Scorpion River Catacombs

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Large underground catacombs infested with foes.

Scorpion River Catacombs is a Location in Elden Ring, added with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Scorpion River Catacombs are found in the Rauh Ruins region


Scorpion River Catacombs Map

  • Reach Rauh Base, which is found by traveling the lake near Moorth Ruins in Scadu Altus. Head northeast from Moorth Ruins Site of Grace until you find a small lake and go through the small tunnel that will emerge into a cave. Exit right to a swamp, and head towards an area with a large gap in the mountain wall to make your way to Rauh Base.

The checkpoint can be activated before you proceed further. From here, go west to Temple Town Ruins, and then make your way way to the river up north and then turn west.  Go past the hordes of pests and scorpions in the area. Near the end of the river path, you will find the entrance to the Scorpion River Catacombs. [See Shadow of the Erdtree Map]

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Scorpion River Catacombs Dungeon Map

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All NPCs and Merchants in Scorpion River Catacombs

  • Ghost NPC


All Items in Elden Ring's Scorpion River Catacombs

Upgrade Materials


Equipment and Magic


Elden Ring Scorpion River Catacombs Creatures, Enemies, and Bosses

Field Bosses and Bosses


Scorpion River Catacombs Walkthrough


Scorpion River Catacombs Full Video Walkthrough

First you must reach Rauh Base, which is found by take the path north of Moorth Ruins in Scadu Altus- explore east until you find a small pond and go through the ravine, then follow the cave to a swamp, past some gravebirds, and you'll emerge in Rauh Base. From here, go west to Temple Town Ruins, and from there you must follow the way north and west, past pests and scorpions. The exact location is shown on the Elden Ring Map here.

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From the Site of Grace, head straight through the catacombs. In the first room, an Imp enemy will ambush you. Afterward, head left down a short set of stairs towards a large hallway, and turn left into a small room. Inside, you'll find a corpse holding Rejuvenating Boluses and two Imps guarding it. Take them out.

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Exit the small room and cross the bridge in the middle of the large hallway until you find another set of stairs going down. Follow the path until you reach another large room with two Imp enemies inside.


Eliminate them and head down the stairs of the large room. Just below the stairs is a corpse holding a Grave Glovewort (3). Proceed through the tunnel entrance on the same level to find another room with an Imp guarding a plant on the left that gives you Yellow Fulgurbloom. At the other end of the room is another tunnel, but before proceeding, loot the corpse beside the tunnel to get x5 Redflesh Mushroom.

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Head down the tunnel and go straight through the tight path, turning right towards another short set of stairs going down. Do not immediately exit the tunnel after turning right. There's a large spike trap that launches from above. Wait for the spike to go down, then immediately run to the right to a small space that keeps you safe from the spike trap. From here, you can either run to the right to get out of the spike area or go to the corpse on the other side that has the Ghost Glovewort and then run to safety after looting it.

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Once you're out of the spike trap area, turn left and drop down to another level, but be careful, as there are three Basilisks waiting to attack you. After killing the Basilisks, head through the tunnel on this level to find another corpse on the left, giving you the Shadow Realm Rune (4). Exit the tunnel, and just to the left, you'll see another Yellow Fulgurbloom.

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To the right, you'll find a ladder going up. Head up the ladder and take out an Imp enemy on the edge of the tunnel enjoying the view of the next room. Drop down into the room and loot the corpse on the right for another Ghost Glovewort (5).

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Then, head to the left side of the room and up a short set of stairs. Turn left to find yourself back at the spike trap area. Cross the spike trap area again, but instead of dropping down to the Basilisk area, turn right. This leads to an open hallway with Messmer Soldiers inside. Before proceeding toward the Messmer Soldiers, run to a safe space on the right as the first half of the hallway is another spike trap. Once you cross the hallway, take out the two Messmer Soldiers and then the Black Knight with its back turned. After clearing the hallway, loot the corpse on the right near where you fought the Messmer Soldiers to get a Smithing Stone (5). In the middle of the hallway, where the Black Knight stood, loot the altar to receive the Black Knight Captain Huw.

