    My GOD this thing is fun to play with, the lightning dashes make you feel like a speed demon and the sweeping R2's are great for crowd control. Plus it's just damn beautiful to look at

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      People here are definitely overthinking the scaling. 54 STR is enough to hit the 80 softcap so you can run minimal dex and 30-40 fth depending on your level. Most of the AOW dmg comes from the swing itself and still hits like a truck with no dex investment.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        This AoW has really excellent poise, iframes as well as tracking. In case you overtravel, it will just aimbot rotate you back on target. The downward motion of the slash makes you go for a headshot on humanoid targets as well. It's overall quite satisfying to use.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Still does decent damage with bare minimum dex / strength. Using it for my 72 fth Deathknight / Dragon Cult build and the base damage is respectable and the skill does a ton, even without Shard of Alexander. The innate boost to lightning incantations and skills from the Deathknight set is pretty good.

                                                                                          • I ran through the DLC with a STR/FTH build swapping between Magma Wyrm Sword and Ordovis sword when needed, picked up this bad boy and realized the Ash of War gives Iframes and sadly said goodbye to my pancake maker from Ordovis and hello into my new son from uncle death knight

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Do not let some people in the comment misguide you. Treat this weapon like you treat Ordovis Greatsword: a strength weapon with faith requirement.

                                                                                              At 80STR 20FTH, two handed with 2H talisman, this thing slaps almost everything in the dlc.

                                                                                              The weapon art requires some practice, but the strike part scales only with AR and deals very good damage and poise damage.

                                                                                              A nice addition to every strength build with some faith.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                Just run max str min dex and fth for this. The slash part of the aow is the majority of the dmg and it scales with AR. The lightning part scales with dex.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  This weapons AoW absolutely smashes people in pvp. Just won around 10 duels in a row as everyone gets caught by the follow up R2. Amazing PvP weapon.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    at +0 im hitting 813 with 80 strength with the aow
                                                                                                    with 80 dex im hitting 746 with the aow
                                                                                                    both tested with shard of alexander

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      The L2 into R2 is absolutely filthy. You travel a good distance forward during the AOW and you even get an invincibility frame (which if timed right, will blink through an attack that should clearly hit you). AOW Into R2 leaps high in the air after the blink bolt, and slams the axe doing phys/lightning damage. This has made the dlc significantly easier for me.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        A faith lightning weapon!!! ...Guess what? 45 faith and the lightning gets a whopping +60 damage. D at +10. Thanks fromsoft

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          It was a good relationship Claymore, but I just can't feel about you the same anymore. Hello you beautiful long gold electric beauty, you.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            The moveset and ash of war is very nice, however ar is... quite confusing as also it has slightly better scaling then gargoyle black great axe, the lower base damage adds up to loosing out to it in 100 ar and to most lighting infused greataxe, that or I'm bad at math.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              This one seems to be in a weird place. It scales mainly with STR and partially FTH, but the AoW lightning part scales with DEX only. So ideally you'd want high STR for regular attacks, but high DEX for increasing AoW damage.

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                What I want to know is if this axe has the same extra hyper-armor as the regular longhaft Axe. Can someone smarter than me test this?

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