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  • Afterward, head back to the safe area of the second spike trap and climb the ladder going up. Once you reach the top, wait for the spike trap to go down. Before it goes back up, hop on top of it to reach a secret platform above. Loot the corpse there to get the Ghost Glovewort [6]. Hop on the spike trap again to go back to the level above the ladder.

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Cross the bridge to the right, and before heading straight through the other tunnel, turn left and cross the ledge. Hop on the spike trap that goes down on the left to reach another secret platform and loot a corpse for the Imp Head (lion).

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Return to the ledge, but before going back, turn left first to the tunnel here and enter the small room at the end. Kill two Imps guarding a corpse that gives you the Knight's Lightning Spear. Afterward, head back through the tunnel. Before exiting to the ledge area, turn left and go up the stairs to a small area with two Imps. Loot the corpse on the left to get x6 Yellow Fulgurbloom.

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Once done looting, drop down near the corpse to find yourself back at the crossing point of the ledge where you crossed the bridge earlier. Go through the tunnel now and take the elevator down.Once you reach the bottom, head straight through the catacomb tunnels until you reach an intersection. Turn right and wait a few seconds for a shadow fireball trap to cross. When the shadow fireball passes and goes back, tail it down a set of stairs. There's climbable rubble up ahead, but first, check if the shadow fireball has crossed. If it has, climb up the rubble and turn right to the first path.

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Follow the path until you reach a giant Imp guarding a short set of stairs. Loot the corpse to the right for a Grave Glovewort (4) before taking out the giant Imp. Head down the stairs after defeating the giant Imp and you'll find yourself in another large room. Head straight and loot the corpse and plant for a Yellow Fulgurbloom and Ghost Glovewort. Then, go down the ladder to the right of the plant and corpse. Once you reach the bottom, handle the 3 basilisks- who bill be facing away from you, and then loot the corpse to the left for a Great Ghost Glovewort.

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Head back up the ladder and turn left through another tunnel, and head up the stairs. At the top, peek first because there are two Shadow Fireballs that will cross. Wait for them to pass above you and then run across the bridge. You can stop in the middle of the bridge and drop down to the left onto a small walkway. Watch out for the imp here, and then get a Yellow Fulgurbloom plant at the end of the walkway.

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At the other end of this place, where you dropped down, is a ladder going up. Climb up to find a small room with some Imps and a chest containing the Ancient Dragon Knight's Cookbook (2). Afterward, from the ladder, turn left through a tight tunnel that leads to the second level of a previous area. Loot the corpse on the right for Rejuvenating Boluses.

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Turn left towards another tunnel with a Yellow Fulgurbloom plant on the right. To the left of the tunnel is a drop-down path back to where the Shadow Fireball trap of the bridge you dropped down from earlier was. Cross the bridge completely and turn right at the end. There's another elevator here that goes down. At the bottom, walk straight to find a yellow mist that leads to the Death Knight boss battle. This boss drops the Death Knight's Longhaft Axe and Cerulean Amber Medallion +3.

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Elden Ring Scorpion River Catacombs Gallery and Notes

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    • Anonymous

      "in the hall where the big eyes inflict deathblight on you" in the dungeon where this happens like 6 times. this community isn't as intelligent as you might believe

      • Anonymous

        With this dungeon I literally said f*ck it and equipped omen set + a vitality raising shield & talismans. Had a much more fun experience

        • Anonymous

          If you're getting death blighted out of nowhere, no meter filling up, sorry you're just out of luck, it's a bug that isn't fixed. There's an enemy that causes death blight when they look at you. You're supposed to see the death meter so you know when to move to cover, when to use a rejuvenating bolus or order healing. But without the death meter being visible it is now an excruciating ordeal of trial-and-error trying to figure out what to do and where to go. Good luck.

          • Anonymous

            I love Elden Ring, I love the DLC. But From games are always said to be "hard but fair" and Elden Ring has always pushed this right to the edge of not being true. Might be time to say they went way over the line this time, into "hard and unfair." Just insta-killed, no warning, no intro to the new enemy earlier, no hints, nothing, just dead. You can't get more unfair than that. And they break their own game mechanics to do it, hiding the death meter filling up to ensure you have almost no chance to survive it for the first several attempts and zero chance the first time. Again this is as unfair as it gets in a video games, something you'd find in bad Fromsoft copy cats that don't understand the concept of hard-but-fair.

            • The dungeon is exciting, you can mess it up quite easily if you're rushing it out too much. The boss is reasonable, basic parry and basic backstab 101. His long swing axe means a quite predictable momentum to parry, but you need a bit of distance, especially if you parry him with weapons such as fists etc, because his hitbox is somehow concentrated in the extreme pole of his grip and tip of the axe.

              • Anonymous

                Just wanna say that having 500ish vitality made the death build-up pretty trivial. Does mean wearing light clothes and sacrificng a talisman slot tho

                • Anonymous

                  Shitty af design on the eyes, I got two talismans equipped & still get deathblight stacked before 2 seconds are up , guess I'll respec for a lame mechanic

                  • Anonymous

                    Invisibility like Assassin's Gambit reduce the trigger range of statue. Also remember Order Healing exist. It's like back to scarlet rot swamp where you are force to stop and flame cleanse once in a while.

                    • Anonymous

                      I love how everyone here is recommending using stealth and exploits. It's probably the only dungeon in the game that makes you use situational items, which are Death's cyst and rejuvenating boluses in this case. They're not that hard to get, and you'll 100% need them if you're playing with bros and get invaded here

                      • Anonymous

                        For anyone struggling with this one:

                        The eyes have 1hp and it can be "killed" with a black flame ball, the eyes won't disappear but they will stop causing deathblight and will stop patrolling.

                        Good luck out there Tarnished.

                        • Anonymous

                          I actually found this one quite fun, its unique with the hide & seek mechanics, and i managed to find my way to the end using messages on the ground, which made it almost like some kind of yellow brick road type of experience. the boss is very vulnerable to staggering, so i just heavy attacked it using a greataxe (ironically) and he couldn't hit me.

                          • Anonymous

                            Thank god this **** doesn't drop any Scadutree Fragments, now I can safely ignore this dungeon's site of grace on the map.

                            • Anonymous

                              Easily the best area in the DLC to invade people, majority of players are too stupid to use any death blight resistance so they easily end up dying because of that reason. It's hilarious.

                              • Anonymous

                                For anyone that don't have Assassin's gambit and Bernard is ****ed, go to his chair to buy it. I'm serious. It's really ****ing dumb but his CHAIR in manor is now his shop after he leaves. What the ****. Ball bearing exist guys.

                                • Anonymous

                                  A dastardly comment tricked me into rolling into a wall to find a secret passage near the middle/end of Scorpion River Catacombs, in the room with a Yellow Fulgurbloom in the corner and where the mage and 2 imps drop down from the archways above. But instead of a secret passage, I found a bug where I clipped through the map and fell to my death. I didn't even respawn at the Stake of Marika I had found recently. Instead, I respawned at the Site of Grace all the way at the beginning of the dungeon.

                                  Since then, I have had an issue with my inventory. When I buy items that I have plenty of carrying capacity available for, they go to my chest instead of my held inventory and I am unable to transfer them. For example, now when I buy certain smithing stones (even though I'm not holding any and I should be able to hold 999) they go straight into my chest and I cannot transfer them out to use them, so I cannot level up any more weapons. I am told my inventory is full, but it really isn't.

                                  Assuming these things are related, as I did not have this issue prior to stumbling upon this bug.

                                  Would post screenshots if I knew how.

                                  Anyone else having this issue or a similar one?

                                  Suggestions on how to fix?

                                  Thanks much.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    This guide needs some work. It lists two different spots for the Imp Head (Lion) and doesn't even mention the Basilisk Statue which is a major part of traversing some areas.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      i have always wondered why these walkthroughs are often written using directional words like "left" and "right", since this is relative and potentially confusing. is it not more informative to use cardinal and ordinal directions like north, southeast, etc.? just something for those writing these guides to think about...

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Night maiden mist can disable the eyes, shooting at the stationary does the trick and the patrol shoot where they turn around.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I just rolled straight through a wall and out of the map. Never seen this **** in a FromSoft game before.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            I enjoyed this dungeon a lot. Gave me the old souls like fear of a run back. Nice to have some new mechanics and was challenging without being annoying.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              just the epitome of fromsofts creatively bankrupt ideas for "difficulty". this is the kind of absolute trash a drunk toddler comes up with if you ask them to invent something thats hard for a video game.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Can we make it so invaders here also suffer from the deathblight eyes? Its a little broken for them to get to corner every enemy and make them either deathblight or stand in a corner and get hit….

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  when you jump on that spike trap after you kill the black night with the 2 messmer soldiers (black knight ashes), the wiki says you get imp head lion. that is wrong, you get a ghost glovewort (6).

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    I saw some comments below that the Mimic's Veil doesn't work at times. Do not read any messages on the ground that are left by players. If you do, the Death Blight eyes will see you and you will die if you're not paying attention.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      A little further past the first elevator and right after you kill the giant imp, there's a room with three imps and a caster. At the back side of that room close to the ladder that leads you down, there's a wall that is bugged. It's the wall next to where you loot the Yellow Fulgurbloom. If you're someone that rolls to check if there are illusionary walls, be careful. That part of the wall is illusionary alright, but you'll fall to your death and respawn all the way back at the start of the dungeon. This bug is on the PS5 version of this game. So I'm unsure if it's the same on the PC version.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Death Knight? This chump has major accuracy issues. Either that or there's something wrong with his hitboxes.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Well I just fought the death knight here and it just so happens you can AI break them. I don't even know how I did it.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            For those with builds that can't use the Black Knife: Alternatively you can us the Assassin's Gambit AoW and it will hide you from the eyes easily.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              there is some bridge right high above the knight that guards spirit ash. I have no clue how to get to that bridge

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                what talentless hacks were allowed to design this place, i just wanted to get a new weapon and now i have to deal with unbreakable instant death statues, amazing

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I finally got to use order healing!!!!!!! Also how the heck do you get to that item on the alter behind the black knight? I even rainbow stoned the first death eye room because that’s the walkway above that area. No invisible bridge.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    So apparently the mimics veil hides you from the eyes that cuse the death blight build up
                                                                    I'm just standing here looking like a candle stick right in front of them

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      I found an illusionary wall but it dropped me out of the world so ... be careful as its the room right before the boss and it will send you back to the start XD

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        how do you get to the ledge with the mage and two imps that drop down? it also connects to loot above the last staircase where the death eyes are going back and forth. Gotta be an illusory wall or something yet to be found. 3+ visible bits of loot with no path to them or mention in the guide?

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Brutally tough, but oddly satisfying to explore and clear (especially when you manage to outsmart the various traps)

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Dungeon could pretty interesting to explore if only u could destroy those statues with flying deathblighting eyes.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              follow the river north then west to get to the dungeon entrance. doors on the left side of the river past a lot of scorpions

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Add basilisk to the enemies that can be found here. If I was already sweating due to the eyes inflicting deathblight (and being ****ing creepy), I'm now sweating enough to fill an ocean...

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Can use mimics veil to not get cursed by the eye thingies, mostly helpfull at second encounter to cross the bridge

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Appears to be another dungeon without a boss. Or, at least, I got all the items listed here just by exploring.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      There's a wall with missing collision on the "2nd floor" in the room with a wizard and two imps. Dont run into it otherwise you die and you cant use the stake.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Knight's Lightning Spear is from here, in the big room where you get the summon you have to get ontop of the spike box near the blight eyeball statue and ride it up.

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